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eLFeLearning FitnessWeb Site and ServicesUniversity of Rome La Sapienza (IT)Federazione Italiana Aerobica e Fitness (IT)Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (IT)Central YMCA Qualifications (UK)EFAA (NL)Malta Exercise Health And Fitness Association (MT)National Training Centre (IE)Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior  Inst. Polit辿cnico (PT)P担le d'Innovation, de Recherche et de D辿veloppement Local (FR)Ovidius University of Constanta, faculty of Physical Education (RO)Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (SK)G.E.E. Aer坦bic y Fitness Alicante (ES)European Observatoire of Sport and Employment  (FR)Sports Union of Slovenia (SI)Register of Exercise Professionals (UK)Willibald-Gebhardt-Institut (DE)Lietuvos k笛no kult笛ros akademija (LT)Stiftelsen TISIP (NO)Sprek og Blid Akademiet (NO)
Web SitesToday, as you already know!, we have:www.dis.uniroma1.it/~elfFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Web Sites (2)We have also an associated email address:elf@dis.uniroma1.itFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff MeetingSo far only Paolo Adami wrote to this address
DomainsWe registered the following domains:www.elearningfitness.orgwww.elearningfitness.euwww.elearningfitness.itFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate  our options so far:1) Our websiteFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate  our options so far:2) Google DOCSFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate  our options so far:3) ElggFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate  our options so far:4) Facebook!!!February 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Why Facebook?Most used website in the world!!!Everybody knows how to use it!Easy to link peopleWe can easily share documentsWe can divide people into groups easilyWe can use the I like feature!!!February 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
Ok we were just kidding!!!Two options:February 3-5, 2011Kickoff MeetingOr Facebook?!?

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  • 1. eLFeLearning FitnessWeb Site and ServicesUniversity of Rome La Sapienza (IT)Federazione Italiana Aerobica e Fitness (IT)Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (IT)Central YMCA Qualifications (UK)EFAA (NL)Malta Exercise Health And Fitness Association (MT)National Training Centre (IE)Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior Inst. Polit辿cnico (PT)P担le d'Innovation, de Recherche et de D辿veloppement Local (FR)Ovidius University of Constanta, faculty of Physical Education (RO)Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (SK)G.E.E. Aer坦bic y Fitness Alicante (ES)European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (FR)Sports Union of Slovenia (SI)Register of Exercise Professionals (UK)Willibald-Gebhardt-Institut (DE)Lietuvos k笛no kult笛ros akademija (LT)Stiftelsen TISIP (NO)Sprek og Blid Akademiet (NO)
  • 2. Web SitesToday, as you already know!, we have:www.dis.uniroma1.it/~elfFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 3. Web Sites (2)We have also an associated email address:elf@dis.uniroma1.itFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff MeetingSo far only Paolo Adami wrote to this address
  • 4. DomainsWe registered the following domains:www.elearningfitness.orgwww.elearningfitness.euwww.elearningfitness.itFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 5. Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate our options so far:1) Our websiteFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 6. Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate our options so far:2) Google DOCSFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 7. Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate our options so far:3) ElggFebruary 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 8. Web ServicesWork groups have to share documents and collaborate our options so far:4) Facebook!!!February 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 9. Why Facebook?Most used website in the world!!!Everybody knows how to use it!Easy to link peopleWe can easily share documentsWe can divide people into groups easilyWe can use the I like feature!!!February 3-5, 2011Kickoff Meeting
  • 10. Ok we were just kidding!!!Two options:February 3-5, 2011Kickoff MeetingOr Facebook?!?