6. Общая экономика 2017: Экстенсивный и интенсивный рост капитала. Заработная...Moscow State University
6. Общая экономика 2017: Экстенсивный и интенсивный рост капитала, или абсолютная и относительная прибавочная стоимость. Заработная плата. Фундаментальная теория внешней торговли. 6. General economics 2017: extensive and intensive growth of the capital, or absolute and relative surplus-value. Wage. The fundamental theory of foreign trade
Pengaruh Posisi Intruder terhadap Bentuk Permukaan Bed Granular pada Efek Kac...Sparisoma Viridi
Penelitian ini meneliti pengaruh posisi intruder terhadap bentuk permukaan bed granular pada efek kacang brasil dua dimensi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bentuk permukaan bed dipengaruhi oleh posisi intruder, dan jarak pusat kelengkungan permukaan ke intruder berhubungan kuadratik dengan posisi vertikal intruder. Kelengkungan permukaan awal dan akhir lebih rendah dibandingkan kelengkungan bagian tengah.
This document discusses how ideology affects entrepreneurship in Peru. It argues that collective values prevalent in society can jeopardize entrepreneurship, productivity, and wealth creation. Collective values found in tribal societies like solidarity and social responsibility contrast with individualistic values like private property and competition that are more conducive to an open society with a complex economy. The document analyzes how ideologies influence politics and lawmaking, and how laws intended to enhance reality can instead create conflicts and harm the economy by placing obstacles on individuals' freedom.
A humorous look at some office behaviour!
This was my first time showing my ipad drawings during a business presentation... and it worked really well. Ok the humour helped but there was a serious message to get across about respect for others especially in open plan offices
In Searching of IPhO 2017 Logo: An Unofficial SuggestionSparisoma Viridi
An attempt to obtain representative and meaningful logo for IPhO 2017 in Bali, Indonesia.It is induced by gangsing logo, which is a previous prototype designed by Kemendikbud team.
Hackers were able to gain access to Target's computer systems and steal financial and personal data of 110 million shoppers by tricking an outside vendor employee into clicking on a malicious email. The hackers sent spear phishing emails appearing to come from trusted sources that took over the vendor employee's computer. Once they had access to the vendor's computer, the hackers were then able to penetrate Target's network and steal payment card data. The document recommends that companies eliminate vulnerabilities, increase security training and education programs, and engage IT personnel more frequently to avoid becoming targets of cyber attacks.
The document provides feedback from an audience on the combination of a band's main media products and ancillary texts. [1] The audience provided mostly positive feedback on the video media product, praising elements like the use of stop motion, shots, and narrative. [2] Some negatives included issues with some stop motion shots and too many black screens. [3] Feedback on the print product was also mostly positive but noted it could be more finished and better connect the narrative. The creator plans to address the feedback to better meet audience expectations.
St. Lawrence College is a post-secondary institution located in eastern Ontario, Canada that offers over 80 full-time programs across its three campuses and aims to provide students with an education that gets results and helps build communities. Dhrron Consultancy is authorized to recruit international students for St. Lawrence College under its Student Partnership Program and can provide more information about the college's programs in fields like business, psychology, and nursing as well as its student support services and vibrant campus life.
7. Общая экономика 2017:Процесс накопления капитала и его факторы. Что такое ...Moscow State University
7. Общая экономика 2017:Процесс накопления капитала и его факторы. Простое и расширенное воспроизводство. Что такое инвестиции, сбережения, потребление? Стоимостные и нестоимостные факторы накопления /General Economics 2017. The process of capital accumulation and its factors. Simple and expanded reproduction. What is the investment, savings, consumption?
Chapter 1 intro to internet and web based programmingRichard Meriveles
The document covers several topics related to understanding computers and the Internet. It discusses the basic components of a computer including the CPU, RAM, hard drive and operating system. It then explains how the Internet functions as a network of networks and how individual computers connect to the Internet using IP addresses and domain names. The document also covers common units of data storage such as bits, bytes, kilobytes and gigabytes. It provides an overview of how to access the Internet using browsers and service providers. Finally, it offers some tips for navigating and using common browser features.
The document summarizes a proposed project to transform the Loreto Region of Peru into an autonomous and free special development zone ("ZDE"). The project's goals are to promote economic freedom and prosperity in Loreto by limiting government, protecting individual rights, and establishing a free market system. It outlines objectives, strengths of Loreto, causes of underdevelopment, and how prosperity could be achieved through training leaders and passing legislation to create the ZDE with its own free market laws and rules. A proposed bill is included that would establish the legal framework to create the ZDE.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and first implemented in 1990. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. The underlying technologies that enabled the World Wide Web include HTML, URLs, HTTP, and the first web browser and server created by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1990.
Dhrron Consultancy is an authorized representative for College of the Rockies in British Columbia, Canada. The college offers over 80 programs including business, health, trades, arts, and sciences. It has small class sizes, affordable tuition that is 50% lower than major universities, and is located in the scenic Canadian Rockies with outdoor recreational activities. Students live on a modern campus with computer and internet access and the student residence provides a safe home. Dhrron Consultancy provides international students with IELTS coaching, career counseling, accommodation arrangement, and airport pickup.
El documento habla sobre la guerra entre grupos armados en Colombia y los esfuerzos fallidos del presidente para dialogar con los indígenas. Expresa la necesidad de paz e igualdad para todos, y cómo personas dan su vida en enfrentamientos mientras los revolucionarios luchan por vivir o tener una sociedad justa. Concluye que cada persona vive lo que le toca vivir en este contexto crítico.
Imagine your entire industry is the center of a media frenzy, what would you do? What’s your plan? Three great stories of what associations do and have done when it was their turn.
Sue Hensley, SVP Communications, National Restaurant Association
Jay Vroom, President & CEO, CropLife
Marvin Fertel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Energy Institute
Moderated by Larry Sloan, President & CEO, Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates
The document proposes a business plan for developing and selling an education projector that directly connects to a pen drive without needing a computer. It outlines the product details, target market in India, manufacturing and supply details, costs including fixed costs of land and machinery and variable costs of raw materials, marketing budget, profit projections, and SWOT analysis. The plan estimates an annual profit of Rs. 1.58 lakhs in the first year with expectations of higher growth and profits in future years.
Hackers were able to gain access to Target's computer systems and steal financial and personal data of 110 million shoppers by tricking an outside vendor employee into clicking on a malicious email. The hackers sent spear phishing emails appearing to come from trusted sources that took over the vendor employee's computer. Once they had access to the vendor's computer, the hackers were then able to penetrate Target's network and steal payment card data. The document recommends that companies eliminate vulnerabilities, increase security training and education programs, and engage IT personnel more frequently to avoid becoming targets of cyber attacks.
The document provides feedback from an audience on the combination of a band's main media products and ancillary texts. [1] The audience provided mostly positive feedback on the video media product, praising elements like the use of stop motion, shots, and narrative. [2] Some negatives included issues with some stop motion shots and too many black screens. [3] Feedback on the print product was also mostly positive but noted it could be more finished and better connect the narrative. The creator plans to address the feedback to better meet audience expectations.
St. Lawrence College is a post-secondary institution located in eastern Ontario, Canada that offers over 80 full-time programs across its three campuses and aims to provide students with an education that gets results and helps build communities. Dhrron Consultancy is authorized to recruit international students for St. Lawrence College under its Student Partnership Program and can provide more information about the college's programs in fields like business, psychology, and nursing as well as its student support services and vibrant campus life.
7. Общая экономика 2017:Процесс накопления капитала и его факторы. Что такое ...Moscow State University
7. Общая экономика 2017:Процесс накопления капитала и его факторы. Простое и расширенное воспроизводство. Что такое инвестиции, сбережения, потребление? Стоимостные и нестоимостные факторы накопления /General Economics 2017. The process of capital accumulation and its factors. Simple and expanded reproduction. What is the investment, savings, consumption?
Chapter 1 intro to internet and web based programmingRichard Meriveles
The document covers several topics related to understanding computers and the Internet. It discusses the basic components of a computer including the CPU, RAM, hard drive and operating system. It then explains how the Internet functions as a network of networks and how individual computers connect to the Internet using IP addresses and domain names. The document also covers common units of data storage such as bits, bytes, kilobytes and gigabytes. It provides an overview of how to access the Internet using browsers and service providers. Finally, it offers some tips for navigating and using common browser features.
The document summarizes a proposed project to transform the Loreto Region of Peru into an autonomous and free special development zone ("ZDE"). The project's goals are to promote economic freedom and prosperity in Loreto by limiting government, protecting individual rights, and establishing a free market system. It outlines objectives, strengths of Loreto, causes of underdevelopment, and how prosperity could be achieved through training leaders and passing legislation to create the ZDE with its own free market laws and rules. A proposed bill is included that would establish the legal framework to create the ZDE.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and first implemented in 1990. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. The underlying technologies that enabled the World Wide Web include HTML, URLs, HTTP, and the first web browser and server created by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1990.
Dhrron Consultancy is an authorized representative for College of the Rockies in British Columbia, Canada. The college offers over 80 programs including business, health, trades, arts, and sciences. It has small class sizes, affordable tuition that is 50% lower than major universities, and is located in the scenic Canadian Rockies with outdoor recreational activities. Students live on a modern campus with computer and internet access and the student residence provides a safe home. Dhrron Consultancy provides international students with IELTS coaching, career counseling, accommodation arrangement, and airport pickup.
El documento habla sobre la guerra entre grupos armados en Colombia y los esfuerzos fallidos del presidente para dialogar con los indígenas. Expresa la necesidad de paz e igualdad para todos, y cómo personas dan su vida en enfrentamientos mientras los revolucionarios luchan por vivir o tener una sociedad justa. Concluye que cada persona vive lo que le toca vivir en este contexto crítico.
Imagine your entire industry is the center of a media frenzy, what would you do? What’s your plan? Three great stories of what associations do and have done when it was their turn.
Sue Hensley, SVP Communications, National Restaurant Association
Jay Vroom, President & CEO, CropLife
Marvin Fertel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Energy Institute
Moderated by Larry Sloan, President & CEO, Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates
The document proposes a business plan for developing and selling an education projector that directly connects to a pen drive without needing a computer. It outlines the product details, target market in India, manufacturing and supply details, costs including fixed costs of land and machinery and variable costs of raw materials, marketing budget, profit projections, and SWOT analysis. The plan estimates an annual profit of Rs. 1.58 lakhs in the first year with expectations of higher growth and profits in future years.
Microsoft Azure の Data & AI 関連サービスの2020年4月のアップデート情報へのリンクを一覧にしました。
Azure の Apps & Infra 関連サービスについては、以下のURLに公開されています。
Azure の最新情報が必要な方のお役に立てば幸いです。
2019年9月28日 CODE for JAPAN SUMMIT 2019 session「初めてのシビックテック?シビックテックと様々な関わり方?」における の発表資料
This document provides a list of links to examples of data visualization projects from various domains, with the goal of showcasing the cutting edge of data visualization without using any slides. It includes links to visualizations of sports data, spatial data, large datasets, social data, and examples that illustrate how to get started with data visualization and techniques for summarizing large amounts of data visually. The links are intended to inspire the audience to explore innovative data visualization work and to provide resources for learning about data visualization approaches and tools.