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Instructional Guide

Original presentation created by EasyBib, adapted by
V. Santacroce for educational purposes following Fair
Use Guidelines and permission to modify.
Using the notebook

 Create virtual note cards, associate notes with
your outline, and manage your notes in list format

    Access the notebook from the account
management page or by clicking the notebook tab
Notebook  Creating a New Note
                                               Title your note

                                            Associate the note
                                            with a source in the
                                           Students can differentiate
                                               between quotes,
  Click the
                                          paraphrasing and their own
 New note
  button or
double click
  anywhere                                  Add a page number,
  within the                               paragraph number, or
note pane to                                 URL, to better track
               Organize notes by
 add a note                                          information
               creating groups, adding
               tags and/or color-coding
Notebook  Managing virtual notes

Use the
button to
add colors to
your notes
or groups,                  Here you can create
and to                        virtual notes and
manage tags                 arrange them within
                           the space by dragging
Edit by                         and dropping
clicking the
edit button
or double         With the birds-eye-view navigation, you
clicking on       can look around the entire note space 
the note or           so theres plenty of room for all your
group                                          information!
Notebook  Using groups

                    Group notes by
                    dragging notes, or
                    groups on top of one
                    another. Change the
                    group name by
                    double clicking it

                    Double click the
                    group to expand it.
                    You can add and
                    remove notes from
                    the expanded group
Notebook  List view
Click list view
to see notes
in a more
format. Create
and organize
new notes in
this view as
                   View and manage notes based on groups,
                   tags, sources associated with notes, or by
                          the date notes were created

Notes created in the list and visualize view are interchangeable
Notebook  Creating an outline
                 Create an outline of your paper
                 as you takes notes and
                 generate ideas

                Use the navigation bar to
                create and move bullets. You
                can also drag and drop bullets

                 Drag notes or groups from the
                 notes pane to the outline to
                 associate notes with parts of
                 your paper. You can drag
                 notes and groups both from
                 the visualize and the list view
Notebook  Printing and backing up notes

                                            You can choose how data will display.

Click Print to export and back up their

                          Working from the
                          outline, you can
                          review your papers
                          flow, continuity, and
Notebook  Commenting

Click on Open Comments to
leave feedback
                            Students and teachers can
                            easily interact. Instructors can
                            provide feedback and answer
                            questions along side of student
Works Cited

"EasyBib: Instructional Guides for School Edition." EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA,

            Chicago Citation Styles. ImagineEasy Solutions, LLC. Web. 27 Jan. 2012.



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Easy bib notes

  • 1. Instructional Guide Original presentation created by EasyBib, adapted by V. Santacroce for educational purposes following Fair Use Guidelines and permission to modify.
  • 3. Notebook Create virtual note cards, associate notes with your outline, and manage your notes in list format Access the notebook from the account management page or by clicking the notebook tab
  • 4. Notebook Creating a New Note Title your note Associate the note with a source in the bibliography Students can differentiate between quotes, Click the paraphrasing and their own New note comments/thoughts button or double click anywhere Add a page number, within the paragraph number, or note pane to URL, to better track Organize notes by add a note information creating groups, adding tags and/or color-coding
  • 5. Notebook Managing virtual notes Use the organize button to add colors to your notes or groups, Here you can create and to virtual notes and manage tags arrange them within the space by dragging Edit by and dropping clicking the edit button or double With the birds-eye-view navigation, you clicking on can look around the entire note space the note or so theres plenty of room for all your group information!
  • 6. Notebook Using groups Group notes by dragging notes, or groups on top of one another. Change the group name by double clicking it Double click the group to expand it. You can add and remove notes from the expanded group
  • 7. Notebook List view Click list view to see notes in a more expanded, scrolling format. Create and organize new notes in this view as well View and manage notes based on groups, tags, sources associated with notes, or by the date notes were created Notes created in the list and visualize view are interchangeable
  • 8. Notebook Creating an outline Create an outline of your paper as you takes notes and generate ideas Use the navigation bar to create and move bullets. You can also drag and drop bullets Drag notes or groups from the notes pane to the outline to associate notes with parts of your paper. You can drag notes and groups both from the visualize and the list view
  • 9. Notebook Printing and backing up notes You can choose how data will display. Click Print to export and back up their notebook. Working from the outline, you can review your papers flow, continuity, and substance.
  • 10. Notebook Commenting Click on Open Comments to leave feedback Students and teachers can easily interact. Instructors can provide feedback and answer questions along side of student work.
  • 11. Works Cited "EasyBib: Instructional Guides for School Edition." EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago Citation Styles. ImagineEasy Solutions, LLC. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. <http://www.easybib.com/kb/index/view/id/121>. 11