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general meetingSeptember1st, 2010
Societies on SuspensionIGVRTNOBCChESGTSWIP*SMESynton*Currently eligible to come off of suspensionSuspension means loss of all EC benefits, including funding and awards.Stay off of suspension by coming to general meetings!
Officer AnnouncementsVice PresidentEXPOAwardsPublicitySocialKnights.
Vice PresidentZach Tratar (vp@ec.uiuc.edu)E-NightFeedback so far: Less Rain, More PizzaMore feedback?Update Executive Member Contact List
EXPOGillian Wyman (gwyman2@illinois.edu)September 20th-22nd9am  4pmIllini Union Rooms A, B, CVolunteers Needed for Setup and During EXPO
Sign up at http://expo.ec.uiuc.edu/students_volunteer.phpAwardsJimmy Kryger (awards@ec.uiuc.edu)Monthly Awards
Committee Member of the Month
Society Member of the Month
Society of the Month
Check Awards Website for Deadlines and Applications
Questions??  E-mail:  jkryger2@illinois.edu1st Mass Mail Email all of your submissions by Sept 9th at 5pm to publicity@ec.uiuc.eduSeptember 12 @ midnight
SocialCourtney OConnor (social@ec.uiuc.edu)Tailgate:	- September 11th 	- Free Food!	- Games	Look out for flyers with the time and locationCharity Golf Scramble Tournament:	- Sunday October 10th 	- Top 3 teams donate to charity of their choice	- Prizes	- Free Food There will be sign-up sheets online at http://social.ec.uiuc.edu
Knights of St. Patrick 2010Marlo GoldsteinKSP 2010-2011 Chair
KSPOverviewHistory of the KnightsSignificance at UIUCNomination ProcessImportant DatesKnights Tradition
Significance at UIUCStarted in 1950 at Illinois8 15 juniors and seniors chosen who demonstrate:LeadershipAcademic ExcellenceExceptional Contribution and Devotion to the College of EngineeringOne of the Highest Honors in the College
Nomination ProcessEach of the Following Receive Two Nominations:EC Societies in Good StandingEach Department HeadDeans & Assistant DeansNomination Pool
Important Dates10/6/2010: Nomination packets distributed at General Meeting10/22/2010: Society presidents must email name(s) of nominee(s) to mgoldst3@illinois.edu10/25/2010: Nomination pool open  must email additional names to KSP chair
Important Dates11/16/2010: Applications due by 5pm, 103c Engineering Hall1/22/2011: Interviews with committeeFebruary 2011: Class of 2011 Knights announced3/12/2011: Knights of St. Patrick Ball
Traditions at UIUCKnighting Ceremony  Ball after EOHPranks Take place from when Knights are announced to night before EOHService Project
Questions?Marlo Goldsteinmgoldst3@illinois.edu
Funding PresentationsConference FundProgram Fund
Conference FundBridge to ChinaTau Beta PiASEENSBEMaterial AdvantageASME
Paomaping Village Bridge ConstructionPresented by Chuan Li of Illinois Bridge to China Team
About 300 farmers and 48 schoolchildren need to cross this river
ParticipantsTotal of 60 volunteers33 from China (2 professionals)20 from Hong Kong (4 professionals)1 from Taiwan6 from US (1 UIUC Staff)
EC General Meeting - 2010.09.06
Thank you, EC, for help making this trip possible.
Tau Beta Pi District 8 ConferenceTau Beta Pi  Illinois Alpha Chapter
AboutWhen: 		April 9-10, 2010 Where:		University of Illinois - ChicagoWhy: 		To strengthen IL-A and encourage	 			communication among chapters.
ActivitiesCollaboration with other chapters
Initiation process
Member involvement
Training for executive board transition
Semester overview
Important dates
Incoming and outgoing board discussionPictures
American Society for Engineering EducationNational Conference ReportThomas Frankie - PresidentBrian Schertz - Vice PresidentElizabeth LeMay - Secretary
ASEE 2010 Annual Conference & ExpositionThank you for providing EC funding for the ASEE 2010 Annual Conference.The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition is committed to fostering the exchange of ideas, enhancing teaching methods and curriculum, and providing prime networking opportunities for engineering and technology educations.
ASEE 2010 Annual Conference & ExpositionIn attendance: six student chapter officers & members (5 GRAD, 1 UG)Members attended informational presentations and group discussionsElizabeth LeMay gave presentation on starting a local ASEE chapter
ASEE 2010 Annual Conference & ExpositionThe ASEE Student Chapter appreciates the EC funding for the ASEE 2010 Annual ConferenceThe ASEE Student Chapter will continue to engage Illinois students in engineering education discussion/topics
2010 National Conference	Toronto
We won Most Well Networked and Programs of the Year and also had a team compete in an academic tech bowl
Our chapter help put on an informal Science fair for some of the kids in Toronto.
Science, Engineering, and Technology Congressional Visit Days
OverviewApril 28-29, 2010 in Washington D.C.Brought awareness to the funding of science and technologyAttended seminars regarding current fundingPromoted the America COMPETES ActMet Rep. Bill Foster and aides of Rep. Tim Johnson and Sen. Dick Durbin
More Pictures
Thank You EC!!!
By: American Society of Professional EngineersApril 8-10, 2010St. Louis UniversityStudent Professional Development Conference
St.Louis University3 days of events (social and professional)Purpose2 entrants in the Old Guard Oral CompetitionCommunication on hosting upcoming conferenceNetwork with national speakers and other chaptersThe Conference
Competition ResultsFirst place in oral competitionThird place in student section competitionInformation for upcoming conferencePlans to enter future design competitionWhat Happened
EC General Meeting - 2010.09.06
Program FundBMESHKN
BMES & ANSPaintballingBiomedical Engineering Society
The WhatApril 10th 20101:30 PMPaintballing with ANS22 in attendance 12 BMES10 ANS
PURPOSEDevelop a working relationship with ANSRESULTHoping to plan another event with ANS this yearAlso were are going to try to lose less footwear this yearMud+Untied Shoes=wearing socks the rest of the day
HKN Initiate BarbecueAlpha ChapterApril 1st, 2010
What was it?One of the many initiate events run each semester.Groups of initiates work with members to organize events.Initiates planned and ran a lunch stand.Took place in between Eng Hall and Everitt.
What Happened?Initiates learned organization and teamwork skills.Helped provide exposure for HKN and let people know what we do.Cheap lunch for everyone!
New Society Instatement
EC General Meeting - 2010.09.06
MissionIllinois Robotics Organization serves to bring together students of different disciplines at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to partake in the education and research of the multi-disciplinary field of Robotics. IRO's main purpose is to be an organization without a particular departmental home; a油middle ground油for all engineers and non-engineers who are interested in Robotics.油

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EC General Meeting - 2010.09.06

Editor's Notes

  • #61: Who you are: Synthetic Biology Research Group.
  • #62: Who you are: Synthetic Biology Research Group. Wetlab and Software Tools teams. 12-30 core members. 5-8 core advising professors. Lab space in IGB. MCB, IB, AgE, BioE, ChemE, CS, PhysE. Also glad to have any engineering discipline, business majors, and more.Synthetic Biology = application of engineering principles to molecular biology. BioBrick parts like GFP or another gene that will allow a cell to float by producing gas vessicles. iGEM is an international competition. Universities from across the world put together teams of undergraduates to compete at the annual jamboree at MIT. Last year was 120 teams and over 1300 participants. This year we expect ot have ~180 teams.What you do: Synthetic Biology projects. Classic examples include: Hello World, E. Chromi, Bacterial Decoder.
  • #63: Plan to succeed: In terms of being a stable RSO, we will continue to recruit a strong team and pass on lab experiences and research from year to year. We will continue to request funding and support from the IGB, SORF, Design Council, and possibly ACES. Though it has varied from year to year, we have a strong officer board with two directors, a treasurer, secretary, science director, technical directors, and an outreach/publicity director.Why does your society want to join Engineering Council? Synthetic Biology is essentially the application of engineering principles to biology. Our membership is usually half engineers and half MCB, IB, Agricultural, or other majors. Many of the engineers have already experienced the benefits of being part of an EC society. All members within iGEM who have non-engineering majors also realize the importance of engineering and would appreciate being part of the engineering community at UIUC. In terms of membership benefits, we would particularly enjoy participating in events like E-night, being able to advertise events to all of engineering, and the opportunity to receive funding.