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general meetingapril 28th, 2010
Societies on SuspensionIGVRTNOBCChESGTSMESynton*Currently eligible to come off of suspensionSuspension means loss of all EC benefits, including funding and awards.Stay off of suspension by coming to general meetings!
Officer AnnouncementsVice PresidentAwards.
Vice PresidentZach Tratar(vp@ec.uiuc.edu)E-NightMonday, August 30th, 3-7pmGo to http://ec.uiuc.edu/soc/admin/login.php and log in, choose your society, and sign up!Deadline to sign up is Saturday, May 12thUpdate Society Membership Lists *Required*Go to http://ec.uiuc.edu/soc/admin/login.php and log in, then click Contact Info and update your executive boards contact information
AwardsSiddharthBanothu (awards@ec.uiuc.edu)Society of the Month:油National Organization for Business and Engineering油(NOBE)Society Member of the Month:油Jose Garcia油(SHPE)Committee Member of the Month:油Samantha Chadwick油(Publicity)
Funding PresentationsConference FundProgram Fund
Conference FundACISHPEChi EpsilonEWBANS
ACI ConventionChicago
ACI ChicagoMarch 21-25 Student CompetitionsFiber reinforced Bowling BallPervious CylinderPresentationsPresentations by studentsPresentations to attendNetworking OpportunitiesStudent LunchStudent MixerConcrete Mixer
Student CompetitionsConcrete Bowling Ball	      Pervious Concrete Cylinder
Networking Opportunities		Student Mixer	     	   Student Lunch
Thanks EC!
Regional Leadership Development ConferenceSociety of Hispanic Professional Engineers
IntroductionRLDC is an annual regional conference for the Midwest (Region 6) SHPE student chaptersThe goal of the conference is to provide workshops and networking opportunities for students to develop their leadership potentialThis year 18 UIUC students attended; the most of any Region 6 chapter
RLDC 2010This year RLDC was hosted at the University of Minnesota in MinneapolisIt ran from Thursday April 22 to Sunday April 25Students attended workshops on leadership, integrity, scholarships and financial aid, feedback, management, community building, and several others
RLDC 2010 cont.Students also were split into teams with other chapters to develop and present a team project in which they had to plan, direct, and propose their own RLDCThere was also a career fair with 10 companies and a gala banquet that each served as great networking opportunitiesEach and every UIUC student learned something new and said they would highly recommend the conference for future students
2010 Chi EpsilonNational ConclaveUniversity of Alabama - TuscaloosaMarch 11th  14th, 2010
PurposeSemiannual meeting of Chi Epsilon chapters from around the countryGoverning meeting of the societyFeatures discussion of changes to the organization constitution and bylaws, definition of national policy, and other society businessAllows chapters in attendance to share ideas and procedures
OverviewGeneral sessions with 128 chapters from around the countryBreakout sessions by districtCommittee meetings
OverviewElevation of National Honor Member and banquetIndustry speakersCampus tours and other fun activities
Thank you!
EWB International Conference
EWB International ConferenceDenver, ColoradoMarch 17th  21stDistinguished Speakers and PanelistsCameroon Water Project student presentationTwo Cultural Presentations
Networking with 200 other chaptersMet EWB-USA staff face to faceLearned about better chapter managementJump-started our newest initiative on campusEWB International Conference
EWB International ConferenceSide trip to Breckenridge after Conference2000 miles in the car together2 Days of Skiing and Hiking
American Nuclear Society Student Conference at the University of MichiganPresented by Erics Becker and Stein of the American Nuclear Society
Event DetailsDate:  April 9th-11thLocation: Ann ArborPurposeDevelop industry contactsLearn about recent advances in the fieldHear what universities are doing to promote their local chapter
Presentations Attended OnShortage of Medical IsotopesNonproliferation policy and deterrenceThorium Based ReactorsMCNP Coding
For FunNight club in Ann ArborDetroit Boat DinnerBocce Ball on UoM Diag
Program FundRube GoldbergGESOSigma Phi DeltaNSBEAlpha Chi SigmaASEE
University of Illinois Rube Goldberg Society National Rube Goldberg Competition 2010
OverviewBuilt machine all year then travelled to Purdue UniversityDinner with sponsors & other teams on March 26thCompetition on March 27th in Armory12 teamsTeam of sponsor judges decides 1st, 2nd & 3rd placeFinal task: dispense hand sanitizer
Results1st University of Wisconsin Stout2nd St. Olaf College3rd Penn State UniversityU of I machine had two perfect runs
Ec general meeting ppt   2010.04.28
Thanks EC!
38Roundtable Research MeetingsGeotechnical Engineering Student OrganizationUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignApril 28, 2010
39First MeetingMr. Kashif Muhammad, Ph.D. Candidate lead the discussionWednesday, October 7, 12:00 PM, B218 NewmarkDiscussed liquefaction failures, and related recent research on the subjectApril 28, 2010
40Second MeetingMr. David R. Groholski, Ph.D. Candidate lead the discussionWednesday, November 11, 12:00 PM, B218 NewmarkDiscussed the current state of research related to numerical modeling in geotechnical engineeringIncluded a discussion of journal papers related to the Wildlife site, in particular, and it doubled as a case historyApril 28, 2010
41Both sessions were well attendedApril 28, 2010
Engineers in Training(EIT)Sigma Phi DeltaMarch 12th-13th 2010
What is it?2 Day Program at the chapter house during EOH.Active members give tours and advice about college life, classes, and selecting a major.Great way for new students to experience the University before they arrive.
What did we do?Friday: Tours of EOH, Pizza, and group sessions with each major. Afterwards there was a Super Smash Bros. Tournament and movies.Saturday: EOH exhibits, Lunch at Zorbas, Attendees return home.
Thanks EC!
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)SPRING 2010-Highschool Visitation
Highschool Visitation (HSV) 2010DATE(S):3/11/10  3/14/10WHERE:Various places on campusPURPOSE:To increase retention by assisting admitted students into the College of Engineering finalize their decision.NSBE- UIUC HSV 2010 Shirt
Day 1THE SCHEDULEDay 2Day 3Day 4
Highschool Visitation (HSV) 2010ILLINI CHALLENGE!! ENG 101 WORKSHOPS!!
Krug LectureAlpha Chi SigmaApril 24th, 2010
HistoryLouis G. Krug initiated with the Zeta Chapter on January 16, 1915. Brother Krug left a substantial bequest to the Zeta Chapter. We have used his bequest to establish an annual lecture series. The Krug Lectures bring faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates together to share in the riches of Chemistry.油
Krug Lecture 2010The lecture took place in the Technology room of the iHotelThe lecture was followed by a 5 course dinner next doorThe entire chapter, new pledge class, and professors in the chemistry department attended
Krug Lecture 2010Brother Cary Supalo, a blind chemist was our guest speakerCarys Ph.D. thesis project is a National Science Foundation funded project from the Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) where he is developing accessible tools and techniques to assist blind students in performing high school level chemistry laboratory experiments.
Thanks EC!
Spring Lunch Seminar SeriesKerry Hall, Publicity Chair
Spring Lunch Seminar DetailsHeld in CSL 301
Lunch provided
25-30 attendees
Interactive discussion with speakersHow to Survive as a Professor Dr. Angus Rockett Wed. March 31, 2010
What is Excellent Teaching?Dr. John PopovicsWed. April 21, 2010
Thanks EC
New Society Instatement
U.S. Women in NuclearUIUC Chapter
Mission (as stated in our charter)support an environment in nuclear energy and nuclear technologies in which women are able to succeedprovide a supportive network through which the women in these fields can further their professional developmentprovide a means by which collegiate women interested in these fields can socializeprovide an organization through which the public is informed about nuclear energy and nuclear technologies
Plan to Fulfill MissionProvide professional development opportunities for membersProvide social and networking events for membersOutreach to local community
Why we want to join Engineering CouncilAccess to Resources: funding, webspace, leadership events, publicityMore importantly: we want to expand our network beyond just the Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Departmentwe want our membership to extend to all women who are interested in the nuclear-related fields, as well as everyone who supports them, not just those who are in NPRE
Fighting Illini Battlebots Team
What is BattleBots?Who are we?1 national competition each year120 pound robots fight in an arena for 3 minutesWhoever lands the most hits or disables the other robot wins!Weapons can include spinning drums, saws, high-torque motors, or even an entire spinning robotOur team members have competed together for 8 years in robotics competitionsIn the 4 years they competed in BattleBots at the high school level, they placed a robot in the top 5 nationally each year
Our Plan to SucceedWe plan to continue building on our success from past years by using innovative design techniques to gain the University of Illinois an even greater reputation in the competitive robotics field.We will actively search for sponsors to ensure that the Fighting Illini Robotics Team will have the resources it needs to succeed on a national level.We will push the envelope with creative and effective new designs combined with building strategies honed by years of experience.We will engage new members to broaden our knowledge and compete at a higher level than ever before.
BattleBots is an established and world-renowned program that has provided safe, enriching competition for over 10 years.Why we want to join Engineering CouncilEC provides a structured leadership framework for clubsWe feel we can contribute to the outstanding record of competitive success held by Engineering CouncilWe have already represented the EFC at the Jerry Sanders Competition, and in fact won the Demolition Round of that event.We would like to find new ways to use our skills to the advantage of the EC
Student Chapter of the National OrganizationFounded in Summer 2008Renewed in March 2010RSO in April 2010Construction Management Association of America
Professional Civil Engineering OrganizationFocus in Construction ManagementUndergraduate and GraduateJust under 30 chapter membersApply in class education to outside worldWorkshops and CertificationsField TripsGuest SpeakersNetworking and funWho and What are we?
Structure10 board membersSustainabilityRecruitmentMentoringMentorsRegional ChapterCampus AdvisorsIIT Student ChapterPlan to Succeed
GrowthOpen HouseSocialResourcesComputer Funding Improve the College of EngineeringWhy We Want to Join EC
Constitution UpdateVote
Ec general meeting ppt   2010.04.28
Ec general meeting ppt   2010.04.28
Ec general meeting ppt   2010.04.28
Special ElectionAwards Director
Ec general meeting ppt   2010.04.28

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Ec general meeting ppt 2010.04.28

  • 2. Societies on SuspensionIGVRTNOBCChESGTSMESynton*Currently eligible to come off of suspensionSuspension means loss of all EC benefits, including funding and awards.Stay off of suspension by coming to general meetings!
  • 4. Vice PresidentZach Tratar(vp@ec.uiuc.edu)E-NightMonday, August 30th, 3-7pmGo to http://ec.uiuc.edu/soc/admin/login.php and log in, choose your society, and sign up!Deadline to sign up is Saturday, May 12thUpdate Society Membership Lists *Required*Go to http://ec.uiuc.edu/soc/admin/login.php and log in, then click Contact Info and update your executive boards contact information
  • 5. AwardsSiddharthBanothu (awards@ec.uiuc.edu)Society of the Month:油National Organization for Business and Engineering油(NOBE)Society Member of the Month:油Jose Garcia油(SHPE)Committee Member of the Month:油Samantha Chadwick油(Publicity)
  • 9. ACI ChicagoMarch 21-25 Student CompetitionsFiber reinforced Bowling BallPervious CylinderPresentationsPresentations by studentsPresentations to attendNetworking OpportunitiesStudent LunchStudent MixerConcrete Mixer
  • 10. Student CompetitionsConcrete Bowling Ball Pervious Concrete Cylinder
  • 14. Regional Leadership Development ConferenceSociety of Hispanic Professional Engineers
  • 15. IntroductionRLDC is an annual regional conference for the Midwest (Region 6) SHPE student chaptersThe goal of the conference is to provide workshops and networking opportunities for students to develop their leadership potentialThis year 18 UIUC students attended; the most of any Region 6 chapter
  • 16. RLDC 2010This year RLDC was hosted at the University of Minnesota in MinneapolisIt ran from Thursday April 22 to Sunday April 25Students attended workshops on leadership, integrity, scholarships and financial aid, feedback, management, community building, and several others
  • 17. RLDC 2010 cont.Students also were split into teams with other chapters to develop and present a team project in which they had to plan, direct, and propose their own RLDCThere was also a career fair with 10 companies and a gala banquet that each served as great networking opportunitiesEach and every UIUC student learned something new and said they would highly recommend the conference for future students
  • 19. 2010 Chi EpsilonNational ConclaveUniversity of Alabama - TuscaloosaMarch 11th 14th, 2010
  • 20. PurposeSemiannual meeting of Chi Epsilon chapters from around the countryGoverning meeting of the societyFeatures discussion of changes to the organization constitution and bylaws, definition of national policy, and other society businessAllows chapters in attendance to share ideas and procedures
  • 21. OverviewGeneral sessions with 128 chapters from around the countryBreakout sessions by districtCommittee meetings
  • 22. OverviewElevation of National Honor Member and banquetIndustry speakersCampus tours and other fun activities
  • 25. EWB International ConferenceDenver, ColoradoMarch 17th 21stDistinguished Speakers and PanelistsCameroon Water Project student presentationTwo Cultural Presentations
  • 26. Networking with 200 other chaptersMet EWB-USA staff face to faceLearned about better chapter managementJump-started our newest initiative on campusEWB International Conference
  • 27. EWB International ConferenceSide trip to Breckenridge after Conference2000 miles in the car together2 Days of Skiing and Hiking
  • 28. American Nuclear Society Student Conference at the University of MichiganPresented by Erics Becker and Stein of the American Nuclear Society
  • 29. Event DetailsDate: April 9th-11thLocation: Ann ArborPurposeDevelop industry contactsLearn about recent advances in the fieldHear what universities are doing to promote their local chapter
  • 30. Presentations Attended OnShortage of Medical IsotopesNonproliferation policy and deterrenceThorium Based ReactorsMCNP Coding
  • 31. For FunNight club in Ann ArborDetroit Boat DinnerBocce Ball on UoM Diag
  • 32. Program FundRube GoldbergGESOSigma Phi DeltaNSBEAlpha Chi SigmaASEE
  • 33. University of Illinois Rube Goldberg Society National Rube Goldberg Competition 2010
  • 34. OverviewBuilt machine all year then travelled to Purdue UniversityDinner with sponsors & other teams on March 26thCompetition on March 27th in Armory12 teamsTeam of sponsor judges decides 1st, 2nd & 3rd placeFinal task: dispense hand sanitizer
  • 35. Results1st University of Wisconsin Stout2nd St. Olaf College3rd Penn State UniversityU of I machine had two perfect runs
  • 38. 38Roundtable Research MeetingsGeotechnical Engineering Student OrganizationUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignApril 28, 2010
  • 39. 39First MeetingMr. Kashif Muhammad, Ph.D. Candidate lead the discussionWednesday, October 7, 12:00 PM, B218 NewmarkDiscussed liquefaction failures, and related recent research on the subjectApril 28, 2010
  • 40. 40Second MeetingMr. David R. Groholski, Ph.D. Candidate lead the discussionWednesday, November 11, 12:00 PM, B218 NewmarkDiscussed the current state of research related to numerical modeling in geotechnical engineeringIncluded a discussion of journal papers related to the Wildlife site, in particular, and it doubled as a case historyApril 28, 2010
  • 41. 41Both sessions were well attendedApril 28, 2010
  • 42. Engineers in Training(EIT)Sigma Phi DeltaMarch 12th-13th 2010
  • 43. What is it?2 Day Program at the chapter house during EOH.Active members give tours and advice about college life, classes, and selecting a major.Great way for new students to experience the University before they arrive.
  • 44. What did we do?Friday: Tours of EOH, Pizza, and group sessions with each major. Afterwards there was a Super Smash Bros. Tournament and movies.Saturday: EOH exhibits, Lunch at Zorbas, Attendees return home.
  • 46. National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)SPRING 2010-Highschool Visitation
  • 47. Highschool Visitation (HSV) 2010DATE(S):3/11/10 3/14/10WHERE:Various places on campusPURPOSE:To increase retention by assisting admitted students into the College of Engineering finalize their decision.NSBE- UIUC HSV 2010 Shirt
  • 48. Day 1THE SCHEDULEDay 2Day 3Day 4
  • 49. Highschool Visitation (HSV) 2010ILLINI CHALLENGE!! ENG 101 WORKSHOPS!!
  • 51. Krug LectureAlpha Chi SigmaApril 24th, 2010
  • 52. HistoryLouis G. Krug initiated with the Zeta Chapter on January 16, 1915. Brother Krug left a substantial bequest to the Zeta Chapter. We have used his bequest to establish an annual lecture series. The Krug Lectures bring faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates together to share in the riches of Chemistry.油
  • 53. Krug Lecture 2010The lecture took place in the Technology room of the iHotelThe lecture was followed by a 5 course dinner next doorThe entire chapter, new pledge class, and professors in the chemistry department attended
  • 54. Krug Lecture 2010Brother Cary Supalo, a blind chemist was our guest speakerCarys Ph.D. thesis project is a National Science Foundation funded project from the Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) where he is developing accessible tools and techniques to assist blind students in performing high school level chemistry laboratory experiments.
  • 56. Spring Lunch Seminar SeriesKerry Hall, Publicity Chair
  • 57. Spring Lunch Seminar DetailsHeld in CSL 301
  • 60. Interactive discussion with speakersHow to Survive as a Professor Dr. Angus Rockett Wed. March 31, 2010
  • 61. What is Excellent Teaching?Dr. John PopovicsWed. April 21, 2010
  • 64. U.S. Women in NuclearUIUC Chapter
  • 65. Mission (as stated in our charter)support an environment in nuclear energy and nuclear technologies in which women are able to succeedprovide a supportive network through which the women in these fields can further their professional developmentprovide a means by which collegiate women interested in these fields can socializeprovide an organization through which the public is informed about nuclear energy and nuclear technologies
  • 66. Plan to Fulfill MissionProvide professional development opportunities for membersProvide social and networking events for membersOutreach to local community
  • 67. Why we want to join Engineering CouncilAccess to Resources: funding, webspace, leadership events, publicityMore importantly: we want to expand our network beyond just the Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Departmentwe want our membership to extend to all women who are interested in the nuclear-related fields, as well as everyone who supports them, not just those who are in NPRE
  • 69. What is BattleBots?Who are we?1 national competition each year120 pound robots fight in an arena for 3 minutesWhoever lands the most hits or disables the other robot wins!Weapons can include spinning drums, saws, high-torque motors, or even an entire spinning robotOur team members have competed together for 8 years in robotics competitionsIn the 4 years they competed in BattleBots at the high school level, they placed a robot in the top 5 nationally each year
  • 70. Our Plan to SucceedWe plan to continue building on our success from past years by using innovative design techniques to gain the University of Illinois an even greater reputation in the competitive robotics field.We will actively search for sponsors to ensure that the Fighting Illini Robotics Team will have the resources it needs to succeed on a national level.We will push the envelope with creative and effective new designs combined with building strategies honed by years of experience.We will engage new members to broaden our knowledge and compete at a higher level than ever before.
  • 71. BattleBots is an established and world-renowned program that has provided safe, enriching competition for over 10 years.Why we want to join Engineering CouncilEC provides a structured leadership framework for clubsWe feel we can contribute to the outstanding record of competitive success held by Engineering CouncilWe have already represented the EFC at the Jerry Sanders Competition, and in fact won the Demolition Round of that event.We would like to find new ways to use our skills to the advantage of the EC
  • 72. Student Chapter of the National OrganizationFounded in Summer 2008Renewed in March 2010RSO in April 2010Construction Management Association of America
  • 73. Professional Civil Engineering OrganizationFocus in Construction ManagementUndergraduate and GraduateJust under 30 chapter membersApply in class education to outside worldWorkshops and CertificationsField TripsGuest SpeakersNetworking and funWho and What are we?
  • 74. Structure10 board membersSustainabilityRecruitmentMentoringMentorsRegional ChapterCampus AdvisorsIIT Student ChapterPlan to Succeed
  • 75. GrowthOpen HouseSocialResourcesComputer Funding Improve the College of EngineeringWhy We Want to Join EC
  • 82. Other Announcements?If you have any upcoming events or announcements, send them to vp@ec.uiuc.eduPIZZA!THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR AND GOOD LUCK ON FINALS!