Seconda parte di introduzione all'ambiente di sviluppo Eclipse e Subversion con approfondimento dei plugin necessari al collegamento con un repository SVN.
Talleres de capacitaci坦n en vacaciones de julioctepay
El documento presenta el cronograma de talleres de capacitaci坦n para docentes durante las vacaciones de julio de 2013 en el Centro CEIBAL Tecnolog鱈a Educativa. La primera semana se enfocar叩 en la plataforma CREA ense単ando c坦mo acceder, explorar, crear foros, unidades did叩cticas y actividades. La segunda semana repetir叩 los mismos temas sobre la plataforma CREA y tambi辿n incluir叩 exploraciones de la biblioteca CEIBAL y la herramienta Valijas. Los talleres ser叩n dictados por docentes del Centro
Este documento proporciona varios enlaces a recursos sobre la historia y cultura de Cartagena, Colombia. Incluye enlaces a un blog que describe la historia de Cartagena, mapas de Google de la ciudad, fotos de Cartagena en Flickr y Picasa, libros sobre Cartagena en Google Books, y diapositivas sobre la ciudad en 際際滷Share.
David Guetta naci坦 en Par鱈s en 1967 y desarroll坦 un inter辿s por la m炭sica electr坦nica desde una edad temprana, trabajando como DJ en discotecas desde los 17 a単os. En la d辿cada de 1990, perfeccion坦 su estilo como DJ y en 2002 lanz坦 su primer 叩lbum de estudio, que se convirti坦 en disco de oro. A lo largo de su carrera, Guetta ha publicado varios 叩lbumes exitosos y sencillos que han encabezado las listas de 辿xitos en todo el mundo, consolid叩ndose como una
This document contains two references to images related to climate change and the greenhouse effect. The first is an image from a blog post showing a cartoon about global warming turning the planet into a desert. The second is an image from a humor website showing a political cartoon about pressure to address climate change. Both images were accessed on October 22, 2009.
多Es Bueno El Sistema Educativo Vasco? Es Equitatitivo Y Eficaz Con El Alumnad...josu sierra orrantia
Este documento resume la evaluaci坦n de Josu Sierra del sistema educativo vasco. Se単ala que el sistema es equitativo y eficaz para los estudiantes desfavorecidos, pero poco eficiente en general y para los estudiantes de alto nivel socioecon坦mico. Las evaluaciones muestran que el sistema tiene fortalezas como bajas tasas de repetici坦n y abandono, pero debilidades en el aprendizaje de idiomas y en la eficiencia considerando el gasto. El rendimiento de los estudiantes de nivel socioecon坦mico medio y alto est叩 por deba
Este documento proporciona varios enlaces a recursos sobre la historia y cultura de Cartagena, Colombia. Incluye enlaces a un blog que describe la historia de Cartagena, mapas de Google de la ciudad, fotos de Cartagena en Flickr y Picasa, libros sobre Cartagena en Google Books, y diapositivas sobre la ciudad en 際際滷Share.
David Guetta naci坦 en Par鱈s en 1967 y desarroll坦 un inter辿s por la m炭sica electr坦nica desde una edad temprana, trabajando como DJ en discotecas desde los 17 a単os. En la d辿cada de 1990, perfeccion坦 su estilo como DJ y en 2002 lanz坦 su primer 叩lbum de estudio, que se convirti坦 en disco de oro. A lo largo de su carrera, Guetta ha publicado varios 叩lbumes exitosos y sencillos que han encabezado las listas de 辿xitos en todo el mundo, consolid叩ndose como una
This document contains two references to images related to climate change and the greenhouse effect. The first is an image from a blog post showing a cartoon about global warming turning the planet into a desert. The second is an image from a humor website showing a political cartoon about pressure to address climate change. Both images were accessed on October 22, 2009.
多Es Bueno El Sistema Educativo Vasco? Es Equitatitivo Y Eficaz Con El Alumnad...josu sierra orrantia
Este documento resume la evaluaci坦n de Josu Sierra del sistema educativo vasco. Se単ala que el sistema es equitativo y eficaz para los estudiantes desfavorecidos, pero poco eficiente en general y para los estudiantes de alto nivel socioecon坦mico. Las evaluaciones muestran que el sistema tiene fortalezas como bajas tasas de repetici坦n y abandono, pero debilidades en el aprendizaje de idiomas y en la eficiencia considerando el gasto. El rendimiento de los estudiantes de nivel socioecon坦mico medio y alto est叩 por deba
Proxmox Ve - Introduzione - MontelLUG Cs2011Mirco Piccin
Il MontelLUG ha organizzato una serie di conferenze specialistiche per i primi mesi del 2011; qui il mio talk introduttivo su Proxmox VE, tenuto nel mese della virtualizzazione.
SPRING - MAVEN - REST API (ITA - Luglio 2017)Valerio Radice
Introduzione al framework Java Spring e Maven per realizzare API REST.
Breve introduzione all'uso di Maven per configurare un progetto SpringBoot e realizzare un server REST.
Disponibile il codice dimostrativo su github (link nelle slide, attenzione alle branch).
Valerio Radice (valix85)
Luglio 2017
Introduzione alla piattaforma documentale Alfresco.
Presentazione Generale della Piattaforma
- Document Management
- Record Management
- Web Content Management
- I Componenti Open Source
- I Protocolli e gli Standard Supportati
- Standard JSR-170
Estendere il Modello dei Contenuti
- Custom Data Model
- Esempi
Comunicare con il Repository
- Web Script
- Esempi
Il Modello Relazionale Dei Dati
Il Workflow
- Il Simple Workflow
- Il Workflow Avanzato
Alfresco Share
- Le API di Alfresco
WordPress Deployment e Migrazioni. Strategie e Pratiche EfficaciRenato Gelforte
Incontro informativo e pratico dedicato alle sfide e alle soluzioni relative alla migrazione e al deployment di siti creati con WordPress.
Milano 5 giugno 2024 presso edificio 6 Politecnico di Milano - gruppo WordPress MeetUp Milano
In questo incontro, dopo aver accennato agli approcci diversi utilizzati dagli sviluppatori, come ad esempio Bitnami, Softaculous, Docker, XAMPP MAMP e WAMP, Git o Composer per creare, sviluppare e mettere in opera siti WordPress si affrontano alcuni aspetti peculiari delle migrazioni.
Mentre ogni sviluppatore adotta un approccio unico e personale, in questo incontro si analizzano le pratiche comuni per mettere "in produzione" un sito WordPress.
Vengono esaminati i metodi tradizionali come l'utilizzo di FTP e MySQL, cos狸 come l'uso di plugin specializzati per semplificare il processo di deployment.
Inoltre, si illustra la procedura consigliata da "Giving WordPress Its Own Directory", che consente di lavorare direttamente su una cartella presente sul sito prima di metterlo online.
Durante l'incontro, viene presentato un esempio pratico di migrazione utilizzando una delle procedure descritte.
OCS in unora - Introduzione a Open Conference Systems AmmLibera AL
Il software Open Conference Systems (OCS) 竪 una soluzione open source per gestire e pubblicare on line convegni scientifici. OCS 竪 un sistema di gestione e pubblicazione altamente gestibile che pu嘆 essere scaricato gratuitamente e installato su un server locale.
stato progettato per ridurre tempo ed energia dedicati ai compiti amministrativi e gestionali, aumentando lefficienza del processo editoriale e della pubblicazione. Il sistema cerca di aumentare inoltre la qualit scientifica della pubblicazione di congressi, permettendo luso di politiche pi湛 trasparenti e aumentando le possibilit di indicizzazione.
Link all'articolo "OCS - Open Conference Systems" su
This document discusses the problem of dependency hell in software development and proposes approaches to better manage software dependencies and their vulnerabilities. It notes that modern software projects have many interconnected dependencies and outlines challenges with current methods of manually tracking dependency updates and vulnerabilities. It then presents some current dependency analysis tools like GitHub alerts, Snyk, and SourceClear. The document observes that current direct/transitive dependency classifications do not accurately reflect what dependencies are within a developer's control. It proposes methods like filtering non-deployed dependencies, grouping dependencies by project, and identifying "halted" dependencies no longer receiving updates to provide a clearer picture of exposure and priorities for remediation. The approach aims to reduce false alerts and help developers focus on fixing vulnerabilities
Java al servizio della data science - Java developers' meetingNicola Pedot
What is Java's role in the Data Science market? Why consider solutions based on Java (and other JVM frameworks) for Data Analytics? And what solutions are available?
During this Java Developers' Meeting Datatellers will pay attention to these questions, presenting the software and KNIME, two Open Source platforms that in recent years are seeing a wide use especially in the analysis of big data. Attention will also be given to the synergy of the two tools, in the generation of advanced and customized Business Intelligence tools.
This document outlines the chronology of Java releases from 1994 to 2018, including major versions of the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Standard Edition (SE), Java Enterprise Edition (EE), and Java Specification Requests (JSRs). It provides an example of JAX-RS and describes the Java EE specification process. Finally, it mentions some other new Java technologies like the JAX-RS Reactive client API, JSON Binding (JSON-B), and Eclipse Microprofile.
The document discusses lazy evaluation and how it can improve performance by avoiding unnecessary computations. Some key points:
- Lazy evaluation delays evaluating expressions until their values are needed. This allows for optimizations like avoiding evaluating function arguments that are not used.
- Languages like Java are strict, meaning functions always immediately evaluate their arguments. But some constructs like boolean operators and ternary expressions are lazily evaluated for efficiency.
- Lazy evaluation enables infinite streams, as in Java 8, since intermediate operations are not computed until a terminal operation triggers the full pipeline.
- Some algorithms like generating primes cannot reasonably be implemented without laziness. It allows separating problem description from evaluation.
- Implementing laziness in Java requires
This document provides an overview of new features and changes in Java 9 and Java 10. Some key points:
- Java 9 and 10 are non-LTS releases, with support periods of around 6 months each. Java 11 is the next LTS release.
- Java 9 introduced many changes including Jigsaw modules, removal of tools.jar and other APIs, changes to classloading, and new features like jshell.
- Java 10 improvements include parallel full GC in G1, experimental Graal JIT compiler, and application class-data sharing for faster startup.
- Migrating to Java 9/10 requires updating dependencies, testing for usages of removed/changed APIs, verifying classloading
The document discusses the key components and steps for creating and deploying a Java web application. It covers:
1. The main steps to develop a web application including coding components, adding deployment descriptors, compiling, packaging, deploying, and accessing the application.
2. The web components included in the TomEE distribution like JSF, JSP, Servlets.
3. How TomEE+ adds additional components like JAX-RS and JAX-WS.
4. An overview of asynchronous servlets in JavaEE7 which allow non-blocking I/O to improve scalability compared to traditional synchronous approaches.
This document provides an overview of Java 8 including:
- Java 8 has approximately 9 million developers and Oracle supports versions 6-8.
- New features include default methods, lambda expressions, streams, and parallel processing capabilities.
- JavaScript integration allows JavaScript code to be run from Java, enabling database and other connections from JavaScript.
- Potential issues with Java 8 include more complex debugging due to lambda expressions and increased abstraction.
Eclipse is a multi-language integrated development environment (IDE) and software development platform comprising an IDE and a plug-in system to extend it. It was originally written primarily in Java and supports development in languages like C/C++, Cobol, Python, Perl, and PHP through various plug-ins. Eclipse is free and open source software released under the Eclipse Public License. It was originally developed at IBM Canada and donated to the Eclipse Foundation in 2001.
1. Eclipse & SVN Integrated Development Environment 20 settembre 2009
2. SVN L'enciplopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Subversion (SVN) is a version control system initiated in 1999 by CollabNet Inc. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly-compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).
4. SVN version control Revision control (also known as version control, source control or (source) code management (SCM)) is the management of changes to documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files.
10. SVN - caratteristiche Subversions strengths are scalability, administration, and geographical distribution. Subversions ability to scale to meet enterprise needs is well established, with single instances managing 7,500 users...
11. # Commits are true atomic operations. Interrupted commit operations would otherwise cause repository inconsistency or corruption.
13. # Directories, renames, and file metadata (but not timestamps) are versioned. Entire directory trees can be moved around and/or copied very quickly, and retain full revision history.