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The 21st century digital learner
Discussion :
the 21st century Dawned as the beginning of the digital age  a time of unprecedented growth in technology and its subsequent
information explosion. Never before have the tools for information access and management made such an impact on the way we live, work,
shops,and play. New technologies and tools multiply daily and the New technologies of today are outdated almost as soon as the reach the market.
Numerous studies and reports have emerged over the past decade that seek to identify the life, career, and Listening skills thatbdefine the skills
needed for success 8n the 21st century world. While there are some diferwnces in how the skills are catigorized or interpreted, there also many
commonalities. Common skills across most of the studies include:
1. Creativity and innovation
 using knowledge and understanding to createnew waysof thinking in orderto find solutionsto new problemsand to create new
productsand services.
think creatively
 useda widerangeof ideacreation techniques
( suchas brainstorming)
(both incrementalandradical concepts)
 elaborate, refine,analyze, and evaluateideasinorderto improveand
maximize creativeefforts.
Work creativelywith others
 develop,implement, and communicate. Newideas to otherseffectively
 Be open and responsive to newand diverse perspective; incoporategroup input and adopting
 Demonstrateoriginalityand inventiveness in work and understand the real worlds llimits to
 Viewfailure as an opportunity to learn; understandthat creativityand innovation is
longterm, cyclical process of small successesand frequent mistakes0
Implement innovation
 ACT ON CREATIVE IDEAS To make a tangible and useful
contribution to the field in which the innovation will occur.
1. Critical thinking andproblem solving
 applyinghigherorder thinkingto newproblems. and issues, usingappropriate reasoning as the effectively
analyzethe problem andmake decisions about the most effective ways to solve theproblem.
reason effectively
 use various types of reasoning ( inductive, deductive, etc.) As appropriate to the
use systems thinking
 Analyze how of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex
Make judgements anddecisions
 Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs
 Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view
 Sybthesize and make connection between information and arguments
 Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis
 Reflect critically on experiences and processes
solve Problems
 solve different kinds of non  familiar
problems in both conventional and
innovative ways
 Identifyand ask significantthat clarify
various points and leads to better
3. Communication
 communicating efffectivelyin a wide varietyof formsand contexts for a wide rangeof purposely andusingmultiple media and
Communicate clearly
 Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and non verbal communication skills in a
variety of forms and contexts
 Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including, knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions
 Use communication for a range of purpose ( to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade) and in diverse
environments (including multi  lingual)
 Utilize multiple media and technologies, and know how to judge their effectiveness a prior as well as
assess their impact.
4. Collaboration
 working withothers respectfully and. effecrively to
create, use and share knowledge, solutions andinnovations
CollaboratE with other
 Demontrate ability to work effectively and
respectfully with diverse teams
 Exercise flexibility and wellingness to be helpful
in making necessary compromises to
accomplished a common goal. Assume shared
responsibility for collaborative work, and value
the individual contributions made by each team
 accessing analyzing, synthesizing,
creating andsharing information from
multiple sources
6. Effective Use of technology
 creating the capacity to identify anduse technology effeciently, effectively andethically as
a tolls to access, organize, evaluate and share information
7. Career and life skills
 developing skills for becomingself-directed,independent learners and
workerswho can adapt to change,manage. Project,take responsibilityfor their
works, leadothers and produce results.
 developing cultural competence in working with
others by recognizing and respecting cultural differeces
and work with others from a wide range of coltural and
social background.
Information, media and technology skills
Information literacy
Accessand evaluateinformation
 accessinformation effeciently(time) and effectivelysources
 evaluateinformation criticallyand competently
Useand manageinformation
 use information accurately and creativelyfor the
issue or oroblemat hand
 manaGe the flowof informationfrom a wide
varietyof sources
 Apply a fundamental understanding of the
ethical/ legal issuessurroundingthe accessand use of
Educ 2 d slideshare
Analyze media
 understand both how and why media messages are constructed and for what purpose
 examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view
are included or excluded and how media can influence beliefs and behavior
 apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/ Legal issues surrounding the
access and use of media.
create media products
 understand and utilize the most appropriate
media creation tools, characteristics, and
 Understand and effectively utilize the most
appropriate expressions and interpretation in
diverse, multi-cultural environments
Ict ( information,
communication and
technology) LITERACY
 use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communication
 use digital technologies ( computers, pdas , media player, gps,etc.) Communication/
networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate,
evakuate, and create information To successfully function in a knowledge economy
 apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/ legal issues surrounding the access
and use information technologies
The 21st century teacher
The adaptor
 theymust also be able to adapt software and hardwarwdesign for a business model
intotools utilizable by a varietyof age groups and abilities
 theymust also be able to adapt to a dynamic teaching experience. When it all goes
wrong in 5he middleof a class, whenthe technologies fail, the showmust go on.
 as a educator, theymust understand and applydifferent learningstyles. Theymust also
be anleti adapt ourteachingstyleto be inclusive of different modes of learning.
The visionary
 theymust see the potential in the emergingtools and webtechnologies, gaspthese and
manipulatethemto servetheir needs. If we look at the technologies wecurrentlysee
emerging, hiwmanyare develop for education?.
 The visionaryteacher can lookat others ideasand envisage howtHeywould use these in
their class.
 the visionanryalso look across thedisciplines and throughthe curricula. Theycan make
links that rainforce theirown teaching and thenlearningog their students.
the collaborator
 ning, Blogger, wikispaces, bebo, msn, myspace, second life- as an
educator we mustbe able to leverage these collaborative tools to enhance
and captive our learners. We too, must be collaborators; sharing,
contributing, adapting and inventing.
The risk taker
 a 21st centuryeducator knowmust takerisk and sometimes surrenderyourself to the
students knowledge
 havea vision of what youwant and what the technologycan achieve, identifythe goals
and fascilitatethe learning.
 use the strengthof the digital nativesto understand and navigatenewproduct, have
the students teacheach other.
 the learning pyramidshows that the highest retentionof knowledge comes from
teachingother. Trust your students.
the learner
 we expect our students to be life long learners. How many schools have
the phrase  life long learners in their mission statements and objectives. We
too must continue to absorb new possibilities and experiences. We must
endeavor to stay current. The 21st century teacher or educator must learn
and adapt.
The communicator
The model
 the digital must model the behaviors that are expected from their students. Today and tomorrow
more so , there is an expectation that the teacher will teach values.
 the educator are often the most consistent part of our students life. Teachers will see the students
more often than their parents.
 the 21st century educator also models reflective practice, whether its the quite, personal inspection
of their teaching and learning,or through reflective practice via blogs, twitterr, and other mediUm,
these educators both inwards and onwards.
These teacher also model a number of other characteristics. These are not
necessarily asssociated with Ict or the curiculum, but are equal importance,
they model:
 a wider view than just their curricula areas
 global awareness
The Leader
 leadership, likes clear goals and objectives is crucial or
failure of any project.
Facilitating 21st century
thanks for
watching. Melody b.
Bsed 3m
Educ. 2d. 1:30  2:30

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Educ 2 d slideshare

  • 1. The 21st century digital learner
  • 2. Discussion : the 21st century Dawned as the beginning of the digital age a time of unprecedented growth in technology and its subsequent information explosion. Never before have the tools for information access and management made such an impact on the way we live, work, shops,and play. New technologies and tools multiply daily and the New technologies of today are outdated almost as soon as the reach the market. Numerous studies and reports have emerged over the past decade that seek to identify the life, career, and Listening skills thatbdefine the skills needed for success 8n the 21st century world. While there are some diferwnces in how the skills are catigorized or interpreted, there also many commonalities. Common skills across most of the studies include:
  • 3. 1. Creativity and innovation using knowledge and understanding to createnew waysof thinking in orderto find solutionsto new problemsand to create new productsand services.
  • 4. think creatively useda widerangeof ideacreation techniques ( suchas brainstorming) createnewandworthwhileideas (both incrementalandradical concepts) elaborate, refine,analyze, and evaluateideasinorderto improveand maximize creativeefforts. Demonstrateimaginationandcuriosit
  • 5. Work creativelywith others develop,implement, and communicate. Newideas to otherseffectively Be open and responsive to newand diverse perspective; incoporategroup input and adopting newideas Demonstrateoriginalityand inventiveness in work and understand the real worlds llimits to adoptingnewideas Viewfailure as an opportunity to learn; understandthat creativityand innovation is longterm, cyclical process of small successesand frequent mistakes0
  • 6. Implement innovation ACT ON CREATIVE IDEAS To make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in which the innovation will occur.
  • 7. 1. Critical thinking andproblem solving applyinghigherorder thinkingto newproblems. and issues, usingappropriate reasoning as the effectively analyzethe problem andmake decisions about the most effective ways to solve theproblem.
  • 8. reason effectively use various types of reasoning ( inductive, deductive, etc.) As appropriate to the situation use systems thinking Analyze how of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex system
  • 9. Make judgements anddecisions Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view Sybthesize and make connection between information and arguments Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis Reflect critically on experiences and processes
  • 10. solve Problems solve different kinds of non familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways Identifyand ask significantthat clarify various points and leads to better solutions
  • 11. 3. Communication communicating efffectivelyin a wide varietyof formsand contexts for a wide rangeof purposely andusingmultiple media and technologies. Classroom
  • 12. Communicate clearly Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and non verbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including, knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions Use communication for a range of purpose ( to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade) and in diverse environments (including multi lingual) Utilize multiple media and technologies, and know how to judge their effectiveness a prior as well as assess their impact.
  • 13. 4. Collaboration working withothers respectfully and. effecrively to create, use and share knowledge, solutions andinnovations
  • 14. CollaboratE with other Demontrate ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams Exercise flexibility and wellingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplished a common goal. Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual contributions made by each team member.
  • 15. accessing analyzing, synthesizing, creating andsharing information from multiple sources
  • 16. 6. Effective Use of technology creating the capacity to identify anduse technology effeciently, effectively andethically as a tolls to access, organize, evaluate and share information
  • 17. 7. Career and life skills developing skills for becomingself-directed,independent learners and workerswho can adapt to change,manage. Project,take responsibilityfor their works, leadothers and produce results.
  • 18. developing cultural competence in working with others by recognizing and respecting cultural differeces and work with others from a wide range of coltural and social background.
  • 19. Information, media and technology skills
  • 20. Information literacy Accessand evaluateinformation accessinformation effeciently(time) and effectivelysources evaluateinformation criticallyand competently
  • 21. Useand manageinformation use information accurately and creativelyfor the issue or oroblemat hand manaGe the flowof informationfrom a wide varietyof sources Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/ legal issuessurroundingthe accessand use of 8nformation
  • 23. Analyze media understand both how and why media messages are constructed and for what purpose examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded and how media can influence beliefs and behavior apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/ Legal issues surrounding the access and use of media.
  • 24. create media products understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics, and conventions Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate expressions and interpretation in diverse, multi-cultural environments
  • 25. Ict ( information, communication and technology) LITERACY
  • 26. Applytechnologyeffectively use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communication information use digital technologies ( computers, pdas , media player, gps,etc.) Communication/ networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evakuate, and create information To successfully function in a knowledge economy apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/ legal issues surrounding the access and use information technologies
  • 27. The 21st century teacher
  • 29. theymust also be able to adapt software and hardwarwdesign for a business model intotools utilizable by a varietyof age groups and abilities theymust also be able to adapt to a dynamic teaching experience. When it all goes wrong in 5he middleof a class, whenthe technologies fail, the showmust go on. as a educator, theymust understand and applydifferent learningstyles. Theymust also be anleti adapt ourteachingstyleto be inclusive of different modes of learning.
  • 31. theymust see the potential in the emergingtools and webtechnologies, gaspthese and manipulatethemto servetheir needs. If we look at the technologies wecurrentlysee emerging, hiwmanyare develop for education?. The visionaryteacher can lookat others ideasand envisage howtHeywould use these in their class. the visionanryalso look across thedisciplines and throughthe curricula. Theycan make links that rainforce theirown teaching and thenlearningog their students.
  • 33. ning, Blogger, wikispaces, bebo, msn, myspace, second life- as an educator we mustbe able to leverage these collaborative tools to enhance and captive our learners. We too, must be collaborators; sharing, contributing, adapting and inventing.
  • 35. a 21st centuryeducator knowmust takerisk and sometimes surrenderyourself to the students knowledge havea vision of what youwant and what the technologycan achieve, identifythe goals and fascilitatethe learning. use the strengthof the digital nativesto understand and navigatenewproduct, have the students teacheach other. the learning pyramidshows that the highest retentionof knowledge comes from teachingother. Trust your students.
  • 37. we expect our students to be life long learners. How many schools have the phrase life long learners in their mission statements and objectives. We too must continue to absorb new possibilities and experiences. We must endeavor to stay current. The 21st century teacher or educator must learn and adapt.
  • 40. the digital must model the behaviors that are expected from their students. Today and tomorrow more so , there is an expectation that the teacher will teach values. the educator are often the most consistent part of our students life. Teachers will see the students more often than their parents. the 21st century educator also models reflective practice, whether its the quite, personal inspection of their teaching and learning,or through reflective practice via blogs, twitterr, and other mediUm, these educators both inwards and onwards.
  • 41. These teacher also model a number of other characteristics. These are not necessarily asssociated with Ict or the curiculum, but are equal importance, they model: tolerance acceptance a wider view than just their curricula areas global awareness refkection
  • 42. The Leader leadership, likes clear goals and objectives is crucial or failure of any project.
  • 43. Facilitating 21st century learner resources skills curriculum
  • 44. thanks for watching. Melody b. Ca単ete Bsed 3m Educ. 2d. 1:30 2:30