The document summarizes the contents of the November 15, 2015 issue of a publication including articles on a book about living life to the fullest, a debate on whether beauty or brains rule the world, a student article about Google's Project Loon, and a description of an alumni event held by the MCA department. It provides information on the editorial board and instructions for submitting articles. The articles discuss lessons from a self-help book, perspectives on whether beauty or intelligence is more important for success, details about Google's balloon-powered internet project, and a recap of the alumni night celebration.
O n炭mero de acidentes de trabalho aumentou 2,91% nos 炭ltimos 23 anos, embora os acidentes mortais tenham diminu鱈do 15,4%. O setor da constru巽達o foi o mais afetado, e houve um aumento de 21% em consultas, internamentos e urg棚ncias relacionadas a acidentes de trabalho.
In a large multidisciplinary class project, divided in four teams. Part of the primary structure team: Responsible of the sizing, optimization, and stress analysis of the primary structure (Stringers, Skins, Frames, Intercoastals, etc.). The following shows CAD models, FEM models, and the stress calculation excel tool developped with VBA macros.
Lucila es una mujer de 88 a単os que cri坦 12 hijos y siempre fue trabajadora, responsable y alegre. A pesar de su edad avanzada, ella curs坦 el grado 11 y demostr坦 que la edad no es un l鱈mite para seguir aprendiendo y haciendo lo que a uno le gusta. Ella cre鱈a firmemente en reivindicar los derechos de la mujer y su constancia y dedicaci坦n a la educaci坦n ense単aron que nunca es tarde para estudiar.
Dossier finalistas 3尊 concurso cuando llega el duendeRaimundo Quiroga
El 3o Concurso de cante joven 'Cuando llega el duende' se celebrar叩 en Madrid para dar a conocer nuevos talentos flamencos y ofrecerles oportunidades profesionales. Los premios incluyen contratos para actuaciones y programas de formaci坦n de alto nivel. El concurso cuenta con la colaboraci坦n de importantes espacios e instituciones flamencas y ofrece un premio especial para los cantes de ida y vuelta.
Abhishek Kumar Dixit is seeking an opportunity to leverage his experience in functional research, team management, and a competitive environment. He has over 10 years of experience in administrative roles handling teams, data management in MS Excel, communications, and front desk operations. His educational qualifications include a B.A. from C.S.J.M. University Kanpur in 2007 and computer diploma studies in 2006. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, has strong communication skills, and can work efficiently under time pressure.
This certificate certifies that Goran Apostolov successfully completed the WL56 Loader Capstone training in North Africa on September 2nd, 2016 at 1:00 PM New York time.
Personal branding honduras, miami y peru 2015 Otto Porta
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre marca personal y branding. Explica que la marca personal es el proceso de hacer marketing de uno mismo, y que en la actualidad es importante administrar tu propia marca debido a la inestabilidad laboral. Adem叩s, ofrece consejos sobre c坦mo construir una marca personal fuerte en l鱈nea y a trav辿s de las redes sociales, siendo aut辿ntico y generoso con los dem叩s.
El documento trata sobre conceptos de momento de fuerza y equilibrio mec叩nico. Explica la definici坦n de momento de fuerza y el teorema de Varignon. Luego, presenta 10 problemas de momento de fuerza y equilibrio mec叩nico para determinar fuerzas desconocidas, tensiones y distancias.
El documento habla sobre la Web 4.0, la cual busca una Web ubicua donde las personas y objetos se comuniquen entre s鱈 para tomar decisiones. Algunas caracter鱈sticas ser叩n el uso de gafas especiales, dialogar con agentes virtuales, acceder a Internet a trav辿s de dispositivos delgados y de alta resoluci坦n e implantes neuronales. Esto traer叩 ventajas como accesibilidad e informaci坦n hiperactiva pero tambi辿n riesgos de seguridad y dependencia a Internet.
Este documento presenta el perfil profesional de dos estudiantes de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Minuto de Dios. El programa de Trabajo Social forma profesionales comprometidos con la realidad social que puedan comprender, analizar e interpretar la sociedad para ser formadores de comunidad y construir el tejido social.
La persona escogi坦 estudiar ingenier鱈a civil porque le interesa mucho la construcci坦n de proyectos y le gusta trabajar en la industria de la construcci坦n. Lleva 10 a単os trabajando en construcci坦n y cree que obtener un t鱈tulo en ingenier鱈a civil le permitir叩 avanzar en su carrera.
El documento describe c坦mo Dios permite las adversidades para prop坦sitos positivos como formar el car叩cter, llamar nuestra atenci坦n, asegurar su amor, motivar la b炭squeda de Dios y recordarnos nuestras debilidades. Las dificultades son oportunidades para fortalecer nuestra fe y relaci坦n con Dios, y al enfrentarlas con obediencia podemos salir victoriosos.
Este documento presenta biograf鱈as de grandes cristianos a trav辿s de la historia. Resalta que estos cristianos no tuvieron 辿xito solo por sus propios talentos, sino principalmente por su profunda dedicaci坦n a la oraci坦n. Pasaban horas en ayuno y oraci坦n, buscando la gu鱈a y poder de Dios. Esto los llev坦 a tener un gran impacto y 辿xito en predicar el evangelio, a pesar de enfrentar grandes desaf鱈os. El documento enfatiza que la oraci坦n es el verdadero misterio detr
Este documento presenta 8 principios para el 辿xito escritos por el pastor Daniel Gonz叩lez. Cada principio se explica brevemente en 1 o 2 p叩rrafos. Los principios incluyen: ponerle fecha de vencimiento a los sue単os y proyectos, 5 claves para progresar como hallar oportunidades, esconderlas, sacrificarse, gozarse del proceso y concretar los objetivos, y la necesidad de prepararse anticipadamente para las batallas futuras.
A workshop presented at the 2016 Multicultural Retail Summit. Sharing research highlights from the top consumer brand marketers. Critical components to consider for transforming your organization to leverage a multicultural consumer - Analytics, Inclusion Development, Inclusive Leadership, Process Recalibration. Also shared key learnings and challenges from the top brands.
Mindset presentation currie cluster jan 2015curriechs
This document summarizes a teacher in-service on fostering a growth mindset in students. It discusses how a growth mindset believes intelligence can be developed through effort and learning from mistakes or setbacks. A fixed mindset believes intelligence is innate and cannot change. The in-service provides examples of how praise, strategies for success, dealing with failure, and role models can influence a growth versus fixed mindset. The goal for schools is to promote a growth mindset in students to increase motivation, resilience, and achievement.
The Power of You - Naganagouda SJ, Head HR - Global Edge Software Limitedhrgeek001
The document is a speech given by Naganagouda S Jakkanagoudar, Associate Vice President & Head HR at GlobalEdge Software Limited, at a graduation ceremony. The key points are:
1) He congratulates the graduates for their accomplishments and encourages them to thank their parents and teachers who helped shape their lives.
2) He shares lessons learned over his 20-year career, including following your passion, continuously learning, staying focused and hungry, working hard and smart, and being a good team player.
3) He encourages the graduates to take on global challenges and help solve the world's problems through their talents and skills.
This document discusses 12 key lessons from the movie 3 Idiots. The lessons include pursuing excellence over success, living life to the fullest, following your passion to achieve excellence, learning is a continuous process, managing emotions is more important than intelligence, necessity drives invention, simplicity is important, leadership requires principles and values, love transcends time and space, communication is vital, mediocrity should be avoided, and one should seek excellence. The overarching message is to continuously learn and improve, follow your passion, and avoid being average.
The future will bring unprecedented change. Only by developing the skills to navigate this change, well be able to thrive. This meta skill adaptability is the focus of this paper.
First, well discuss eleven future trends that will shape the decade ahead. Then well present the six skills to thrive in a changing world, and action steps for your growth. Throughout youll find exercises that help your apply the learnings.
This paper blends a scientific approach from in-depth interviews with business leaders and entrepreneurs, with personal observations in the real world, to help individuals and organizations prepare for and adapt to a changing world.
About the author:
Alex T. Steffen (30) is a leadership expert and speaker for business innovation. He advises executives at Fortune 500 companies and SMEs to think differently and teaches them how to anticipate and manoeuvre radical change. Change X named him Management Thought Leader.
1. The document discusses lessons from the movie "3 Idiots" about pursuing excellence over success. It emphasizes continual learning and following one's passion.
2. Several principles are outlined, including that teachers can fail but learners never do, and that learning is a simple process that should never stop. Pressure should not be placed over intelligence but on managing emotions.
3. Other ideas presented are that necessity drives invention; life should be lived simply and fully each day; and mediocrity is penalized while one's potential should be optimized. The overall message is to seek excellence and success will follow.
This document discusses various aspects of leadership including attributes of effective leaders, leadership in the workplace, ethics, and sustainable leadership. Some key points include:
- Effective leaders have attributes like passion, integrity, honesty, trust, curiosity, risk-taking, dedication, charisma, and listening skills.
- At work, leaders must influence and inspire teams, clearly state visions and plans, and share power and recognition.
- Ethics are essential for leaders to define goals, build trust, and make right decisions. Strong ethics create high motivation and productivity.
- Sustainable leadership considers all stakeholders and impacts on the environment to achieve long-term goals.
Sankara 8th century philosopher or the 21st century management gurudrvijayamravi
Sankara, an 8th century Indian philosopher, is discussed as a potential role model for 21st century leadership. Sankara established the Advaita philosophy of non-dualism, promoting religious harmony in India. He traveled widely disseminating knowledge through eloquent discussions that motivated self-reflection. Sankara is presented as embodying traits of great leadership, such as being egoless, empathetic, and free from desires that could entangle a leader. His approach of allowing followers their own beliefs and accepting suggestions established him as a solitary thinker who empowered others through inclusive action.
Dr. Shailesh Thaker is an expert in leadership and cognition who has benefited 17 countries through workshops. Over 20 years, he has conducted over 11,000 hours of training across the globe. In this document, he summarizes 7 common myths about leadership: 1) That leaders have huge egos, when in fact some of the best leaders like Gandhi were egoless. 2) That leaders are experts at politicking, when truly good leaders like King focused on goals not politics. 3) That leaders work harder than others, when truly effective leaders work smart and maintain balance. 4) That leaders must be highly intelligent, when wisdom and experience are more important than academics. 5) That leaders never make mistakes, when
This document summarizes life lessons from the movie "3 Idiots". It discusses 12 key lessons: 1) Pursue excellence rather than success, 2) Live life to the fullest, 3) Follow your passion to achieve excellence, 4) Learning is simple and never stops, 5) Current education puts too much pressure on students, 6) Life is about managing emotions not just intelligence, 7) Necessity drives invention, 8) Simplicity is best, 9) Leadership should be flexible not rigid, 10) Love is unconditional, 11) Words are powerful in communication, and 12) Mediocrity should be avoided and one's potential realized. The overall message is to seek excellence in life.
This document discusses 12 key lessons from the movie 3 Idiots. The lessons include pursuing excellence over success, living life to the fullest, following your passion to achieve excellence, learning as a continuous process, managing emotions over intelligence, necessity as the mother of invention, simplicity in life, leadership principles, love transcending time and space, the power of words in communication, mediocrity being penalized, and seeking excellence to achieve success. The overall message is about making the most of life's opportunities through continuous learning, following your passions, and optimizing your potential.
This document contains excerpts from a talk given by Mr. R Gopalakrishnan at the Great Lakes Institute of Management on leadership lessons. The excerpts discuss that compassionate leadership does not mean lack of discipline, that in the past bosses had more knowledge than subordinates but now subordinates often know more, and that a leader must balance their inner world, relationships, and getting work done. The document encourages students to find work they are passionate about, using cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle as an example of following one's passion rather than a more typical career.
The future is ever-changing, and our leadership needs to change carmanl5wisc
The future is ever-changing, and our leadership needs to change with it. Cultural beliefs and practices are changing across the globe, people are growing and adapting to new norms. Whereas one culture might have put restrictions on how high a woman could climb in the corporate world even so recently as a decade ago, we now see women becoming CEOs and Presidents of companies they never would have had this kind of access to before. Demographics are shifting and people are becoming more aware of the concept that gender and belief have far less impact on success than do things such as adaptability and ingenuity. Leaders of the future must embrace this change in order to be most successful.
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Three characteristics that a leader of the future will need to have are vision, emotional intelligence, and courage. Vision is a key factor in how a leader will succeed because it is inherently different than say, ideas and ambition. Everyone can have a good idea at some point, but a leader has the drive to turn that idea into a vision. They can take that idea and shape it into a vision that can be shared with all, driving a team forward towards a goal that has been set. They can implement ideas in a manner that has lasting effects and results. Without the vision to drive an idea to its peak and to mold it into a construct that can be implemented by the team, it is just an idea. Leaders of the future need to take their ideas and drive them to be something more than just par for the course or status quo. (Perrin, et al., 2012).
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 A leader of the future needs to have emotional intelligence. This is not the same as empathy or sympathy. This pertains to a leaders understanding of the people they are leading. By becoming not only relatable but also accessible and accountable to the people they are overseeing, a leader is better able to anticipate needs of the people they oversee. They can configure the people under them into a structure that will produce the desired results of a project. They can anticipate and account for the different learning styles and work ethics of the people they oversee, focusing them into groups or teams that will play off one anothers strengths and weaknesses in a way that will enable growth from everyone. By exhibiting emotional intelligence, a leader is showing that they are committed to getting the best from the people they oversee, and that they understand that not every person performs the same as everyone else.
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Courage is another key component of the leader of the future. This does not mean that a leader is unafraid of risk, but rather that they exhibit the courage to take the risk in order to achieve success. Without risk there is no real room for growth, and without growth we become stagnant. Companies fall when their leaders are unwilling or unable to take risks due to a lack of courage. If Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos hadnt had had the courage to take their companies into the l ...
25 Fun Topics For Kids Writing Inspiration JournaMiles Priar
The document provides guidelines for bodybuilding to avoid injuries. It recommends creating a balanced routine to avoid muscle imbalances, properly warming up before lifting weights, stretching after workouts, and using proper form for all exercises. Maintaining good form and balancing muscle groups are essential for injury prevention and success in bodybuilding.
El documento trata sobre conceptos de momento de fuerza y equilibrio mec叩nico. Explica la definici坦n de momento de fuerza y el teorema de Varignon. Luego, presenta 10 problemas de momento de fuerza y equilibrio mec叩nico para determinar fuerzas desconocidas, tensiones y distancias.
El documento habla sobre la Web 4.0, la cual busca una Web ubicua donde las personas y objetos se comuniquen entre s鱈 para tomar decisiones. Algunas caracter鱈sticas ser叩n el uso de gafas especiales, dialogar con agentes virtuales, acceder a Internet a trav辿s de dispositivos delgados y de alta resoluci坦n e implantes neuronales. Esto traer叩 ventajas como accesibilidad e informaci坦n hiperactiva pero tambi辿n riesgos de seguridad y dependencia a Internet.
Este documento presenta el perfil profesional de dos estudiantes de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Minuto de Dios. El programa de Trabajo Social forma profesionales comprometidos con la realidad social que puedan comprender, analizar e interpretar la sociedad para ser formadores de comunidad y construir el tejido social.
La persona escogi坦 estudiar ingenier鱈a civil porque le interesa mucho la construcci坦n de proyectos y le gusta trabajar en la industria de la construcci坦n. Lleva 10 a単os trabajando en construcci坦n y cree que obtener un t鱈tulo en ingenier鱈a civil le permitir叩 avanzar en su carrera.
El documento describe c坦mo Dios permite las adversidades para prop坦sitos positivos como formar el car叩cter, llamar nuestra atenci坦n, asegurar su amor, motivar la b炭squeda de Dios y recordarnos nuestras debilidades. Las dificultades son oportunidades para fortalecer nuestra fe y relaci坦n con Dios, y al enfrentarlas con obediencia podemos salir victoriosos.
Este documento presenta biograf鱈as de grandes cristianos a trav辿s de la historia. Resalta que estos cristianos no tuvieron 辿xito solo por sus propios talentos, sino principalmente por su profunda dedicaci坦n a la oraci坦n. Pasaban horas en ayuno y oraci坦n, buscando la gu鱈a y poder de Dios. Esto los llev坦 a tener un gran impacto y 辿xito en predicar el evangelio, a pesar de enfrentar grandes desaf鱈os. El documento enfatiza que la oraci坦n es el verdadero misterio detr
Este documento presenta 8 principios para el 辿xito escritos por el pastor Daniel Gonz叩lez. Cada principio se explica brevemente en 1 o 2 p叩rrafos. Los principios incluyen: ponerle fecha de vencimiento a los sue単os y proyectos, 5 claves para progresar como hallar oportunidades, esconderlas, sacrificarse, gozarse del proceso y concretar los objetivos, y la necesidad de prepararse anticipadamente para las batallas futuras.
A workshop presented at the 2016 Multicultural Retail Summit. Sharing research highlights from the top consumer brand marketers. Critical components to consider for transforming your organization to leverage a multicultural consumer - Analytics, Inclusion Development, Inclusive Leadership, Process Recalibration. Also shared key learnings and challenges from the top brands.
Mindset presentation currie cluster jan 2015curriechs
This document summarizes a teacher in-service on fostering a growth mindset in students. It discusses how a growth mindset believes intelligence can be developed through effort and learning from mistakes or setbacks. A fixed mindset believes intelligence is innate and cannot change. The in-service provides examples of how praise, strategies for success, dealing with failure, and role models can influence a growth versus fixed mindset. The goal for schools is to promote a growth mindset in students to increase motivation, resilience, and achievement.
The Power of You - Naganagouda SJ, Head HR - Global Edge Software Limitedhrgeek001
The document is a speech given by Naganagouda S Jakkanagoudar, Associate Vice President & Head HR at GlobalEdge Software Limited, at a graduation ceremony. The key points are:
1) He congratulates the graduates for their accomplishments and encourages them to thank their parents and teachers who helped shape their lives.
2) He shares lessons learned over his 20-year career, including following your passion, continuously learning, staying focused and hungry, working hard and smart, and being a good team player.
3) He encourages the graduates to take on global challenges and help solve the world's problems through their talents and skills.
This document discusses 12 key lessons from the movie 3 Idiots. The lessons include pursuing excellence over success, living life to the fullest, following your passion to achieve excellence, learning is a continuous process, managing emotions is more important than intelligence, necessity drives invention, simplicity is important, leadership requires principles and values, love transcends time and space, communication is vital, mediocrity should be avoided, and one should seek excellence. The overarching message is to continuously learn and improve, follow your passion, and avoid being average.
The future will bring unprecedented change. Only by developing the skills to navigate this change, well be able to thrive. This meta skill adaptability is the focus of this paper.
First, well discuss eleven future trends that will shape the decade ahead. Then well present the six skills to thrive in a changing world, and action steps for your growth. Throughout youll find exercises that help your apply the learnings.
This paper blends a scientific approach from in-depth interviews with business leaders and entrepreneurs, with personal observations in the real world, to help individuals and organizations prepare for and adapt to a changing world.
About the author:
Alex T. Steffen (30) is a leadership expert and speaker for business innovation. He advises executives at Fortune 500 companies and SMEs to think differently and teaches them how to anticipate and manoeuvre radical change. Change X named him Management Thought Leader.
1. The document discusses lessons from the movie "3 Idiots" about pursuing excellence over success. It emphasizes continual learning and following one's passion.
2. Several principles are outlined, including that teachers can fail but learners never do, and that learning is a simple process that should never stop. Pressure should not be placed over intelligence but on managing emotions.
3. Other ideas presented are that necessity drives invention; life should be lived simply and fully each day; and mediocrity is penalized while one's potential should be optimized. The overall message is to seek excellence and success will follow.
This document discusses various aspects of leadership including attributes of effective leaders, leadership in the workplace, ethics, and sustainable leadership. Some key points include:
- Effective leaders have attributes like passion, integrity, honesty, trust, curiosity, risk-taking, dedication, charisma, and listening skills.
- At work, leaders must influence and inspire teams, clearly state visions and plans, and share power and recognition.
- Ethics are essential for leaders to define goals, build trust, and make right decisions. Strong ethics create high motivation and productivity.
- Sustainable leadership considers all stakeholders and impacts on the environment to achieve long-term goals.
Sankara 8th century philosopher or the 21st century management gurudrvijayamravi
Sankara, an 8th century Indian philosopher, is discussed as a potential role model for 21st century leadership. Sankara established the Advaita philosophy of non-dualism, promoting religious harmony in India. He traveled widely disseminating knowledge through eloquent discussions that motivated self-reflection. Sankara is presented as embodying traits of great leadership, such as being egoless, empathetic, and free from desires that could entangle a leader. His approach of allowing followers their own beliefs and accepting suggestions established him as a solitary thinker who empowered others through inclusive action.
Dr. Shailesh Thaker is an expert in leadership and cognition who has benefited 17 countries through workshops. Over 20 years, he has conducted over 11,000 hours of training across the globe. In this document, he summarizes 7 common myths about leadership: 1) That leaders have huge egos, when in fact some of the best leaders like Gandhi were egoless. 2) That leaders are experts at politicking, when truly good leaders like King focused on goals not politics. 3) That leaders work harder than others, when truly effective leaders work smart and maintain balance. 4) That leaders must be highly intelligent, when wisdom and experience are more important than academics. 5) That leaders never make mistakes, when
This document summarizes life lessons from the movie "3 Idiots". It discusses 12 key lessons: 1) Pursue excellence rather than success, 2) Live life to the fullest, 3) Follow your passion to achieve excellence, 4) Learning is simple and never stops, 5) Current education puts too much pressure on students, 6) Life is about managing emotions not just intelligence, 7) Necessity drives invention, 8) Simplicity is best, 9) Leadership should be flexible not rigid, 10) Love is unconditional, 11) Words are powerful in communication, and 12) Mediocrity should be avoided and one's potential realized. The overall message is to seek excellence in life.
This document discusses 12 key lessons from the movie 3 Idiots. The lessons include pursuing excellence over success, living life to the fullest, following your passion to achieve excellence, learning as a continuous process, managing emotions over intelligence, necessity as the mother of invention, simplicity in life, leadership principles, love transcending time and space, the power of words in communication, mediocrity being penalized, and seeking excellence to achieve success. The overall message is about making the most of life's opportunities through continuous learning, following your passions, and optimizing your potential.
This document contains excerpts from a talk given by Mr. R Gopalakrishnan at the Great Lakes Institute of Management on leadership lessons. The excerpts discuss that compassionate leadership does not mean lack of discipline, that in the past bosses had more knowledge than subordinates but now subordinates often know more, and that a leader must balance their inner world, relationships, and getting work done. The document encourages students to find work they are passionate about, using cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle as an example of following one's passion rather than a more typical career.
The future is ever-changing, and our leadership needs to change carmanl5wisc
The future is ever-changing, and our leadership needs to change with it. Cultural beliefs and practices are changing across the globe, people are growing and adapting to new norms. Whereas one culture might have put restrictions on how high a woman could climb in the corporate world even so recently as a decade ago, we now see women becoming CEOs and Presidents of companies they never would have had this kind of access to before. Demographics are shifting and people are becoming more aware of the concept that gender and belief have far less impact on success than do things such as adaptability and ingenuity. Leaders of the future must embrace this change in order to be most successful.
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Three characteristics that a leader of the future will need to have are vision, emotional intelligence, and courage. Vision is a key factor in how a leader will succeed because it is inherently different than say, ideas and ambition. Everyone can have a good idea at some point, but a leader has the drive to turn that idea into a vision. They can take that idea and shape it into a vision that can be shared with all, driving a team forward towards a goal that has been set. They can implement ideas in a manner that has lasting effects and results. Without the vision to drive an idea to its peak and to mold it into a construct that can be implemented by the team, it is just an idea. Leaders of the future need to take their ideas and drive them to be something more than just par for the course or status quo. (Perrin, et al., 2012).
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 A leader of the future needs to have emotional intelligence. This is not the same as empathy or sympathy. This pertains to a leaders understanding of the people they are leading. By becoming not only relatable but also accessible and accountable to the people they are overseeing, a leader is better able to anticipate needs of the people they oversee. They can configure the people under them into a structure that will produce the desired results of a project. They can anticipate and account for the different learning styles and work ethics of the people they oversee, focusing them into groups or teams that will play off one anothers strengths and weaknesses in a way that will enable growth from everyone. By exhibiting emotional intelligence, a leader is showing that they are committed to getting the best from the people they oversee, and that they understand that not every person performs the same as everyone else.
油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Courage is another key component of the leader of the future. This does not mean that a leader is unafraid of risk, but rather that they exhibit the courage to take the risk in order to achieve success. Without risk there is no real room for growth, and without growth we become stagnant. Companies fall when their leaders are unwilling or unable to take risks due to a lack of courage. If Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos hadnt had had the courage to take their companies into the l ...
25 Fun Topics For Kids Writing Inspiration JournaMiles Priar
The document provides guidelines for bodybuilding to avoid injuries. It recommends creating a balanced routine to avoid muscle imbalances, properly warming up before lifting weights, stretching after workouts, and using proper form for all exercises. Maintaining good form and balancing muscle groups are essential for injury prevention and success in bodybuilding.
3 Idiots is a 2009 Indian coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Rajkumar Hirani, with a screenplay by Abhijat Joshi, and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It was loosely adapted from the novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat
The Digital Mindset: 7 leadership traits to lead the next digital centuryEarl Martin Valencia
Taken from the closing Key note at BaiCity Con Cebu 2018, Earl Valencia talks about the 7 traits that leaders need to have to succeed in the next digital century.
1. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
Glimpses of the book Who Will Cry When You Die? written by
Robin Sharma Dr R Sridaran
Beauty or Brain Who Can Rule the World? Prof Dimple Chauhan
Students Corner Mr Sagar Pansuriya
Alumnight 2015 @ MCA Prof Disha Parekh
Editorial Board
Chief Editor:
Dr R Sridaran
Prof Disha H Parekh Doshi
Joint Sub-Editors:
Prof Maulik Parekh,
Mr Bhavdip Chavda,
Communication Skills,
Prof Seema Trivedi,
Student Coordinators:
Ms Disha Shah Ms Kinjal Jani Mr Parth Jadav
Ms Sneha Kothari Mr Tirth Parikh
To submit your articles / feedbacks please email to: We appreciate your active
participation in submitting articles. Have a happy reading!
2. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
Glimpses of the book Who
Will Cry When You Die?
written by Robin Sharma
Dr R Sridaran, Dean,
Faculty of Computer Applications, MEFGI.
Important aspects to be considered
while living
1. In your life,
whoever you meet can
teach you something
thereby contributing to
your knowledge
collection. Hence, be
kind with everyone you
come across.
2. Concentrate only on the aspects
related to your skills set. Do not
spend your precious time and
efforts on others.
3. Do not worry frequently. In case it
is needed, allot 30 minutes in a
day, when you can consolidate all
your worries.
4. Wake up early in the morning.
Majority of successful people do
5. Laughing fetches good health and
handful of friends. Please do laugh
a lot.
6. Read lot of good books. They
could be excellent companions
during your travel.
7. Consolidate your problems on a
piece of paper at regular intervals.
This would freshen your thoughts
and may get you appropriate
8. Your children are the best gifts by
God. Spend more time with them.
9. Those who demand may be
considered as fools for a while,
who do not demand will be fools
for the whole life time.
10. Any habit can easily be formed in
21 days. Hence create good habits.
11. A good music can improve your
confidence level and peace.
12. Dont hesitate to get introduced
and talk to unknowns. This would
definitely improve your circle of
13. Wealthy people are not rich really.
People with good network (friends)
are the rich ones.
14. Create individuality. Do differently
from others.
15. Always be humble for your many
accomplishments in your pathway.
3. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
Beauty or Brain Who Can
Rule the World?
Prepared by: Ms Dimple Chauhan
Teaching Assistant, FCA, MEFGI.
The combination of
beauty and brain is not
very common. The one
who has got both brain
and beauty is by far the
luckiest person on the
earth. Every person has
his own strengths and weaknesses, and
good traits definitely speak out in some
or the other way. A beautiful person with
his wrong deeds cannot excel; similarly
an ugly person with a beautiful soul
struggles throughout his life to prove
himself. When we come to the discussion
who can rule the world beauty or brain,
there comes a plenty of points both in
favour and against the notion. Let us
discuss a few of them.
Let us start with the saying true beauty
lies in the eyes of its beholder. The
beauty which holds the eyes of the one
who perceives, rules the entire globe
with its attraction.
The beauty paves a faster way to
success with its charm and charisma.
The brain without a beauty finds it
difficult to withstand the initial phase of
interaction, as the first impression is the
last impression.
The beauty not only implies the external
look but also the inner beauty of the
soul. The inner beauty remarks the
refined thought and soul which can win
millions of hearts.
The inner beauty is a requirement for the
higher purpose of existence and
survival. It is the internal beauty of the
soul which helps in the self-growth and
development of the society.
The beauty implies captivity, and the
world today follows the appearance and
the external looks.
We call women to be the most beautiful
creation of God, and by far women have
a strong sway worldwide which implies
that the beauty is ruling the world.
A brain is the ultimate. The beauty would
fade away with time, but the brain is
eternal and it gets polished and shines
more with time and increasing age.
The beauty can glow only if a person has
a good luck conversely the brain has the
capacity to mould and shape a fortune
and win hearts.
Adverse times being the right ones to
judge; the brain shines like a diamond
and paves its way out from the difficult
situation, however, the beauty gets
tugged up into the trouble.
Beauty is Gods creation which cannot be
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made better, whereas, brain can be
developed through human efforts and
gaining worldly knowledge. True efforts
definitely succeed and rule the world.
The brain has the capacity to retain
career and gain recognition. It retains
the relationships and knits the world into
a single entity.
The beauty might not be there with the
brain, but the brain is present in every
human in varying capacity. Even not so
beautiful people may possess a sharp
intellect and the capacity to rule the
world. In the same way, a beautiful
brainless idiot cannot even stand up in
the race of life.
Even the beauty contests like Miss World
and Miss Universe are won on the basis
of intellect and not the beauty alone.
Some cases given by different
Beauty or brain, the answer to the
question is simple. It is the brain that
has and that will always rule the world.
Talking about the beautiful Aishwarya Rai
Bachchan, who is considered as one of
the most beautiful ladies in the world,
also would have remained back in the
race, if she would have made her
decisions wrong. She was successful
because brains accompanied her beauty
every time.
It is a simple fact. The beauty cannot win
alone. It needs the support of brain to
make a place in the world. The brain is
not about big degrees but it is more
about making the right choices in life.
However, it is a different case with brain
that a person who has got brain can find
a solution in every problem. A brain
doesnt need the support of beauty to
win the competitive race. Look around
and see the richest people around you,
they are the people with brains.
In the present world, if a person has
brain and is successful, it is possible to
buy beauty in the form of facial surgery.
But no medical treatment or surgery can
make a beautiful person intelligent.
Hence, in the matter undisputedly the
brain is better than the beauty.
Actually the beauty of the brain will rule
the world. If you see current scenario, all
the top businessmen & players are
known for their brain not for their
beauty. We select our president or prime
minister or any leader on the basis of
capabilities of their brains and not on the
basis of their beauty. If we see glamour
world, all top actors or actresses are
known not only for their beauties but for
brains also. Today Shahrukh khan is the
king of Bollywood not only because of his
beauty but also his wisdom which comes
from brain. So, its the beauty of brain,
which will rule this world.
I don't think that there is any relation
between the beauty and brain. I think
the beauty can attract a person only for
some time. But at last, its inner beauty
of soul matters. A person having good
looks but no brain it is impossible for him
to be successful. But a person having an
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outstanding brain can obviously succeed
in a great way overtaking the so called
'BEAUTY'. APJ Abdul Kalam and Mother
Teresa would be the best examples.
Although they are not so beautiful, they
are the most adorable people all over the
world and idols of millions! The beauty of
looks can attract few of eyes, but the
beauty of the mind can attract millions of
hearts! A person is having good looks but
no brain is only like a showpiece, it
seems impossible for him to succeed. I
think the physical beauty is temporary,
seasonal, and thus MORTAL. People
usually lose their charm as the time goes
by. BUT intelligence, creativity, and thus
BRAINS cannot be destroyed by time.
So the only way to move ahead is to
enhance our skills & memory.
Beauty and brain is undoubtedly a
unique and nice combination to excel in
the life arena. When coming to the
debate, the brain has an upper hand
over beauty. The inner beauty of the
person is very close to the brain, but the
external looks alone cannot excel in life.
The brain undoubtedly has the strong
domination to rule the world in
comparison to the external outlook and
Students Corner
Google Loon
Prepared by: Mr Sagar Pansuriya
MCA 5th
(Guided by: Prof Amit Gohel)
Now the time is 2015, and
the Google project Loon
finally matured in
technology. Mr Mike
Cassidy, the project leader
of Project Loon in
Google[X] to develop
strategies for a successful launch of the
Loon based Wi-Fi network.
Project loon is a research and
development project being developed by
Google. It is a network of balloons
traveling on the edge of space, designed
to provide ubiquitous Internet
connectivity. The balloons float in the
stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes
and the weather. People connect to the
balloon network using a special Internet
antenna attached to their building. The
signal bounces from balloon to balloon,
then to the global Internet back on
Project Loons balloon
envelopes, inflatable
part of the balloon,
are made from sheets
of polyethylene.
Balloons filled with
Helium and air mixture are launched,
recycled and re-launched at a designated
collecting point. The balloons and
equipment on board can be re-used and
each loon has an approximately 2-years
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life time. Solar panels power each units
electronics. In the full sun, these panels
produce 100 watts to keep the unit
running while also charging a battery for
a use at night. By moving with the wind
and charging in the sun, the Loon is able
to power itself using only renewable
energy sources.
Project Loon balloons travel around
65,000 feet above the Earths surface in
the stratosphere. Winds in the
stratosphere are generally steady and
slow-moving from 5 to 20 mph, and each
layer of wind varies in direction and
magnitude. Far below the loons, ground
stations providing connectivity to
backbone Internet can transmit signals
to the balloons up to 65 miles far.
A second transceiver keeps the balloon in
contact of hundreds of antennas on
ground area about 25 miles in diameter
at speeds comparable to 3G. Project
Loon currently uses ISM bands
(specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands) that
are available for anyone to use. There is
also a back-up transceiver and a GPS on
each balloon, so Google can monitor
each balloon's location.
Approximate according to current market
cost is $23000 to make a balloon. And
Station construction and equipment
installation cost is $1.2 million and
maintenance cost is $30000/year and
land cost depends on current market.
Alumnight 2015@ MCA
Prepared by: Prof Disha H Parekh
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Computer
Applications running MCA
program under Marwadi
Education Foundations
Group of Institutions
(MEFGI), Rajkot recently
on 8th
November, 2015 organized its 2nd
meet of alumni. The alumni association
for the day was named as Alumnight
2015 @ MCA. The event started at 5:30
p.m. sharp and was anchored by Prof
Disha Parekh. Just as our tradition, the
event commenced with a prayer and
lamp lighting. After the welcome speech
of Prof Sunil Bajeja, Head, FCA, a
speech by Mr Naresh Jadeja, Registrar
was delivered stating how important
alumni association is. There was a very
captivating speech by Dr R Sridaran,
Dean, FCA, showing the walkthrough of
the MCA department since the 1st
meet. He even stated how importantly
the office bearers of alumni took certain
decisive steps in bringing the alumni
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under one roof. He urged the
unregistered alumni to join the
association and bring hands together in
uplifting the association. Later, there
was a motivational speech by Shri
SriKumar Menon. He showed ways to
successful life. He taught steps and
stages that one should follow to reach a
successful life.
Award distributions based on excellence
in academics and excellence in industry
were declared later. Even sport-games
and garba function was organized for all
the alumni who were also gifted on the
basis of their performances. A vote of
thanks was rendered by Prof Nilesh
Advani, Assitant Professor, FCA, MEFGI.
All the registered alumni were gifted a
pen as a souvenir of the event. All the
faculties cherished dinner with the
alumni and departed with great
memories in mind.