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Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
 Glimpses of the book Who Will Cry When You Die? written by
Robin Sharma  Dr R Sridaran
 Beauty or Brain  Who Can Rule the World?  Prof Dimple Chauhan
 Students Corner  Mr Sagar Pansuriya
 Alumnight 2015 @ MCA  Prof Disha Parekh
Editorial Board
Chief Editor:
Dr R Sridaran
Prof Disha H Parekh Doshi
Joint Sub-Editors:
Prof Maulik Parekh,
Mr Bhavdip Chavda,
Communication Skills,
Prof Seema Trivedi,
Student Coordinators:
Ms Disha Shah Ms Kinjal Jani Mr Parth Jadav
Ms Sneha Kothari Mr Tirth Parikh
To submit your articles / feedbacks please email to:
egazette_mca@marwadieducation.edu.in. We appreciate your active
participation in submitting articles. Have a happy reading!
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
Glimpses of the book Who
Will Cry When You Die?
written by Robin Sharma
Dr R Sridaran, Dean,
Faculty of Computer Applications, MEFGI.
Important aspects to be considered
while living
1. In your life,
whoever you meet can
teach you something
thereby contributing to
your knowledge
collection. Hence, be
kind with everyone you
come across.
2. Concentrate only on the aspects
related to your skills set. Do not
spend your precious time and
efforts on others.
3. Do not worry frequently. In case it
is needed, allot 30 minutes in a
day, when you can consolidate all
your worries.
4. Wake up early in the morning.
Majority of successful people do
5. Laughing fetches good health and
handful of friends. Please do laugh
a lot.
6. Read lot of good books. They
could be excellent companions
during your travel.
7. Consolidate your problems on a
piece of paper at regular intervals.
This would freshen your thoughts
and may get you appropriate
8. Your children are the best gifts by
God. Spend more time with them.
9. Those who demand may be
considered as fools for a while,
who do not demand will be fools
for the whole life time.
10. Any habit can easily be formed in
21 days. Hence create good habits.
11. A good music can improve your
confidence level and peace.
12. Dont hesitate to get introduced
and talk to unknowns. This would
definitely improve your circle of
13. Wealthy people are not rich really.
People with good network (friends)
are the rich ones.
14. Create individuality. Do differently
from others.
15. Always be humble for your many
accomplishments in your pathway.
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
Beauty or Brain  Who Can
Rule the World?
Prepared by: Ms Dimple Chauhan
Teaching Assistant, FCA, MEFGI.
The combination of
beauty and brain is not
very common. The one
who has got both brain
and beauty is by far the
luckiest person on the
earth. Every person has
his own strengths and weaknesses, and
good traits definitely speak out in some
or the other way. A beautiful person with
his wrong deeds cannot excel; similarly
an ugly person with a beautiful soul
struggles throughout his life to prove
himself. When we come to the discussion
who can rule the world  beauty or brain,
there comes a plenty of points both in
favour and against the notion. Let us
discuss a few of them.
Let us start with the saying true beauty
lies in the eyes of its beholder. The
beauty which holds the eyes of the one
who perceives, rules the entire globe
with its attraction.
The beauty paves a faster way to
success with its charm and charisma.
The brain without a beauty finds it
difficult to withstand the initial phase of
interaction, as the first impression is the
last impression.
The beauty not only implies the external
look but also the inner beauty of the
soul. The inner beauty remarks the
refined thought and soul which can win
millions of hearts.
The inner beauty is a requirement for the
higher purpose of existence and
survival. It is the internal beauty of the
soul which helps in the self-growth and
development of the society.
The beauty implies captivity, and the
world today follows the appearance and
the external looks.
We call women to be the most beautiful
creation of God, and by far women have
a strong sway worldwide which implies
that the beauty is ruling the world.
A brain is the ultimate. The beauty would
fade away with time, but the brain is
eternal and it gets polished and shines
more with time and increasing age.
The beauty can glow only if a person has
a good luck conversely the brain has the
capacity to mould and shape a fortune
and win hearts.
Adverse times being the right ones to
judge; the brain shines like a diamond
and paves its way out from the difficult
situation, however, the beauty gets
tugged up into the trouble.
Beauty is Gods creation which cannot be
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
made better, whereas, brain can be
developed through human efforts and
gaining worldly knowledge. True efforts
definitely succeed and rule the world.
The brain has the capacity to retain
career and gain recognition. It retains
the relationships and knits the world into
a single entity.
The beauty might not be there with the
brain, but the brain is present in every
human in varying capacity. Even not so
beautiful people may possess a sharp
intellect and the capacity to rule the
world. In the same way, a beautiful
brainless idiot cannot even stand up in
the race of life.
Even the beauty contests like Miss World
and Miss Universe are won on the basis
of intellect and not the beauty alone.
Some cases given by different
Beauty or brain, the answer to the
question is simple. It is the brain that
has and that will always rule the world.
Talking about the beautiful Aishwarya Rai
Bachchan, who is considered as one of
the most beautiful ladies in the world,
also would have remained back in the
race, if she would have made her
decisions wrong. She was successful
because brains accompanied her beauty
every time.
It is a simple fact. The beauty cannot win
alone. It needs the support of brain to
make a place in the world. The brain is
not about big degrees but it is more
about making the right choices in life.
However, it is a different case with brain
that a person who has got brain can find
a solution in every problem. A brain
doesnt need the support of beauty to
win the competitive race. Look around
and see the richest people around you,
they are the people with brains.
In the present world, if a person has
brain and is successful, it is possible to
buy beauty in the form of facial surgery.
But no medical treatment or surgery can
make a beautiful person intelligent.
Hence, in the matter undisputedly the
brain is better than the beauty.
Actually the beauty of the brain will rule
the world. If you see current scenario, all
the top businessmen & players are
known for their brain not for their
beauty. We select our president or prime
minister or any leader on the basis of
capabilities of their brains and not on the
basis of their beauty. If we see glamour
world, all top actors or actresses are
known not only for their beauties but for
brains also. Today Shahrukh khan is the
king of Bollywood not only because of his
beauty but also his wisdom which comes
from brain. So, its the beauty of brain,
which will rule this world.
I don't think that there is any relation
between the beauty and brain. I think
the beauty can attract a person only for
some time. But at last, its inner beauty
of soul matters. A person having good
looks but no brain it is impossible for him
to be successful. But a person having an
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
outstanding brain can obviously succeed
in a great way overtaking the so called
'BEAUTY'. APJ Abdul Kalam and Mother
Teresa would be the best examples.
Although they are not so beautiful, they
are the most adorable people all over the
world and idols of millions! The beauty of
looks can attract few of eyes, but the
beauty of the mind can attract millions of
hearts! A person is having good looks but
no brain is only like a showpiece, it
seems impossible for him to succeed. I
think the physical beauty is temporary,
seasonal, and thus MORTAL. People
usually lose their charm as the time goes
by. BUT intelligence, creativity, and thus
BRAINS cannot be destroyed by time.
So the only way to move ahead is to
enhance our skills & memory.
Beauty and brain is undoubtedly a
unique and nice combination to excel in
the life arena. When coming to the
debate, the brain has an upper hand
over beauty. The inner beauty of the
person is very close to the brain, but the
external looks alone cannot excel in life.
The brain undoubtedly has the strong
domination to rule the world in
comparison to the external outlook and
Students Corner
Google Loon
Prepared by: Mr Sagar Pansuriya
MCA  5th
(Guided by: Prof Amit Gohel)
Now the time is 2015, and
the Google project Loon
finally matured in
technology. Mr Mike
Cassidy, the project leader
of Project Loon in
Google[X] to develop
strategies for a successful launch of the
Loon based Wi-Fi network.
Project loon is a research and
development project being developed by
Google. It is a network of balloons
traveling on the edge of space, designed
to provide ubiquitous Internet
connectivity. The balloons float in the
stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes
and the weather. People connect to the
balloon network using a special Internet
antenna attached to their building. The
signal bounces from balloon to balloon,
then to the global Internet back on
Project Loons balloon
envelopes, inflatable
part of the balloon,
are made from sheets
of polyethylene.
Balloons filled with
Helium and air mixture are launched,
recycled and re-launched at a designated
collecting point. The balloons and
equipment on board can be re-used and
each loon has an approximately 2-years
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
life time. Solar panels power each units
electronics. In the full sun, these panels
produce 100 watts to keep the unit
running while also charging a battery for
a use at night. By moving with the wind
and charging in the sun, the Loon is able
to power itself using only renewable
energy sources.
Project Loon balloons travel around
65,000 feet above the Earths surface in
the stratosphere. Winds in the
stratosphere are generally steady and
slow-moving from 5 to 20 mph, and each
layer of wind varies in direction and
magnitude. Far below the loons, ground
stations providing connectivity to
backbone Internet can transmit signals
to the balloons up to 65 miles far.
A second transceiver keeps the balloon in
contact of hundreds of antennas on
ground area about 25 miles in diameter
at speeds comparable to 3G. Project
Loon currently uses ISM bands
(specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands) that
are available for anyone to use. There is
also a back-up transceiver and a GPS on
each balloon, so Google can monitor
each balloon's location.
Approximate according to current market
cost is $23000 to make a balloon. And
Station construction and equipment
installation cost is $1.2 million and
maintenance cost is $30000/year and
land cost depends on current market.
Alumnight 2015@ MCA
Prepared by: Prof Disha H Parekh
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Computer
Applications running MCA
program under Marwadi
Education Foundations
Group of Institutions
(MEFGI), Rajkot recently
on 8th
November, 2015 organized its 2nd
meet of alumni. The alumni association
for the day was named as Alumnight
2015 @ MCA. The event started at 5:30
p.m. sharp and was anchored by Prof
Disha Parekh. Just as our tradition, the
event commenced with a prayer and
lamp lighting. After the welcome speech
of Prof Sunil Bajeja, Head, FCA, a
speech by Mr Naresh Jadeja, Registrar
was delivered stating how important
alumni association is. There was a very
captivating speech by Dr R Sridaran,
Dean, FCA, showing the walkthrough of
the MCA department since the 1st
meet. He even stated how importantly
the office bearers of alumni took certain
decisive steps in bringing the alumni
Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015
under one roof. He urged the
unregistered alumni to join the
association and bring hands together in
uplifting the association. Later, there
was a motivational speech by Shri
SriKumar Menon. He showed ways to
successful life. He taught steps and
stages that one should follow to reach a
successful life.
Award distributions based on excellence
in academics and excellence in industry
were declared later. Even sport-games
and garba function was organized for all
the alumni who were also gifted on the
basis of their performances. A vote of
thanks was rendered by Prof Nilesh
Advani, Assitant Professor, FCA, MEFGI.
All the registered alumni were gifted a
pen as a souvenir of the event. All the
faculties cherished dinner with the
alumni and departed with great
memories in mind.

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  • 1. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 Contents Glimpses of the book Who Will Cry When You Die? written by Robin Sharma Dr R Sridaran Beauty or Brain Who Can Rule the World? Prof Dimple Chauhan Students Corner Mr Sagar Pansuriya Alumnight 2015 @ MCA Prof Disha Parekh Editorial Board Chief Editor: Dr R Sridaran Sub-Editor: Prof Disha H Parekh Doshi Joint Sub-Editors: Prof Maulik Parekh, FCA, MEFGI Mr Bhavdip Chavda, Communication Skills, MEFGI Prof Seema Trivedi, FCA, MEFGI Student Coordinators: Ms Disha Shah Ms Kinjal Jani Mr Parth Jadav Ms Sneha Kothari Mr Tirth Parikh To submit your articles / feedbacks please email to: egazette_mca@marwadieducation.edu.in. We appreciate your active participation in submitting articles. Have a happy reading!
  • 2. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 Glimpses of the book Who Will Cry When You Die? written by Robin Sharma Dr R Sridaran, Dean, Faculty of Computer Applications, MEFGI. Important aspects to be considered while living 1. In your life, whoever you meet can teach you something thereby contributing to your knowledge collection. Hence, be kind with everyone you come across. 2. Concentrate only on the aspects related to your skills set. Do not spend your precious time and efforts on others. 3. Do not worry frequently. In case it is needed, allot 30 minutes in a day, when you can consolidate all your worries. 4. Wake up early in the morning. Majority of successful people do that. 5. Laughing fetches good health and handful of friends. Please do laugh a lot. 6. Read lot of good books. They could be excellent companions during your travel. 7. Consolidate your problems on a piece of paper at regular intervals. This would freshen your thoughts and may get you appropriate solutions. 8. Your children are the best gifts by God. Spend more time with them. 9. Those who demand may be considered as fools for a while, who do not demand will be fools for the whole life time. 10. Any habit can easily be formed in 21 days. Hence create good habits. 11. A good music can improve your confidence level and peace. 12. Dont hesitate to get introduced and talk to unknowns. This would definitely improve your circle of friends. 13. Wealthy people are not rich really. People with good network (friends) are the rich ones. 14. Create individuality. Do differently from others. 15. Always be humble for your many accomplishments in your pathway. ***
  • 3. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 Beauty or Brain Who Can Rule the World? Prepared by: Ms Dimple Chauhan Teaching Assistant, FCA, MEFGI. Introduction The combination of beauty and brain is not very common. The one who has got both brain and beauty is by far the luckiest person on the earth. Every person has his own strengths and weaknesses, and good traits definitely speak out in some or the other way. A beautiful person with his wrong deeds cannot excel; similarly an ugly person with a beautiful soul struggles throughout his life to prove himself. When we come to the discussion who can rule the world beauty or brain, there comes a plenty of points both in favour and against the notion. Let us discuss a few of them. Beauty Let us start with the saying true beauty lies in the eyes of its beholder. The beauty which holds the eyes of the one who perceives, rules the entire globe with its attraction. The beauty paves a faster way to success with its charm and charisma. The brain without a beauty finds it difficult to withstand the initial phase of interaction, as the first impression is the last impression. The beauty not only implies the external look but also the inner beauty of the soul. The inner beauty remarks the refined thought and soul which can win millions of hearts. The inner beauty is a requirement for the higher purpose of existence and survival. It is the internal beauty of the soul which helps in the self-growth and development of the society. The beauty implies captivity, and the world today follows the appearance and the external looks. We call women to be the most beautiful creation of God, and by far women have a strong sway worldwide which implies that the beauty is ruling the world. No A brain is the ultimate. The beauty would fade away with time, but the brain is eternal and it gets polished and shines more with time and increasing age. The beauty can glow only if a person has a good luck conversely the brain has the capacity to mould and shape a fortune and win hearts. Adverse times being the right ones to judge; the brain shines like a diamond and paves its way out from the difficult situation, however, the beauty gets tugged up into the trouble. Beauty is Gods creation which cannot be
  • 4. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 made better, whereas, brain can be developed through human efforts and gaining worldly knowledge. True efforts definitely succeed and rule the world. The brain has the capacity to retain career and gain recognition. It retains the relationships and knits the world into a single entity. The beauty might not be there with the brain, but the brain is present in every human in varying capacity. Even not so beautiful people may possess a sharp intellect and the capacity to rule the world. In the same way, a beautiful brainless idiot cannot even stand up in the race of life. Even the beauty contests like Miss World and Miss Universe are won on the basis of intellect and not the beauty alone. Some cases given by different people: Beauty or brain, the answer to the question is simple. It is the brain that has and that will always rule the world. Talking about the beautiful Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who is considered as one of the most beautiful ladies in the world, also would have remained back in the race, if she would have made her decisions wrong. She was successful because brains accompanied her beauty every time. It is a simple fact. The beauty cannot win alone. It needs the support of brain to make a place in the world. The brain is not about big degrees but it is more about making the right choices in life. However, it is a different case with brain that a person who has got brain can find a solution in every problem. A brain doesnt need the support of beauty to win the competitive race. Look around and see the richest people around you, they are the people with brains. In the present world, if a person has brain and is successful, it is possible to buy beauty in the form of facial surgery. But no medical treatment or surgery can make a beautiful person intelligent. Hence, in the matter undisputedly the brain is better than the beauty. Actually the beauty of the brain will rule the world. If you see current scenario, all the top businessmen & players are known for their brain not for their beauty. We select our president or prime minister or any leader on the basis of capabilities of their brains and not on the basis of their beauty. If we see glamour world, all top actors or actresses are known not only for their beauties but for brains also. Today Shahrukh khan is the king of Bollywood not only because of his beauty but also his wisdom which comes from brain. So, its the beauty of brain, which will rule this world. I don't think that there is any relation between the beauty and brain. I think the beauty can attract a person only for some time. But at last, its inner beauty of soul matters. A person having good looks but no brain it is impossible for him to be successful. But a person having an
  • 5. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 outstanding brain can obviously succeed in a great way overtaking the so called 'BEAUTY'. APJ Abdul Kalam and Mother Teresa would be the best examples. Although they are not so beautiful, they are the most adorable people all over the world and idols of millions! The beauty of looks can attract few of eyes, but the beauty of the mind can attract millions of hearts! A person is having good looks but no brain is only like a showpiece, it seems impossible for him to succeed. I think the physical beauty is temporary, seasonal, and thus MORTAL. People usually lose their charm as the time goes by. BUT intelligence, creativity, and thus BRAINS cannot be destroyed by time. So the only way to move ahead is to enhance our skills & memory. Conclusion Beauty and brain is undoubtedly a unique and nice combination to excel in the life arena. When coming to the debate, the brain has an upper hand over beauty. The inner beauty of the person is very close to the brain, but the external looks alone cannot excel in life. The brain undoubtedly has the strong domination to rule the world in comparison to the external outlook and beauty. *** Students Corner Google Loon Prepared by: Mr Sagar Pansuriya MCA 5th Semester, FCA, MEFGI. (Guided by: Prof Amit Gohel) Now the time is 2015, and the Google project Loon finally matured in technology. Mr Mike Cassidy, the project leader of Project Loon in Google[X] to develop strategies for a successful launch of the Loon based Wi-Fi network. Project loon is a research and development project being developed by Google. It is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to provide ubiquitous Internet connectivity. The balloons float in the stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes and the weather. People connect to the balloon network using a special Internet antenna attached to their building. The signal bounces from balloon to balloon, then to the global Internet back on Earth. Project Loons balloon envelopes, inflatable part of the balloon, are made from sheets of polyethylene. Balloons filled with Helium and air mixture are launched, recycled and re-launched at a designated collecting point. The balloons and equipment on board can be re-used and each loon has an approximately 2-years
  • 6. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 life time. Solar panels power each units electronics. In the full sun, these panels produce 100 watts to keep the unit running while also charging a battery for a use at night. By moving with the wind and charging in the sun, the Loon is able to power itself using only renewable energy sources. Project Loon balloons travel around 65,000 feet above the Earths surface in the stratosphere. Winds in the stratosphere are generally steady and slow-moving from 5 to 20 mph, and each layer of wind varies in direction and magnitude. Far below the loons, ground stations providing connectivity to backbone Internet can transmit signals to the balloons up to 65 miles far. A second transceiver keeps the balloon in contact of hundreds of antennas on ground area about 25 miles in diameter at speeds comparable to 3G. Project Loon currently uses ISM bands (specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands) that are available for anyone to use. There is also a back-up transceiver and a GPS on each balloon, so Google can monitor each balloon's location. Approximate according to current market cost is $23000 to make a balloon. And Station construction and equipment installation cost is $1.2 million and maintenance cost is $30000/year and land cost depends on current market. * Alumnight 2015@ MCA Prepared by: Prof Disha H Parekh Assistant Professor, FCA, MEFGI. Faculty of Computer Applications running MCA program under Marwadi Education Foundations Group of Institutions (MEFGI), Rajkot recently on 8th November, 2015 organized its 2nd meet of alumni. The alumni association for the day was named as Alumnight 2015 @ MCA. The event started at 5:30 p.m. sharp and was anchored by Prof Disha Parekh. Just as our tradition, the event commenced with a prayer and lamp lighting. After the welcome speech of Prof Sunil Bajeja, Head, FCA, a speech by Mr Naresh Jadeja, Registrar was delivered stating how important alumni association is. There was a very captivating speech by Dr R Sridaran, Dean, FCA, showing the walkthrough of the MCA department since the 1st alumni meet. He even stated how importantly the office bearers of alumni took certain decisive steps in bringing the alumni
  • 7. Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 15, 2015 under one roof. He urged the unregistered alumni to join the association and bring hands together in uplifting the association. Later, there was a motivational speech by Shri SriKumar Menon. He showed ways to successful life. He taught steps and stages that one should follow to reach a successful life. Award distributions based on excellence in academics and excellence in industry were declared later. Even sport-games and garba function was organized for all the alumni who were also gifted on the basis of their performances. A vote of thanks was rendered by Prof Nilesh Advani, Assitant Professor, FCA, MEFGI. All the registered alumni were gifted a pen as a souvenir of the event. All the faculties cherished dinner with the alumni and departed with great memories in mind.