Voor de opdracht eCRM & Emailmarketing maakte ik met mijn groep een email campagne.
oa. Doelgroepen, Customer Persona, Customer Journey, Mockups voor emails, ...
For Conversion Talent, an HR company specialized in online marketing jobs, we looked at their current e-mailmarketing strategy and made recommendations for future improvements.
Onmisbare bouwstenen van uw omnichannel strategievalantic NL
Hoe ontwikkelt u een digitale strategie? Wat is het fundament? Dat vertelde Karel van der Woude, CEO van ISM eCompany, tijdens het ISM Omnichannel Event 2017. Bekijk meer op https://ism.nl/presentaties/
Voor veel bedrijven is e-mailing niet weg te denken uit het marketingbeleid. En terecht! E-mailing is een krachtige tool, alleen wanneer deze effectief wordt ingezet. En daar wringt het schoentje. E-mailmarketing is veel meer dan een nieuwsbrief sturen naar een vaste lijst contacten.
De afgelopen jaren lijkt Social Media de enige juiste manier om te communiceren met de doelgroep. E-mail marketing is daarbij in het verdomhoekje terecht gekomen, maar is dat wel terecht?
Cijfers laten zien dat email serieus wordt genomen door de ontvanger en leidt tot een persoonlijker contact. In deze presentatie bekijken we uiteenlopende aspecten, van design tot personalisatie en geven we je tips hoe jij resultaten behaalt met e-mailmarketing.
Waarom Local SEO jouw #1 skill is voor 2021 - Competence FactoryClarissa Filius
Met Local SEO kun je de zichtbaarheid van jouw bedrijf in de lokale zoekresultaten vergroten. Heb je een bedrijf met een of meerdere fysieke locaties? Zet dan je (gratis) Google Mijn Bedrijf-profiel in om meer klanten te krijgen en je bedrijf te laten groeien.
Tijdens dit webinar laat Clarissa Filius zien welke factoren essentieel zijn om met jouw bedrijf boven in de Google Maps-resultaten te komen.
Workshop E-mailmarketing Marketingdag Voor De Podiumkunsten 09 maart 2009Campagne
Hoe houd je mensen op een relevante manier betrokken bij je podium? En hoe kun je er online voor zorgen dat je meer bezoekers trekt? Hoe speel je in op de wensen, eisen en verwachtingen die iemand vandaag de dag heeft? En belangrijker nog: waarom zou je verder moeten gaan dan alleen een e-mailnieuwsbrief? Deze workshop gaat over e-mailmarketing anno 2009. Het jaar waarin het niet langer gaat om zenden, maar vooral om de dialoog en wederzijds vertrouwen. Want zonder vertrouwen geen goede relatie. Je hoort de laatste trends, ziet succesvolle cases, belangrijke dos en donts en wordt vooral ge誰nspireerd om meer uit je database te halen. Met als resultaat dankbaar publiek en volle zalen.
The document describes Imagine 2020, a European network of performing arts organizations working to raise awareness of climate change through art. The network included 6 partners from 4 countries for its first phase from 2008-2010, and grew to 11 partners from 9 countries for its second phase from 2010-2015. The network supported commissions, co-productions, residencies, partnerships and other artistic programming focused on climate change themes. It also organized conferences, workshops and summer labs bringing artists and scientists together. The overarching goals were to use art to contribute to the cultural shift needed for a sustainable future and to play a leading role locally while supporting each other on a European level.
This document discusses time management and provides tips for effective time management. It begins by outlining the objectives of understanding the importance of time management and describing the time management matrix. It then defines time management and explains why it is important to manage time to reduce stress, maintain balance, increase productivity, and achieve goals. The document describes common time wasters like procrastination and provides exercises to analyze how time is currently spent versus priorities. Finally, it explains how to use the time management matrix to categorize tasks as urgent/important versus not urgent/important in order to focus on what is most critical.
NSW SPC Conference 2013 - Using Technology to more effectively lead and manag...Belinda Giudice
A workshop presentation by Belinda Giudice (Merrylands HS) and Chantelle Phair (Belmore Boys HS) to enhance school leaders ability to use technology to effectively lead and manage their school.
This document outlines the key points in a presentation about leading a winning team. It discusses the concept of a team and leader, introduces 10 fundamental leadership tips like focusing on results over time spent, aligning people with their strengths, and building trust. It also describes a football manager game concept to illustrate team types and secrets to leading a team to peak performance, like consistency, clarity of expectations, and building trust. The goal is to understand team dynamics and how to effectively motivate a group to achieve their common goals.
This document provides information on facilitating, including the role of a facilitator, tips for being a good facilitator, and things to avoid. It discusses how a facilitator helps guide a group to make progress and come to common decisions by focusing on effective processes. Good facilitation involves creating a learning environment where participants can focus on content, while the facilitator tasks like scribing, timekeeping, and leading discussions. Key tips for facilitators include fostering participation and a friendly atmosphere, being a good listener, having knowledge of the subject, and being well prepared.
This document discusses the concept of risk management. It defines risk as an uncertain future event or condition that could positively or negatively impact an organization's objectives. The key attributes of risk are that it involves potential loss, can have negative or positive impacts, and deals with uncertainty. The document outlines the main steps in risk management: establishing the context, identifying possible risks, analyzing risks, evaluating risks, and treating risks. The overall goal of risk management is to coordinate activities to control risks and help an organization achieve its objectives.
This document describes the GALA treehouse lab, which aims to design and realize a strategy for rural regeneration through cultural and social development that improves life in the local community. The core of the lab will be a treehouse-like structure built from recycled materials on the Pollinaria farm, serving as a meeting place. Activities like gatherings, talks, and site interventions will revolve around themes of art, agriculture, and environmental protection. The goal is to provoke imagination about relationships between people and the land, promote sustainable farming practices, and regenerate a sense of community through knowledge sharing and a creative approach to the rural environment.
The document summarizes a Green Arts Lab project kick-off meeting about greening mobility funding in Europe. It discusses On the Move (OTM), a cultural mobility network that informs members about funding opportunities, advocates for sustainable mobility practices, and builds sector capacity. OTM plans to host a workshop with public and private funders to explore embedding environmental criteria into cultural mobility funding schemes, in collaboration with Julie's Bicycle. The workshop would include experiences sharing, visits to sustainable Berlin organizations, and developing recommendations for funders to increase awareness and support greener mobility practices.
This document summarizes the policies for AIESEC internship exchanges. It outlines:
1) The Exchange Program Policy (XPP) which defines the rights and responsibilities of interns and local committees.
2) Basic internship policies including duration of 6-78 weeks, programs types, and limits on repeat internships and country of residence.
3) Rights of interns including support and education about the program.
4) Responsibilities of interns including providing documents and having sufficient funds.
5) Procedures for ending an internship early or filing a complaint, which should be attempted to resolve at multiple levels before escalating.
My boss and me (how to be a good team member)mbondgulo
This document provides guidance on how to be a good team member. It discusses the importance of respecting authority, demonstrating reliability, communicating constructively, listening actively, maintaining integrity and trust, making productive contributions, being an active participant, sharing openly, cooperating to help, exhibiting flexibility, sharing knowledge and ideas, showing commitment to the team, working as a problem-solver, and treating others respectfully. The document emphasizes that teamwork is important in many contexts and situations require people to work as part of a team.
This document outlines a presentation on resource management. It discusses defining resources, insights into sustainability, and managing financial and human resources specifically. It provides examples of how organizations budget and allocate financial resources effectively. When it comes to human resources, it discusses allocating people to tasks and projects to maximize their utilization. The presentation includes a restaurant simulation game to illustrate resource allocation concepts. The benefits of effective resource management are outlined such as visibility, reduced dependence on spreadsheets, automated requests, and accurate forecasting.
This document provides guidance on effective communication. It defines effective communication as the transmission of content that is received and understood as intended. It discusses why effective communication is important for teams to build trust, respect, learning, and accomplish goals. The document then provides steps and examples for communicating effectively, including knowing your audience and message, preparing carefully, and using the appropriate method like face-to-face meetings, email, or teleconferencing. Specific tips are given for preparing for and conducting meetings and writing effective emails. Golden rules emphasize listening actively, being concise, and using respectful language.
A change agent needs to develop skills like having a global mindset, entrepreneurial outlook, social responsibility, emotional intelligence, and proactive learning. The document discusses activities to develop these skills, such as seeking new ideas, showing flexibility to differences, taking responsibility for long-term impacts, and actively listening to others. It prompts reflection on experiences changing perspectives or behaviors. To become an agent of change, one needs to identify strengths and weaknesses, get feedback, and take action toward goals through daily application of knowledge and facilitating the development of others.
Reward and recognition are important strategies for motivating members and improving organizational performance. They stimulate personal development and growth. In AIESEC, rewards recognize members' contributions and encourage them to work towards organizational goals. There are various types of awards given on an entity, team, portfolio, and individual level to motivate members and improve membership retention. While rewards can sometimes encourage competition over collaboration, setting clear goals and evaluating performance can help overcome this drawback.
This document outlines the agenda for Upgrade 2013, a leadership conference hosted by AIESEC Cameroon in Douala from May 16-19. The conference aims to (1) ensure national understanding of AIESEC's direction and goals, (2) build skills to achieve goals, (3) empower new leaders, and (4) manage organizational change. Sessions will focus on developing leadership, community impact, organizational growth, and personal development. The agenda includes blocks on strategy, community projects, internships, and soft skills to upgrade leadership capacity. The goal is for participants to learn and shape behaviors to drive AIESEC's achievement of its 2015 goals.
1) The document discusses various projects organized by local committees (LC) of AIESEC Cameroon during holidays to raise awareness on important issues, educate communities, and positively impact behaviors.
2) The projects aim to develop members, realize exchange opportunities, and position AIESEC Cameroon.
3) The main purpose is to better communicate and showcase the projects' impact on target audiences and localities. All LC projects will be covered under this umbrella brand campaign to ensure effective implementation and bigger impact.
Organizational leadership and positioning georgiambondgulo
Apple, Coca Cola, and Marlboro position themselves differently than their competitors by communicating their ideas and philosophies, rather than just their products. Top performing organizations sell their visions and get customers invested in wanting to be part of their dreams. To lead successfully, these companies focus on grooming successors who will continue their philosophies into the future.
This document summarizes the history of AIESEC, from its founding in 1948 after World War 2 to promote cultural understanding between countries, to its growth into the largest student-run organization globally by the 1980s. Key events include AIESEC starting with 7 students in Europe in 1948 and exchanging 89 internships, expanding to all continents by 1965, and now having a presence in over 1,700 universities with over 45,000 members facilitating over 9,000 internship exchanges annually. The document emphasizes that AIESEC's long history has been driven by students believing in its mission to develop youth leadership and promote positive social impact.
The document describes Imagine 2020, a European network of performing arts organizations working to raise awareness of climate change through art. The network included 6 partners from 4 countries for its first phase from 2008-2010, and grew to 11 partners from 9 countries for its second phase from 2010-2015. The network supported commissions, co-productions, residencies, partnerships and other artistic programming focused on climate change themes. It also organized conferences, workshops and summer labs bringing artists and scientists together. The overarching goals were to use art to contribute to the cultural shift needed for a sustainable future and to play a leading role locally while supporting each other on a European level.
This document discusses time management and provides tips for effective time management. It begins by outlining the objectives of understanding the importance of time management and describing the time management matrix. It then defines time management and explains why it is important to manage time to reduce stress, maintain balance, increase productivity, and achieve goals. The document describes common time wasters like procrastination and provides exercises to analyze how time is currently spent versus priorities. Finally, it explains how to use the time management matrix to categorize tasks as urgent/important versus not urgent/important in order to focus on what is most critical.
NSW SPC Conference 2013 - Using Technology to more effectively lead and manag...Belinda Giudice
A workshop presentation by Belinda Giudice (Merrylands HS) and Chantelle Phair (Belmore Boys HS) to enhance school leaders ability to use technology to effectively lead and manage their school.
This document outlines the key points in a presentation about leading a winning team. It discusses the concept of a team and leader, introduces 10 fundamental leadership tips like focusing on results over time spent, aligning people with their strengths, and building trust. It also describes a football manager game concept to illustrate team types and secrets to leading a team to peak performance, like consistency, clarity of expectations, and building trust. The goal is to understand team dynamics and how to effectively motivate a group to achieve their common goals.
This document provides information on facilitating, including the role of a facilitator, tips for being a good facilitator, and things to avoid. It discusses how a facilitator helps guide a group to make progress and come to common decisions by focusing on effective processes. Good facilitation involves creating a learning environment where participants can focus on content, while the facilitator tasks like scribing, timekeeping, and leading discussions. Key tips for facilitators include fostering participation and a friendly atmosphere, being a good listener, having knowledge of the subject, and being well prepared.
This document discusses the concept of risk management. It defines risk as an uncertain future event or condition that could positively or negatively impact an organization's objectives. The key attributes of risk are that it involves potential loss, can have negative or positive impacts, and deals with uncertainty. The document outlines the main steps in risk management: establishing the context, identifying possible risks, analyzing risks, evaluating risks, and treating risks. The overall goal of risk management is to coordinate activities to control risks and help an organization achieve its objectives.
This document describes the GALA treehouse lab, which aims to design and realize a strategy for rural regeneration through cultural and social development that improves life in the local community. The core of the lab will be a treehouse-like structure built from recycled materials on the Pollinaria farm, serving as a meeting place. Activities like gatherings, talks, and site interventions will revolve around themes of art, agriculture, and environmental protection. The goal is to provoke imagination about relationships between people and the land, promote sustainable farming practices, and regenerate a sense of community through knowledge sharing and a creative approach to the rural environment.
The document summarizes a Green Arts Lab project kick-off meeting about greening mobility funding in Europe. It discusses On the Move (OTM), a cultural mobility network that informs members about funding opportunities, advocates for sustainable mobility practices, and builds sector capacity. OTM plans to host a workshop with public and private funders to explore embedding environmental criteria into cultural mobility funding schemes, in collaboration with Julie's Bicycle. The workshop would include experiences sharing, visits to sustainable Berlin organizations, and developing recommendations for funders to increase awareness and support greener mobility practices.
This document summarizes the policies for AIESEC internship exchanges. It outlines:
1) The Exchange Program Policy (XPP) which defines the rights and responsibilities of interns and local committees.
2) Basic internship policies including duration of 6-78 weeks, programs types, and limits on repeat internships and country of residence.
3) Rights of interns including support and education about the program.
4) Responsibilities of interns including providing documents and having sufficient funds.
5) Procedures for ending an internship early or filing a complaint, which should be attempted to resolve at multiple levels before escalating.
My boss and me (how to be a good team member)mbondgulo
This document provides guidance on how to be a good team member. It discusses the importance of respecting authority, demonstrating reliability, communicating constructively, listening actively, maintaining integrity and trust, making productive contributions, being an active participant, sharing openly, cooperating to help, exhibiting flexibility, sharing knowledge and ideas, showing commitment to the team, working as a problem-solver, and treating others respectfully. The document emphasizes that teamwork is important in many contexts and situations require people to work as part of a team.
This document outlines a presentation on resource management. It discusses defining resources, insights into sustainability, and managing financial and human resources specifically. It provides examples of how organizations budget and allocate financial resources effectively. When it comes to human resources, it discusses allocating people to tasks and projects to maximize their utilization. The presentation includes a restaurant simulation game to illustrate resource allocation concepts. The benefits of effective resource management are outlined such as visibility, reduced dependence on spreadsheets, automated requests, and accurate forecasting.
This document provides guidance on effective communication. It defines effective communication as the transmission of content that is received and understood as intended. It discusses why effective communication is important for teams to build trust, respect, learning, and accomplish goals. The document then provides steps and examples for communicating effectively, including knowing your audience and message, preparing carefully, and using the appropriate method like face-to-face meetings, email, or teleconferencing. Specific tips are given for preparing for and conducting meetings and writing effective emails. Golden rules emphasize listening actively, being concise, and using respectful language.
A change agent needs to develop skills like having a global mindset, entrepreneurial outlook, social responsibility, emotional intelligence, and proactive learning. The document discusses activities to develop these skills, such as seeking new ideas, showing flexibility to differences, taking responsibility for long-term impacts, and actively listening to others. It prompts reflection on experiences changing perspectives or behaviors. To become an agent of change, one needs to identify strengths and weaknesses, get feedback, and take action toward goals through daily application of knowledge and facilitating the development of others.
Reward and recognition are important strategies for motivating members and improving organizational performance. They stimulate personal development and growth. In AIESEC, rewards recognize members' contributions and encourage them to work towards organizational goals. There are various types of awards given on an entity, team, portfolio, and individual level to motivate members and improve membership retention. While rewards can sometimes encourage competition over collaboration, setting clear goals and evaluating performance can help overcome this drawback.
This document outlines the agenda for Upgrade 2013, a leadership conference hosted by AIESEC Cameroon in Douala from May 16-19. The conference aims to (1) ensure national understanding of AIESEC's direction and goals, (2) build skills to achieve goals, (3) empower new leaders, and (4) manage organizational change. Sessions will focus on developing leadership, community impact, organizational growth, and personal development. The agenda includes blocks on strategy, community projects, internships, and soft skills to upgrade leadership capacity. The goal is for participants to learn and shape behaviors to drive AIESEC's achievement of its 2015 goals.
1) The document discusses various projects organized by local committees (LC) of AIESEC Cameroon during holidays to raise awareness on important issues, educate communities, and positively impact behaviors.
2) The projects aim to develop members, realize exchange opportunities, and position AIESEC Cameroon.
3) The main purpose is to better communicate and showcase the projects' impact on target audiences and localities. All LC projects will be covered under this umbrella brand campaign to ensure effective implementation and bigger impact.
Organizational leadership and positioning georgiambondgulo
Apple, Coca Cola, and Marlboro position themselves differently than their competitors by communicating their ideas and philosophies, rather than just their products. Top performing organizations sell their visions and get customers invested in wanting to be part of their dreams. To lead successfully, these companies focus on grooming successors who will continue their philosophies into the future.
This document summarizes the history of AIESEC, from its founding in 1948 after World War 2 to promote cultural understanding between countries, to its growth into the largest student-run organization globally by the 1980s. Key events include AIESEC starting with 7 students in Europe in 1948 and exchanging 89 internships, expanding to all continents by 1965, and now having a presence in over 1,700 universities with over 45,000 members facilitating over 9,000 internship exchanges annually. The document emphasizes that AIESEC's long history has been driven by students believing in its mission to develop youth leadership and promote positive social impact.
Boost de conversie van uw e mailcampagnesvalantic NL
U haalt niet het maximale uit e-mailmarketing als u enkel een nieuwsbrief verstuurt. Tevens is e-mailmarketing geen eenmalig project. Het is een proces waarin u doorlopend met de juiste analyses de resultaten optimaliseert om structureel de omzet uit uw e-mailmarketingactiviteiten te vergroten. Tijdens deze presentatie vertelde ISM'er Michelle Brinkhuis waarom u aan de slag moet met automatische campagnes, welke KPI's essentieel zijn en welke analyses u helpen bij het ontdekken van pijnpunten in al uw e-mailmarketingactiviteiten.
Workshop Data Driven Marketing, Trend Event LECTRICLECTRIC
Morgen aan de slag met data driven marketing? Andr辿 van den Reek vertelt u meer over dit fenomeen en geeft u handvatten, inzichten en voorbeelden voor een data driven welkom klantprogramma voor nieuwe klanten. Niet alleen kan uw organisatie er veel winst mee behalen, u kunt er de volgende dag meteen mee aan de slag.
Webcare in 40 landen. Een kijkje achter de schermen bij EUrail.com (artikel o...Oliver de Leeuw
Webcare in 40 landen. Een kijkje achter de schermen bij EUrail.com (artikel op Frankwatching.com).
Op mijn reis langs organisaties die de praktische kant van webcare uitleggen, ga ik langs bij Eurail.com. Ze verkopen treinpassen voor Europese routes, en dan vooral aan niet-Europeanen. Hoe zet je webcare op in tientallen talen, wat doen de lokale agents precies en waarmee houden ze overzicht vanuit Utrecht?
Its Tuesday, so this must be Brussels! Dat is het beeld dat veel mensen hebben van met name Amerikaanse toeristen: mensen die Europa zien als een soort pretpark, met in de hoofdsteden haltes bij Frontierland, Adventureland en Fantasyland. Met 辿辿n van de producten van Eurail kunnen ontdekkingsreizigers al ruim vijftig jaar door 24 landen reizen en uitstappen waar ze maar willen. De treinpas als vervangend paspoort, dus. Een concept uit de tijd dat er nog grenzen waren en je meerdere reisdocumenten nodig had om je te verplaatsen.
Eurail.com zet jaarlijks 50 miljoen om met treinpassen. Daarmee is de organisatie 辿辿n van de grootste e-commerce-bedrijven van Nederland. Hoe gaat Eurail.com om met webcare? Ik spreek Chantal Sukel, customer engagement manager en Marisa Villarejo, customer service trainer.
Enzo laat aan de hand van nationale en internationale cases zien dat er meer met Copernica kan dan je denkt. Een quiz, meertalige conditionele e-mailtemplates, lead generation-campagnes, lead nurturing, uitgebreide databasesegmentatie, verrijken van profielgegevens en marketing automation; het komt allemaal voorbij in deze sessie.
Van het sturen van een wekelijkse nieuwsbrief naar een gehele database, naar gepersonaliseerde, geautomatiseerde e-mailcampagnes die zijn afgestemd op de customer journey. Een jaar optimaliseren levert Warmteservice 200 procent omzetgroei uit e-mailmarketing op! In deze presentatie laten Bernedien Verburg en Patrick van Wattum uit hoe zij dit hebben aangepakt.
Bijzonder creatieve en ongebruikelijke Copernica cases van Email EnzoCopernica BV
Laurens-jan laat aan de hand van nationale en internationale cases zien dat er meer met Copernica kan dan je denkt. Een quiz, meertalige conditionele e-mailtemplates, lead generation-campagnes, lead nurturing, uitgebreide databasesegmentatie, verrijken van profielgegevens en marketing automation; het komt allemaal voorbij in deze sessie.
De wereld transformeert snel digitaal. Frederik geeft een reeks direct bruikbare tips & tricks hoe je klanten je vlot online vinden, en hoe je je goed organiseert met de digitale tools die voorhanden zijn.
Customer Journeys & SEO - Emerce eHome 7 DecoRoy Huiskes
Op basis van een case van Alabastine probeer ik je op weg te helpen hoe je je customer journeys inzichtelijk kunt krijgen. Veel onderzoeksdata is hierbij voor handen geweest.
7. 2. Customer
How we help
Uitdagende job
Passend bedrijf
Bekender kantoor?
Snelheid van Conversion
Gepaste job?
13. 5. Huidige
Youtube filmpje
CTA op elke pagina
Tijdelijk uitschrijven
Zoekopdracht via mail
Minder goed:
Verplicht om eerst
account aan te maken
Geen Engelstalige
14. 5. Incentive
Geen reis
Kaarten voor beurzen
Abonnement vakblad
Verschillende kleinere
15. 5. KPIs
Database growth
List churn rate
Visitors to subscribers
Subscriber to
Unsubscribe rate
Monthly list growth
+ Ways in
- Ways out
=NET result
16. 6. Job search
agent mail
From: Jeroen at
Conversion Talent
Subject line
Korte beschrijving
van de job
17. 6. Job search
agent mail
Call To Action
Knop i.p.v. link
Logo toevoegen
Social sharing
18. 6. Job search
agent mail
Subject lines:
3 mogelijke droomjobs!
De passende job voor
Wouter, is dit jouw
volgende uitdaging?
Ga nu aan de slag bij
een topwerkgever!
De geknipte job voor jou
via Conversion Talent!
19. 6. Job search
agent mail
Call to action:
Solliciteer nu voor jouw
Ga nu aan de slag!
Verstuur nu je CV!
Bekijk alle vacatures hier.
21. Naar adressen uit
eigen database
7. Emailcampagne
Mailing naar zowel eigen
database als gehuurde
Wat testen we?
Subject lines
Call To Action
22. 7. Emailcampagne
Subject lines:
Stuur ons nu jouw CV en
win een smartphone!
Lees hier hoe Conversion
Talent jou aan een job
10 tips voor een betere CV
Een goede CV is de eerste
stap richting jouw
Heeft u nog vragen over
jouw CV?
23. 7. Emailcampagne
Call to action:
Verstuur NU jouw CV!
Deel je CV met ons en
solliciteer voor d辿 perfecte
Upload hier je CV en vraag
naar ons advies