Dit zijn de slides van de eindpresentatie op de Smart Cities Challenge van 3 mei 2016 te Gent. Een overzicht door Delaware Consulting van de 7 strategische domeinen waarover die dag gebrainstormd werd: Smart Economy, Smart Food, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Energy, Smart Citizens, Smart Living. Dit evenement werd mogelijk danzij deze partners: Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Stad Gent, Eneco, Vlaamse Overheid, Universiteit Gent, Eandis, TomTom, BNP Paribas-Fortis, Roof Food, Delaware Consulting, Indra, Volvo, Port of Ghent, Bright Advocaten, Seeq animatievideo's, Trigger social media marketing en de talrijke aanwezigen, bedankt!
(event powered by JCI Gent Artevelde)
Mechelen focust slim door Ranja Van Asbroeck en Myriam Colle
Stadsatelier Digitale innovatie en communicatie stimuleren
Uitreiking Slim in de Stad-prijs
Hannes Astok - Smart City challenges- Mindtrek 2016Mindtrek
This document discusses smart city challenges and initiatives in Estonia, with a focus on Tartu. It provides the following information:
- Tartu Smart City Lab aims to be a cluster for smart city solutions, bringing together ICT companies, the university, and the city of Tartu. Its focus areas include transport, healthcare, infrastructure/energy, and governance.
- Activities include opening up city data, developing mobile apps for tourists and public transport, and pilot projects like hands-free public transport ticketing.
- A white paper addresses how to make smart city initiatives sustainable, including developing city and business capacities, covering costs and risks through funding and collaboration, and supporting business and export of smart city
The document discusses challenges and opportunities related to developing smart cities in India. Some of the key challenges are that smart cities can take 8-10 years to build from scratch and require long term government commitment. Developing smart cities also requires tailoring new technologies to the specific location and involving private sector urban planning experts. Measures needed include setting up a central planning authority and providing tax incentives to attract businesses. The document also outlines opportunities for housing providers, such as developing affordable housing projects through reduced FDI investment minimums and incentives for real estate investment trusts.
Smart City Lab - Opportunities and Challenges in Estoniagerttusimm
This document summarizes a presentation on smart cities given in Tartu, Estonia. It discusses Tartu's smart city initiatives including the Smart City Lab cluster that brings together ICT companies, the university, and the city. The Lab focuses on developing intelligent transport, infrastructure, tourism and governance services. Tartu is seen as an ideal test site being a compact university city with supportive partners. The presentation outlines pilot projects and the need to develop a smart city methodology. It concludes by discussing the opening of Tartu's new Smart City demonstration center and the challenges of making initiatives sustainable long-term.
government of India has launched "Smart Cities Mission" on 25th June 2015.
This is a presentation explaining the guidelines and procedure for this mission.
The document discusses smart city initiatives in Estonia, particularly in Tartu. It outlines the goals of the Tartu Smart City Lab to develop smart mobile and web solutions for cities. The Lab aims to increase competitiveness of ICT companies and help technical infrastructure companies adopt new technologies. Tartu serves as a test site for developing and testing new e-services that can then be exported. The document lists focus areas and partners involved in smart city pilots and presents a vision for Tartu to be a leading smart city solutions developer and exporter by 2020. It proposes the creation of a Baltic Sea Region Urban Forum to foster cooperation between cities, businesses and other organizations on smart city practices and innovations.
The document discusses the potential benefits of open data for smart cities. It summarizes that open data can (1) deliver an estimated 40 billion boost to the EU economy annually, (2) become a tradable commodity that increases in value as more data is shared, and (3) help address challenges in smart cities related to transport, energy, education, communication, culture, and governance through an interlinked open data approach.
"Smart and Sustainable City": professor Isam Shahrour Seminar at the America...Isam Shahrour
The seminar was organized by the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut (AUST) for the Master Degree Students, faculty members and socio-economic partners.
It aimed at giving an international overview of the challenges of the sustainable city, the role of the Smart City in raising these challenges and the methodology of implementation of the concept of Smart City through the presentation of the SunRise full-scale demonstrator of the Smart and Sustainable City conducted by the University Lille 1 in France.
A presentation by Jaco Cromhout (Head: Specialised Solution Sales) at the Transport Forum SIG 2 June 2016 hosted by George Municipality. The theme for the event was: "Smart City" and the topic of the presentation was: "Smart City Platform for 21st Century Service Delivery"
This document provides an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. It discusses Kevin Ashton who coined the term "Internet of Things" and his vision for using data to increase efficiency. Key enabling technologies for IoT like cheap sensors, bandwidth, processing and wireless coverage are outlined. Examples of IoT applications in various sectors like manufacturing, transportation, agriculture and smart cities are provided. The document also discusses challenges in making sense of the large amounts of data generated by IoT devices and the importance of a citizen-centric approach to building smart cities by leveraging crowdsourcing and citizen engagement.
Smart Cities: The Role of CNR. Learn more about CNR Smart City Project in collaboration with Smart Service Cooperation Lab.
One year after the presentation of CNR Smart Cities Project, new technologies and innovative solutions are still demonstrating that Smart Cities are more viable than ever. Our contribution in the MOBILITY area has been to implement a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for traffic and parking monitoring.
The document describes the i-SCOPE project which aims to develop an open source toolkit for 3D smart city services based on 3D Urban Information Models (UIMs). The toolkit will include services to create CityGML models from geospatial data and develop smart services around mobility for disabled citizens, energy efficiency, and noise mapping. It will be tested on existing prototypes and involve city administrations. The objectives are to improve decision making around urban planning issues and involve citizens by collecting real-time geospatial data while ensuring privacy and security. The toolkit and specifications will be open source and maintained by a European Economic Interest Grouping after the project.
Hannes Astok - Smart City challenges- Mindtrek 2016Mindtrek
This document discusses smart city challenges and initiatives in Estonia, with a focus on Tartu. It provides the following information:
- Tartu Smart City Lab aims to be a cluster for smart city solutions, bringing together ICT companies, the university, and the city of Tartu. Its focus areas include transport, healthcare, infrastructure/energy, and governance.
- Activities include opening up city data, developing mobile apps for tourists and public transport, and pilot projects like hands-free public transport ticketing.
- A white paper addresses how to make smart city initiatives sustainable, including developing city and business capacities, covering costs and risks through funding and collaboration, and supporting business and export of smart city
The document discusses challenges and opportunities related to developing smart cities in India. Some of the key challenges are that smart cities can take 8-10 years to build from scratch and require long term government commitment. Developing smart cities also requires tailoring new technologies to the specific location and involving private sector urban planning experts. Measures needed include setting up a central planning authority and providing tax incentives to attract businesses. The document also outlines opportunities for housing providers, such as developing affordable housing projects through reduced FDI investment minimums and incentives for real estate investment trusts.
Smart City Lab - Opportunities and Challenges in Estoniagerttusimm
This document summarizes a presentation on smart cities given in Tartu, Estonia. It discusses Tartu's smart city initiatives including the Smart City Lab cluster that brings together ICT companies, the university, and the city. The Lab focuses on developing intelligent transport, infrastructure, tourism and governance services. Tartu is seen as an ideal test site being a compact university city with supportive partners. The presentation outlines pilot projects and the need to develop a smart city methodology. It concludes by discussing the opening of Tartu's new Smart City demonstration center and the challenges of making initiatives sustainable long-term.
government of India has launched "Smart Cities Mission" on 25th June 2015.
This is a presentation explaining the guidelines and procedure for this mission.
The document discusses smart city initiatives in Estonia, particularly in Tartu. It outlines the goals of the Tartu Smart City Lab to develop smart mobile and web solutions for cities. The Lab aims to increase competitiveness of ICT companies and help technical infrastructure companies adopt new technologies. Tartu serves as a test site for developing and testing new e-services that can then be exported. The document lists focus areas and partners involved in smart city pilots and presents a vision for Tartu to be a leading smart city solutions developer and exporter by 2020. It proposes the creation of a Baltic Sea Region Urban Forum to foster cooperation between cities, businesses and other organizations on smart city practices and innovations.
The document discusses the potential benefits of open data for smart cities. It summarizes that open data can (1) deliver an estimated 40 billion boost to the EU economy annually, (2) become a tradable commodity that increases in value as more data is shared, and (3) help address challenges in smart cities related to transport, energy, education, communication, culture, and governance through an interlinked open data approach.
"Smart and Sustainable City": professor Isam Shahrour Seminar at the America...Isam Shahrour
The seminar was organized by the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut (AUST) for the Master Degree Students, faculty members and socio-economic partners.
It aimed at giving an international overview of the challenges of the sustainable city, the role of the Smart City in raising these challenges and the methodology of implementation of the concept of Smart City through the presentation of the SunRise full-scale demonstrator of the Smart and Sustainable City conducted by the University Lille 1 in France.
A presentation by Jaco Cromhout (Head: Specialised Solution Sales) at the Transport Forum SIG 2 June 2016 hosted by George Municipality. The theme for the event was: "Smart City" and the topic of the presentation was: "Smart City Platform for 21st Century Service Delivery"
This document provides an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. It discusses Kevin Ashton who coined the term "Internet of Things" and his vision for using data to increase efficiency. Key enabling technologies for IoT like cheap sensors, bandwidth, processing and wireless coverage are outlined. Examples of IoT applications in various sectors like manufacturing, transportation, agriculture and smart cities are provided. The document also discusses challenges in making sense of the large amounts of data generated by IoT devices and the importance of a citizen-centric approach to building smart cities by leveraging crowdsourcing and citizen engagement.
Smart Cities: The Role of CNR. Learn more about CNR Smart City Project in collaboration with Smart Service Cooperation Lab.
One year after the presentation of CNR Smart Cities Project, new technologies and innovative solutions are still demonstrating that Smart Cities are more viable than ever. Our contribution in the MOBILITY area has been to implement a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for traffic and parking monitoring.
The document describes the i-SCOPE project which aims to develop an open source toolkit for 3D smart city services based on 3D Urban Information Models (UIMs). The toolkit will include services to create CityGML models from geospatial data and develop smart services around mobility for disabled citizens, energy efficiency, and noise mapping. It will be tested on existing prototypes and involve city administrations. The objectives are to improve decision making around urban planning issues and involve citizens by collecting real-time geospatial data while ensuring privacy and security. The toolkit and specifications will be open source and maintained by a European Economic Interest Grouping after the project.
Master Degree Lecture concerning the underground space. Why we have to care about the underground space ? What are the challenges ? How the Smart Technology could help to meet these challenges ?
14竪me Conf辿rence Mondiale Ville et Ports DURBAN Carlos Moreno
d辿couvrir : la pr辿sentation de Carlos Moreno lors de la conf辿rence 束 SMART PORT CITY 損 qui sest tenue du 3 au 8 novembre 2014 Durban, en Afrique du Sud. Le Professeur a particip辿 la Key Note douverture de la conf辿rence ainsi qu la Table Ronde de cl担ture.
ENoLL (Ana Garcia, ENoLL Office) was invited to participate in the workshop on Open place-making: A New Paradigm for Citizen Enablement in the framework of the international Conference on Future Internet for New Century Cities held in Zaragoza, Spain on November 8th - 10th, 2012. The workshop was organised by Zaragoza Living Lab, long-standing member of the European Network of Living Labs from the second Wave.
Properati is a real estate classifieds company founded in 2012 that operates websites and mobile apps in 5 Latin American countries. It has over 1.9 million property listings, generates over 100,000 leads per month, and has revenues of over $331 million across its markets in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile. Properati also recently launched a chatbot and messaging platform called Chaterix to connect real estate buyers and sellers.
The presentation gives a broad overview of crowdsourcing and crowdsensing. It motivates the ideas of several types of crowdsourcing and crowdsensing applications using typical examples from business and society.
This document discusses how big data can be used for smart cities. It provides three use cases: 1) social media and sentiment analysis to analyze opinions on topics, 2) retail analytics and recommendation engines to predict customer product preferences, and 3) security and risk management using machine learning to detect fraud patterns. It also discusses optimizing data warehouses to improve data services while reducing costs. Big data systems like Hadoop and Spark are introduced for large-scale storage and processing.
Tijdens het Werkspoor Kwartaal van 27 juni 2018 kwam de gemeente Utrecht uitleg geven aan de ondernemers van het Werkspoorkwartier over de plannen rondom de Westelijke Stadsboulevard.
Data Science Leuven's Linde Vloeberghs on how building a community around data in Leuven makes Leuven a smarter city. Or: how Leuven can become a smart city, by collaborating across the quadruple helix, using citizen science and building an open data platform. Talk @ Leuven and& festival 2018.
Lezing door Andries van Vugt waarin hij zapped door een aantal mobiliteitsverhalen over Minder Hinder, Web 2.0., 3.0 en social media en multimodale trends / een blik in de glazen bol.
7. 7
Smart Energy situering
Klimaat doestellingen
Impact op energie landschap
Uitdagingen van smart energy binnen de smart city
Aligneren met de visie van stad Gent
8. 8
Project: Smart Energy wijk
Vanuit enthousiasme en betrokkenheid van de burger samen de
volgende stap zetten richting smart energy
Sensibiliseren & adviseren
- Vandaag:
Energie effici谷ntie
Zuinig gebruiken
- Morgen:
Verbruik op het juist tijdstip
= Verbruiken als de zon schijnt en de wind waait
9. 9
Project: Smart Energy wijk
Meten is weten
- Inzicht verwerven
- Visualiseren
- Gedrag aanpassen
- Samen actie defini谷ren met de partners
23. Smart parking lab
Stadsmobiliteit aangenamer maken door de combinatie van de
geschatte reistijd tot alle parkeermogelijkheden en TomTom
24. Smart parking: waarom?
Parking buiten het stadscentrum
verder uitbouwen
Totale reistijden
27. 27
Het onderwerp is Buurt Mantelzorg
Gericht op de ge谷ngageerde vrijwilliger van de 21st eeuw
- Je meldt je beschikbaar als het jou past, je wordt aangesproken als het
jou past, je zet je in als het jou past
- Je kan je breed en gevarieerd inzetten
- Hulpvrager en Vrijwilliger kiezen beiden voor elkaar
- Je kiest waar je je op engageert en waarop niet (afstand, soort van
vrijwilligers werk)
- Beiden kunnen met elkaar communiceren via WhatsApp of via de
telefoon om concreet af te spreken
Sociale wederzijdse ranking van Hulpvrager en Vrijwilliger borgen
kwaliteit en duurzaamheid
29. 29
Tinder Buurt Mantelzorg
Vraag en Aanbod zijn op elk moment up to date
Vraag en Aanbod zijn heel summier gecategoriseerd (Mobiliteit,
Gezelschap, Verzorging)
Geografische focus op Gent
- Het platform is op het Internet beschikbaar
- Cre谷ren en opvolgen van de vraag doen we enkel in Gent en wie weet
in bepaalde buurten
Samenwerking met bestaande vrijwilligersorganisaties om de opstart te
borgen en een aanspreekpunt te voorzien voor de vrijwilligers
- OCMW Gent, CM Vrijwilligerswerk, Rode Kruis Vlaanderen en mogelijk
andere spelers
30. 30
De belanghebbenden en hun rol
Bestaande vrijwilligersorganisaties actief in de zorg voor het borgen van een (bestaande) vrijwilligerscontext,
opleiding en coaching van hulpvragers en vrijwilligers, verzorgen van de nodige communicatie
- Ziekenfondsen
- Rode Kruis
Gentse Zorg actoren om het initiatief bekend te maken bij het doelpubliek
App en Platform provider om het platform te realiseren
- Bestaande platform spelers zoals evapp en Cubigo of nog ruimer
- Schip.gent (Startup)
- Artevelde Hogeschool
- Universiteit Gent
De vragers
- Iedereen die in de buurt woont met een zorgvraag
De Vrijwilligers
- Iedereen die in de buurt woont en bereid is om zich te engageren binnen het frame van een hedendaagse
Hello Neighborhood, Palto Tinder, Mijne gebuur mijn moat.
31. 31
Kritische Succes Factoren
Engagement, Resources van de partners
Het Platform realiseren, funding
Bestaande initiatieven goed scannen om dubbel werk te vermijden
32. 32
Volgende Stappen
Finaliseren van het Charter op basis van de outcome van vandaag
Intekenen op het Charter van een of meer vrijwilligersorganisaties, de
Gentse zorg spelers en een platform provider