Nk API - examplesnasza-klasaThis document provides an overview and examples of the NK API for developing mobile applications, websites, and OpenSocial applications. It describes REST and JS APIs for authentication, making requests, uploading photos, payments, inviting friends, adding shouts, and communicating with users. Code samples are given for common tasks like uploading photos, checking group membership, and sending messages between users. Developers can find full documentation and support for building applications on the NK platform.
Presentation for OREF AmbassadorsOREFOREF serves the orthopaedic community by mentoring new researchers, supporting established researchers, and funding studies that improve patient care. OREF fills a critical need to support emerging orthopaedic researchers, as government and corporate funding is shrinking and the chance of receiving a research grant is at an all-time low. Without OREF's support of the next generation of clinician scientists, the future of orthopaedic research is in jeopardy.
Cakes pops Recipemeyr48This document provides a recipe for making pop cakes or cake pops. It instructs the reader to crumble cake and mix it with mascarpone cheese to form balls, then insert popsicle sticks and harden them in the fridge. It then says to melt chocolate and dip the cake balls halfway in to coat them, and optionally decorate them before fully hardening and enjoying the pops.
Vision 2015 for Corporate SupportersOREFA summary of Vision 2015, our road map for the next few years that will better position OREF to meet the changing needs of the orthopaedic community.
Nk api - introductionnasza-klasaThe document discusses an app's privacy policy and user permissions. It lists various user data points and actions the app may take, and whether it requires the user's approval each time or a single approval. Items like name, avatar and notifications require only a single approval, while additional personal data, payments, and inviting friends require approval each time. Collecting pictures from the user's gallery into the app's gallery also requires approval both times.
ICEEfest 2017 Commercial PresentationThinkDigitalThe document provides information about ICEEfest, an annual festival celebrating creativity in advertising. Some key details include:
- ICEEfest 2016 saw over 3,350 attendees from 17 countries, with over 30 speakers and guests.
- Attendees included representatives from brands, agencies, media owners, startups, and more. Nearly 70% were in owner, top, or middle management roles.
- Surveys found over 99% of attendees were interested in returning in 2017 and over 85% were happy with their experience.
- Speakers and sponsors praised ICEEfest for its energy, inspiration, and networking opportunities.
- Media coverage of ICEEfest 2016 included over
ICEEfest 2017 Commercial PresentationThinkDigitalThis document provides information about the ICEEfest conference in 2016 including:
- It had over 3,350 attendees from 17 countries with over 30 speakers and guests from 15 countries.
- Attendees included representatives from brands, agencies, media, tech firms, entrepreneurs and investors.
- It covered topics like digital marketing, design, health tech, entrepreneurship and new technologies.
- Surveys found over 99% of attendees were interested in returning and over 87% were happy with the event.
- Speakers and sponsors praised the event for its organization, content, networking and fresh ideas.
- The event saw strong growth over previous years and significant media coverage totaling over 2,000 articles.
Downhill consultantsjackson4545The document presents a diagram illustrating how problems originating from clients make their way down the hierarchy in consulting firms. At the top, clients generate issues that initially reach partners, who pass them on to senior managers and then managers. The problems pick up speed and momentum as they roll downhill, eventually landing on consultants who get fully covered in the issues. While analysts are protected from the problems by their ignorance, they discover and conceal their own issues, allowing them to ferment over time and create additional problems for consultants.
Cakes pops Recipemeyr48This document provides a recipe for making pop cakes or cake pops. It instructs the reader to crumble cake and mix it with mascarpone cheese to form balls, then insert popsicle sticks and harden them in the fridge. It then says to melt chocolate and dip the cake balls halfway in to coat them, and optionally decorate them before fully hardening and enjoying the pops.
Vision 2015 for Corporate SupportersOREFA summary of Vision 2015, our road map for the next few years that will better position OREF to meet the changing needs of the orthopaedic community.
Nk api - introductionnasza-klasaThe document discusses an app's privacy policy and user permissions. It lists various user data points and actions the app may take, and whether it requires the user's approval each time or a single approval. Items like name, avatar and notifications require only a single approval, while additional personal data, payments, and inviting friends require approval each time. Collecting pictures from the user's gallery into the app's gallery also requires approval both times.
ICEEfest 2017 Commercial PresentationThinkDigitalThe document provides information about ICEEfest, an annual festival celebrating creativity in advertising. Some key details include:
- ICEEfest 2016 saw over 3,350 attendees from 17 countries, with over 30 speakers and guests.
- Attendees included representatives from brands, agencies, media owners, startups, and more. Nearly 70% were in owner, top, or middle management roles.
- Surveys found over 99% of attendees were interested in returning in 2017 and over 85% were happy with their experience.
- Speakers and sponsors praised ICEEfest for its energy, inspiration, and networking opportunities.
- Media coverage of ICEEfest 2016 included over
ICEEfest 2017 Commercial PresentationThinkDigitalThis document provides information about the ICEEfest conference in 2016 including:
- It had over 3,350 attendees from 17 countries with over 30 speakers and guests from 15 countries.
- Attendees included representatives from brands, agencies, media, tech firms, entrepreneurs and investors.
- It covered topics like digital marketing, design, health tech, entrepreneurship and new technologies.
- Surveys found over 99% of attendees were interested in returning and over 87% were happy with the event.
- Speakers and sponsors praised the event for its organization, content, networking and fresh ideas.
- The event saw strong growth over previous years and significant media coverage totaling over 2,000 articles.
Downhill consultantsjackson4545The document presents a diagram illustrating how problems originating from clients make their way down the hierarchy in consulting firms. At the top, clients generate issues that initially reach partners, who pass them on to senior managers and then managers. The problems pick up speed and momentum as they roll downhill, eventually landing on consultants who get fully covered in the issues. While analysts are protected from the problems by their ignorance, they discover and conceal their own issues, allowing them to ferment over time and create additional problems for consultants.
Què és el telégraf ?
L’historia del telégraf.
Funcions del telégraf.
Característiques del
3. Què és el telégraf ?
El telègraf és un dispositiu de
telecomunicació destinat a la transmissió de
senyals a distància.
4. L’historia deL telégraf.
El dispositiu de Morse està constituït per una
estació transmissora i una estació receptora
enllaçades les dues amb una línia constituïda per
un sol fil conductor.
5. Funcions del
La combinació de punts i ratlles es pot traduir
en lletres mitjançant l'ús d'un codi convenient,
en la pràctica el més utilitzat durant molts anys
ha estat el codi Morse.
6. Característiques del
Les característiques del telégraf són els punts y ratlles
per poder comunicar-se i solament s’utilitza en el
codic morse.
7. Inventor del
L’inventor del telégraf va ser en Samuel Finley
Breese Morse, va ser un inventor i pintor nord-
americà, va contribuir a la invenció del telègraf
amb Joseph Henry i del mètode de transmissió