Paisatge industrial pilarmestresA l'àrea de medi hem estat treballant els diferents paisatges. Els alumnes de 4tA i 4tB han fet uns powers points que hem anat a explicar a les classes.
Els castells medievalsEduardo CONNOLLYEl castillo medieval era una fortaleza y casa donde vivían los reyes, príncipes y señores feudales con su familia y sirvientes. Se construían en lugares elevados para controlar los caminos y tierras circundantes, y se iban ampliando con nuevas torres y murallas según las necesidades del señor feudal.
Los castillos estaban formados por torres, murallas, fosos y puentes levadizos para la defensa, y contaban en su interior con patios, pozos, herrerías y otras instalaciones. Los maestros
Power point edat mitjanaSILOCOSAquí teniu un resum dels trets més rellevants de l'Edat Mitjana. Recordeu de fer clic als diferents enllaços per a complementar la informació!!!
Building better budgets - Helping governments strengthen PFM around the worldArnauld BertrandEY brochure for Public Finance Management (PFM) - Building better budgets - Helping governments strengthen PFM around the world
Global Prepreg (Pre-impregnated Composite Fibers) IndustryReportLinker.comThis report analyzes the worldwide markets for Prepreg (Pre-impregnated Composite Fibers) in US$ Million by the following end-use segments: Industrial, Aerospace, and Recreation. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2009 through 2017. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. The report profiles 74 companies including many key and niche players such as Advanced Composites Group Ltd., Cytec Industries, Inc., Gurit Holding AG, Hexcel Corporation, Isola, Taconic, Tencate Advanced Composites USA, Inc., Toray Industries, Inc., and Yokohama Aerospace America, Inc. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are mostly extracted from URL research and reported select online sources.
Els castells medievalsEduardo CONNOLLYEl castillo medieval era una fortaleza y casa donde vivían los reyes, príncipes y señores feudales con su familia y sirvientes. Se construían en lugares elevados para controlar los caminos y tierras circundantes, y se iban ampliando con nuevas torres y murallas según las necesidades del señor feudal.
Los castillos estaban formados por torres, murallas, fosos y puentes levadizos para la defensa, y contaban en su interior con patios, pozos, herrerías y otras instalaciones. Los maestros
Power point edat mitjanaSILOCOSAquí teniu un resum dels trets més rellevants de l'Edat Mitjana. Recordeu de fer clic als diferents enllaços per a complementar la informació!!!
Building better budgets - Helping governments strengthen PFM around the worldArnauld BertrandEY brochure for Public Finance Management (PFM) - Building better budgets - Helping governments strengthen PFM around the world
Global Prepreg (Pre-impregnated Composite Fibers) IndustryReportLinker.comThis report analyzes the worldwide markets for Prepreg (Pre-impregnated Composite Fibers) in US$ Million by the following end-use segments: Industrial, Aerospace, and Recreation. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2009 through 2017. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. The report profiles 74 companies including many key and niche players such as Advanced Composites Group Ltd., Cytec Industries, Inc., Gurit Holding AG, Hexcel Corporation, Isola, Taconic, Tencate Advanced Composites USA, Inc., Toray Industries, Inc., and Yokohama Aerospace America, Inc. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are mostly extracted from URL research and reported select online sources.
Giá TCE (trichloroethylene)nguyentuan991987Hotline Mr Tuấn 0975696148
Công Ty TNHH VinaFujico Nhà phân phối dầu nhớt công nghiệp
PT Kinh Doanh Mr Tuấn
Tel: 0975.696.148 Fax: 0435274728
Add : 308 Phú Mỹ , Tự Lập, Mê Linh - Ha Noi
Wesite :
PublicationJaime MillsThis study aimed to evaluate the size and shape of the internal jugular veins at different levels in the neck. The researchers measured the internal jugular veins in 100 adult CT scans at three levels: the cervical vertebra 1, hyoid bone, and cricoid cartilage. They found that the right internal jugular vein was consistently larger than the left. Additionally, the internal jugular veins increased in size as they descended into the thorax, resembling a conical shape rather than a cylindrical column as commonly depicted. Understanding the internal jugular veins have their largest diameter lower in the neck can help practitioners target the optimal site for central venous catheter placement.
OPAL-RT Smart transmission grid applications for real-time monitoringOPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIESSmart Transmission Grids Applications for Real-Time and Predictive Monitoring and Control of Power Systems
Child Friendly News OctoberKS DesignersThe southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is experiencing protests over the government's decision to divide the state into Telangana and the remaining Andhra Pradesh regions. Large protests have broken out across the state led by important politicians. The division decision has also led to power cuts in some areas as electricity workers protest. There is no sign of the protests calming down as residents outside of the proposed Telangana region strongly oppose the division.
How Can Institutions Listen and Learn from their Clients?CGAPA competitive, market-led approach to financial inclusion has increased the industry’s focus on putting the clients at the center of strategic and operational decisions. This presentation outlines ways in which financial service providers can listen and learn from their clients and the implications this has for decision-making, product design and delivery, in the efforts to offer financial inclusion for all. This presentation is based on sessions from the Virtual Conference “How Can Institutions Listen and Learn from their Clients,” organized by CGAP and MicroSave.
2007 ruined rivers, damaged lives fivas final reportFIVAS - Foreningen for Internasjonale VannstudierFIVAS (Foreningen for Internasjonale Vannstudier) 2007. Rapporten setter et kritisk blikk på det tiår gamle vannkraftprosjektet Theun-Hinboun i Laos. Rapporten viser de store konsekvensene prosjektet har hatt for miljøet og lokalsamfunn, og hvordan prosjektet ikke lykkes i å gjenopprette folks livsgrunnlag.
Sonofonic Acoustic Fibreglass Ceiling TilesSontext Acoustic PanelsSonofonic ceiling tiles are made of compressed glasswool and have a durable painted surface. They provide excellent acoustic performance and come in standard white or black, with special edge profiles to suit different ceiling grid systems. The document provides contact information for Sontext and details five different edge profiles available for the Sonofonic ceiling tiles.
Nuclear technologyProbodh MallickThis document summarizes an article that argues for recycling used nuclear fuel in the United States. It begins by noting that the US currently has over 65,000 metric tons of used nuclear fuel in temporary storage, with no long-term plan for disposal. The article then makes the case that recycling used fuel through reprocessing is a viable option that has been successfully implemented in other countries. Recycling could optimize repository space needs and potentially eliminate the need for additional repositories. It also transforms waste into a valuable energy resource. Developing a pilot recycling plant could generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs and billions in economic investment for host states. The article urges considering recycling as part of an integrated used fuel management strategy.
Insight into AstraZeneca's Technology Services.Nick BrownPresentation given at the Big Data in Pharma Europe conference, London February 19th 2014 ( Updated for Enterprise Search Europe Summit April 29th (
Overview about the innovation approach taken within Technology Services at AstraZeneca, showcasing the approach, 6 examples of pilots and proof-of-concepts, and with a case study of how to implement a revolution in search analytics, using R&D as a springboard for enterprise.
Good Enough is No Longer Good EnoughDanville Regional FoundationThis document discusses economic and workforce trends that are impacting the Dan River Region and provides recommendations to help chart a new future. It summarizes key trends such as urbanization, globalization, and changing demographics. It also outlines workforce issues like skills gaps and the rising talent bar. Recent reports on the region emphasize reinventing its image, improving skills, entrepreneurship, and regional collaboration. The document's recommendations are to build leadership infrastructure, define a new vision through strategic planning, and maximize opportunities from changing trends through initiatives like buying local and retiree entrepreneurship.
Eurex Company Presentation Product Overview 08.09bella1022The document provides information about Eurex, the international derivatives exchange. It details that Eurex has 402 members across 24 countries and over 8,700 registered traders. Eurex offers futures and options contracts on various equity indexes, single stocks, interest rates, commodities, and other products. In 2008, Eurex traded over 948 million contracts across its various markets.
The differences in cloudsTwalendzakThis document defines and describes the 10 major cloud types as well as some additional cloud types. It explains that clouds are either masses of water or ice particles in the sky. The 10 major cloud types are cirrus, stratus, cumulus, nimbus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus. Each cloud type is then defined in more detail including their appearance and the weather conditions they produce.
Inkjet test equipmentYair KipmanImageXpert provides machine vision systems and solutions for analyzing digital printers and ink jet technologies. Their systems can be used in both research and development and production to provide quantitative analysis of drops in flight, print quality, and materials interactions. ImageXpert offers flexible hardware and powerful analysis software customized for customer needs across industries such as printed electronics, textiles and ceramics.
Tracxn - Enterprise Security Startup LandscapeTracxnThis document provides an overview of the enterprise security sector, including funding trends and active investors. Over $1.6 billion has been invested in startups in this sector since 2009, with 100+ companies funded in just the last 12 months. The sectors covered include network security, cloud security, endpoint security, identity and access management, application security, data security, and more. Key business models and illustrative companies are listed for each sector.
2. Índex
Que és el telegraf?
Història del telègraf
Qui va inventar el telègraf?
Evolució del telègraf i les funcions durat l’història.
Característiques del telègraf
El llenguatge en el telègraf
Us actual
3. Que és el telègraf?
El telègraf és un dispositiu de
telecomunicació destinat a la
transmissió de senyals a
4. Història del ձè.
El telègraf va ser inventat l’any 1833
i va ser representat el dia 6 de
febrer a al universitat de
Amb el pas del tempas ha anat
5. Samuel FB Morse va néixer a Charlestown,
Massachusetts al 1791 i morí al 1872 a Nova York als
seus 81 anys.
Era artista i inventor, ja que apart de inventar el
telègraf també inventa el seu llenguatge. El Codic
6. Evolució del telègraf i les
funcions durat l’història
Desprès d’aquest invent van vindre molts més com els
elèctrics, els acústics y els òptics.
Els telègrafs van ser molt útils durant la primera i la
segona guerra mundial.
També va ser utilitzat en la comunicació d’alguns
vaixells com el Titanic, Olimpic, etc.
7. És una transmissió segura i immediata.
Permet transmetre informació a distància utilitzant un
codi predefinit.
Poder enviar telegrames de avis urgent a l’altra part del
continent amb poc temps.
Estar sempre en contacte amb algú amb els telegrames
8. Llenguatge en el telègraf.
En el telegrames
s’utilitza el codi Morse.
Aquest codi està format
per línies llargues i
punts curts.
Alguna paraula en Morse:
S.O.S: · · · - - - · · ·
9. Us actual.
Actualment el telègraf no s'empra massa. Ara s’ha
substituït per el telèfon o la ràdio.
Per poder enviar un telegrama s’envia actualment a les
oficines de Correus , on no s’envia per telègraf sinó
per ordinador.
Un dels invents que ahir foren grans
descobriments avull estan practicament