Hogyan haszn¨¢lj¨¢k a hazai sz¨ªnh¨¢zak az online kommunik¨¢ci¨®s eszk?z?ket? (2012)Janos Palinkas
2012. m¨¢rciusi kutat¨¢s a magyarorsz¨¢gi sz¨ªnh¨¢zak online kommunik¨¢ci¨®j¨¢r¨®l, melyet a Next Wave Europe k¨¦sz¨ªtett el a Katona J¨®zsef Sz¨ªnh¨¢z megrendel¨¦s¨¦re.
Blogposzt a kutat¨¢sr¨®l:
Geography studies how location, place, movement, human-environment interaction, and regions impact our lives. It examines the four directions of location, defines place as an area with boundaries, describes movement as the transfer of people, goods, and ideas, explains human-environment interaction as how humans utilize their surroundings like hunting, gathering and farming, and defines regions as areas with unifying characteristics.
The document discusses Xtreme Programming (XP), an agile software development methodology. It mentions that XP focuses on close communication between developers and customers, frequent testing and code integration, and frequent delivery of new code in short development cycles. The document also notes that XP aims to improve productivity by reducing the number of lines of code per developer through practices like pair programming.
Underscore.js is a JavaScript utility library that provides support for functional programming without extending built-in JavaScript objects. It includes over 60 functions for working with arrays, objects, functions and more. Some key functions include map, reduce, find, and bind for working with collections and functions. Underscore is open source and part of the DocumentCloud project.
The document provides an overview and introduction to CoffeeScript, including:
1) CoffeeScript is a language that compiles to JavaScript, exposing the best parts of JavaScript in a simpler way. The code compiles directly to equivalent JavaScript without any runtime interpretation.
2) CoffeeScript uses significant whitespace and indentation rather than curly braces and semicolons. Functions are defined using a parameter list and arrow, and objects can be nested using indentation.
3) The document discusses CoffeeScript installation, usage, and provides examples of CoffeeScript syntax including functions, objects, conditionals, loops, and more. It compares CoffeeScript syntax to JavaScript and explains the compiled output.
Docco is a command line tool that generates HTML documentation from source code files and their comments. It uses Markdown to format comments and Pygments for syntax highlighting of code. Comments and code are displayed side-by-side in the generated HTML. Docco works with languages like CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and more. It is open source and available on GitHub under the MIT license.
1) The document is a grammar book covering topics like the conditional, present perfect, past perfect, subjunctive perfect, tanto y tan, impersonal 'se', saber vs conocer, formal and informal commands, nosotros commands, the subjunctive, irregular verbs, trigger phrases, and demonstrative adjectives.
2) It provides explanations and conjugations of various verb tenses and structures in Spanish including the conditional, present perfect, past perfect, and subjunctive as well as comparisons using tanto y tan and uses of impersonal 'se'.
3) Key irregular verbs are also listed with their conditional and past participle forms.
30time servizio per tenere traccia dei tempi delle attivit¨¤ aziendaliAndrea Trentin
30time servizio per monitorare ed analizzare in modo facile ed intelligente il tempo speso nelle attivit¨¤ aziendali.
Attraverso un'applicazione cloud ed un app per smarphone sar¨¤ possibile tracciare i tempi delle attivit¨¤ ed analizzarle.
The document provides an outline of topics covered in Espa?ol 3 Libro de Gram¨¢tica including the preterite, imperfect, ser vs estar, verbs like gustar, comparatives and superlatives, future tense, por and para. It includes examples and explanations of verb conjugations and usage for these various grammar points.
The author writes a birthday message to their best friend of 10 years, apologizing for not being able to celebrate together but wishing them a happy 15th birthday. They express gratitude for their long friendship and shared memories, hoping to get together soon despite living 30 minutes apart. The message concludes with expressions of love and references to inside jokes between close friends.
The document discusses Xtreme Programming (XP), an agile software development methodology. It mentions that XP focuses on close communication between developers and customers, frequent testing and code integration, and frequent delivery of new code in short development cycles. The document also notes that XP aims to improve productivity by reducing the number of lines of code per developer through practices like pair programming.
Underscore.js is a JavaScript utility library that provides support for functional programming without extending built-in JavaScript objects. It includes over 60 functions for working with arrays, objects, functions and more. Some key functions include map, reduce, find, and bind for working with collections and functions. Underscore is open source and part of the DocumentCloud project.
The document provides an overview and introduction to CoffeeScript, including:
1) CoffeeScript is a language that compiles to JavaScript, exposing the best parts of JavaScript in a simpler way. The code compiles directly to equivalent JavaScript without any runtime interpretation.
2) CoffeeScript uses significant whitespace and indentation rather than curly braces and semicolons. Functions are defined using a parameter list and arrow, and objects can be nested using indentation.
3) The document discusses CoffeeScript installation, usage, and provides examples of CoffeeScript syntax including functions, objects, conditionals, loops, and more. It compares CoffeeScript syntax to JavaScript and explains the compiled output.
Docco is a command line tool that generates HTML documentation from source code files and their comments. It uses Markdown to format comments and Pygments for syntax highlighting of code. Comments and code are displayed side-by-side in the generated HTML. Docco works with languages like CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and more. It is open source and available on GitHub under the MIT license.
1) The document is a grammar book covering topics like the conditional, present perfect, past perfect, subjunctive perfect, tanto y tan, impersonal 'se', saber vs conocer, formal and informal commands, nosotros commands, the subjunctive, irregular verbs, trigger phrases, and demonstrative adjectives.
2) It provides explanations and conjugations of various verb tenses and structures in Spanish including the conditional, present perfect, past perfect, and subjunctive as well as comparisons using tanto y tan and uses of impersonal 'se'.
3) Key irregular verbs are also listed with their conditional and past participle forms.
30time servizio per tenere traccia dei tempi delle attivit¨¤ aziendaliAndrea Trentin
30time servizio per monitorare ed analizzare in modo facile ed intelligente il tempo speso nelle attivit¨¤ aziendali.
Attraverso un'applicazione cloud ed un app per smarphone sar¨¤ possibile tracciare i tempi delle attivit¨¤ ed analizzarle.
The document provides an outline of topics covered in Espa?ol 3 Libro de Gram¨¢tica including the preterite, imperfect, ser vs estar, verbs like gustar, comparatives and superlatives, future tense, por and para. It includes examples and explanations of verb conjugations and usage for these various grammar points.
The author writes a birthday message to their best friend of 10 years, apologizing for not being able to celebrate together but wishing them a happy 15th birthday. They express gratitude for their long friendship and shared memories, hoping to get together soon despite living 30 minutes apart. The message concludes with expressions of love and references to inside jokes between close friends.
6. - Exponenci¨¢lisan n?vekv? inform¨¢ci¨® mennyis¨¦g
- A felhaszn¨¢l¨®b¨®l fogyaszt¨® v¨¢lik
- A fogyaszt¨® szelekt¨¢lni akar
- A fogyaszt¨® gyorsan szeretne hozz¨¢jutni a
- A fogyaszt¨® szeretn¨¦, ha m¨¢sok is hozz¨¢jutn¨¢nak
az ¨¢ltala kedvelt tartalmakhoz
- A fogyaszt¨® nem irigy - megoszt
7. Az internet kialakul¨¢sakor a fejleszt?k ezeket az
alapelveket hat¨¢rozt¨¢k meg:
- Minden h¨¢l¨®zat ¨¢lljon meg a saj¨¢t l¨¢b¨¢n
- A k¨¹ld?tt csomagok k¨¦zbes¨ªt¨¦se ism¨¦tl?dj?n, ha
azonnal nem k¨¦zbes¨ªthet?ek.
- K?zbeiktatott eszk?z?k haszn¨¢lata, ezeken
kereszt¨¹l a h¨¢l¨®zat glob¨¢lisan menedzselhet?.
- Ne legyen glob¨¢lis ellen?rz¨¦s tartalmi
8. A tartalmak megoszt¨¢sa abb¨®l a m¨ªtoszb¨®l fakad,
hogy az interneten mindent szabad ¨¦s mindenhez
szabadon hozz¨¢ lehet f¨¦rni
17. - Speci¨¢lis k¨¦pi ¨¦s hang tartalom megoszt¨¢sa
- Vitatott ter¨¹let sok szempontb¨®l
- Ki¨¦ a tartalom?
- Megoszthat¨®?
- Ha igen, hogyan ¨¦s mi m¨®don?
- Kal¨®zkod¨¢s? Jogs¨¦rt¨¦s?
Ah¨¢ny internetfelhaszn¨¢l¨®, tartalomfogyaszt¨®, annyi
18. A tartalommegoszt¨¢s ¨¦s a k?z?ss¨¦gi ¨¦let nem
?rd?gt?l val¨® a zenem?vek el?ad¨®i, szerz?i ¨¦s a
filmk¨¦sz¨ªt?k sz¨¢m¨¢ra.
- Marketing, rekl¨¢m, merchandising
- PR
- Event ¨¦s Issue management
- Corporate inform¨¢ci¨®k k?zl¨¦se
- Gyors h¨ªrad¨¢s lehet?s¨¦ge
- Rajong¨®kkal val¨® napi kapcsolattart¨¢s
19. Facebook rajong¨®k: 19.073.814
N?veked¨¦si ¨¹tem: 235.000/h¨¦t
Megv¨¢laszolt rajong¨®i postok ar¨¢nya: 59%
Speci¨¢lis tev¨¦kenys¨¦g a k?zelm¨²ltb¨®l:
Az utols¨® lemez elk¨¦sz¨¹lt¨¦t dokumentumfilmen
r?gz¨ªtett¨¦k ¨¦s az egyes sz¨¢mok kialakul¨¢sa hetente
megtekinthet? volt a Youtube-on, illetve kommentelhet?
volt a Facebookon, j¨¢t¨¦kokkal kieg¨¦sz¨ªtve
20. Facebook rajong¨®k: 2.630.214
N?veked¨¦si ¨¹tem: 25.000/h¨¦t
Megv¨¢laszolt rajong¨®i postok ar¨¢nya: 61%
Speci¨¢lis tev¨¦kenys¨¦g a k?zelm¨²ltb¨®l:
Lenny a koncerteken fot¨®zza a sz¨ªnpadr¨®l a rajong¨®kat
¨¦s a k¨¦peket a Facebookon ¨¦s a Twitteren osztja meg,
amelyek szabadon tov¨¢bboszthat¨®ak, illetve tagelhet?ek.
A Facebook oldalon hetente egy sz¨¢m szabadon
let?lthet? mp3 form¨¢tumban.
21. Facebook rajong¨®k: 39.253.560
N?veked¨¦si ¨¹tem: 486.000/h¨¦t
Megv¨¢laszolt rajong¨®i postok ar¨¢nya: 46%
Speci¨¢lis tev¨¦kenys¨¦g a k?zelm¨²ltb¨®l:
LG gyakorlatilag videomegoszt¨®k¨¦nt, a Youtube egyik
csatorn¨¢jak¨¦nt haszn¨¢lja a Facebook k?z?ss¨¦get, klipjei
t?bbs¨¦g¨¦ben a megoszt¨®ra ker¨¹lnek fel el?sz?r, nem
ritk¨¢n t?bb v¨¢g¨¢sban. Er?s tov¨¢bb¨¢ a merchandising
tev¨¦kenys¨¦g, a k?zvetlen v¨¢s¨¢rl¨¢s ¨¦s a koncertjegyv¨¦teli
lehet?s¨¦g is.
23. A leg¨¦get?bb probl¨¦ma:
Leg¨¢lis ¨²tra terelni a tartalmak megoszt¨¢s¨¢t, let?lt¨¦s¨¦t,
hogy a fogyaszt¨® m¨¢r az els? zenehallgat¨¢s¨¦rt,
filmn¨¦z¨¦s¨¦rt fizessen.
Mi kell hozz¨¢?
- Sok p¨¦nz!
- ?ri¨¢si befoly¨¢s!
- M¨¦g t?bb p¨¦nz!
- Vil¨¢gm¨¦ret? brand
- Nagy ¨¦s kiterjedt k?z?ss¨¦g
24. Dilemma:
A fogyaszt¨® vajon az¨¦rt t?lt-e le tartalmat, mert nem
akar fizetni egy¨¢ltal¨¢n, vagy ¨²gy ¨¦rzi nincs kiszolg¨¢lva
megfelel?en ezen a m¨¦diumon?
Mindkett? igaz:
- Van, aki let?lt ¨¦s esze ¨¢g¨¢ban sincs fizetni ¨¦rte
- Van, aki let?lt, ami¨¦rt nem hajland¨® fizetni ¨¦s eld?nti,
hogy a filmet, zen¨¦t k¨¦s?bb megveszi-e.
- Van, aki hajland¨® fizetni a let?lt¨¦s¨¦rt, k¨¦s?bb viszont
bosszankodik, hogy nem azt kapta a p¨¦nz¨¦¨¦rt, amit
szeretett volna.
26. K?z?ss¨¦gi m¨¦dia ma m¨¢r nem csak b?ng¨¦sz?ben fut¨®
weboldalak ?sszess¨¦ge
- Internet
- Mobil
- ?letst¨ªlus
- Viselked¨¦s
- Gondolkod¨¢s
- Main stream m¨¦dia