The analyst report provides an overview and analysis of Facebook (FB) stock. Key points include: FB stock is overvalued and overbought; it has surpassed Walmart, GE and JPMorgan in market capitalization; the analyst recommends a sell rating and covered short position after earnings at $91.50 due to concerns around high valuations, earnings misses, currency headwinds, and competition in the social media industry.
This short document contains 6 photo credits attributed to different photographers. It concludes by encouraging the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This document contains a series of photo credits attributed to various photographers. The photos are not described but are credited to photographers with names like Jason A. Howie, akrabat, Xurxo MartÃnez, sean dreilinger, heanster, JanneM, gacabo, mˆSTM, Robert S. Donovan, ' Daniel Rehn, and Vincent Lee øÿ. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own presentation.
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare. It includes photos taken by Squire of Cydonia and Leo Reynolds to inspire the viewer. The document encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This report analyzes JetBlue Airways and recommends buying its stock. Key points include:
- JetBlue has grown to the 5th largest US carrier with 800 daily flights and a differentiated customer experience.
- The stock is undervalued based on ratio analysis and trades below industry averages.
- JetBlue will benefit from strong revenue growth, expected EPS growth, and a busy summer travel season with record numbers of passengers.
- With a stable economy and low fuel prices, the analyst recommends taking advantage of a recent dip to establish a long position in JetBlue.
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare. It includes photos taken by Squire of Cydonia and Leo Reynolds to inspire the viewer. The document encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by using the GET STARTED prompt.
- WCG provides managed healthcare services focused on Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs, serving 4.1 million members across 49 states.
- Analysts view WCG as overvalued based on fundamentals like P/E and EPS growth compared to industry averages.
- Key events to watch that could impact WCG stock price include the upcoming King v Burwell Supreme Court decision on Obamacare subsidies and WCG's Q2 earnings report in late July.
- The analysts have a short position on WCG due to undesirable fundamentals, technical signals supporting a short, and potential downside risks from events like the King ruling.
This document discusses mainframe encryption and self-encrypting drives. It summarizes the evolution of IBM's RACF password encryption algorithms over time from encoding to DES to KDFAES. It also discusses self-encrypting drives, how they work to encrypt data in real-time, and potential risks around trusting drive encryption implementations and algorithms. The document advocates moving encryption higher in the software stack and using open implementations when possible rather than relying solely on drive-based encryption.
This document provides information about Region X or Northern Mindanao in the Philippines. It includes the provinces of Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, and Misamis Oriental. It discusses the geography, history, culture, attractions and festivals of the region. Key details include the varied topography of plains, forests, mountains and coastal areas which support agriculture. The region has a mix of historical, natural and man-made attractions such as beaches, mountains and waterfalls.
Security necromancy - Further adventures in mainframe hacking - DEF CON 23bigendiansmalls
The document discusses security vulnerabilities in mainframe systems like z/OS. It notes that there are far fewer documented vulnerabilities for mainframe systems than for Windows or Mac OS. It also discusses IBM's perspective that details of mainframe vulnerabilities should not be publicly available due to the critical nature of workloads and potential damage if vulnerabilities were exploited. The document introduces an individual named "SmallsBigEndian" who conducts mainframe security research and hacking.
This document discusses the school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to policies that disproportionately affect minority students and push them out of school and into the criminal justice system. It provides statistics showing that black, Latino, and other minority students are much more likely to face suspensions, expulsions, arrests at school and not graduate compared to white students. The document also examines factors that contribute to the pipeline, such as zero-tolerance policies, an overemphasis on standardized testing, and the criminalization of minor misconduct at school. It concludes by offering recommendations for disrupting the pipeline, such as improving teacher training, eliminating zero-tolerance policies, and reducing suspensions and expulsions.
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Editi...kilaneemrr
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Edition Iheoma Iruka (Auth.)
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Edition Iheoma Iruka (Auth.)
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Introduction to Managerial Accounting - Solutions Manual Fifth Canadian Edition Peter Brewer
Introduction to Managerial Accounting - Solutions Manual Fifth Canadian Edition Peter Brewer
Introduction to Managerial Accounting - Solutions Manual Fifth Canadian Edition Peter Brewer
- WCG provides managed healthcare services focused on Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs, serving 4.1 million members across 49 states.
- Analysts view WCG as overvalued based on fundamentals like P/E and EPS growth compared to industry averages.
- Key events to watch that could impact WCG stock price include the upcoming King v Burwell Supreme Court decision on Obamacare subsidies and WCG's Q2 earnings report in late July.
- The analysts have a short position on WCG due to undesirable fundamentals, technical signals supporting a short, and potential downside risks from events like the King ruling.
This document discusses mainframe encryption and self-encrypting drives. It summarizes the evolution of IBM's RACF password encryption algorithms over time from encoding to DES to KDFAES. It also discusses self-encrypting drives, how they work to encrypt data in real-time, and potential risks around trusting drive encryption implementations and algorithms. The document advocates moving encryption higher in the software stack and using open implementations when possible rather than relying solely on drive-based encryption.
This document provides information about Region X or Northern Mindanao in the Philippines. It includes the provinces of Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, and Misamis Oriental. It discusses the geography, history, culture, attractions and festivals of the region. Key details include the varied topography of plains, forests, mountains and coastal areas which support agriculture. The region has a mix of historical, natural and man-made attractions such as beaches, mountains and waterfalls.
Security necromancy - Further adventures in mainframe hacking - DEF CON 23bigendiansmalls
The document discusses security vulnerabilities in mainframe systems like z/OS. It notes that there are far fewer documented vulnerabilities for mainframe systems than for Windows or Mac OS. It also discusses IBM's perspective that details of mainframe vulnerabilities should not be publicly available due to the critical nature of workloads and potential damage if vulnerabilities were exploited. The document introduces an individual named "SmallsBigEndian" who conducts mainframe security research and hacking.
This document discusses the school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to policies that disproportionately affect minority students and push them out of school and into the criminal justice system. It provides statistics showing that black, Latino, and other minority students are much more likely to face suspensions, expulsions, arrests at school and not graduate compared to white students. The document also examines factors that contribute to the pipeline, such as zero-tolerance policies, an overemphasis on standardized testing, and the criminalization of minor misconduct at school. It concludes by offering recommendations for disrupting the pipeline, such as improving teacher training, eliminating zero-tolerance policies, and reducing suspensions and expulsions.
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Editi...kilaneemrr
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Edition Iheoma Iruka (Auth.)
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Edition Iheoma Iruka (Auth.)
Clinician s Guide to Engaging Parents in their Children s Education 1st Edition Iheoma Iruka (Auth.)
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haluat katsoa?
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jotta saisit monipuolisia
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oppia? Mitä iloa tai hyötyä
niistä on sinulle?