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ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com 484.939.3466
Elizabeth J. McTear
Philadelphia, PA | Cell: 484.919.3466 | ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com | www.LinkedIn.com/na/__________
Multifaceted Administrative Specialist with a creative perspective. Trusted to utilize resources and
to develop new ideas; bring them through approval process into implementation to reduce costs and
improve operations. Seeking new opportunity to utilize unique blend ofcreative and practical skills.
General Skills
Leadership Motivator Communication
Problem Solving Team Player Customer Service
Organizational Skills Relationship Builder Project Management
University of Pennsylvania Specific Skills
Atlas Program Ipayment System IDX System
EPIC APM System CONCUR T & E Program Sharepoint Expert
University ofPennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA February 2011 to November 2014
School of Engineering, Chemical & Bio-molecular Engineering (CBE) cbe.seas.upenn.edu (7/2012 to 11/2014)
Administrative Assistant responsiblefor wide range of office activities includingexpense reports,scanningand
document conversion, support for 25 Faculty members and 300 Students (Freshman through PhD), and management
of incoming/outgoing mail and packages.
 Key Holder for 3 systems with individual functions
 Coordinator for Weekly Seminar Series – managed programs & speaker logistics and acted as Talent Handler
 Maintained Department Website to keep information current and timely
 Designed posters and flyers for events – examples: Class Posters,Career Development events
 Proposed and Implemented LCD Screen project – utilized RYARC for programming of daily rollingnews feed
School of Engineering, Summer Academy in Applied Science & Technology seas.upenn.edu (5/2012 to 7/2012)
Contractor: Program Coordinator responsiblefor communication management for SAAST program. SAAST is a
program offered to high achieving High School students who areinterested in Engineering as a field of study.
 Processed ~ 200 SAAST applications and enrollments into Filemaker softwaresystem
 Provided customer serviceand support for parents and students in the areas of program logistics communication
and program inclusions – housing, security,food, etc.
ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com 484.939.3466
Penn Law School, Office of Communications law.upenn.edu (12/2011 – 5/2012)
Contractor: Social Media Administrator
 Created content for Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr feeds
 Coordinated across Dean’s offices for critical calendar timeliness and accuracy
 Assigned photographers and writers for coverage of events
 Managed academic calendar of events
Penn Memory Center, Perelman Center pennmedicine.org (4/2011 – 12/2011)
Contractor: Administrative Coordinator
Provided general administrativesupport includingcreatingnew patient registration files, appointment management,
insuranceverifications,organization of charts,referral/pre-authorizations,co-pay collection and processing end of day
cash accounting and running of batch reports.
School of Nursing, Development & Alumni Relations nursing.upenn.edu/alumni (2/2011 – 4/2011)
Contractor: Administrative Coordinator
 Processed gift acknowledgements and donations to ensure gifts and pledges were recognized and tracked
 Maintained PeopleShare databasefor constituency data togenerate data reports on Alumni, Donors & Friends
 Utilized Sharepoint learningand application to build the Urban Women's Health sub -site:
 Utilized creativeskills to produce Photoshop renderings for the 125th Anniversary HUP Nursingmural
 Revamped webpages and Nursing eNewsletter to bringDAR up to date on branding
 Produced new banner for the NursingeNewsletter
TLA Entertainment Group,Philadelphia, PA www.tlavideo.com 3/2005 – 6/2009
Office Manager
TLA Entertainment Group began as a “brick & mortar” retail video outlet in the Philadelphia area. The business is
geared towards specific demographic market segments and an Art House for independent films. Currently they
operate in the Video on Demand and catalog arenas.
 Procurement – reduced office supply costs by ~15% through vendor selection & negotiated agreements
 General Operations – reduced costs by $6K annually
 Published weekly graphics-based HTML product e-mailers to customers
 Designed and installed window displays at retail locations
 Primary key holder for all office, security keys and codes
Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia, PA BFA, Textile Design, Cum Laude 2003
Community Activities
Midwives Collective & Gallery: Art Director & Founding Member 12/2005 – 9/2010
University of Pennsylvania:Museum of Anthropology & Archeology Conservation Volunteer 7/2009 – 1/2010

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Elizabeth McTear Dec 2014 Resume

  • 1. ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com 484.939.3466 Elizabeth J. McTear Philadelphia, PA | Cell: 484.919.3466 | ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com | www.LinkedIn.com/na/__________ Summary Multifaceted Administrative Specialist with a creative perspective. Trusted to utilize resources and to develop new ideas; bring them through approval process into implementation to reduce costs and improve operations. Seeking new opportunity to utilize unique blend ofcreative and practical skills. General Skills Leadership Motivator Communication Problem Solving Team Player Customer Service Organizational Skills Relationship Builder Project Management University of Pennsylvania Specific Skills Atlas Program Ipayment System IDX System EPIC APM System CONCUR T & E Program Sharepoint Expert Experience University ofPennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA February 2011 to November 2014 School of Engineering, Chemical & Bio-molecular Engineering (CBE) cbe.seas.upenn.edu (7/2012 to 11/2014) Administrative Assistant responsiblefor wide range of office activities includingexpense reports,scanningand document conversion, support for 25 Faculty members and 300 Students (Freshman through PhD), and management of incoming/outgoing mail and packages.  Key Holder for 3 systems with individual functions  Coordinator for Weekly Seminar Series – managed programs & speaker logistics and acted as Talent Handler  Maintained Department Website to keep information current and timely  Designed posters and flyers for events – examples: Class Posters,Career Development events  Proposed and Implemented LCD Screen project – utilized RYARC for programming of daily rollingnews feed School of Engineering, Summer Academy in Applied Science & Technology seas.upenn.edu (5/2012 to 7/2012) Contractor: Program Coordinator responsiblefor communication management for SAAST program. SAAST is a program offered to high achieving High School students who areinterested in Engineering as a field of study.  Processed ~ 200 SAAST applications and enrollments into Filemaker softwaresystem  Provided customer serviceand support for parents and students in the areas of program logistics communication and program inclusions – housing, security,food, etc.
  • 2. ElizabethMcTear@gmail.com 484.939.3466 Penn Law School, Office of Communications law.upenn.edu (12/2011 – 5/2012) Contractor: Social Media Administrator  Created content for Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr feeds  Coordinated across Dean’s offices for critical calendar timeliness and accuracy  Assigned photographers and writers for coverage of events  Managed academic calendar of events Penn Memory Center, Perelman Center pennmedicine.org (4/2011 – 12/2011) Contractor: Administrative Coordinator Provided general administrativesupport includingcreatingnew patient registration files, appointment management, insuranceverifications,organization of charts,referral/pre-authorizations,co-pay collection and processing end of day cash accounting and running of batch reports. School of Nursing, Development & Alumni Relations nursing.upenn.edu/alumni (2/2011 – 4/2011) Contractor: Administrative Coordinator  Processed gift acknowledgements and donations to ensure gifts and pledges were recognized and tracked  Maintained PeopleShare databasefor constituency data togenerate data reports on Alumni, Donors & Friends  Utilized Sharepoint learningand application to build the Urban Women's Health sub -site: http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/alumni/uwh/Pages/default.aspx  Utilized creativeskills to produce Photoshop renderings for the 125th Anniversary HUP Nursingmural  Revamped webpages and Nursing eNewsletter to bringDAR up to date on branding  Produced new banner for the NursingeNewsletter TLA Entertainment Group,Philadelphia, PA www.tlavideo.com 3/2005 – 6/2009 Office Manager TLA Entertainment Group began as a “brick & mortar” retail video outlet in the Philadelphia area. The business is geared towards specific demographic market segments and an Art House for independent films. Currently they operate in the Video on Demand and catalog arenas.  Procurement – reduced office supply costs by ~15% through vendor selection & negotiated agreements  General Operations – reduced costs by $6K annually  Published weekly graphics-based HTML product e-mailers to customers  Designed and installed window displays at retail locations  Primary key holder for all office, security keys and codes Education Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia, PA BFA, Textile Design, Cum Laude 2003 Community Activities Midwives Collective & Gallery: Art Director & Founding Member 12/2005 – 9/2010 University of Pennsylvania:Museum of Anthropology & Archeology Conservation Volunteer 7/2009 – 1/2010