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Elliot Silvia, ATC, B.S.
(508) 951-7450
1 Dallas Street Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748
Education: Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA (2014)
Current student in the Masters of Science in Health and Wellness Management Program, (2016)
Health Sciences Research Graduate Fellow, North Andover, MA (September 2015- present)
 responsible for managing the scheduling and placement of undergraduate students to Service Learning
 serving as a Teaching Assistant for two undergraduate courses by managing grades, setting up lab
experiments and organizing and implementing class data into spreadsheets
 experience with written and oral communication between students, professors and community
outreach facilitators
Performance Physical Therapy (August 2014- August 2015)
 provide rehabilitative services to diverse patient population through developing progressive
rehabilitation exercise plans, using therapeutic modalities and patient education
 provide weekly injury clinics to Exeter West Greenwich and Woonsocket High Schooland per diem
coverage at Brown University
 coverage for home and away football games with the Exeter West Greenwich High School football
team through pre-game taping, acute care and injury management and proper referralof athletes to
other healthcare professionals
 create strength and conditioning programs for members of the Assisted Gym Program
YMCA Camp Metacomet, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts (2008-2013)
 Worked as a special needs counselor and ropes course specialist for 7 consecutive summers
 Much experience working with children ages 4 to 15 years old
 Experience creating and implementing fitness programs for youth to elderly population
Salem High School, Salem, New Hampshire (Spring 2014)
 Gained competency in conducting a full evaluation including postural screenings, gait analysis and
 Communicated with athletes, parents and coaches regarding appropriate care and referrals to other
healthcare professionals
Football, Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts (Fall 2013)
 gained familiarity with healthcare documentation filing and storage practices
 Experience performing evaluations for on-the-field athletic injuries, which have included assessing
vital signs
 increased ability to apply an effective rehabilitation plan based on athletic injury
Haverhill High School, Haverhill, Massachusetts (Spring 2013)
 Gained competence in administration and medical documentation utilizing both written and electronic
 Answered phone calls and took messages from parents, physicaltherapists and primary care
 Athletic Trainer Certified through the Board of Certification (Certification Number 2000016637)
 Member of the National Athletic Trainers Association (Member Number 52294)
 Healthcare Provider Certified by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
 First Aid Certified by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
 Brother of Phi Kappa Theta- Omega Chapter

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  • 1. Elliot Silvia, ATC, B.S. esilvia@merrimack.edu (508) 951-7450 1 Dallas Street Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748 Education: Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA (2014) Current student in the Masters of Science in Health and Wellness Management Program, (2016) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WORK EXPERIENCE Health Sciences Research Graduate Fellow, North Andover, MA (September 2015- present) responsible for managing the scheduling and placement of undergraduate students to Service Learning Sites serving as a Teaching Assistant for two undergraduate courses by managing grades, setting up lab experiments and organizing and implementing class data into spreadsheets experience with written and oral communication between students, professors and community outreach facilitators Performance Physical Therapy (August 2014- August 2015) provide rehabilitative services to diverse patient population through developing progressive rehabilitation exercise plans, using therapeutic modalities and patient education provide weekly injury clinics to Exeter West Greenwich and Woonsocket High Schooland per diem coverage at Brown University coverage for home and away football games with the Exeter West Greenwich High School football team through pre-game taping, acute care and injury management and proper referralof athletes to other healthcare professionals create strength and conditioning programs for members of the Assisted Gym Program YMCA Camp Metacomet, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts (2008-2013) Worked as a special needs counselor and ropes course specialist for 7 consecutive summers Much experience working with children ages 4 to 15 years old Experience creating and implementing fitness programs for youth to elderly population INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE Salem High School, Salem, New Hampshire (Spring 2014) Gained competency in conducting a full evaluation including postural screenings, gait analysis and biomechanics Communicated with athletes, parents and coaches regarding appropriate care and referrals to other healthcare professionals Football, Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts (Fall 2013) gained familiarity with healthcare documentation filing and storage practices Experience performing evaluations for on-the-field athletic injuries, which have included assessing vital signs increased ability to apply an effective rehabilitation plan based on athletic injury Haverhill High School, Haverhill, Massachusetts (Spring 2013) Gained competence in administration and medical documentation utilizing both written and electronic Answered phone calls and took messages from parents, physicaltherapists and primary care physicians CERTIFICATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS Athletic Trainer Certified through the Board of Certification (Certification Number 2000016637) Member of the National Athletic Trainers Association (Member Number 52294) Healthcare Provider Certified by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons First Aid Certified by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Brother of Phi Kappa Theta- Omega Chapter