This document discusses a redevelopment plan for a North, Third and York alley. It proposes taking land in fee from existing property owners to develop additional municipal parking. Key points include:
- Existing zoning and property uses would not change, though zoning could be adjusted later for redevelopment.
- Developable footprints are more important than maximum floor area ratios (FAR), as none of the properties or comparables are built to their maximum FAR currently.
- The taking would provide between 4.75 to 5.5 additional parking spaces for property owners' semi-exclusive use, benefiting them despite the land loss.
- Total compensation per property owner is estimated between $48,000 to $
City Council discussed two annexation proposals and two zone change requests. For the annexation proposals, 14 of 15 parcels had accepted development agreements to not be annexed. The zone change requests involved changing areas from single-family residential to neighborhood commercial to allow small businesses and be compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. City staff recommended approving the zone changes as consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance, but the planning commission voted to deny one request.
This document outlines parking reform recommendations for downtown Jersey City put forth by Councilwoman Candice Osborne. The goals are to increase parking capacity, improve regulations understanding, increase resident convenience, and enhance public safety. Recommendations include updating zone parking hours, allowing parking in adjacent zones, increasing non-resident fees, replacing underused monthly permits with meters, reducing street sweeping, designating food truck areas, simplifying signs and regulations, enabling online temporary passes, replacing reserved spots with smart meters, curb painting, and targeted enforcement. The recommendations are intended as a starting point for discussion with city departments.
This document discusses strategies for regenerative development and value capture. It provides examples of how a developer partnered with Duncanville, Texas to redevelop old and underutilized buildings into a mixed-use project called Main Station that generated over $1 million in new taxes annually. The success of this project led to further redevelopment along Main Street through a form-based code, a reconstructed street, and the redevelopment of two additional sites into a studio and retail spaces. The strategies discussed focus on creative public roles, tying regional funding to private investment, embracing pioneer developers, creating predictability through form-based codes, and planning for "rail ready" transit-oriented development to enable future value capture.
1) Integra Realty Resources-Chicago Metro managing director Gary DeClark provided a sneak peek at IRR's strong Q1 numbers, including CBD office vacancy of 15.5% versus 25% in the suburbs. Retail valuations were high thanks to low vacancy rates.
2) According to Gary, industrial was a big surprise in Q1 and is poised to surge with 9.5% vacancy and demand from intermodal transportation growth.
3) Hines is developing the 50-story River Point office tower in Chicago, which secured McDermott Will & Emery as an anchor tenant for 225k sf. International capital is increasingly funding development in Chicago's office market.
National Media Placement- BEHIND BARS- Valuation Magazine-2013Debi Myers
This document summarizes the challenges of appraising a maximum-security prison. Gary DeClark was hired to appraise the Thomson Correctional Center in Illinois. It was a difficult assignment due to the unique nature of the property. DeClark identified a very limited potential buyer pool of just government entities. He used the cost approach since the income and sales approaches were not applicable. After extensive research, DeClark valued the property at $165 million, the price it eventually sold to the federal government. Appraising unusual properties requires significant research to understand the market and develop a defensible value opinion.
This document is an issue of the PricewaterhouseCoopers publication "View" from winter 2008. It contains articles on topics related to business such as achieving business agility, maximizing talent, health care reform, and an interview with futurist Andrew Zolli. The editorial introduces the new format and approach of View to keep up with changes in business. It also emphasizes the publication's focus on issues that concern business executives as they navigate forces of change.
Temas candentes de la industria del autom坦vil 2013PwC Espa単a
Resumen ejecutivo del informe elaborado por PwC (2013) que aborda las principales claves para garantizar el futuro de la industria del autom坦vil en Espa単a
Nota de prensa:
Riverisland: Inordinate Burdens or Leveling the Playing Field, California Litigation, Vol. 27, No. 2 (July 2014).
Discusses the litigation implications of the new fraud exception to the parol evidence rule, including the likely coming application to at-will employment contracts.
El documento describe los protocolos de red m叩s importantes como IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP y SMTP. Explica que IP transmite paquetes de datos entre sistemas usando direcciones IP, mientras que TCP y UDP ofrecen diferentes niveles de confiabilidad y rendimiento al transmitir paquetes. Tambi辿n describe protocolos como HTTP, FTP y Telnet que permiten funciones como navegar la web, transferir archivos y acceder remotamente a otros sistemas.
Cliw is a messaging app that allows users to communicate with others around the world. The document discusses wireframes and mock-ups for Cliw, focusing on the profile page of a user named Ariton Andrei. Key information about Ariton such as profile photo, background information, contact details and recent messages are laid out concisely.
c坦mo aplicar el modelo de flipped learning y la gamificaci坦n a las asignaturas universitarias. Aspectos pedag坦gicos y herramientas tecnol坦gicas a dominar para empezar a implementar estas metodolog鱈as
Este documento describe los principales recursos de Windows como men炭s, el bot坦n Inicio, la barra de tareas, iconos, el escritorio y ventanas. Explica que los men炭s son listas de opciones y subopciones que pueden activarse con el bot坦n derecho del mouse. Describe que el bot坦n Inicio muestra el men炭 de inicio y permite acceder a componentes del sistema, y que la barra de tareas muestra aplicaciones activas y permite cambiar entre ellas. Tambi辿n explica que los iconos son representaciones gr叩ficas de aplicaciones de acceso r叩pido
Richard Stallman fund坦 el movimiento de software libre en 1983 con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema operativo libre llamado GNU. En 1992, cuando faltaba el n炭cleo, Linus Torvalds liber坦 Linux, completando el sistema operativo GNU/Linux. Stallman define cuatro libertades esenciales del software libre: ejecutar el programa como se desee, estudiar y modificar el c坦digo, distribuir copias y distribuir versiones modificadas. Estas libertades permiten a los usuarios ser libres y participar de una comunidad 辿tica.
Southern K-14 Education Innovation Summit October 30-31, 2013Kelley Jackson
Dr. Jabari Simama, President, Georgia Piedmont Technical College and Cathilea Robinette, Executive Vice President, eRepublic, launch the first Southern K-14 Education Innovation Summit. The conference is scheduled for October 30-31, 2013 on the DeKalb Campus of Georgia Piedmont Technical College in Clarkston, Georgia. The summit will convene leaders in education to discuss innovative education models in the K-14 space.
Dukane proudly offers a full line of data-video projectors, document cameras, visual presenters, interactive products, screens, voice amplification systems, speaker systems, technology carts, accessories and more.
Dukane is an American company serving the education, corporate, government and house of worship markets for over 85 years.
For more information contact:
Delia Valdez
Dukane Customer Service Representative
Phone: 800-676-2485
Fax: (630) 584-5156
Dukane AV
2900 Dukane Drive
St. Charles, IL 60174
El documento resume las divisiones del derecho y define el derecho laboral, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas de voluntariedad, dependencia y retribuci坦n. Tambi辿n describe las relaciones laborales especiales y la administraci坦n y tribunales laborales en Espa単a. Finalmente, cubre las fuentes del derecho laboral y los principios para su aplicaci坦n.
This document discusses the negative impacts of minimum parking requirements, including excess parking costs and land consumption. It provides examples from Aurora, Colorado where minimum parking requirements result in 415,229 required residential parking spaces but only 211,156 owned vehicles, costing $6 billion over 24 years. Reducing minimums could generate $20.75 million monthly in additional economic activity and $5.3 million annually in property taxes. Case studies from Westminster reduced their parking minimums and saw similar parking demand. Recommendations include flexibility in parking requirements based on proximity to transit and shared parking.
City of Salina Brochure-Residential Zoning RegulationsCity of Salina
This document provides information and regulations regarding residential zoning and site plans in Salina, Kansas. It outlines minimum setback requirements for structures from property lines in various zoning districts, including front, side, and rear yards. It also specifies setback rules for accessory structures, covered decks, open porches, and easements. A site plan is required for new buildings, additions, covered decks/porches, and swimming pools to ensure compliance with these setback and zoning rules.
Incredible location with lots of options for development with this current airport. Existing hangars are 100% rented! There is a HUGE demand here for additional growth and offers very large ROI to new owner. Buyer can purchase this airport and grow quickly in aviation or use in development of this 68.5 parcel in beautiful setting off a well traveled road. Purchase of airport includes 7 residential lots available to sell as desired. Property is zoned PUD C-1 Commercial. Plenty of value and possibility here for $3 million!
This document discusses proposed amendments to the city's off-street parking requirements. It provides an outline of prior discussions and presentations with the Planning and Zoning Commission on parking flexibility. The Commission voted to recommend approval of draft ordinance amendments. The proposed amendments aim to provide more flexibility and reduce barriers to development. They include adjusting parking minimums and purpose statements, increasing eligibility for shared/off-site parking, exempting small sites from some requirements, and allowing more administrator discretion. The staff recommendation is to approve the nine proposed ordinance revisions.
OneCode is an effort to consolidate Dania Beach's three separate zoning codes into a single unified code. It aims to make the code more user-friendly without changing residents' existing lifestyles or development potential. City staff hosted multiple community workshops to gather input on topics like boat lifts, sheds, fences, and vehicle parking. The proposed OneCode defines commercial vehicle regulations and allows limited parking of small commercial vehicles in residential areas.
The document discusses proposed roadway impact fees for a city. It provides information on the city's transportation plan costs, 10-year roadway needs attributable to growth, and the maximum and recommended impact fee amounts. The recommended residential fee is $1,500 per single family home, reduced significantly from the maximum calculated fees. Non-residential fees and fee options are also discussed. Comparisons to other cities' fees are provided.
The document provides an outlook for the year 2016. It begins with a base case that forecasts slow economic growth and low inflation in the US, with the S&P 500 reaching 2214.39. It identifies several "known unknowns" that could impact the outlook, including monetary policy changes, the global economy, the upcoming US election, and geopolitical issues. It then examines the weak US economic recovery in more depth, attributing it to high private sector debt levels. International growth is also constrained by debt and aging populations. China's transition away from its low-cost manufacturing model poses risks if not managed properly.
Restoring the Corners to Contracts- David J. Myers, ESQ.Debi Myers
1. The document discusses changes to California's parole evidence rule regarding fraud exceptions. Previously, oral inducements inconsistent with written contracts could not be used to claim fraud. However, a recent court case now allows such claims to prevent fraudulent inducement.
2. Going forward, contract expectations will be less certain as fraud claims and litigation focusing on parties' intent and reliance will be more common. Boilerplate clauses will provide less protection. Sophistication of parties and reasonableness of reliance will be important factors.
3. Some potential limitations discussed include failing to read a contract, sophistication of parties, bargaining power differences, and failure to investigate. Reformation of contract terms based on fraud may also now be available
Bank One Texas vs. Pollack 24 CALIF. Appelate 4th 973 , 29 Cal.Rptr.2d 510Debi Myers
BANK ONE TEXAS, N.A., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. SHELDON L. POLLACK, Defendant; BANK OF MONTREAL, Real Party in Interest and Respondent.
(Superior Court of Los Angeles County, No. C742631, Arnold H. Gold, Judge.)
(Opinion by Spencer, P. J., with Masterson, J., concurring. Vogel (Miriam A.), J., concurred in the disposition only.)
David J. Myers for Plaintiff and Appellant.
Mayer, Brown & Platt, Neil M. Soltman and Jacqueline R. Brady for Real Party in Interest and Respondent. [24 Cal.App.4th 976]
The Sister State and Foreign Money Judgments Act (Code Civ. Proc., ? 1710.10 et seq.) permits a judgment creditor to "apply for the entry of a [24 Cal.App.4th 978] judgment based on a sister state judgment" by filing an application therefor. (Id., ? 1710.15, subd.
This document provides background information on LFC Group of Companies, which offers auction marketing programs and services for commercial and residential real estate. It discusses LFC's experience in real estate auctions dating back over 30 years. It outlines the key aspects of LFC's Auction Marketing Program (AMP) including timelines, bidding processes, marketing campaigns, and tracking results. Testimonials from past clients praise LFC's services. The document also provides details on LFC's various subsidiary companies and the management team.
Riverisland: Inordinate Burdens or Leveling the Playing Field, California Litigation, Vol. 27, No. 2 (July 2014).
Discusses the litigation implications of the new fraud exception to the parol evidence rule, including the likely coming application to at-will employment contracts.
El documento describe los protocolos de red m叩s importantes como IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP y SMTP. Explica que IP transmite paquetes de datos entre sistemas usando direcciones IP, mientras que TCP y UDP ofrecen diferentes niveles de confiabilidad y rendimiento al transmitir paquetes. Tambi辿n describe protocolos como HTTP, FTP y Telnet que permiten funciones como navegar la web, transferir archivos y acceder remotamente a otros sistemas.
Cliw is a messaging app that allows users to communicate with others around the world. The document discusses wireframes and mock-ups for Cliw, focusing on the profile page of a user named Ariton Andrei. Key information about Ariton such as profile photo, background information, contact details and recent messages are laid out concisely.
c坦mo aplicar el modelo de flipped learning y la gamificaci坦n a las asignaturas universitarias. Aspectos pedag坦gicos y herramientas tecnol坦gicas a dominar para empezar a implementar estas metodolog鱈as
Este documento describe los principales recursos de Windows como men炭s, el bot坦n Inicio, la barra de tareas, iconos, el escritorio y ventanas. Explica que los men炭s son listas de opciones y subopciones que pueden activarse con el bot坦n derecho del mouse. Describe que el bot坦n Inicio muestra el men炭 de inicio y permite acceder a componentes del sistema, y que la barra de tareas muestra aplicaciones activas y permite cambiar entre ellas. Tambi辿n explica que los iconos son representaciones gr叩ficas de aplicaciones de acceso r叩pido
Richard Stallman fund坦 el movimiento de software libre en 1983 con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema operativo libre llamado GNU. En 1992, cuando faltaba el n炭cleo, Linus Torvalds liber坦 Linux, completando el sistema operativo GNU/Linux. Stallman define cuatro libertades esenciales del software libre: ejecutar el programa como se desee, estudiar y modificar el c坦digo, distribuir copias y distribuir versiones modificadas. Estas libertades permiten a los usuarios ser libres y participar de una comunidad 辿tica.
Southern K-14 Education Innovation Summit October 30-31, 2013Kelley Jackson
Dr. Jabari Simama, President, Georgia Piedmont Technical College and Cathilea Robinette, Executive Vice President, eRepublic, launch the first Southern K-14 Education Innovation Summit. The conference is scheduled for October 30-31, 2013 on the DeKalb Campus of Georgia Piedmont Technical College in Clarkston, Georgia. The summit will convene leaders in education to discuss innovative education models in the K-14 space.
Dukane proudly offers a full line of data-video projectors, document cameras, visual presenters, interactive products, screens, voice amplification systems, speaker systems, technology carts, accessories and more.
Dukane is an American company serving the education, corporate, government and house of worship markets for over 85 years.
For more information contact:
Delia Valdez
Dukane Customer Service Representative
Phone: 800-676-2485
Fax: (630) 584-5156
Dukane AV
2900 Dukane Drive
St. Charles, IL 60174
El documento resume las divisiones del derecho y define el derecho laboral, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas de voluntariedad, dependencia y retribuci坦n. Tambi辿n describe las relaciones laborales especiales y la administraci坦n y tribunales laborales en Espa単a. Finalmente, cubre las fuentes del derecho laboral y los principios para su aplicaci坦n.
This document discusses the negative impacts of minimum parking requirements, including excess parking costs and land consumption. It provides examples from Aurora, Colorado where minimum parking requirements result in 415,229 required residential parking spaces but only 211,156 owned vehicles, costing $6 billion over 24 years. Reducing minimums could generate $20.75 million monthly in additional economic activity and $5.3 million annually in property taxes. Case studies from Westminster reduced their parking minimums and saw similar parking demand. Recommendations include flexibility in parking requirements based on proximity to transit and shared parking.
City of Salina Brochure-Residential Zoning RegulationsCity of Salina
This document provides information and regulations regarding residential zoning and site plans in Salina, Kansas. It outlines minimum setback requirements for structures from property lines in various zoning districts, including front, side, and rear yards. It also specifies setback rules for accessory structures, covered decks, open porches, and easements. A site plan is required for new buildings, additions, covered decks/porches, and swimming pools to ensure compliance with these setback and zoning rules.
Incredible location with lots of options for development with this current airport. Existing hangars are 100% rented! There is a HUGE demand here for additional growth and offers very large ROI to new owner. Buyer can purchase this airport and grow quickly in aviation or use in development of this 68.5 parcel in beautiful setting off a well traveled road. Purchase of airport includes 7 residential lots available to sell as desired. Property is zoned PUD C-1 Commercial. Plenty of value and possibility here for $3 million!
This document discusses proposed amendments to the city's off-street parking requirements. It provides an outline of prior discussions and presentations with the Planning and Zoning Commission on parking flexibility. The Commission voted to recommend approval of draft ordinance amendments. The proposed amendments aim to provide more flexibility and reduce barriers to development. They include adjusting parking minimums and purpose statements, increasing eligibility for shared/off-site parking, exempting small sites from some requirements, and allowing more administrator discretion. The staff recommendation is to approve the nine proposed ordinance revisions.
OneCode is an effort to consolidate Dania Beach's three separate zoning codes into a single unified code. It aims to make the code more user-friendly without changing residents' existing lifestyles or development potential. City staff hosted multiple community workshops to gather input on topics like boat lifts, sheds, fences, and vehicle parking. The proposed OneCode defines commercial vehicle regulations and allows limited parking of small commercial vehicles in residential areas.
The document discusses proposed roadway impact fees for a city. It provides information on the city's transportation plan costs, 10-year roadway needs attributable to growth, and the maximum and recommended impact fee amounts. The recommended residential fee is $1,500 per single family home, reduced significantly from the maximum calculated fees. Non-residential fees and fee options are also discussed. Comparisons to other cities' fees are provided.
The document provides an outlook for the year 2016. It begins with a base case that forecasts slow economic growth and low inflation in the US, with the S&P 500 reaching 2214.39. It identifies several "known unknowns" that could impact the outlook, including monetary policy changes, the global economy, the upcoming US election, and geopolitical issues. It then examines the weak US economic recovery in more depth, attributing it to high private sector debt levels. International growth is also constrained by debt and aging populations. China's transition away from its low-cost manufacturing model poses risks if not managed properly.
Restoring the Corners to Contracts- David J. Myers, ESQ.Debi Myers
1. The document discusses changes to California's parole evidence rule regarding fraud exceptions. Previously, oral inducements inconsistent with written contracts could not be used to claim fraud. However, a recent court case now allows such claims to prevent fraudulent inducement.
2. Going forward, contract expectations will be less certain as fraud claims and litigation focusing on parties' intent and reliance will be more common. Boilerplate clauses will provide less protection. Sophistication of parties and reasonableness of reliance will be important factors.
3. Some potential limitations discussed include failing to read a contract, sophistication of parties, bargaining power differences, and failure to investigate. Reformation of contract terms based on fraud may also now be available
Bank One Texas vs. Pollack 24 CALIF. Appelate 4th 973 , 29 Cal.Rptr.2d 510Debi Myers
BANK ONE TEXAS, N.A., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. SHELDON L. POLLACK, Defendant; BANK OF MONTREAL, Real Party in Interest and Respondent.
(Superior Court of Los Angeles County, No. C742631, Arnold H. Gold, Judge.)
(Opinion by Spencer, P. J., with Masterson, J., concurring. Vogel (Miriam A.), J., concurred in the disposition only.)
David J. Myers for Plaintiff and Appellant.
Mayer, Brown & Platt, Neil M. Soltman and Jacqueline R. Brady for Real Party in Interest and Respondent. [24 Cal.App.4th 976]
The Sister State and Foreign Money Judgments Act (Code Civ. Proc., ? 1710.10 et seq.) permits a judgment creditor to "apply for the entry of a [24 Cal.App.4th 978] judgment based on a sister state judgment" by filing an application therefor. (Id., ? 1710.15, subd.
This document provides background information on LFC Group of Companies, which offers auction marketing programs and services for commercial and residential real estate. It discusses LFC's experience in real estate auctions dating back over 30 years. It outlines the key aspects of LFC's Auction Marketing Program (AMP) including timelines, bidding processes, marketing campaigns, and tracking results. Testimonials from past clients praise LFC's services. The document also provides details on LFC's various subsidiary companies and the management team.
Wind Energy -North Dakota & South Dakota StatisticsDebi Myers
The document discusses the growth of the clean energy industry, specifically wind power, in North Dakota and South Dakota and the economic opportunities it provides. It outlines several wind turbine component manufacturing companies that have facilities in the Dakotas, such as LM Glasfiber in Grand Forks, ND and Molded Fiber Glass Companies in Aberdeen, SD, creating hundreds of jobs. These companies are locating in the region due to its productive wind resources and to reduce transportation costs of the large turbine components. Wind power development can generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs and economic benefits to businesses, landowners, and communities in the Dakotas.
The document summarizes the growth and economic impact of the wind energy industry in Illinois. It notes that Illinois has over 100 wind energy supply chain companies employing more than 15,000 people. The wind industry has led to the creation of over 2,500 manufacturing jobs from a single 150 megawatt wind farm. Chicago has emerged as a hub for the industry, hosting the headquarters of 13 major wind companies. The growth of the industry in Illinois is supported by policies like the state's Renewable Electricity Standard and has spurred job growth in both manufacturing and professional services companies throughout the state.
The document discusses the importance of properly accounting for refrigeration costs when appraising cold storage facilities. It notes that refrigeration costs can range from $30-60 per square foot of cooled area. Without recognizing these additional capital costs and ensuring adequate returns, an investment will not attract investor interest. The document provides an example where refrigerating 50% of a 100,000 square foot building at $40 per square foot would add $2 million in capital costs, equivalent to raising the overall property value by $20 per square foot. Failure to properly consider refrigeration costs can lead appraisals to be off by 25-50%.
Fast facts on the panama expansion and how it affects the midwest real estate...Debi Myers
The document discusses opportunities for investment and development in transportation, warehousing, and related industries in the Midwestern United States. Key factors driving growth include the expansion of the Panama Canal increasing cargo volumes, existing multi-modal infrastructure like rail and waterways, and the rise of inland ports. Inland ports provide efficient transportation corridors between ocean ports and the Midwest, boosting demand for specialized facilities. Exports from the Midwest are also growing, including opportunities to ship goods back to Asia. Several Midwestern states have undertaken trade missions promoting increased exports.
This document summarizes the author's experience as a young appraiser over 35 years ago when cell phones and computers were not available. The author describes an instance where one of their staff members was given an address for an appraisal assignment but due to a digit error in the address, inspected the wrong property, a community center, and spent hours measuring it before realizing the mistake. The staffer then had to contact the correct property to do the inspection, wasting valuable time. The moral of the story is to verify address details before visiting a property to prevent inspecting the wrong building and save time.
AVAST software 2025 which is based in Prague, Czech Republic is famous for developing one of the most widely used security suites for protecting your computers.
The moment my Bitcoin wallet froze mid-transfer, stranding $410,000 in cryptographic limbo, I felt centuries of history slip through my fingers. That balance wasnt just wealth; it was a lifeline for forgotten libraries, their cracked marble floors and water-stained manuscripts waiting to breathe again. The migration glitch struck like a corrupted index: one second, funds flowed smoothly; the next, the transaction hung Unconfirmed, its ID number mocking me in glowing red. Days bled into weeks as support tickets evaporated into corporate ether. Id haunt the stacks of my local library, tracing fingers over brittle Dickens volumes, whispering, Im sorry, to ghosts of scholars past. Then, Mariana silver-haired librarian with a crypto wallet tucked beside her ledger found me slumped at a mahogany study carrel. Youve got the blockchain stare, she murmured, pressing a Post-it into my palm.
Salvage Asset Recovery. They resurrected my nephews Ethereum after a smart contract imploded. Go.
I emailed them at midnight, my screens blue glare mixing with moonlight through stained-glass windows. By dawn, their engineers had dissected the disaster. The glitch, they explained, wasnt a hack but a protocol mismatch, a handshake between wallet versions that failed mid-encryption, freezing funds like a book jammed in a pneumatic tube. Your Bitcoin isnt lost, assured a specialist named Leo. Its stuck in a cryptographic limbo. Well debug the transaction layer by layer.
Thirteen days of nerve-shredding limbo followed. Id refresh blockchain explorers obsessively, clinging to updates: Reverse-engineering OP_RETURN outputs Bypassing nonce errorsprogress at 72%... My library blueprints, quotes for climate-controlled archives, plans for AR-guided tours sat untouched, their ink fading under my doubt. Then, on a frostbitten morning, the email arrived: Transaction invalidated. Funds restored. I watched, trembling, as my wallet repopulated $410,000 glowing like a Gutenberg Bible under museum lights.
Salvage Asset Recovery didnt just reclaim my Bitcoin; they salvaged a bridge between past and future. Today, the first restored library stands in a 19th-century bank building, its vault now a digital archive where blockchain ledgers track preservation efforts. Patrons sip fair-trade coffee under vaulted ceilings, swiping NFTs that unlock rare manuscript scans, a symbiosis of parchment and Python code.
These assets are more than technicians; theyre custodians of legacy. When code fails, they speak its dead languages, reviving what the digital world dismisses as lost. And to Marian, who now hosts Bitcoin literacy workshops between poetry readings, you were the guardian angel this techno-hermit didnt know to pray for.
If your crypto dreams stall mid-flight, summon Salvage Asset Recovery. Theyll rewrite the code, rebuild the bridge, and ensure history never becomes a footnote. All thanks to Salvage Asset Recovery- their contact info
Young Visionary Dhruv Goyal Redefines Indias Startup EcosystemFourLion Capital
Dhruv Goyal, a rising star in Indias entrepreneurial landscape, is making waves with his innovative approach and disruptive business strategies. Known for empowering MSMEs and promoting digital transformation in underserved sectors, Goyal is redefining how startups scale and create impact.
His ventures focus on sustainability, grassroots innovation, and inclusive growthkey elements that are reshaping Indias startup ecosystem. Industry experts and investors applaud his visionary leadership, calling him a catalyst for a new generation of purpose-driven entrepreneurs.
As he continues to break new ground, Dhruv Goyal stands as a symbol of Indias economic and innovation renaissance.
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MiniTool Partition Wizard Technician 2025 is a popular partition manager which allows users to create, resize, format and manage their hard disk partitions in a professional manner.
New Wondershare filmora Crack [2025] Latest Downloadchenstok38
Wondershare Filmora 2025 is a wonderful video editing application which allows you to create visually stunning videos with ease. It comes loaded with a wealth of cutting-edge color grading tools, effects, music, animations, and more ready to turn your precious moments into beautifully crafted films or movies.
People-First Leadership Strategies that Drive Company SuccessRussell Podgorski
This article explores the transformative power of people-first leadership, arguing
that prioritizing trust, empathy, and purpose can dramatically improve workplace
culture and performance. One of the authors, an executive search leader for a Fortune 500 healthcare company, shares firsthand experiences of witnessing both the
detrimental effects of ineffective leadership and the positive impact of a people centric approach.
The article details a structured approach to leadership transformation, beginning with a deep dive into understanding the organizations culture. This cultural
assessment informs the implementation of key leadership principles, drawing
upon established organizational development theories. These principles include:
cultivating open communication and empathy; promoting transparency in performance and opportunities; connecting individual work to a larger purpose;
empowering employees through autonomy and ownership; focusing on collaborative problem-solving; reframing negativity; prioritizing employee well-being; and
investing in individual growth and development.
The authors explain the rationale behind selecting these specific methods,
emphasizing the importance of aligning interventions with the organizations
unique cultural context. The results of implementing these principles were significant, including a 40% increase in productivity and a 25% improvement in
employee engagement scores within 18 months, without increasing headcount.
Internal placements of high-potential employees and successors increased to
65%. Qualitative improvements included better team dynamics, communication,
and innovation.
Key insights for OD practitioners include the crucial role of culture in leadership effectiveness, the proven benefits of a people-first approach, and the need for
continuous leadership development. The authors acknowledge challenges, such
as resistance to change, and limitations, like the focus on a single function within
the larger organization. The article concludes with a call to action, encouraging
leaders to assess their styles, prioritize trust and transparency, and connect their
teams work to a meaningful purpose to unlock their full potential.
The Indian Billionaire Hinduja Family - A Look at the Business Empire and LegacyKunal Singh
The Hinduja family is one of the wealthiest and most influential business families in India. The family traces its origins to the early 20th century when their grandfather, Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, began a small business in India. The family's business empire expanded significantly when they moved to Iran, where they established their first major venture. Over the decades, the family, led by brothers Srichand, Gopichand, and Prakash Hinduja, built a global conglomerate with interests spanning across automotive, banking, energy, healthcare, finance, and infrastructure. The Hinduja Group, headquartered in London, operates in various countries, including the UK, India, the US, and the Middle East, with flagship companies like Ashok Leyland, IndusInd Bank, and Hinduja Global Solutions. Apart from their business achievements, the Hinduja family is also known for their extensive philanthropic contributions in healthcare, education, and social causes. Despite facing legal challenges and controversies over the years, the Hinduja family remains a dominant force in the global business landscape, with a legacy of wealth, influence, and giving back to society.
The document "Part II: Economic Impact of Glass Designs V1 Market Plan" details the economic effects and plans related to glass designs. It includes sections on econometric delivery, portal division plans for cities, marketing plans, and warranty coverage. Part II V2 Media Plan will document the strategies for implementing glass designs in remote repair and building, city hubs, and mobile portal arrangements. It also discusses the involvement of silent partners, the expansion of glass communities, and the integration of glass and steel topology in construction. The document is part of a larger series that includes future plans and simulations for glass projects and covers topics such as licensing, franchising, and the development of glass cars and homes. /slideshow/comments-on-remote-in-glass-part-ii-economic-impact-v1-market-plan-pdf/276710704
Cloud & the AI Whirlwind - trends, industrial revolutions, how did we get her...David Terrar
This is my presentation from 13/3/2025 at the Cloud & Infrastructure Keynote stage within Tech Show London at the Excel. We are in this new era of AI where the velocity of change is hard to imagine. This talk takes a step back to look at how we got to this whirlwind of AI and tech evolution in terms of history, trends, 5 industrial revolutions, and 3 waves of the Internet. The aim is to help you navigate where to go next, and my recommendation that you embrace AI (to stay ahead of your competitors). It gives you my recommendation of the 5 technology areas you need to focus on now and next. Then in terms of AI transformation, it offers 5 steps to help you change mindset to think beyond yesterday's logic. It shows my way of framing or reframing your approach in terms of leadership, business outcomes, team and employee engagement, and storytelling. The human factors, and business value, rather than starting with technology.
4. Key Assumptions
No change in the current C-2 zoning
Existing property owners to have semiexclusive use of a minimum of 50% of
municipal parking spaces within their
individual taking areas
Taking will be in fee
5. Market Shows
FAR is virtually meaningless in suburban
downtown districts with respect to existing
Commercial land values for the subject lie
between $18 and $25 per SF
General commercial building values lie
between $60 and $90 per SF with medical
office slightly higher ($100 to $120)
6. Zoning Should Remain C-2
Parking requirements reduce developable
Most subject properties (with two
exceptions) are currently underparked
Zoning can be adjusted when
redevelopment of block is eminent
7. FAR is NOT the Issue
None of the properties are built to the
maximum FAR currently
None of the comparables are developed to
their maximum FAR currently
More important than FAR is the available
developable footprint
9. Comparable FARs Compared
Comparable Property
108 N. York
120-22 N. York
122-24 S. York
172-76 N. Addison
851 N. Addison
FAR as Built
581-91 S. York
Allowable FAR
401 N. York
332 N. York
110 Cottage Hill Ave.
10. Available Footprint Calculation
Site Area (for ex.)
1 Prkg Sp per SF of Bldg.
SF per Parking Space
Space Needed:
Building Footprint Ratio:
Building Footprint:
General Retail
Office Use
12. The Taking
Taking is calculated on actual/potential
parking spaces as opposed to land
In current downtown suburban markets,
value is approximately $25,000 per space
Typical taking is 50 x 60, which can
accommodate 7.5 spaces (at 400 SF each)
Take equals $187,500, or $62.50/SF
13. After Take - Properties Benefit
Assume 50% of new parking within take
area dedicated for owners use
With take area and existing alley, between
9.5 and 11 new spaces can be created, or
4.75 to 5.5 spaces (50%) for property owner
Total space benefit, then, is between
$118,750 and $135,714
14. Properties Benefit (2)
In addition to availability of more parking
than they current enjoy, properties will
benefit by loss of operating expenses and
taxes for take area
Real estate taxes and operating expenses for
surface parking lots estimated at
approximately $1.26/SF, combined
15. Standard Compensation - High
Lost Spaces
Plus Maint. Of Parking by Municipality $
Plus Return of Use to Spaces
Total Loss
or $/SF of land area
16. Standard Compensation - Low
Lost Spaces
Plus Maint. Of Parking by Municipality $
Plus Return of Use to Spaces
Total Loss
or $/SF of land area
17. Bottom Line
Total compensation per property owner in
the range of $48,000 to $65,000
Increase overall available parking in the
district, which benefits all users
Virtually no negative impact on property
owners relative to density
18. Taking in Fee
A leasehold or easement taking would be
unnecessarily complex
FARs and maximum allowable density is
not an issue for existing facilities
Rezoning could be implemented after
parking redevelopment to draw and benefit
redevelopment in the block
#5: Specific zoning issues to be discussed later
Semi-exclusive use refers primarily to Monday through Saturday shopping hours; the restaurant may benefit by greater availability during evening hours, as well
As will be outlined in later discussions, a leasehold taking is unnecessarily complicated and does not result in a reduction of costs to the City nor an increase in benefits or compensation to the property owners
#6: FAR specifics to be discussed later in this presentation
#7: As opposed to C-4, which is also without setback requirements but does not require any on-site parking, either.
Properties 18 and 27 (medical office building at 239 N. York and Hamburger Heaven) are the only subject properties which currently meet C-2 parking requirements according to their specific uses; this suggests a reduced value or marketability to new ownership for a continued use, despite grandfathering. Is parking here adequate for the clientele?
Standard zoning requirements for uses in the C-2 zone are 4 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of building area, or, in other words, 250 square feet of available footprint for each parking space.
The visible exceptions are restaurants (10 per 1,000 SF of building area or 1 space per 100 square feet of available footprint) and photography studios and travel agencies (3 spaces for each 1,000 SF of building area, or 1 space for each 333 square feet of available footprint).
The most appropriate zoning will be applicable when redevelopment plans for the block are more solid
#8: Typically, existing suburban downtown commercial buildings are one- or two-story in design, with retail on the ground and locally-utilized offices on the upper floors
With an FAR of 2.0 in the C-2 district, facilities would consist of some 6,000 SF to match the allowable density and, given parking requirements (which few of them meet anyway), would be at least 3 stories high
The available developable footprint is key in a densely-developed district which requires some minimum on-site parking -- to be discussed in detail later
#10: 108 N. York though 172-76 N. Addison have 4.0 base FARs.
332 N. York, 401 N. York and 581-91 S. York have base FARs of 2.0, like the subject properties.
851 N. Addison is in a C-3 district with an FAR of only 0.5.
And 110 Cottage Hill Ave. is in an OIC district with a base FAR of 0.8.
#11: Shows a basic available footprint calculation, as provided by land planners such as Rolf Campbell
Predicated upon required on-site parking and assumes modern standard of approximately 400 SF per space, allowing for buffers, landscaping, access drives, turn-around space, bumpers, pedestrian walks, etc.
The available building footprint is ultimately discerned by multiplying the square footage of building applicable to a single required parking space by the building footprint ratio. In turn, the building footprint ratio is a factor of the site area divided by the space required on a per-space basis for parking and building combined (or, in the restaurant example, 100 SF of building area and 400 SF of parking space area).
#12: Footprint x 2 represents the typical 2-story nature of suburban downtown commercial buildings and demonstrates the total available building area permitted on a site, given required parking and the resulting underlying footprint.
#13: In each case, the property at the rear of the subject within the taking area involves land specifically set aside for customer/employee parking, or potentially developable for such parking
In no case does the taking impact building improvements (with the exception of the delapidated garage on the Budgell property, as well as an assumption of demolition of the SFR on the southern Budgell property).
#14: In many cases these currently underparked commercial properties will, for the first time, have access to adequate parking for their customers
The lower end of the space and benefit spectrum reflects an allocation of 400 SF per space; the upper end reflects an allocation of slightly less (350 SF) because the modern design, width, etc. should result in a more economic layout of the parking spaces and access ways
#15: Municipality, either in a fee or leasehold taking, would take responsibility for the maintenance and operating costs of the parking areas, relieving the property owner of both the actual costs and the management responsibility
#16: Predicated upon 400 SF per space on an after basis, maintaining an apples to apples with the before figures For instance, the general taking will encompass a 50 x 60 area, or 3,000 SF which, divided by 400 SF per space equals approximately 7.5 parking spaces. Multiplied by $25,000/space, the property owner is essentially losing $187,500 in compensation.
However, he gains in benefits the semi-exclusive use of 50% of the municipal spaces within his taking area. Adding the 16-foot-wide alley area to the 3,000 SF of taking, we arrive at a total parking development area adjacent to his remainder of 3,800 SF. Predicated upon 400 SF per space, 9.5 spaces could be developed on this area, 50% of which for the owners use is 4.75 spaces. Again, at $25,000/space, this benefit to ownership is equal to approximately $118,750.
Adding the $1.26/SF for 3,000 SF for expenses now borne by the City, as opposed to the property owner, another $3,780 in benefits.
Ultimately, total compensation is $64,790, or approximately $21.66/SF of the take area.
#17: Predicated upon an allocation of 350 SF per parking space in the after scenario, due to increase in efficiency by way of the modern layout, access, etc.
Allows for 11 spaces in the redeveloped taking area (as opposed to 9.5 based upon 400 SF parking spaces), or approximately 5.4 spaces for the property owner based upon the 50% semi-exclusive use assumption
#18: $48,000 to $65,000 in compensation is equal to approximately $16.00 to $22.00 per square foot of land area (predicated upon standard taking area of 3,000 SF), which is in keeping with commercial land values in the market
Hamburger Heaven compensation, parking impact, etc. will be slightly escalated due to a wider site width, and thus a larger taking
#19: Both explaining to property owners and accurately estimating value of these partial rights bundles is extremely difficult and inherently subject to more judgement-oriented processes and analyses than is a fee taking
With all current development falling significantly short of allowable FAR, and with rezoning a possibility in the future to draw redevelopment, any positive impact afforded value of the existing properties by way of allowing the owners to utilize the taking area for total FAR or developable footprint is nebulous
New zoning in the future could address all density issues and afford redevelopers on-site parking in structures, higher FARs and/or higher building height allowances