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EM will contribute half of all banking revenues around the world by 2020 -- McKinsey                 Yoshio TSUJI

① グローバル GDP における先進国 DM ?新興国 EM の寄与
   度                                                       Long-term GDP growth (2011-2030)   Source: The Economist

                                                               World 3.7%
                                                               <DM>                    <EM>
                                                               North America 2.5%      Asia       5.5%
                                                      DM       Japan         1.0%      LatAm      3.6%
                                                               EU            1.8%      C/E Europe 3.3%

(Source: IMF WEO Oct-2012)

② 新興国?エリア別の資本流入                               $bn           ③ 株?債券別の資本流入(先進国?新興国とも)                            $bn

                                                                                                   EM Equity

                                                                                                   EM Bond


                                                                                                   DM Bond
                                   CIS ( 旧ソ連 )

                                   SSA (Sahara 以南 )

                                                                                                   DM Equity
                                   MENA ( 中東?北ア )

(Source: IMF WEO Oct-2012)
Faster Economic Growth due to Productivity Growth
④ 労働人口の割合見通し
                                                              ⑤ 労働人口?資本蓄積?生産性の寄与度 (2000-
                                                                 2010) (Source: APO Productivity Databook 2012)

                                  Other EMs           TFP                                 Total Factor Productivity = 生産性



                             Poorest countries
                                                        中国 インド
                                Rich countries

(Source: UN via “Megachange The World in 2050”)
                                                            ⑥ 現状の生産性比較

 ? 相対的な高成長の源泉は、資本と生産性。                                                                        Labor Productivity
                                                                                              (Thousands of USD, as of 2010)
 1) 労働人口 … EM 全体のシェアは上昇しない。(④)

 2) 資本蓄積 … 投資資金が今後も流入。株式時価総額のシェアは
                                                            ⑦ 日本の GDP 寄与度(人口 vs 生産性)(Source:                     日経ビジネス )
       31% ($14tn) から 2030 年には 55% ($80tn) に上昇。
       GS によれば、先進国のアセットマネジャーはポート
      フォリオに占める EM 株の比重を今後 20 年間 6% から
       18% に引上げる。(②、③、⑤)

 3) 生産性 … 後進性ゆえにある程度までは容易に改善できる。但
BRICs are still dominant in regions
GDP Breakdown at current prices in USD
                                                     World    Brazil     Mexico     China     S. Korea    India    Indonesia   Turkey    Russia       US      Japan
GDP ($bn)                                            63,064     2,089      1,032     5,739      1,014     1,722        707        734     1,480     14,447     5,459
Sources of demand
   Household consumption                               59%       61%        65%        35%        52%       57%        57%        71%       52%        71%       59%
   General consumption                                 18%       21%        12%        13%        15%       12%         9%        14%       19%        17%       20%
   Capital formation                                   23%       19%        25%        49%        29%       35%        32%        20%       23%        15%       20%
   Net exports                                                    -1%        -1%        4%         3%        -3%        2%         -6%       8%         -4%       1%
      Gross exports                                    30%       11%        30%        27%        52%       22%        25%        21%       30%        13%       15%
   Agriculture                                          4%         6%         4%       10%         3%       19%        15%         9%        4%         1%        1%
   Mining                                               7%         6%       10%         8%         2%        4%        12%         4%       15%         4%        2%
   Manufacturing                                       17%       16%        18%        32%        31%       14%        25%        17%       16%        13%       19%
   Construction                                         6%         5%         7%        6%         7%        8%        10%         5%        6%         4%        6%
   Services                                            66%       67%        62%        43%        58%       55%        38%        64%       59%        78%       71%

Share in Region                                                  41%        20%        40%         5%       12%         4%        13%       53%        23%        9%
                                                              in Latin   in Latin   in Asia   in Asia    in Asia    in Asia    in Asia   in E.E.   in World in World
   Debt-to-GDP Ratio                  %   of   GDP     2011    65.0%      44.0%      44.0%      33.0%   52.0%        25.0%      42.0%     9.0%      105.0%    206.0%
   Government Budget Balance          %   of   GDP     2011     -2.6%      -3.0%     -1.2%       1.8%   -9.0%         -0.8%     -1.7%     0.8%       -8.7%     -9.7%
   Public and Private External Debt   %   of   GDP     2011    15.0%      20.0%       9.0%      37.0%   22.0%        28.0%      40.0%    23.0%      103.0%     45.0%
   Current Account                    %   of   GDP     2011     -2.1%      -0.5%      2.8%       2.4%   -3.4%          0.2%     -9.9%     5.5%       -3.3%      2.1%
   Currency Reserve                   %   of   GDP             18.1%      16.0%      57.2%      31.8%   17.1%        15.6%      15.3%    35.6%        1.1%     23.3%
   Credit ratings (Moody's)                                    Baa2       Baa1       Aa3        Aa3   BBB- (F)       Baa3       Ba1      Baa1        Aaa       Aa3
Room for Monetary Easing
   Target Lending Rate                %                        7.25%      4.50%      6.00%      2.75%     8.00%      5.75%      5.75%     8.25%      0.25%      0.00%
   Inflation Rate                     %                        5.50%      4.60%      1.70%      2.10%     7.50%      4.60%      7.80%     6.50%      2.20%     -0.30%
   Inflation Target                   %                        4.50%      4.00%      4.00%      3.00%     7.50%      4.50%      5.50%     7.00%      2.00%      1.00%
                                                                                                                                                   Negative real rates
(Source: United Nations, IMF, CIA World Factbook, Capital Economics, Author's calculations)

EM 全般に、非効率な規制?行政、インフラの遅れという課題はあるが、アジア通貨危機を踏まえ、財政状況の改善、外資依存度の低下、外貨準備の積上げなどにより、信用
義市場経済=規制が生産性を阻害)を脱し、 7% の安定成長を志向。インドは人口動態で見たポテンシャルは大きいが、非効率性とインフラの遅れが顕著。
<Central/Eastern Europe>
Portfolio Diversification
                                                                                                       ($mn, as of Nov. 27, 2012)
 ETF      Asset Class           Market Cap   Trading   # of Holdings      Dividend           Total Return Management                Inception
                                             Volum e                     Yield (YTD)            (YTD)        Fee                                     - High Liquidity
EEM      EM   Equity               40,470      2,094          839                  2.0%           11.1%            0.67%              Apr-03
VWO      EM   Equity               56,490        742          901                  3.4%           11.0%            0.20%              Mar-05         - Well diversified
EMB      EM   Debt                  6,410         97          147                  4.3%           14.9%            0.60%              Dec-07
PCY      EM   Debt                  2,900         25           64                  4.7%           19.2%            0.50%              Oct-07
EMLC     EM   Debt (LC)             1,140         16          211                  4.2%           12.9%            0.47%               Jul-10

       Holdings by Country (L: EEM, R: EMB)                                                   (Source; iShares Fact Sheet)

                China                                                                                  Brazil


                                                               ? For ALM, liquid assets (ETF) could be classified into market risk
                                                                 products and managed within current risk management
                                                                 framework, making use of mean-variance optimization.
                                                                       No EM                                    Portfolio Weights
                                                                          Return   Std Dev    Sharpe   JGB      UST        TOPIX     SP500
                                                                                                       3-7Y     5-10Y
                                                                          3.5%      2.7%       1.03     52%       37%         0%        11%
                                                                          4.0%      3.2%       1.04     41%       46%         0%        13%
                                                                          4.5%      3.6%       1.04     30%       55%         0%        15%
                                                                          5.0%      4.1%       1.04     19%       64%         0%        17%

                                                                       Incl. EM Equity & Debt
                                                                           Return Std Dev     Sharpe   JGB      UST       TOPIX      SP500    EM Debt EM Equity
                                                                                                       3-7Y     5-10Y
                                                                          1.5%      1.4%       0.57     71%       14%         0%         0%      14%       2%
                                                                          2.0%      1.6%       0.84     63%       17%         0%         0%      17%       2%
                                                                          2.5%      1.8%       1.01     56%       21%         0%         0%      21%       2%
                                                                          3.0%      2.1%       1.12     50%       24%         0%         0%      24%       2%

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20100519博文会総会 プレゼン资料(印刷用)20100519博文会総会 プレゼン资料(印刷用)
20100519博文会総会 プレゼン资料(印刷用)


  • 1. 2012/11/27 EM will contribute half of all banking revenues around the world by 2020 -- McKinsey Yoshio TSUJI ① グローバル GDP における先進国 DM ?新興国 EM の寄与 度 Long-term GDP growth (2011-2030) Source: The Economist World 3.7% <DM> <EM> EM North America 2.5% Asia 5.5% DM Japan 1.0% LatAm 3.6% EU 1.8% C/E Europe 3.3% (Source: IMF WEO Oct-2012) ② 新興国?エリア別の資本流入 $bn ③ 株?債券別の資本流入(先進国?新興国とも) $bn EM Equity Asia EM Bond Latin DM Bond CIS ( 旧ソ連 ) SSA (Sahara 以南 ) Europe DM Equity MENA ( 中東?北ア ) (Source: IMF WEO Oct-2012)
  • 2. Faster Economic Growth due to Productivity Growth ④ 労働人口の割合見通し ⑤ 労働人口?資本蓄積?生産性の寄与度 (2000- 2010) (Source: APO Productivity Databook 2012) Other EMs TFP Total Factor Productivity = 生産性 India CAP China Poorest countries 中国 インド Rich countries (Source: UN via “Megachange The World in 2050”) ⑥ 現状の生産性比較 ? 相対的な高成長の源泉は、資本と生産性。 Labor Productivity (Thousands of USD, as of 2010) 1) 労働人口 … EM 全体のシェアは上昇しない。(④) 2) 資本蓄積 … 投資資金が今後も流入。株式時価総額のシェアは ⑦ 日本の GDP 寄与度(人口 vs 生産性)(Source: 日経ビジネス )       31% ($14tn) から 2030 年には 55% ($80tn) に上昇。       GS によれば、先進国のアセットマネジャーはポート      フォリオに占める EM 株の比重を今後 20 年間 6% から       18% に引上げる。(②、③、⑤) 3) 生産性 … 後進性ゆえにある程度までは容易に改善できる。但      し、教育?規制?地勢により改善スピードは国毎に      異ってくる。(⑤、⑥、⑦)
  • 3. BRICs are still dominant in regions GDP Breakdown at current prices in USD World Brazil Mexico China S. Korea India Indonesia Turkey Russia US Japan GDP ($bn) 63,064 2,089 1,032 5,739 1,014 1,722 707 734 1,480 14,447 5,459 Sources of demand 需要項目別 Household consumption 59% 61% 65% 35% 52% 57% 57% 71% 52% 71% 59% 家計消費 General consumption 18% 21% 12% 13% 15% 12% 9% 14% 19% 17% 20% 政府支出 Capital formation 23% 19% 25% 49% 29% 35% 32% 20% 23% 15% 20% 民間投資 Net exports -1% -1% 4% 3% -3% 2% -6% 8% -4% 1% 純輸出 Gross exports 30% 11% 30% 27% 52% 22% 25% 21% 30% 13% 15% 輸出 Industries 産業別 Agriculture 4% 6% 4% 10% 3% 19% 15% 9% 4% 1% 1% 農業 Mining 7% 6% 10% 8% 2% 4% 12% 4% 15% 4% 2% 鉱業 Manufacturing 17% 16% 18% 32% 31% 14% 25% 17% 16% 13% 19% 製造業 Construction 6% 5% 7% 6% 7% 8% 10% 5% 6% 4% 6% 建設業 Services 66% 67% 62% 43% 58% 55% 38% 64% 59% 78% 71% サービス業 Share in Region 41% 20% 40% 5% 12% 4% 13% 53% 23% 9% in Latin in Latin in Asia in Asia in Asia in Asia in Asia in E.E. in World in World Valunerability Debt-to-GDP Ratio % of GDP 2011 65.0% 44.0% 44.0% 33.0% 52.0% 25.0% 42.0% 9.0% 105.0% 206.0% Government Budget Balance % of GDP 2011 -2.6% -3.0% -1.2% 1.8% -9.0% -0.8% -1.7% 0.8% -8.7% -9.7% Public and Private External Debt % of GDP 2011 15.0% 20.0% 9.0% 37.0% 22.0% 28.0% 40.0% 23.0% 103.0% 45.0% Current Account % of GDP 2011 -2.1% -0.5% 2.8% 2.4% -3.4% 0.2% -9.9% 5.5% -3.3% 2.1% Currency Reserve % of GDP 18.1% 16.0% 57.2% 31.8% 17.1% 15.6% 15.3% 35.6% 1.1% 23.3% Credit ratings (Moody's) Baa2 Baa1 Aa3 Aa3 BBB- (F) Baa3 Ba1 Baa1 Aaa Aa3 Room for Monetary Easing Target Lending Rate % 7.25% 4.50% 6.00% 2.75% 8.00% 5.75% 5.75% 8.25% 0.25% 0.00% Inflation Rate % 5.50% 4.60% 1.70% 2.10% 7.50% 4.60% 7.80% 6.50% 2.20% -0.30% Inflation Target % 4.50% 4.00% 4.00% 3.00% 7.50% 4.50% 5.50% 7.00% 2.00% 1.00% Negative real rates (Source: United Nations, IMF, CIA World Factbook, Capital Economics, Author's calculations) EM 全般に、非効率な規制?行政、インフラの遅れという課題はあるが、アジア通貨危機を踏まえ、財政状況の改善、外資依存度の低下、外貨準備の積上げなどにより、信用 力は高まっている。今後は、政治的な落ち着きによる制度改革(規制?インフラ等の非効率なシステム改善、雇用の流動化?投資の促進、教育向上)が、これまで労働と資本 の伸びを減殺してきた生産性の改善をもたらすと期待される。 <Asia> 良くも悪くも、中国の影響力が大きい。中国は内需主導、高付加価値産業へのシフトにより、その特異性(需要構造=投資の偏重?過剰設備、人口動態=少子高齢化、社会主 義市場経済=規制が生産性を阻害)を脱し、 7% の安定成長を志向。インドは人口動態で見たポテンシャルは大きいが、非効率性とインフラの遅れが顕著。 <Latin> 米国との経済的な結び付きが強い。ブラジルは消費主導型の成長モデルであり、供給不足による慢性的なインフレを克服すべく、投資促進による供給力、国際競争力の向上を 図る。 <Central/Eastern Europe> ユーロ圏との経済的な結び付きが強く、外資への依存度も高い。特にロシアは、原油価格の下落への耐性も弱い。
  • 4. Portfolio Diversification ($mn, as of Nov. 27, 2012) ETF Asset Class Market Cap Trading # of Holdings Dividend Total Return Management Inception Volum e Yield (YTD) (YTD) Fee - High Liquidity EEM EM Equity 40,470 2,094 839 2.0% 11.1% 0.67% Apr-03 VWO EM Equity 56,490 742 901 3.4% 11.0% 0.20% Mar-05 - Well diversified EMB EM Debt 6,410 97 147 4.3% 14.9% 0.60% Dec-07 PCY EM Debt 2,900 25 64 4.7% 19.2% 0.50% Oct-07 EMLC EM Debt (LC) 1,140 16 211 4.2% 12.9% 0.47% Jul-10 Holdings by Country (L: EEM, R: EMB) (Source; iShares Fact Sheet) China Brazil Korea ? For ALM, liquid assets (ETF) could be classified into market risk products and managed within current risk management framework, making use of mean-variance optimization. No EM Portfolio Weights Return Std Dev Sharpe JGB UST TOPIX SP500 3-7Y 5-10Y 3.5% 2.7% 1.03 52% 37% 0% 11% 4.0% 3.2% 1.04 41% 46% 0% 13% 4.5% 3.6% 1.04 30% 55% 0% 15% 5.0% 4.1% 1.04 19% 64% 0% 17% Incl. EM Equity & Debt Return Std Dev Sharpe JGB UST TOPIX SP500 EM Debt EM Equity 3-7Y 5-10Y 1.5% 1.4% 0.57 71% 14% 0% 0% 14% 2% 2.0% 1.6% 0.84 63% 17% 0% 0% 17% 2% 2.5% 1.8% 1.01 56% 21% 0% 0% 21% 2% 3.0% 2.1% 1.12 50% 24% 0% 0% 24% 2%