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Embodied Manifestos
and their potential contribution
to responsible AI research
Maria Luce Lupetti
Designing (AI)
how things (AI)
should be designed
normative approach
how things (AI)
should be designed
normative approach
Designing (AI)
The trap of dominant narratives
Museum robot example
Robot as
DN 1: robots =
more efficiency,
better lifestyle
Robot as
tool for
DN 2: robots =
threat for
The trap of dominant narratives
Museum robot example
Robot as
DN 1: robots =
more efficiency,
better lifestyle
Robot as
tool for
DN 2: robots =
threat for
The trap of dominant narratives
Museum robot example
Robot as
DN 1: robots =
more efficiency,
better lifestyle
Robot as
tool for
DN 2: robots =
threat for
Shifting from normative to explorative approaches
E.g. "User Centred Design attempts to
impose order on situations and steer them
in particular directions [] in order to
produce a more humane technology1
1 _ Garrety, Karin, and Richard Badham. "User-centered design and the normative politics of technology."油Science, Technology, & Human
Values油29, no. 2 (2004): 191-212.
How can we investigate narratives and their design implications?
how things should be designed
Critical design practice [] aims to present and de鍖ne interrogative,
discursive, and experimental approaches in design and research.

Critical design practice o鍖ers a means to use product design as a
medium to focus on concerns both central to the discipline and
beyond normal disciplinary bounds. 2
Critique through design
Of how things should be designed
2 _ Malpass, Matt.油Critical design in context: History, theory, and practices. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.

3 _ Elisa Giaccardi (2019).油From Prototypes to Data-enabled Artifacts: Histories and Futures of Research through Design.

4 _ James Pierce (2014). On the presentation and production of design research artifacts in HCI.
Design artefacts as critical tools for
Re鍖ecting on the design activity3,4

Establishing critical areas of concern3

Advocating for research agendas and approaches4

Communicating abstract concepts4
Three examples from design practice:

Montessori Materials
Archizoom radical furniture
Automato para-products
Houses of Children
Dominant perspective:
scienti鍖c pedagogy

Knowledge transfer
experimental pedagogy

Exploration and experience
Knowledge construction
Questioning current theories through practice and things
Extracting knowledge about child learning and
development through observation of children interaction
with tangible artefacts
Crafting and using tangible artefacts for translating
educational principles into real experiences
radical furniture
Dominant perspective:
rationalism and tech-utopia

Formal rigor
Counter-perspective: radical

radical furniture
Claiming a theoretical function in everyday objects
through experimentations of forms and materials.
Opposing to rigor, geometry and rationalism through
playfulness, color and decoration.
Use of furniture as a mean for creating synthesis
between thought and language, intuition and reason,
translating philosophies in form.
Believe it yourself
Dominant perspective: AI
utopia / distopia

E鍖ciency VS diminishment
Objectiveness VS bias
Liberations VS replacement
Counter-perspective: things

Crafting tangible artefacts for translating political
concept in something that can be easily grasped.
Questioning believes about AI/robots abilities and our
relationship with it through things.
Enabling people experience the concepts of things
perspective and entanglement in a easy but inspirational
Design artefacts as critical tools
Embodied Manifestos
Theoretically / conceptually loaded

Historically connoted (materials, forms, techniques)

Discussion enablers


Claiming / Translating

Questioning / Opposing
can be used for
Artefacts that translate and exemplify abstract concepts
and narratives surrounding a theme (AI) into design ideas5,
that, if used to invite the audience to re鍖ect and act, can
serve as manifesto pieces6.
Embodied Manifestos
5 _ Lim, Y. K., Stolterman, E., & Tenenberg, J. (2008). The anatomy of prototypes: Prototypes as 鍖lters, prototypes as manifestations of design
ideas.油ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI),油15(2), 7.

6 _ Bowers, J. (2012, June). The logic of annotated portfolios: communicating the value of 'research through design'. In油Proceedings of the
Designing Interactive Systems Conference pp. 68-77). ACM.
Embodied Manifestos VS Design Manifestos
Dunne and Raby, 2007
Technological dreams series: Robots
Oren Zuckerman et al., 2018
The greeting machine.
Embodied Manifestos of AI
Examples from design practice
of autonomy
Narratives of
Pia-Marie Stute, 2017
Accessories of the paranoid
Automato Farm. 2019
Believe it Yourself
Embodied Manifestos of AI
Examples from design practice
of privacy
of reliability
Designing (AI)
Explorative approach through Embodied Manifestos
- Implicit knowledge

- Lack of evaluation

- gallery pieces
Artistic interventions?
7 _ Michael Mateas. 2001. Expressive AI: a hybrid art and
science practice. Leonardo, MIT Press.
Artists are concerned with building artifacts that convey
complex meanings, often layering meanings, playing with
ambiguities and exploring the liminal region between opaque
mystery and interpretability. Thus, the [] concept de鍖ning
any particular AI-based artwork will be an interrelated set of
concerns, perhaps not fully explicable without documenting
the functioning of the piece itself.7
negotiation of meaning
through audience
generation of alternative
viewpoints from which to
redesign AI
enabling experience of
AI-related complex issues
Embodied Manifestos of AI VS Artefacts of Expressive AI
Research through Embodied Manifestos
Observation of
EM in action
Production of

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Embodied Manifestos

  • 1. Embodied Manifestos and their potential contribution to responsible AI research Maria Luce Lupetti
  • 2. Designing (AI) how things (AI) should be designed normative approach
  • 3. how things (AI) should be designed normative approach Designing (AI)
  • 4. The trap of dominant narratives Museum robot example Robot as museum guide DN 1: robots = more efficiency, better lifestyle Robot as tool for museum guide DN 2: robots = threat for humans, replacement DESIGN & PROTOTYPING DESIGN & PROTOTYPING
  • 5. The trap of dominant narratives Museum robot example Robot as museum guide Efficiency & naturalness DN 1: robots = more efficiency, better lifestyle Robot as tool for museum guide Usability DN 2: robots = threat for humans, replacement DESIGN & PROTOTYPING DESIGN & PROTOTYPING EVALUATION EVALUATION
  • 6. The trap of dominant narratives Museum robot example Robot as museum guide Efficiency & naturalness DN 1: robots = more efficiency, better lifestyle Robot as tool for museum guide Usability DN 2: robots = threat for humans, replacement DESIGN & PROTOTYPING DESIGN & PROTOTYPING EVALUATION EVALUATION
  • 7. Shifting from normative to explorative approaches E.g. "User Centred Design attempts to impose order on situations and steer them in particular directions [] in order to produce a more humane technology1 1 _ Garrety, Karin, and Richard Badham. "User-centered design and the normative politics of technology."油Science, Technology, & Human Values油29, no. 2 (2004): 191-212. How can we investigate narratives and their design implications? how things should be designed
  • 8. Critical design practice [] aims to present and de鍖ne interrogative, discursive, and experimental approaches in design and research. Critical design practice o鍖ers a means to use product design as a medium to focus on concerns both central to the discipline and beyond normal disciplinary bounds. 2 Critique through design Of how things should be designed 2 _ Malpass, Matt.油Critical design in context: History, theory, and practices. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017. 3 _ Elisa Giaccardi (2019).油From Prototypes to Data-enabled Artifacts: Histories and Futures of Research through Design. 4 _ James Pierce (2014). On the presentation and production of design research artifacts in HCI. Design artefacts as critical tools for Re鍖ecting on the design activity3,4 Establishing critical areas of concern3 Advocating for research agendas and approaches4 Communicating abstract concepts4
  • 9. Three examples from design practice: Montessori Materials Archizoom radical furniture Automato para-products
  • 10. Montessori Materials Houses of Children Dominant perspective: scienti鍖c pedagogy narratives: Control Containment Error Punishment Knowledge transfer Counter-perspective: experimental pedagogy narratives: Exploration and experience Freedom Knowledge construction
  • 11. Montessori Materials Questioning current theories through practice and things Extracting knowledge about child learning and development through observation of children interaction with tangible artefacts Crafting and using tangible artefacts for translating educational principles into real experiences
  • 12. Archizoom radical furniture Dominant perspective: rationalism and tech-utopia narratives: E鍖ciency Improvement Formal rigor Counter-perspective: radical design narratives: Emotion Values Dynamism Superonda
  • 13. Archizoom radical furniture Claiming a theoretical function in everyday objects through experimentations of forms and materials. Opposing to rigor, geometry and rationalism through playfulness, color and decoration. Use of furniture as a mean for creating synthesis between thought and language, intuition and reason, translating philosophies in form.
  • 14. Believe it yourself Automato para-products Dominant perspective: AI utopia / distopia narratives: E鍖ciency VS diminishment Objectiveness VS bias Liberations VS replacement Counter-perspective: things fallacies narratives: Dumbness Mutuality Sociality
  • 15. Crafting tangible artefacts for translating political concept in something that can be easily grasped. Questioning believes about AI/robots abilities and our relationship with it through things. Enabling people experience the concepts of things perspective and entanglement in a easy but inspirational way. Automato para-products
  • 16. Design artefacts as critical tools Embodied Manifestos Theoretically / conceptually loaded Historically connoted (materials, forms, techniques) Discussion enablers Readable Audience-dependent Claiming / Translating Questioning / Opposing can be used for
  • 17. Artefacts that translate and exemplify abstract concepts and narratives surrounding a theme (AI) into design ideas5, that, if used to invite the audience to re鍖ect and act, can serve as manifesto pieces6. Embodied Manifestos 5 _ Lim, Y. K., Stolterman, E., & Tenenberg, J. (2008). The anatomy of prototypes: Prototypes as 鍖lters, prototypes as manifestations of design ideas.油ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI),油15(2), 7. 6 _ Bowers, J. (2012, June). The logic of annotated portfolios: communicating the value of 'research through design'. In油Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference pp. 68-77). ACM.
  • 18. Embodied Manifestos VS Design Manifestos
  • 19. Dunne and Raby, 2007 Technological dreams series: Robots Oren Zuckerman et al., 2018 The greeting machine. Embodied Manifestos of AI Examples from design practice Narratives of autonomy Narratives of anthropomorphism
  • 20. Pia-Marie Stute, 2017 Accessories of the paranoid Automato Farm. 2019 Believe it Yourself Embodied Manifestos of AI Examples from design practice Narratives of privacy Narratives of reliability
  • 21. Designing (AI) Explorative approach through Embodied Manifestos - Implicit knowledge - Lack of evaluation - gallery pieces Artistic interventions?
  • 22. 7 _ Michael Mateas. 2001. Expressive AI: a hybrid art and science practice. Leonardo, MIT Press. Mundane concretisations Artists are concerned with building artifacts that convey complex meanings, often layering meanings, playing with ambiguities and exploring the liminal region between opaque mystery and interpretability. Thus, the [] concept de鍖ning any particular AI-based artwork will be an interrelated set of concerns, perhaps not fully explicable without documenting the functioning of the piece itself.7 EM-AI negotiation of meaning through audience engagement generation of alternative viewpoints from which to redesign AI enabling experience of AI-related complex issues Artistic abstractions E-AI TRANSLATION THROUGH METAPHORS TRANSLATION THROUGH ALLEGORIES Embodied Manifestos of AI VS Artefacts of Expressive AI
  • 23. Research through Embodied Manifestos Narrative alternatives Observation of EM in action Production of knowledge