This document requests the name of an individual 5 times but does not provide any other context or information. It appears to be a form that is requesting the name of a person but does not indicate what the form is for.
The document contains a list of blank name fields with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document with an unspecified number of empty name fields listed repeatedly. No other meaningful information can be gleaned from the minimal content.
The document contains a series of fill-in-the-blank prompts asking for the name and listing options for the letters G, A, O, and O. Each prompt is filled in with "G - GATO" and "GA - GO - GU - GO". The letters are then written individually and in pairs multiple times.
This document contains a series of blank lines for a name to be filled in, but no names are provided. It appears to be a form where multiple names could be entered, but the form is empty.
The document contains instructions for an activity involving colors and sequences. Students are provided with pencils and asked to complete tasks where they connect dots in a certain order or color in patterns. The activity encourages students to practice following sequences and orders through visual and tactile engagement.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names but provides no indication of what the names are for or other relevant details.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but does not contain any other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, as there are multiple blank lines labeled "Nome:" for writing in names.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but does not contain any other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, as there are multiple blank lines labeled "Nome:" for writing in names.
This document contains 10 lines for inputting names but no other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, but the purpose is not specified.
The document contains blank lines for names to be filled in, with the letters C, A, E, I, O, and U repeated in various combinations. There is no other substantive information provided.
This document is a blank form requesting a name to be filled in six times but provides no other context or information. It simply repeats the prompt "Nome:" on each of six lines without any other details given.
The document requests the name of an individual but does not provide any other context or information. It contains a blank line for a name to be filled in but lacks details on the purpose of collecting the name or what it will be used for.
The document contains a list of blank name fields with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document with an unspecified number of empty name fields listed repeatedly. No high-level meaning or purpose can be inferred from the minimal information given.
The document contains a series of blank lines for names with no other text or context provided. It is unclear what the purpose or intent of collecting the names might be.
This document contains a list of colors in Portuguese: green, yellow, blue, red, and black. Below the colors are blank lines intended for writing names.
The document contains planning materials for early education lessons focused on vowels. One lesson involves a handmade maze to develop motor skills and attention. Another activity has students find indicated vowels and recognize vowels. A third lesson is a vowel puzzle to recognize vowels, develop creativity, and organize image sequences. Blank planning pages are also included for recording additional lesson observations and contents.
The document is a worksheet asking a student to count the letters in the word "ME", paint that many dots, and then write the number of dots painted and fill in the dots under the letters of the word.
The document contains a series of blank lines for a name followed by lists of words in Portuguese related to animal body parts, sizes, vowels, consonants, family relationships, and other common nouns. It appears to be providing vocabulary words for a student to fill in the blanks or practice spelling.
The document contains a series of letters and letter combinations in different lines with no other context provided. It includes the letters from A to Z as well as some letter combinations like "ai", "ei", "oi", "ui", "ia", and "auuai". The letters and combinations are not words and there is no punctuation or connections between the lines.
This document contains a series of blank lines for a name to be filled in, with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document where multiple names can be listed, but contains no names or other identifying information.
The document contains a list of names repeated multiple times without any additional context or information provided. It is difficult to determine the purpose or overall meaning based on the limited content in the document.
The document contains a series of fill-in-the-blank prompts asking for the name and listing options for the letters G, A, O, and O. Each prompt is filled in with "G - GATO" and "GA - GO - GU - GO". The letters are then written individually and in pairs multiple times.
This document contains a series of blank lines for a name to be filled in, but no names are provided. It appears to be a form where multiple names could be entered, but the form is empty.
The document contains instructions for an activity involving colors and sequences. Students are provided with pencils and asked to complete tasks where they connect dots in a certain order or color in patterns. The activity encourages students to practice following sequences and orders through visual and tactile engagement.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names but provides no indication of what the names are for or other relevant details.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but does not contain any other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, as there are multiple blank lines labeled "Nome:" for writing in names.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but does not contain any other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, as there are multiple blank lines labeled "Nome:" for writing in names.
This document contains 10 lines for inputting names but no other text or context. It appears to be a form or document for collecting names, but the purpose is not specified.
The document contains blank lines for names to be filled in, with the letters C, A, E, I, O, and U repeated in various combinations. There is no other substantive information provided.
This document is a blank form requesting a name to be filled in six times but provides no other context or information. It simply repeats the prompt "Nome:" on each of six lines without any other details given.
The document requests the name of an individual but does not provide any other context or information. It contains a blank line for a name to be filled in but lacks details on the purpose of collecting the name or what it will be used for.
The document contains a list of blank name fields with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document with an unspecified number of empty name fields listed repeatedly. No high-level meaning or purpose can be inferred from the minimal information given.
The document contains a series of blank lines for names with no other text or context provided. It is unclear what the purpose or intent of collecting the names might be.
This document contains a list of colors in Portuguese: green, yellow, blue, red, and black. Below the colors are blank lines intended for writing names.
The document contains planning materials for early education lessons focused on vowels. One lesson involves a handmade maze to develop motor skills and attention. Another activity has students find indicated vowels and recognize vowels. A third lesson is a vowel puzzle to recognize vowels, develop creativity, and organize image sequences. Blank planning pages are also included for recording additional lesson observations and contents.
The document is a worksheet asking a student to count the letters in the word "ME", paint that many dots, and then write the number of dots painted and fill in the dots under the letters of the word.
The document contains a series of blank lines for a name followed by lists of words in Portuguese related to animal body parts, sizes, vowels, consonants, family relationships, and other common nouns. It appears to be providing vocabulary words for a student to fill in the blanks or practice spelling.
The document contains a series of letters and letter combinations in different lines with no other context provided. It includes the letters from A to Z as well as some letter combinations like "ai", "ei", "oi", "ui", "ia", and "auuai". The letters and combinations are not words and there is no punctuation or connections between the lines.
This document contains a series of blank lines for a name to be filled in, with no other text or context provided. It appears to be a form or document where multiple names can be listed, but contains no names or other identifying information.
The document contains a list of names repeated multiple times without any additional context or information provided. It is difficult to determine the purpose or overall meaning based on the limited content in the document.
This document contains a list of names repeated multiple times with no other context or information provided. The document consists entirely of repetitions of blank lines and names with no meaningful or essential information that could be summarized in 3 sentences or less.
The document is a reading response form asking for details about an article including its title, author, date, reasons for reading it, whether the reader was glad they read it and their opinion, if they would recommend it to a friend, and how difficult it was on a scale of 1 to 10. The form collects feedback from the reader on an article they read through short answers and a difficulty rating.
The document contains 18 sections with the heading "Nome:" followed by blank fields for name, date, and observations. In most sections, the letters "ZA ZE ZI ZO ZU" are written in a variety of arrangements, sometimes repeated.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but no names are provided. It appears to be a template for collecting names but it has not been filled out.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but no other text or context. There is no discernible high-level information that can be summarized from the document as presented.
The document contains a series of blank lines for entering names but no names are provided. It appears to be a template for collecting names but it has not been filled out.
The document is a form with the repeated heading "SACOLA DAS LETRAS" or "SACOLA DOS NMEROS" followed by a blank for a name. This format is repeated multiple times, with the last section titled "SACOLA DOS NMEROS E LETRAS PARTE DE BAIXO". The document appears to be collecting names for different sections of a program around letters and numbers.
The document contains a list of names with corresponding dates and observations repeated over multiple pages working through the alphabet from A to Z. Each entry is formatted consistently with blanks for the name, date and observation fields.
The document contains a list of names with corresponding dates and observations repeated over multiple pages working through the alphabet from A to Z. Each entry is formatted consistently with blanks for the name, date, and observations.
This document is a worksheet asking the student to look up an unknown word in the dictionary. It instructs them to write the word, define it in their own words, use it in a sentence, identify its part of speech, provide synonyms and antonyms, and draw a picture of the word.
The document contains 27 sections, each with blank fields for a name and date. Each section contains a 4x4 grid of letters and a single letter repeated below. The sections progress alphabetically from BA to ZA, containing all consonant combinations from that letter.
The document appears to be a form with fields for name, date, and observations. It contains repeated sections for collecting information about various topics abbreviated as SA, BO, PA, CO, RA, VA, DA, and PA. The purpose and intended use of the form is not provided.
The document contains 10 sections with blank fields for a name, date, and observations. Each section contains the letters MA, ME, MI, MO and MU in different orders, with some containing an additional M.
The document contains 20 sections with blank fields for a name, date, and observations. In most sections, the letters MA, ME, MI, MO, and MU are listed in different orders, sometimes with repetitions or other letters like L, D, T, C, A, O, Z, S mixed in.
Este documento contiene una lista de m叩s de 100 archivos PDF etiquetados como "OK". La mayor鱈a de los archivos parecen ser materiales educativos que incluyen actividades, cuadernos de trabajo, letras, s鱈labas, n炭meros y otras habilidades de alfabetizaci坦n inicial. Los temas incluyen el alfabeto, vocales, consonantes, formaci坦n de palabras, adici坦n, coordinaci坦n motora fina y m叩s.
O documento discute como os portf坦lios SHDI podem ser usados para acompanhar o progresso de crian巽as na alfabetiza巽達o, promovendo a auto-reflex達o. Ele fornece exemplos de atividades como identificar palavras com s鱈labas espec鱈ficas, escrever palavras, ler s鱈labas e produzir textos, que podem ser inclu鱈das no portf坦lio para documentar o desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura e escrita ao longo do tempo.
O documento descreve os benef鱈cios dos textos pontilhados com letra de imprensa no processo de alfabetiza巽達o de crian巽as. Ele explica que os pontos ajudam no desenvolvimento motor e na compreens達o das formas das letras, al辿m de fornecer orienta巽達o espacial e estimular a independ棚ncia gradual das crian巽as. O texto tamb辿m ressalta a import但ncia de combinar essa estrat辿gia com outras atividades de alfabetiza巽達o.
O m辿todo de alfabetiza巽達o com afeto valoriza as rela巽探es emocionais entre professores e alunos para criar um ambiente seguro e estimulante para a aprendizagem. Reconhece que as emo巽探es dos alunos afetam como eles aprendem e usa atividades prazerosas, reconhecimento individual e rela巽探es afetivas para motivar os alunos.
O documento discute a inclus達o, autismo e o direito educa巽達o na Constitui巽達o Federal e nas leis brasileiras. Apresenta um breve hist坦rico da educa巽達o inclusiva no Brasil desde 1961, destacando marcos legais como a LDB de 1961, 1971, 1988, Lei de 1989, ECA de 1990, Pol鱈tica Nacional de 1994 e LDB de 1996. Tamb辿m aborda os desafios de garantir a qualidade da educa巽達o para todos os alunos.
O documento discute a import但ncia da adapta巽達o curricular para atender s necessidades de todos os alunos, independentemente de suas habilidades ou estilos de aprendizagem. A adapta巽達o curricular ajuda a reduzir barreiras aprendizagem, criar um ambiente inclusivo, e melhorar o desempenho acad棚mico dos alunos. Escolas devem considerar a adapta巽達o curricular como parte importante de garantir acesso de qualidade educa巽達o para todos.
O documento discute o Dia Mundial do Autismo, celebrado em 2 de abril, e a import但ncia da inclus達o de pessoas com autismo na sociedade. Ele explica que o autismo afeta a comunica巽達o, intera巽達o social e comportamento e que cada pessoa no espectro autista tem habilidades e desafios 炭nicos. A conscientiza巽達o e a inclus達o em todas as esferas da vida, como educa巽達o, emprego e vida social, s達o fundamentais para que pessoas com autismo possam alcan巽ar seu potencial.
Artigo Todos n坦s podemos ensinar algo novo para algu辿m.pdfSimoneHelenDrumond
O documento discute como todas as pessoas t棚m algo valioso para ensinar uns aos outros, independentemente de suas habilidades ou conhecimentos. Ele explica que o ensino pode ocorrer em diversos contextos e situa巽探es da vida e n達o se resume apenas transmiss達o de informa巽探es, mas tamb辿m constru巽達o de conex探es entre as pessoas. Por fim, destaca que o aprendizado 辿 um processo cont鱈nuo e que todos temos algo a aprender e ensinar ao longo da vida.
ARTIGO Quem tem direito ao atendimento educacional especializado.pdfSimoneHelenDrumond
O documento discute quem tem direito ao atendimento educacional especializado (AEE) de acordo com a lei. O AEE 辿 um direito garantido por lei para pessoas com defici棚ncia, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades/superdota巽達o que necessitem de recursos espec鱈ficos na escola. Existem v叩rios tipos de defici棚ncias que podem ser atendidas pelo AEE, incluindo defici棚ncias visuais, auditivas, intelectuais e f鱈sicas.
O documento discute interven巽探es pedag坦gicas para alunos com TDAH, incluindo a adapta巽達o da sala de aula, estabelecimento de rotinas, estrat辿gias de organiza巽達o, refor巽o positivo e comunica巽達o com a fam鱈lia. Ele tamb辿m descreve os sintomas do TDAH e subtipos.
1) O ensino das vogais pode ser um desafio para crian巽as com autismo devido s dificuldades de comunica巽達o e intera巽達o social.
2) O documento fornece estrat辿gias para ensinar vogais para crian巽as com autismo, como usar materiais visuais, tecnologia, refor巽os positivos e atividades sensoriais.
3) importante ensinar vogais de forma l炭dica e pr叩tica, levando em conta os interesses e habilidades de cada crian巽a.
O documento discute a import但ncia do diagn坦stico para garantir a inclus達o escolar de alunos com necessidades especiais. Ele explica que o diagn坦stico requer a observa巽達o do comportamento do aluno, avalia巽探es com profissionais e trabalho conjunto entre a escola e a fam鱈lia para fornecer suporte adequado ao desenvolvimento do aluno.
O documento discute um m辿todo eficaz para ensinar crian巽as a ler e escrever, ensinando os sons das letras em vez de apenas seus nomes. Sugere come巽ar com as vogais, usar objetos para representar sons e criar jogos para ajudar na memoriza巽達o.
O documento discute estrat辿gias educacionais para ajudar crian巽as com hiperatividade no ambiente escolar, incluindo comunica巽達o com os pais, fornecimento de estrutura e rotina, e uso de m辿todos de ensino interativos.
1) Muitas pessoas com autismo t棚m dificuldades com a linguagem e comunica巽達o verbal e n達o verbal, tornando a aprendizagem de novas habilidades, como leitura e escrita, um desafio.
2) Ensinar s鱈labas de forma l炭dica para crian巽as com autismo 辿 relevante para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, e h叩 estrat辿gias que podem ser 炭teis, como usar materiais visuais e ensinar uma s鱈laba por vez.
3) importante lembrar que cada crian巽a com autismo 辿 炭n
O documento discute a inclus達o, autismo e o direito educa巽達o na Constitui巽達o Federal e nas leis brasileiras. Apresenta um breve hist坦rico sobre a educa巽達o inclusiva no Brasil desde a d辿cada de 1960, destacando leis e pol鱈ticas que promoveram ou limitaram o acesso educa巽達o regular para pessoas com defici棚ncia. Tamb辿m aborda os planos da educa巽達o brasileira relacionados qualidade, gest達o das institui巽探es, forma巽達o de professores e acesso e perman棚ncia dos estudantes.
O documento discute a rela巽達o entre autismo e depress達o. Pessoas com autismo t棚m maior probabilidade de desenvolver depress達o devido a fatores como dificuldades de comunica巽達o, sobrecarga sensorial, mudan巽as de rotina e desafios educacionais. O tratamento da depress達o em pessoas com autismo requer abordagens como terapia cognitivo-comportamental, terapia ocupacional e medicamentos.
O documento discute o papel importante e desafiador de ser um mediador na inclus達o. Um mediador deve criar um ambiente acolhedor e respeitoso para todas as pessoas, valorizando as diferen巽as individuais e garantindo que todos possam participar plenamente. Isso envolve reconhecer as necessidades espec鱈ficas de cada pessoa e adaptar o ambiente e atividades para promover a inclus達o.
O documento discute a import但ncia do diagn坦stico no processo de inclus達o. Em 3 frases:
O diagn坦stico 辿 fundamental para identificar as necessidades especiais de uma pessoa e permitir que educadores criem planos de a巽達o personalizados. Isso inclui adaptar atividades, fornecer recursos adequados e prevenir preconceitos, promovendo a participa巽達o plena de todos. De forma geral, o diagn坦stico 辿 crucial para a inclus達o ao ajudar a compreender as necessidades individuais.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.