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endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
 The endocrine system includes the
endocrine glands and their hormones
 The function of the endocrine system is to
secrete hormones into the bloodstream.
 Hormone: A Chemical messenger which
targets a specific group of cells, in order to
cause that group of cells do some activity or
stop doing an activity.
 Exocrine glands release their secretions into
ducts, or tubes
 Liver Bile released into the gallbladder, then
through a duct into the small intestine
 Pancreas releases pancreatic juice into the small
intestine via a duct
 Endocrine Glands are called ductless glands
 Release hormones directly into the bloodstream
 Blood transports hormones throughout the body
 Each hormone acts on only a certain kind of tissue
called its target tissue
endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
 Anatomical Position and Relations
 The pituitary gland is a pea-sized oval
structure, suspended from the
underside of the brain by the pituitary
stalk (known as the infundibulum). It
sits within a small depression in the
sphenoid bone, known as the sella
turcica (Turkish saddle).
 The superior surface of the gland is
covered by a reflection of the dura
mater  the diaphragma sellae. This
membrane has a central opening which
allows passage of the infundibulum.
 Anatomically, the pituitary gland is a two-
in-one structure consisting of the anterior
pituitary and the posterior pituitary. These
parts have different embryonic origins and
function very differently.
 Anterior Lobe
 The anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) is derived
from an outpouching of the roof of the pharynx,
called Rathkes pouch. It is composed of
glandular epithelium and secretes a number of
hormones. The lobe can be further divided into
three parts:
 Pars anterior  the largest part, responsible for
hormone secretion.
 Pars intermedia  a thin epithelial layer that
separates the pars anterior from the posterior
 Pars tuberalis  an upwards extension of the pars
anterior that surrounds the anterolateral aspect
of the infundibulum.
 The release of hormones is under the control
of the hypothalamus, which communicates
with the gland via neurotransmitters
secreted into the hypophyseal portal
vessels. These vessels ensure that the
hypothalamic hormones remain
concentrated, rather than being diluted in
the systemic circulation.
 Posterior Lobe
 The posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) consists
of nervous tissue.
 Upon stimulation, the posterior lobe secretes
two hormones  ADH (responsible for control
of blood osmolarity), and oxytocin (involved
in parturition and milk secretion
endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
 The vasculature of the pituitary gland is
complex and unique. Whilst the anterior lobe
and posterior lobe have the same venous
drainage (anterior and posterior hypophyseal
veins), they have an individual arterial
 Anterior Pituitary
 The anterior pituitary gland receives arterial
supply from the superior hypophyseal
artery (a branch of the internal carotid
 Posterior Pituitary
 The infundibulum and posterior pituitary
gland receive a rich blood supply from many
arteries. Of these, the major vessels are the
superior hypophyseal artery, infundibular
artery and inferior hypophyseal artery.
 The thyroid gland is an endocrine structure
located in the neck. It plays a key role in
regulating the metabolic rate of the body.
 The thyroid gland is located in the
anterior neck and spans the C5-T1
vertebrae. It consists of two lobes
(left and right), which are
connected by a central isthmus
anteriorly  this produces a
butterfly-shape appearance.
 The lobes of the thyroid gland are
wrapped around the cricoid
cartilage and superior rings of
the trachea. The gland is located
within the visceral compartment
of the neck (along with the
trachea, oesophagus and pharynx).
 The thyroid gland is closely
associated with numerous other
structures in the anterior neck:
 Anteriorly  infrahyoid muscles,
namely the sternothyroid, superior
belly of the omohyoid and
 Laterally  carotid sheath,
containing the common carotid
artey, internal jugular vein and
vagus nerve
 Organs  larynx, pharynx, trachea and
 Nerves  external laryngeal and
recurrent laryngeal
 The arterial supply to the thyroid
gland is via two main arteries:
 Superior thyroid artery
 Inferior thyroid artery
 In a small proportion of people
(around 10%) there is an
additional artery present 
the thyroid ima artery supplies
the anterior surface and isthmus
of the thyroid gland.
 Venous Drainage
 Venous drainage is carried by the superior,
middle, and inferior thyroid veins, which
form a venous plexus around the thyroid
 The superior and middle veins drain into the
internal jugular vein and the inferior empties
into the brachiocephalic vein.
 The thyroid gland is innervated by branches
derived from the sympathetic trunk.
 These nerves do not control the secretory
function of the gland  the release of thyroid
hormones is regulated by the pituitary gland.
 Lymphatic Drainage
 The lymphatic drainage of the thyroid is to
the paratracheal and deep cervical nodes.
 The parathyroid glands are endocrine glands
located in the anterior neck.
 They are responsible for the production
of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which acts
to increase the level of serum calcium.
 The parathyroid glands are usually located
on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland.
They are flattened and oval in shape .
 Most individuals have four parathyroid
glands, although variation in number (from
two to six) is common:
 Superior parathyroid glands (x2)
 Inferior parathyroid glands (x2)
 The vascular supply is similar to that of
the thyroid gland.
 Arterial supply is chiefly via the inferior
thyroid artery (as this artery supplies the
posterior aspect of the thyroid gland  where
the parathyroids are located
 Venous drainage is into
the superior, middle, and inferior thyroid
 The lymphatic drainage from
the parathyroid glands is to
the paratracheal and deep
cervical nodes.
 The parathyroid glands have
an extensive supply of
sympathetic nerves derived
from thyroid branches of the
cervical ganglia.
 The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland
located within the brain. Its main secretion
is melatonin, which regulates the circadian
rhythm of the body.
 The pineal gland is small glandular body,
approximately 6mm long. It is shaped like a
pine cone, from which its name is derived.
There are two types of cells present within
the gland:
 Pinealocytes  hormone secreting cells.
 Glial cells  supporting cells.
 The pineal gland is a midline structure,
located between the two cerebral
hemispheres. It is attached by a stalk to the
posterior wall of third ventricle
 The arterial supply to the pineal gland is
profuse, second only to the kidney.
The posterior choroidal arteries are the
main supply; they are a set of 10 branches
that arise from the posterior cerebral artery.
 Venous drainage is via the internal cerebral
 The adrenal (or suprarenal)
glands are paired endocrine
glands situated over the medial
aspect of the upper poles of
each kidney.
 They secrete catecholamines
harmones directly into blood.
 The adrenal glands are located in the
posterior abdomen, between the
superomedial kidney and the diaphragm.
They are retroperitoneal, with parietal
peritoneum covering their anterior surface
 The right gland is pyramidal in shape,
contrasting with the semi-lunar shape of the
left gland.
 Perinephric (or renal) fascia encloses the
adrenal glands and the kidneys. This fascia
attaches the glands to the crura of the
diaphragm. They are separated from the
kidneys by the perirenal fat.
 The adrenal glands sit in close proximity to
many other structures in the abdomen
 The adrenal glands
consist of an outer
tissue capsule,
a cortex and
a medulla.
 Veins and lymphatics
leave each gland via
the hilum, but
arteries and nerves
enter the glands at
numerous sites.
 The outer cortex and
inner medulla are the
functional portions of
the gland.
 The cortex and medulla
synthesise different
 The cortex is yellowish in colour
.Functionally, the cortex can be divided
into three regions (superficial to deep):
 Zona glomerulosa  produces and
secretes mineralocorticoids such as
 Zona fasciculata  produces and secretes
corticosteroids such as cortisol. It also
secretes a small amount of androgens.
 Zona reticularis  produces and secretes
androgens such
as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHES). It
also secretes a small amount of
 The medulla lies in the centre
of the gland, and is dark brown
in colour. It
contains chromaffin cells,
which secrete catecholamines
(such as adrenaline) into the
bloodstream in response to
 These hormones produce a
flight-or-fight response.
Chromaffin cells also secrete
enkephalins which function in
pain control.
 The adrenal glands have
a rich blood supply via
three main arteries:
 Superior adrenal
 Middle adrenal artery
 Inferior adrenal artery
 Right and left adrenal
veins drain the glands.
The right adrenal vein
drains into the inferior
vena cava, whereas the
left adrenal vein drains
into the left renal vein.
 The adrenal glands are innervated by the coeliac
plexus and greater splanchnic nerves.
 Sympathetic innervation to the adrenal medulla
is via myelinated pre-synaptic fibres, mainly
from the T10 to L1 spinal cord segments.
 Lymph drainage is to the lumbar lymph nodes by
adrenal lymphatic vessels. These vessels
originate from two lymphatic plexuses  one
deep to the capsule, and the other in the
 The pancreas is an abdominal glandular
organ with both digestive (exocrine)
and hormonal (endocrine) functions.
 The pancreas is an oblong-shaped organ
positioned at the level of the transpyloric
plane (L1). With the exception of the tail of
the pancreas, it is a retroperitoneal organ,
located deep within the upper abdomen in
the epigastrium and left hypochondrium
 Stomach the stomach and pylorus lie
anterior and to the pancreas.
 Duodenum  The C shaped duodenum
curves around and outlines the head of
the pancreas. The first part of the
duodenum lies anteriorly whereas the
second part of the duodenum including
the ampulla of Vater lies laterally to the
right of the pancreatic head
 Transverse mesocolon  Attaches to the
anterior surface of the pancreas
 Common bile duct  Descends behind
the head of the pancreas before opening
into the second part of the duodenum
alongside the major pancreatic duct
through the major duodenal papilla
 Spleen  located posteriorly and
 Head  the widest part of the
 Uncinate process  a projection
arising from the lower part of the
head and extending medially to lie
beneath the body of the pancreas.
 Neck  located between the head
and the body of the pancreas.
 Body  centrally located, crossing
the midline of the human body to
lie behind the stomach
 Tail  the left end of the pancreas
that lies within close proximity to
the hilum of the spleen..
endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
The exocrine pancreas is classified as a lobulated, serous
gland which produces digestive enzyme precursors.
It is composed of approximately one million berry-like
clusters of cells called acini, connected by short intercalated
 The intercalated ducts unite with those draining adjacent
lobules and drain into a network of intralobular collecting
ducts, which in turn drain into the main pancreatic duct.
 The pancreatic duct runs the length of the pancreas and
unites with the common bile duct, forming
the hepatopancreatic ampulla of Vater. This structure
then opens into the duodenum via the major duodenal
 Secretions into the duodenum are controlled by a muscular
valve  the sphincter of Oddi. It surrounds the ampulla of
Vater, acting as a valve.
endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
 The pancreas is supplied by
the pancreatic branches of
the splenic artery. The head is
additionally supplied by
the superior and inferior
pancreaticoduodenal arteries
 Venous drainage of the head of the
pancreas is into the superior
mesenteric branches of
the hepatic portal vein. The
pancreatic veins draining the rest
of the pancreas do so via
the splenic vein.
endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic
 The pancreas is drained by lymphatic vessels
that follow the arterial supply. They empty
into the pancreaticosplenal nodes and the
pyloric nodes, which in turn drain into the
superior mesenteric and coeliac lymph

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endocrine system anatomy.pptx for BSN Generic

  • 2. The endocrine system includes the endocrine glands and their hormones The function of the endocrine system is to secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Hormone: A Chemical messenger which targets a specific group of cells, in order to cause that group of cells do some activity or stop doing an activity.
  • 3. Exocrine glands release their secretions into ducts, or tubes Liver Bile released into the gallbladder, then through a duct into the small intestine Pancreas releases pancreatic juice into the small intestine via a duct Endocrine Glands are called ductless glands Release hormones directly into the bloodstream Blood transports hormones throughout the body Each hormone acts on only a certain kind of tissue called its target tissue
  • 5. Anatomical Position and Relations The pituitary gland is a pea-sized oval structure, suspended from the underside of the brain by the pituitary stalk (known as the infundibulum). It sits within a small depression in the sphenoid bone, known as the sella turcica (Turkish saddle). The superior surface of the gland is covered by a reflection of the dura mater the diaphragma sellae. This membrane has a central opening which allows passage of the infundibulum.
  • 6. Anatomically, the pituitary gland is a two- in-one structure consisting of the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary. These parts have different embryonic origins and function very differently.
  • 7. Anterior Lobe The anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) is derived from an outpouching of the roof of the pharynx, called Rathkes pouch. It is composed of glandular epithelium and secretes a number of hormones. The lobe can be further divided into three parts: Pars anterior the largest part, responsible for hormone secretion. Pars intermedia a thin epithelial layer that separates the pars anterior from the posterior lobe. Pars tuberalis an upwards extension of the pars anterior that surrounds the anterolateral aspect of the infundibulum.
  • 8. The release of hormones is under the control of the hypothalamus, which communicates with the gland via neurotransmitters secreted into the hypophyseal portal vessels. These vessels ensure that the hypothalamic hormones remain concentrated, rather than being diluted in the systemic circulation.
  • 9. Posterior Lobe The posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) consists of nervous tissue. Upon stimulation, the posterior lobe secretes two hormones ADH (responsible for control of blood osmolarity), and oxytocin (involved in parturition and milk secretion
  • 11. The vasculature of the pituitary gland is complex and unique. Whilst the anterior lobe and posterior lobe have the same venous drainage (anterior and posterior hypophyseal veins), they have an individual arterial supply:
  • 12. Anterior Pituitary The anterior pituitary gland receives arterial supply from the superior hypophyseal artery (a branch of the internal carotid artery).
  • 13. Posterior Pituitary The infundibulum and posterior pituitary gland receive a rich blood supply from many arteries. Of these, the major vessels are the superior hypophyseal artery, infundibular artery and inferior hypophyseal artery.
  • 14. The thyroid gland is an endocrine structure located in the neck. It plays a key role in regulating the metabolic rate of the body.
  • 15. The thyroid gland is located in the anterior neck and spans the C5-T1 vertebrae. It consists of two lobes (left and right), which are connected by a central isthmus anteriorly this produces a butterfly-shape appearance. The lobes of the thyroid gland are wrapped around the cricoid cartilage and superior rings of the trachea. The gland is located within the visceral compartment of the neck (along with the trachea, oesophagus and pharynx).
  • 16. The thyroid gland is closely associated with numerous other structures in the anterior neck: Anteriorly infrahyoid muscles, namely the sternothyroid, superior belly of the omohyoid and sternohyoid Laterally carotid sheath, containing the common carotid artey, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve Medially Organs larynx, pharynx, trachea and oesophagus Nerves external laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
  • 17. The arterial supply to the thyroid gland is via two main arteries: Superior thyroid artery Inferior thyroid artery In a small proportion of people (around 10%) there is an additional artery present the thyroid ima artery supplies the anterior surface and isthmus of the thyroid gland.
  • 18. Venous Drainage Venous drainage is carried by the superior, middle, and inferior thyroid veins, which form a venous plexus around the thyroid gland. The superior and middle veins drain into the internal jugular vein and the inferior empties into the brachiocephalic vein.
  • 19. Innervation The thyroid gland is innervated by branches derived from the sympathetic trunk. These nerves do not control the secretory function of the gland the release of thyroid hormones is regulated by the pituitary gland. Lymphatic Drainage The lymphatic drainage of the thyroid is to the paratracheal and deep cervical nodes.
  • 20. The parathyroid glands are endocrine glands located in the anterior neck. They are responsible for the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which acts to increase the level of serum calcium.
  • 21. The parathyroid glands are usually located on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland. They are flattened and oval in shape . Most individuals have four parathyroid glands, although variation in number (from two to six) is common: Superior parathyroid glands (x2) Inferior parathyroid glands (x2)
  • 22. The vascular supply is similar to that of the thyroid gland. Arterial supply is chiefly via the inferior thyroid artery (as this artery supplies the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland where the parathyroids are located Venous drainage is into the superior, middle, and inferior thyroid veins.
  • 23. Lymphatics The lymphatic drainage from the parathyroid glands is to the paratracheal and deep cervical nodes. Nerves The parathyroid glands have an extensive supply of sympathetic nerves derived from thyroid branches of the cervical ganglia.
  • 24. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located within the brain. Its main secretion is melatonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm of the body.
  • 25. The pineal gland is small glandular body, approximately 6mm long. It is shaped like a pine cone, from which its name is derived. There are two types of cells present within the gland: Pinealocytes hormone secreting cells. Glial cells supporting cells.
  • 26. The pineal gland is a midline structure, located between the two cerebral hemispheres. It is attached by a stalk to the posterior wall of third ventricle
  • 27. The arterial supply to the pineal gland is profuse, second only to the kidney. The posterior choroidal arteries are the main supply; they are a set of 10 branches that arise from the posterior cerebral artery. Venous drainage is via the internal cerebral veins.
  • 28. The adrenal (or suprarenal) glands are paired endocrine glands situated over the medial aspect of the upper poles of each kidney. They secrete catecholamines harmones directly into blood.
  • 29. The adrenal glands are located in the posterior abdomen, between the superomedial kidney and the diaphragm. They are retroperitoneal, with parietal peritoneum covering their anterior surface only. The right gland is pyramidal in shape, contrasting with the semi-lunar shape of the left gland.
  • 30. Perinephric (or renal) fascia encloses the adrenal glands and the kidneys. This fascia attaches the glands to the crura of the diaphragm. They are separated from the kidneys by the perirenal fat. The adrenal glands sit in close proximity to many other structures in the abdomen
  • 31. The adrenal glands consist of an outer connective tissue capsule, a cortex and a medulla. Veins and lymphatics leave each gland via the hilum, but arteries and nerves enter the glands at numerous sites.
  • 32. The outer cortex and inner medulla are the functional portions of the gland. Cortex Medulla The cortex and medulla synthesise different hormones.
  • 33. Cortex The cortex is yellowish in colour .Functionally, the cortex can be divided into three regions (superficial to deep): Zona glomerulosa produces and secretes mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone. Zona fasciculata produces and secretes corticosteroids such as cortisol. It also secretes a small amount of androgens. Zona reticularis produces and secretes androgens such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHES). It also secretes a small amount of corticosteroids.
  • 34. Medulla The medulla lies in the centre of the gland, and is dark brown in colour. It contains chromaffin cells, which secrete catecholamines (such as adrenaline) into the bloodstream in response to stress. These hormones produce a flight-or-fight response. Chromaffin cells also secrete enkephalins which function in pain control.
  • 35. The adrenal glands have a rich blood supply via three main arteries: Superior adrenal artery Middle adrenal artery Inferior adrenal artery Right and left adrenal veins drain the glands. The right adrenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava, whereas the left adrenal vein drains into the left renal vein.
  • 36. INNERVATION The adrenal glands are innervated by the coeliac plexus and greater splanchnic nerves. Sympathetic innervation to the adrenal medulla is via myelinated pre-synaptic fibres, mainly from the T10 to L1 spinal cord segments. LYMPHATICS Lymph drainage is to the lumbar lymph nodes by adrenal lymphatic vessels. These vessels originate from two lymphatic plexuses one deep to the capsule, and the other in the medulla.
  • 37. The pancreas is an abdominal glandular organ with both digestive (exocrine) and hormonal (endocrine) functions.
  • 38. The pancreas is an oblong-shaped organ positioned at the level of the transpyloric plane (L1). With the exception of the tail of the pancreas, it is a retroperitoneal organ, located deep within the upper abdomen in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium regions.
  • 39. Stomach the stomach and pylorus lie anterior and to the pancreas. Duodenum The C shaped duodenum curves around and outlines the head of the pancreas. The first part of the duodenum lies anteriorly whereas the second part of the duodenum including the ampulla of Vater lies laterally to the right of the pancreatic head Transverse mesocolon Attaches to the anterior surface of the pancreas Common bile duct Descends behind the head of the pancreas before opening into the second part of the duodenum alongside the major pancreatic duct through the major duodenal papilla Spleen located posteriorly and laterally.
  • 40. Head the widest part of the pancreas. Uncinate process a projection arising from the lower part of the head and extending medially to lie beneath the body of the pancreas. Neck located between the head and the body of the pancreas. Body centrally located, crossing the midline of the human body to lie behind the stomach Tail the left end of the pancreas that lies within close proximity to the hilum of the spleen..
  • 42. The exocrine pancreas is classified as a lobulated, serous gland which produces digestive enzyme precursors. It is composed of approximately one million berry-like clusters of cells called acini, connected by short intercalated ducts. The intercalated ducts unite with those draining adjacent lobules and drain into a network of intralobular collecting ducts, which in turn drain into the main pancreatic duct. The pancreatic duct runs the length of the pancreas and unites with the common bile duct, forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla of Vater. This structure then opens into the duodenum via the major duodenal papilla. Secretions into the duodenum are controlled by a muscular valve the sphincter of Oddi. It surrounds the ampulla of Vater, acting as a valve.
  • 44. The pancreas is supplied by the pancreatic branches of the splenic artery. The head is additionally supplied by the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries Venous drainage of the head of the pancreas is into the superior mesenteric branches of the hepatic portal vein. The pancreatic veins draining the rest of the pancreas do so via the splenic vein.
  • 46. The pancreas is drained by lymphatic vessels that follow the arterial supply. They empty into the pancreaticosplenal nodes and the pyloric nodes, which in turn drain into the superior mesenteric and coeliac lymph nodes.