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Energy Systems for Exercise Presenter: Ms. Lea Green
The human body is made to move in many ways: Quick and powerful Graceful & coordinated Sustained for many hours And is dependent upon the capacity to produce energy
We have a great amount of diversity Quick movements-lasts a few seconds Reduced speed-lasts for several minutes Reduced intensity(50%)-lasts for several hours The body uses different energy systems for each activity
Cells in the body need energy to function FOOD=ENERGY (E)
Cells dont get Energy directly from food, it must be broken down into: ATP -Adensosine TRIphosphate ATP = a form of energy one can immediately use, it is needed for cells to function & muscles to contract
Nutrients that give us energy: Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Glucose Fatty acids Amino Acids Digestion Absorbed into the blood & transported to cells  (muscle, liver & nerve) They are used to produce ATP or stored
ATP is stored in small amounts, therefore the rest is stored as: Glucose = Glycogen (muscle & liver) Fatty Acids = Body fat Amino Acids = Growth, repair or excreted as waste
Predominant Energy Pathways ATP (2-3 seconds) ATP-CP Energy System (8-10 seconds) Anaerobic Energy System (2-3 minutes) Aerobic Energy System (3 minutes +)
0 sec  4 sec  10 sec  1.5 min  3 min + Strength  Power: power lift, shot put, golf swing Sustained Power: sprints, fast breaks, football Anaerobic Power  Endurance: 200-400 m dash, 100 m swim Aerobic Endurance: Beyond 800 m run Immediate/short-term  Aerobic-oxidative non-oxidative systems  system
ATP-CP Energy System ATP is stored in the muscle & liver for Quick Energy Nerve impulses trigger breakdown of ATP into ADP ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate & 1 Phosphate The splitting of the Phosphate bond = Energy for work Ex.  Muscle Contraction, Moving hand from a hot stove, Jumping & Throwing
The ATP Molecule Adenosine Adenosine Energy a. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) b. The breakdown of ATP: P P P P P P ATP = ADP + energy for biological work + P (ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate) Energy for cellular function
For contractions to continue ATP must be  REBUILT   This comes from the splitting of CP (Creatine Phosphate a Hi energy source, automatic)  When ATP is used  it is rebuilt  as long as there is CP Energy released from CP breaking down, resynthesizes the ADP & P
REMEMBER  only small amounts of ATP are stored = only 2-3 sec. of Energy ATP-CP = 8-10 sec. of Energy The usefulness isnt the  AMOUNT  of Energy but the  QUICK & POWERFUL  movements For longer periods of work  = The Aerobic & Anaerobic Energy System must be utilized
The Immediate Resynthesis of ATP by CP Creatine P Creatine P Energy High energy bond a. Creatine Phosphate (CP) b. CP = Creatine + energy for resynthesis of ATP +   P Adenosine P P P c.  ADP + energy from CP + P = ATP (reversal of ATP = ADP + P + energy for work)
Anaerobic Energy System Without oxygen = Activities that require a large burst of energy over a short period of time Anaerobic Glycolysis = Production of ATP from Carbohydrates without oxygen (breakdown of glucose)
Since glycogen is stored in the muscle & liver, it is available quickly This system provides ATP when ATP-CP runs out Again, ATP-CP lasts for a few seconds, the Anaerobic Energy System allows for 2-3 minutes of work
The process to produce ATP is not as fast as ATP-CP, which makes muscle contraction slower When oxygen is not present the end product of glycolisis is  lactic acid,  which causes the muscles to fatigue Anaerobic Glycolisis is less efficient in producing ATP than Aerobic Glycolisis, BUT is needed for a large burst of energy lasting a few minutes
Without Oxygen Glucose = 2ATP + 2LA  (digested component of carbohydrates) Glycogen = 3ATP + 2LA  (the storage form of glucose)
With Oxygen Glucose + O2 = 36ATP + H2O + CO2 Fatty Acids + O2 = 129ATP Body Fat is a great source of ENERGY
Oxygen Deficit  = The body can not supply enough O2 to the muscles that the muscles demand When the muscle does not get enough oxygen, exhaustion is reached causing immediate and involuntary reduction in intensity Oxygen Debt  = pays back the deficit   recovery time
Aerobic Energy System With Oxygen = Using large muscle groups continuously over a period of time Aerobic Glycolisis & Fatty Acid Oxidation = The production of ATP from Carbohydrates & Fat
O2 enters the system,  stopping  the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid  With oxygen, glycogen breaks down into:  ATP + CO2 + H20 These byproducts are easier to get rid of  CO2 is expelled by the lungs H20 is used in the muscle
4.Anaerobic Energy System =  Carbohydrates are the only fuel source 5.With prolonged exercise, Carbohydrates are the first fuel choice, as exercise continues, FAT becomes predominant 6.Protein is not a main fuel source except  in an emergency
Each system plays an important role in energy production This gives us a variety of movements The systems interact to supply Energy for the activity
Examples Anaerobic 70-80% Anaerobic    Aerobic 20-30% Aerobic Wt. Training Stop & Go Sports Jogging Gymnastics Tennis Marathons Football Soccer Cycling Baseball Field Hockey Aerobic Dance
Shelton State Wellness Center PED 223 Methods of Instruction

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  • 1. Energy Systems for Exercise Presenter: Ms. Lea Green
  • 2. The human body is made to move in many ways: Quick and powerful Graceful & coordinated Sustained for many hours And is dependent upon the capacity to produce energy
  • 3. We have a great amount of diversity Quick movements-lasts a few seconds Reduced speed-lasts for several minutes Reduced intensity(50%)-lasts for several hours The body uses different energy systems for each activity
  • 4. Cells in the body need energy to function FOOD=ENERGY (E)
  • 5. Cells dont get Energy directly from food, it must be broken down into: ATP -Adensosine TRIphosphate ATP = a form of energy one can immediately use, it is needed for cells to function & muscles to contract
  • 6. Nutrients that give us energy: Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Glucose Fatty acids Amino Acids Digestion Absorbed into the blood & transported to cells (muscle, liver & nerve) They are used to produce ATP or stored
  • 7. ATP is stored in small amounts, therefore the rest is stored as: Glucose = Glycogen (muscle & liver) Fatty Acids = Body fat Amino Acids = Growth, repair or excreted as waste
  • 8. Predominant Energy Pathways ATP (2-3 seconds) ATP-CP Energy System (8-10 seconds) Anaerobic Energy System (2-3 minutes) Aerobic Energy System (3 minutes +)
  • 9. 0 sec 4 sec 10 sec 1.5 min 3 min + Strength Power: power lift, shot put, golf swing Sustained Power: sprints, fast breaks, football Anaerobic Power Endurance: 200-400 m dash, 100 m swim Aerobic Endurance: Beyond 800 m run Immediate/short-term Aerobic-oxidative non-oxidative systems system
  • 10. ATP-CP Energy System ATP is stored in the muscle & liver for Quick Energy Nerve impulses trigger breakdown of ATP into ADP ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate & 1 Phosphate The splitting of the Phosphate bond = Energy for work Ex. Muscle Contraction, Moving hand from a hot stove, Jumping & Throwing
  • 11. The ATP Molecule Adenosine Adenosine Energy a. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) b. The breakdown of ATP: P P P P P P ATP = ADP + energy for biological work + P (ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate) Energy for cellular function
  • 12. For contractions to continue ATP must be REBUILT This comes from the splitting of CP (Creatine Phosphate a Hi energy source, automatic) When ATP is used it is rebuilt as long as there is CP Energy released from CP breaking down, resynthesizes the ADP & P
  • 13. REMEMBER only small amounts of ATP are stored = only 2-3 sec. of Energy ATP-CP = 8-10 sec. of Energy The usefulness isnt the AMOUNT of Energy but the QUICK & POWERFUL movements For longer periods of work = The Aerobic & Anaerobic Energy System must be utilized
  • 14. The Immediate Resynthesis of ATP by CP Creatine P Creatine P Energy High energy bond a. Creatine Phosphate (CP) b. CP = Creatine + energy for resynthesis of ATP + P Adenosine P P P c. ADP + energy from CP + P = ATP (reversal of ATP = ADP + P + energy for work)
  • 15. Anaerobic Energy System Without oxygen = Activities that require a large burst of energy over a short period of time Anaerobic Glycolysis = Production of ATP from Carbohydrates without oxygen (breakdown of glucose)
  • 16. Since glycogen is stored in the muscle & liver, it is available quickly This system provides ATP when ATP-CP runs out Again, ATP-CP lasts for a few seconds, the Anaerobic Energy System allows for 2-3 minutes of work
  • 17. The process to produce ATP is not as fast as ATP-CP, which makes muscle contraction slower When oxygen is not present the end product of glycolisis is lactic acid, which causes the muscles to fatigue Anaerobic Glycolisis is less efficient in producing ATP than Aerobic Glycolisis, BUT is needed for a large burst of energy lasting a few minutes
  • 18. Without Oxygen Glucose = 2ATP + 2LA (digested component of carbohydrates) Glycogen = 3ATP + 2LA (the storage form of glucose)
  • 19. With Oxygen Glucose + O2 = 36ATP + H2O + CO2 Fatty Acids + O2 = 129ATP Body Fat is a great source of ENERGY
  • 20. Oxygen Deficit = The body can not supply enough O2 to the muscles that the muscles demand When the muscle does not get enough oxygen, exhaustion is reached causing immediate and involuntary reduction in intensity Oxygen Debt = pays back the deficit recovery time
  • 21. Aerobic Energy System With Oxygen = Using large muscle groups continuously over a period of time Aerobic Glycolisis & Fatty Acid Oxidation = The production of ATP from Carbohydrates & Fat
  • 22. O2 enters the system, stopping the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid With oxygen, glycogen breaks down into: ATP + CO2 + H20 These byproducts are easier to get rid of CO2 is expelled by the lungs H20 is used in the muscle
  • 23. 4.Anaerobic Energy System = Carbohydrates are the only fuel source 5.With prolonged exercise, Carbohydrates are the first fuel choice, as exercise continues, FAT becomes predominant 6.Protein is not a main fuel source except in an emergency
  • 24. Each system plays an important role in energy production This gives us a variety of movements The systems interact to supply Energy for the activity
  • 25. Examples Anaerobic 70-80% Anaerobic Aerobic 20-30% Aerobic Wt. Training Stop & Go Sports Jogging Gymnastics Tennis Marathons Football Soccer Cycling Baseball Field Hockey Aerobic Dance
  • 26. Shelton State Wellness Center PED 223 Methods of Instruction