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In this Issue:
?	Faculty Spotlight: Kristin
?	Upcoming DePaul Events
?	Upcoming Community Events
?	Student Engagement Reflection:
School of Nursing
DePaul ENGAGE Faculty Spotlight: Kristin Maynard
			 (Photo credit: Kristin Maynard)
		 As an organizational communications
professor, Kristin Maynard teaches her
students to break with playing it safe, and
shows them how to magnify their potential in
the workplace and their world.
A 2013 DePaul graduate with a master¡¯s
degree in organizational communication,
Maynard took on a role as a teaching
assistant while in school, and upon
graduation, she was asked by the university
to stay on and teach her own course. The
support from her professors who eventually
went on to become her colleagues, as well as
her love of the students and of this city, has
kept her here ever since.
		 ¡°At the start of each quarter I
introduce myself to my new students and
find that my ¡®about me¡¯ speech is always
changing because I am always doing
something different and I want my students
to do the same,¡± says Maynard. ¡°I want to
make sure they¡¯re proud of the work they do
and are reaching their full potential as active
participants in their communities.¡±
		 To that end, Maynard and many of her
students participate in the Working in the
Schools (WITS) program. WITS promotes
literacy and a love of learning in Chicago
public elementary school students through a
volunteer-powered program which connects
low-income children to caring adults and
mentors. ¡°It¡¯s not just about going to class
and writing papers, but being an active
participant in the city where you live and
work.¡± Her organizational communication
course focuses on making students aware
of what lies on the edge of their peripheral
vision and showing them that their behavior,
words and actions always have an impact on
other people.
		 ¡°Everything we do is an organization:
our family, friend groups and work
environment. Make sure you are pausing
to reflect upon how you impact your own
reality. Many of our parents took jobs
because of paychecks, but today we expect
more from our organizations. Making
sure they are the right fit for you is just as
important as making sure you are the right fit
for them.¡±
		 By the time her students have finished
the quarter, Maynard hopes that they are
leaving with an understanding of how they
can use their experience at DePaul and their
degree to effect positive change in the world,
whatever that might look like to them.
~Rocio Ortega
Monday, April 6,2015
World Catholicism Week: Fragile World:
Ecology & The Church
Wednesday, April 8, 2015-Sunday, April 10, 2015
3:00 PM -8:30 PM
LPC Student Center, Room 120B
¡°Fragile World: Ecology and the Church¡± is the theme of
the 7th annual World Catholicism Week, hosted by the
Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology
(CWCIT). Speakers include activists, scientists & theologians
from Colombia, Europe, Honduras, Kenya, the U.S. &
the Philippines. RSVP: http://las.depaul.edu/centers-and-
Lunch with Vincent-Richard Benson, C.M.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
LPC Student Center, Room 314
A quarterly lunch dialogue program designed to foster
reflection and conversation on Vincentian spirituality and
its application to our life and work, while also enabling
DePaul faculty and staff the opportunity to connect with
one another in meaningful dialogue and interaction. Lunch
provided. RSVP to cfrontza@depaul.edu
CPIL Practice series: LGBTQ Law
Thursday, April 9, 2015
11:50 AM - 12:50 PM
Loop Lewis Center, Room 801
Please Bring Your Lunch And Join Us For A Small
Group Discussion LGBTQ Attorneys. Hear About Their
Experiences With Practicing In Chicago And Get Invaluable
Insight Into The World Of LGBTQ Law!
Beyond Volunteering: A Commitment To
Empowerment & Activism
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
LPC Student Center, Room 314
This event showcases employment opportunities
for students with a passion for activism and
empowerment. A panel of experts will share their
stories and address questions from the
audience. Students will also get the chance to
continue the conversation with these
professionals after the panel discussion.
Cultivating Compassion: A Buddhist Path
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
6:00 PM- 8:00 PM
LPC Theater School Lobby
A life overflowing with compassion Sounds wonderful in
theory, but how do you do it?
Venerable Thubten Chodron discusses how her search to
live a meaningful life for the benefit of others took her from
Califonia to Dharamsala, India where she was ordained
as one of the first Western Buddhist nuns. A student of his
holiness the Dalai Lama, she will draw on decades
of spiritual practice and personal experience to offer
techniques for cultivating compassion that can be integrated
into daily life.
The Journal Of Women, Gender & The
Law¡¯s 6th Annual Helen F. McGillicuddy
Symposium- CLE
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Loop DePaul Center Room 8005
The DePaul Journal of Women, Gender & the Law¡¯s sixth
annual symposium is intended to increase greater awareness
within the DePaul community and the community at large
about the intersection between domestic violence issues in
family law related cases. DePaul University College of Law
is an accredited CLE provider. This symposium has been
approved for a total of 4.25 CLE credits. Please RSVP
Who Do We Say That We Are? An Interactive
Symposium On Deacons
Wednesday, April 15 at 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
LPC Cortelyou Commons- 2324 N Fremont St.
An interactive symposium on the first and only psychological
and sociological research study of permanent Catholic
deacons in the United States: their personalities, beliefs,
leaderships styles, spiritual lives, and their parish sense
of community. Joseph R. Ferrari, St. Vincent de Paul
Distinguished Professor of Psychology and his research team
will present original data from a national online survey of
nearly 2,000 permanent Catholic deacons. *RSVP required
by April 8* (Please e-mail cwcit@depaul.edu)
Life In The Eyes Of Chicago¡¯s Homeless
Youth: A Screening Of ¡°The Homestretch¡±
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
2:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Loop, Lewis Center, Room 804
Please join the DePaul College of Law Journal for Social
Justice and the Center for Public Interest Law on Wednesday,
April 15, 2015 at 12:00 PM in room 804 for a screening of
¡°The Homestretch¡±, a documentary film showcasing the
trials and tribulations of three homeless teenagers as they
brave Chicago winters, the pressures of high school, and life
alone on the streets to build a brighter future. Food will be
Compass Groups: 5 Choices Time
Management and Productivity
Tuesday, April 15, 2015 (occuring every Tuesday after
this date)
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Loop Campus
Explore more about your social identities, related
experiences, and how to navigate society¡¯s systems through a
journey of terminology, issues, and reflection. These sessions
will provide fun and interactive learning opportunities to
get to know other adult students while developing skills
to advocate for change, marginalized communities, and
yourself. RSVP for room info. Please email adultstudents@
depaul.edu. Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30p.m. (Every other
Tuesday starting April 14) -
The Sound and the Sample- Part of the Lend
Me Your Ears: The Sound of the Humanities
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
LPC Cortelyou Commons
An evening of three radically different live performances and
analysis of what it means to take a sound from its original
context and repurpose it, giving it new meaning elsewhere.
Annual Vincentian Lecture: Climate Change
Panel Discussion with Dr. Geoffrey Parker
Monday, April 20, 2015
6:00-8:00 PM
LPC Welcome Center (2400 N. Sheffield Ave)
Dr. Geoffrey Parker Ph. D. will give the annual Vincentian
lecture as a kickoff event for Earth Week 2015. His book,
Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the
17th Century Past as Prelude, receive the Sunday Times¡¯
History Book of the Year in 2013 for its comprehensive
analysis and stunning breadth, which surveys the impact of
climate change on human populations across the globe. Get
tickets: http://tinyurl.com/kr57dsz
Emergent Speaker Series: Mobilizing an
Envisioned Community-Birth of a Nation,
Black Protest, and Visual Self-Determination
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
LPC Munroe Hall 114-116 2312 N. Clifton
Historian, filmmaker and author, Cara Caddoo, uncovers the
factors that transformed the campaigns against Birth of a
Nation into a national--even transnational--mass movement.
Out of this movement grew an unreasonably modern idea of
rights: the belief that visual representation was ab essential
aspect of civil equality and national belonging.
Sister Helen Prejean Week
April 22-29, 2015
DePaul University and Chicago Landmarks
Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J., activist and author of Dead
Man Walking, will once again visit DePaul for a week¡¯s
worth of programming inspired by her work. Departments
from around the university will host panel discussions, class
activities, and musical and dramatic performances on the
topic of death penalty abolition and Sister Helen¡¯s novel.
One featured event, An Evening with Sister Helen Prejean:
Abolitions and the Morality of Punishment is on Monday,
April 27 7-8:30p.m. at Cortelyou Commons. Click the link
for more DePaul event options: http://tinyurl.com/q6kfp9h
Emergent Speaker Series: ¡°Put Together to
Please A Colored Audience¡±-Black American
Cinema Before The Great Migration
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
2:40 PM to 4:10 PM
Student Center Room 314B
By embracing the medium of moving pictures at the turn
of the 20th century, black Americans forged a collective,
if fraught, culture of freedom. Viewing African American
history through the lense of cinema, Cara Caddoo, historian
and author of Envisioning Freedom: Cinema and the
Building of Modern Black Life, examines the forgotten
history of black film exhibition during the era of mass
migration and Jim Crow.
Quarterly Interreligious Celebration (QIRC)
Thursday, April 23, 2015
9:30-11:00 PM
Join University Ministry in this quarterly event that builds
our interfaith Vincentian community. The Interfaith Scholars
choose a different theme to explore from various faith
perspectives. Sponsored by the DePaul Interfaith Scholars,
Office of Religious Diversity, Catholic Campus Ministry, and
Vincentian Community Service Office.
Artists Uprising Series: On Fathers And Sons
And Love
Thursday, April 23, 2015
9:40 AM to 11:10 AM & 2:40 PM to 4:10 PM
Student Center 314AB
Filmmaker and digital media professor Camille Debose
presents her latest documentary- On Fathers and Sons and
Love- which interrogates masculinity and they ways it is
challanged and changed by fatherhood. The film includes
and exploration of the lives of four generations of men and
opens further discussions of love, patriachy and stepping
toward a more loving future. A discussion will follow the
film screening.
St. Vincent¡¯s Birthday Celebration
Friday, April 24, 2015
1:00-2:15 Food for Thought Conversation
2:30 Birthday party
Join SGA and the Office of Mission and Values to celebrate
St. Vincent DePaul¡¯s 434th birthday! Catholic Campus
Ministry will host a lunch Food for Thought conversation.
Following will be a birthday celebration for St. Vincent.
An Evening with Sister Helen Prejean:
Abolitions and the Morality of Punishment
Monday, April 27, 2015
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
LPC Cortelyou Commons
Widely known for her important work in death penalty
abolition, Sr. Helen joins us for an investigation of prison
abolition and punishment abolition in general.
Working For The Common Good
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
LPC, Student Center Room 120AB
Working for the Common Good is a professional
development and networking event which will provide
opportunities to participate in round table discussions and
visit ¡°Open House¡± tables represented by seasoned social
service professionals joining from settings including non-
profit organizations, associations, schools, government
agencies, research centers, clinics, cultural institutions, and
more! Specifically, this event will provide opportunities to:
Participate in roundtable discussions ranging in topics from
social justice, community outreach, advocacy, research,
school counseling, counseling roles in non-profits, program
development, etc. To register go to depaul.experience.com at
Lunch with Vincent- J. Patrick Murphy, C.M.
Thursday, April 30 2015
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Loop DePaul Center, 11th Floor (DePaul Club)
A quarterly lunch dialogue program designed to foster
reflection and conversation on Vincentian spirituality and
its application to our life and work, while also enabling
DePaul faculty and staff the opportunity to connect with
one another in meaningful dialogue and interaction. Lunch
provided. RSVP to cfrontza@depaul.edu
Emergent Speakers Series: I¡¯ll See It When I
Believe It: On Perception And The Gender
Thursday, April 30, 2015
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
LPC Cortelyou Commons-
As human beings, we tend to be focused on how other
people ¡°do¡± their genders. Join writer, performer and activist,
Julia Serano, to explore how unconscious assumptions
and expectations shape how we view other people. Serano
discusses how the projection of our own assumptions,
meanings and value judgements relating to gender are tied to
Vincentian Service Day
Saturday, May 2, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Start in Sullivan Athletic Center
Vincentian Service Day gathers over 1,000 DePaul volunteers
to serve community partners¡¯ needs on the first Saturday of
May each year. This day is rooted in Vincentian values, meets
important community needs and is truly an inspirational day
for everyone involved! For more information and to register:
A Changing Back of the Yards: The Growing
Latino Population
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
12:00-1:30 PM
Gallery 400 Lecture Room at 400 S. Peoria Street,
Chicago, 60607
Real Time Chicago Lecture series sponsors a discussion
on the Back of the Yards neighborhood with Craig Chico,
President and CEO of the Back of the Yards Neighborhood
Council, Emilio L. Carasquillo, Neighborhood Director
of Neighborhood Housing Services and Henry Cervantes,
Community Organizer of The Resurrection Project. For
more information, visit greatcities.uic.edu
8th Day Center presents: Good Friday Walk
for Justice
Friday, April 3, 2015
12:00 PM
Corner of Michigan Ave and Congress Ave. Chicago
The Walk is a modern-day way-of-the-cross. Starting at the
corner of Congress and Michigan we walk, pray, and sing
our way through 10 Stations in downtown Chicago.
This year¡¯s theme ¡°Give Light and People Will Find the
Way¡° is the inspired title of Ella Baker¡¯s workshop during
the Civil Rights Movement at the Highlander Folk School
in Tennessee. We believe, as did Ella Baker, ¡°we will find the
way¡± to make the spirit of the resurrection of true peace
with justice happen through our collective efforts.
Chicago Rally for LGBTQ Rights during
Supreme Court Hearing
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
On April 28th, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments
about striking down bans on same-sex marriage in four
states, with a decision expected in June. But the Court¡¯s
deliberations potentially will be about much more than
marriage rights. How the Court decides these issues can be
as much about public opinion -- expressed through public
demonstrations -- as anything else. LGBTQ people have
ALWAYS deserved equal rights. Please show the Supreme
Court that you want equal rights by joining us and your
neighbors for an equal rights rally in Chicago. If you
would like help organize the Chicago rally, please email
LGBTliberation@aol.com or facebook message the event
Student Reflection
			 by, Jojee Trinidad & Rachelle Hernandez
On February 26th, 2015, Jojee Trinidad, a second-
year graduate nursing student at DePaul University,
volunteered at an event for the American Heart
Association¡¯s Go Red for Women, a campaign to raise
awareness on cardiovascular disease as the number one
killer in women. The event was hosted by Lundbeck,
a Danish international pharmaceutical company that
engages in the development, production, and sale of
drugs for the treatment of disorders of the nervous
system. At the event, Jojee checked blood pressures
of employees at the company and provided education
on cardiovascular disease. For the past two years,
Jojee fulfilled his service learning experience with
the American Heart Association where he compiled
and gave presentations to suburban workplaces and
Chicago health clinics on cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, healthy eating, and simple cooking in
English and Spanish. Having studied Spanish in college
and spent a year abroad in Spain, Jojee became fluent
in Spanish and was able to use his Spanish-speaking
skills to translate English material to Spanish as the
American Heart Association lacked resources for those
who were monolingual in Spanish.
When asked how service learning impacted his life and
in what ways it shaped how he viewed himself as a
future nurse, Jojee remarked, ¡°service learning helped
me to realize the importance of primary prevention in
the community. Having seen many at-risk patients for
chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, I
learned the importance of educating members of the
community to prevent illness. I also have the ability to
communicate in Spanish with the Hispanic community,
which allowed me to educate them and gain their
confidence in adhering to the their plan of care. In
the future, I aspire to be a travel nurse and utilize my
language abilities to connect with my patients at a
more personable level.¡±
Dr. Karen Larimer, Assistant Professor and Community
Engagement Coordinator from the School of Nursing,
also shown in the picture, gave a presentation on heart
health and provided education on ways to prevent
cardiovascular disease to Lundbeck employees.
DePaul ENGAGE is a coalition of the departments, programs, and people at
DePaul who seek to engage students and the DePaul community in learning
and action related to socially responsible leadership in the Vincentian tradition.
By working together more intentionally, we develop and implement collective
strategies that reach, involve, and impact a greater number of students and
those in the DPU community through our various curricular and co-curricular
programs and opportunities for engagement and shared learning.
For more information, you may contact engage@depaul.edu.
You can also connect with us at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/engagedepaul
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DePaul_Engage
OrgSync: https://orgsync.com/41971/chapter

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  • 1. In this Issue: ? Faculty Spotlight: Kristin Maynard ? ? Upcoming DePaul Events ? ? Upcoming Community Events ? ? Student Engagement Reflection: School of Nursing DePaul ENGAGE Faculty Spotlight: Kristin Maynard (Photo credit: Kristin Maynard) As an organizational communications professor, Kristin Maynard teaches her students to break with playing it safe, and shows them how to magnify their potential in the workplace and their world. A 2013 DePaul graduate with a master¡¯s degree in organizational communication, Maynard took on a role as a teaching assistant while in school, and upon graduation, she was asked by the university to stay on and teach her own course. The support from her professors who eventually went on to become her colleagues, as well as her love of the students and of this city, has kept her here ever since. ¡°At the start of each quarter I introduce myself to my new students and find that my ¡®about me¡¯ speech is always changing because I am always doing something different and I want my students to do the same,¡± says Maynard. ¡°I want to make sure they¡¯re proud of the work they do and are reaching their full potential as active participants in their communities.¡± To that end, Maynard and many of her students participate in the Working in the Schools (WITS) program. WITS promotes literacy and a love of learning in Chicago public elementary school students through a volunteer-powered program which connects low-income children to caring adults and mentors. ¡°It¡¯s not just about going to class and writing papers, but being an active participant in the city where you live and work.¡± Her organizational communication course focuses on making students aware of what lies on the edge of their peripheral vision and showing them that their behavior, words and actions always have an impact on other people. ¡°Everything we do is an organization: our family, friend groups and work environment. Make sure you are pausing to reflect upon how you impact your own reality. Many of our parents took jobs because of paychecks, but today we expect more from our organizations. Making sure they are the right fit for you is just as important as making sure you are the right fit for them.¡± By the time her students have finished the quarter, Maynard hopes that they are leaving with an understanding of how they can use their experience at DePaul and their degree to effect positive change in the world, whatever that might look like to them. ~Rocio Ortega Monday, April 6,2015
  • 2. World Catholicism Week: Fragile World: Ecology & The Church Wednesday, April 8, 2015-Sunday, April 10, 2015 3:00 PM -8:30 PM LPC Student Center, Room 120B ¡°Fragile World: Ecology and the Church¡± is the theme of the 7th annual World Catholicism Week, hosted by the Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology (CWCIT). Speakers include activists, scientists & theologians from Colombia, Europe, Honduras, Kenya, the U.S. & the Philippines. RSVP: http://las.depaul.edu/centers-and- institutes/center-for-world-catholicism-cultural-theology/ World-Catholicism-Week/Pages/2015-Registration.aspx Lunch with Vincent-Richard Benson, C.M. Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM LPC Student Center, Room 314 A quarterly lunch dialogue program designed to foster reflection and conversation on Vincentian spirituality and its application to our life and work, while also enabling DePaul faculty and staff the opportunity to connect with one another in meaningful dialogue and interaction. Lunch provided. RSVP to cfrontza@depaul.edu CPIL Practice series: LGBTQ Law Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM Loop Lewis Center, Room 801 Please Bring Your Lunch And Join Us For A Small Group Discussion LGBTQ Attorneys. Hear About Their Experiences With Practicing In Chicago And Get Invaluable Insight Into The World Of LGBTQ Law! Beyond Volunteering: A Commitment To Empowerment & Activism Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM LPC Student Center, Room 314 This event showcases employment opportunities for students with a passion for activism and empowerment. A panel of experts will share their stories and address questions from the audience. Students will also get the chance to continue the conversation with these professionals after the panel discussion. Cultivating Compassion: A Buddhist Path Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM LPC Theater School Lobby A life overflowing with compassion Sounds wonderful in theory, but how do you do it? Venerable Thubten Chodron discusses how her search to live a meaningful life for the benefit of others took her from Califonia to Dharamsala, India where she was ordained as one of the first Western Buddhist nuns. A student of his holiness the Dalai Lama, she will draw on decades of spiritual practice and personal experience to offer techniques for cultivating compassion that can be integrated into daily life. The Journal Of Women, Gender & The Law¡¯s 6th Annual Helen F. McGillicuddy Symposium- CLE Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM Loop DePaul Center Room 8005 The DePaul Journal of Women, Gender & the Law¡¯s sixth annual symposium is intended to increase greater awareness within the DePaul community and the community at large about the intersection between domestic violence issues in family law related cases. DePaul University College of Law is an accredited CLE provider. This symposium has been approved for a total of 4.25 CLE credits. Please RSVP Who Do We Say That We Are? An Interactive Symposium On Deacons Wednesday, April 15 at 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM LPC Cortelyou Commons- 2324 N Fremont St. An interactive symposium on the first and only psychological and sociological research study of permanent Catholic deacons in the United States: their personalities, beliefs, leaderships styles, spiritual lives, and their parish sense of community. Joseph R. Ferrari, St. Vincent de Paul Distinguished Professor of Psychology and his research team will present original data from a national online survey of nearly 2,000 permanent Catholic deacons. *RSVP required by April 8* (Please e-mail cwcit@depaul.edu)
  • 3. Life In The Eyes Of Chicago¡¯s Homeless Youth: A Screening Of ¡°The Homestretch¡± Wednesday, April 15, 2015 2:00 PM to 1:30 PM Loop, Lewis Center, Room 804 Please join the DePaul College of Law Journal for Social Justice and the Center for Public Interest Law on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 12:00 PM in room 804 for a screening of ¡°The Homestretch¡±, a documentary film showcasing the trials and tribulations of three homeless teenagers as they brave Chicago winters, the pressures of high school, and life alone on the streets to build a brighter future. Food will be provided! Compass Groups: 5 Choices Time Management and Productivity Tuesday, April 15, 2015 (occuring every Tuesday after this date) 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Loop Campus Explore more about your social identities, related experiences, and how to navigate society¡¯s systems through a journey of terminology, issues, and reflection. These sessions will provide fun and interactive learning opportunities to get to know other adult students while developing skills to advocate for change, marginalized communities, and yourself. RSVP for room info. Please email adultstudents@ depaul.edu. Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30p.m. (Every other Tuesday starting April 14) - The Sound and the Sample- Part of the Lend Me Your Ears: The Sound of the Humanities Series Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM LPC Cortelyou Commons An evening of three radically different live performances and analysis of what it means to take a sound from its original context and repurpose it, giving it new meaning elsewhere. Annual Vincentian Lecture: Climate Change Panel Discussion with Dr. Geoffrey Parker Monday, April 20, 2015 6:00-8:00 PM LPC Welcome Center (2400 N. Sheffield Ave) Dr. Geoffrey Parker Ph. D. will give the annual Vincentian lecture as a kickoff event for Earth Week 2015. His book, Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the 17th Century Past as Prelude, receive the Sunday Times¡¯ History Book of the Year in 2013 for its comprehensive analysis and stunning breadth, which surveys the impact of climate change on human populations across the globe. Get tickets: http://tinyurl.com/kr57dsz Emergent Speaker Series: Mobilizing an Envisioned Community-Birth of a Nation, Black Protest, and Visual Self-Determination Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM LPC Munroe Hall 114-116 2312 N. Clifton Historian, filmmaker and author, Cara Caddoo, uncovers the factors that transformed the campaigns against Birth of a Nation into a national--even transnational--mass movement. Out of this movement grew an unreasonably modern idea of rights: the belief that visual representation was ab essential aspect of civil equality and national belonging. Sister Helen Prejean Week April 22-29, 2015 DePaul University and Chicago Landmarks Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J., activist and author of Dead Man Walking, will once again visit DePaul for a week¡¯s worth of programming inspired by her work. Departments from around the university will host panel discussions, class activities, and musical and dramatic performances on the topic of death penalty abolition and Sister Helen¡¯s novel. One featured event, An Evening with Sister Helen Prejean: Abolitions and the Morality of Punishment is on Monday, April 27 7-8:30p.m. at Cortelyou Commons. Click the link for more DePaul event options: http://tinyurl.com/q6kfp9h
  • 4. Emergent Speaker Series: ¡°Put Together to Please A Colored Audience¡±-Black American Cinema Before The Great Migration Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:40 PM to 4:10 PM Student Center Room 314B By embracing the medium of moving pictures at the turn of the 20th century, black Americans forged a collective, if fraught, culture of freedom. Viewing African American history through the lense of cinema, Cara Caddoo, historian and author of Envisioning Freedom: Cinema and the Building of Modern Black Life, examines the forgotten history of black film exhibition during the era of mass migration and Jim Crow. Quarterly Interreligious Celebration (QIRC) Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:30-11:00 PM Join University Ministry in this quarterly event that builds our interfaith Vincentian community. The Interfaith Scholars choose a different theme to explore from various faith perspectives. Sponsored by the DePaul Interfaith Scholars, Office of Religious Diversity, Catholic Campus Ministry, and Vincentian Community Service Office. Artists Uprising Series: On Fathers And Sons And Love Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:40 AM to 11:10 AM & 2:40 PM to 4:10 PM Student Center 314AB Filmmaker and digital media professor Camille Debose presents her latest documentary- On Fathers and Sons and Love- which interrogates masculinity and they ways it is challanged and changed by fatherhood. The film includes and exploration of the lives of four generations of men and opens further discussions of love, patriachy and stepping toward a more loving future. A discussion will follow the film screening. St. Vincent¡¯s Birthday Celebration Friday, April 24, 2015 1:00-2:15 Food for Thought Conversation 2:30 Birthday party Join SGA and the Office of Mission and Values to celebrate St. Vincent DePaul¡¯s 434th birthday! Catholic Campus Ministry will host a lunch Food for Thought conversation. Following will be a birthday celebration for St. Vincent. An Evening with Sister Helen Prejean: Abolitions and the Morality of Punishment Monday, April 27, 2015 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM LPC Cortelyou Commons Widely known for her important work in death penalty abolition, Sr. Helen joins us for an investigation of prison abolition and punishment abolition in general. Working For The Common Good Wednesday, April 29, 2015 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM LPC, Student Center Room 120AB Working for the Common Good is a professional development and networking event which will provide opportunities to participate in round table discussions and visit ¡°Open House¡± tables represented by seasoned social service professionals joining from settings including non- profit organizations, associations, schools, government agencies, research centers, clinics, cultural institutions, and more! Specifically, this event will provide opportunities to: Participate in roundtable discussions ranging in topics from social justice, community outreach, advocacy, research, school counseling, counseling roles in non-profits, program development, etc. To register go to depaul.experience.com at careercenter.depaul.edu Lunch with Vincent- J. Patrick Murphy, C.M. Thursday, April 30 2015 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Loop DePaul Center, 11th Floor (DePaul Club) A quarterly lunch dialogue program designed to foster reflection and conversation on Vincentian spirituality and its application to our life and work, while also enabling DePaul faculty and staff the opportunity to connect with one another in meaningful dialogue and interaction. Lunch provided. RSVP to cfrontza@depaul.edu
  • 5. Emergent Speakers Series: I¡¯ll See It When I Believe It: On Perception And The Gender Entitlement Thursday, April 30, 2015 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM LPC Cortelyou Commons- As human beings, we tend to be focused on how other people ¡°do¡± their genders. Join writer, performer and activist, Julia Serano, to explore how unconscious assumptions and expectations shape how we view other people. Serano discusses how the projection of our own assumptions, meanings and value judgements relating to gender are tied to sexism. Vincentian Service Day Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Start in Sullivan Athletic Center Vincentian Service Day gathers over 1,000 DePaul volunteers to serve community partners¡¯ needs on the first Saturday of May each year. This day is rooted in Vincentian values, meets important community needs and is truly an inspirational day for everyone involved! For more information and to register: http://serviceday.depaul.edu A Changing Back of the Yards: The Growing Latino Population Wednesday, April 1, 2015 12:00-1:30 PM Gallery 400 Lecture Room at 400 S. Peoria Street, Chicago, 60607 Real Time Chicago Lecture series sponsors a discussion on the Back of the Yards neighborhood with Craig Chico, President and CEO of the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Emilio L. Carasquillo, Neighborhood Director of Neighborhood Housing Services and Henry Cervantes, Community Organizer of The Resurrection Project. For more information, visit greatcities.uic.edu 8th Day Center presents: Good Friday Walk for Justice Friday, April 3, 2015 12:00 PM Corner of Michigan Ave and Congress Ave. Chicago The Walk is a modern-day way-of-the-cross. Starting at the corner of Congress and Michigan we walk, pray, and sing our way through 10 Stations in downtown Chicago. This year¡¯s theme ¡°Give Light and People Will Find the Way¡° is the inspired title of Ella Baker¡¯s workshop during the Civil Rights Movement at the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee. We believe, as did Ella Baker, ¡°we will find the way¡± to make the spirit of the resurrection of true peace with justice happen through our collective efforts. Chicago Rally for LGBTQ Rights during Supreme Court Hearing Tuesday, April 28, 2015 TBA On April 28th, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments about striking down bans on same-sex marriage in four states, with a decision expected in June. But the Court¡¯s deliberations potentially will be about much more than marriage rights. How the Court decides these issues can be as much about public opinion -- expressed through public demonstrations -- as anything else. LGBTQ people have ALWAYS deserved equal rights. Please show the Supreme Court that you want equal rights by joining us and your neighbors for an equal rights rally in Chicago. If you would like help organize the Chicago rally, please email LGBTliberation@aol.com or facebook message the event hosts.
  • 6. Student Reflection by, Jojee Trinidad & Rachelle Hernandez On February 26th, 2015, Jojee Trinidad, a second- year graduate nursing student at DePaul University, volunteered at an event for the American Heart Association¡¯s Go Red for Women, a campaign to raise awareness on cardiovascular disease as the number one killer in women. The event was hosted by Lundbeck, a Danish international pharmaceutical company that engages in the development, production, and sale of drugs for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. At the event, Jojee checked blood pressures of employees at the company and provided education on cardiovascular disease. For the past two years, Jojee fulfilled his service learning experience with the American Heart Association where he compiled and gave presentations to suburban workplaces and Chicago health clinics on cardiovascular disease, hypertension, healthy eating, and simple cooking in English and Spanish. Having studied Spanish in college and spent a year abroad in Spain, Jojee became fluent in Spanish and was able to use his Spanish-speaking skills to translate English material to Spanish as the American Heart Association lacked resources for those who were monolingual in Spanish. When asked how service learning impacted his life and in what ways it shaped how he viewed himself as a future nurse, Jojee remarked, ¡°service learning helped me to realize the importance of primary prevention in the community. Having seen many at-risk patients for chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, I learned the importance of educating members of the community to prevent illness. I also have the ability to communicate in Spanish with the Hispanic community, which allowed me to educate them and gain their confidence in adhering to the their plan of care. In the future, I aspire to be a travel nurse and utilize my language abilities to connect with my patients at a more personable level.¡± Dr. Karen Larimer, Assistant Professor and Community Engagement Coordinator from the School of Nursing, also shown in the picture, gave a presentation on heart health and provided education on ways to prevent cardiovascular disease to Lundbeck employees. DePaul ENGAGE is a coalition of the departments, programs, and people at DePaul who seek to engage students and the DePaul community in learning and action related to socially responsible leadership in the Vincentian tradition. By working together more intentionally, we develop and implement collective strategies that reach, involve, and impact a greater number of students and those in the DPU community through our various curricular and co-curricular programs and opportunities for engagement and shared learning. For more information, you may contact engage@depaul.edu. You can also connect with us at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/engagedepaul Twitter: https://twitter.com/DePaul_Engage OrgSync: https://orgsync.com/41971/chapter