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Sociology Teacher Courses

London and Manchester
November 2010- February 2011



www.teachersfirst.org.uk          Theres always something
                                         new to learn
Special Sociology Conference
        Contemporary Issues in Crime and Deviance
               (including theoretical links)

Course features

Although much of the examination specification remains the same, all teachers face the challenges of keeping up to
date with current developments and the interplay between a topic area and sociological theories.
This course is designed to help tutors meet those challenges- to build on existing teaching materials by presenting
a unique opportunity to take part in active discussions relating to contemporary developments much of which is
lacking in current sociological textbooks. The final session will un-pick the theory and apply it to recent research
and examples. In addition there will be time to ask our keynote speakers questions and exchange ideas.

Venue and date London, Friday 4 February 2011                      Course fee 贈195 plus

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Contemporary developments in Crime and Deviance
             Dr Steve Taylor
             Dr Steve Taylor is a highly experienced lecturer and examiner. He is a frequent
             contributor to both student and teacher conferences.
10.30am:     Drug trafficking and organized crime
             Dr Jennifer Fleetwood, University of Kent
             The focus of Jennifers work is on the women in the international drug trade. She
             conducted ethnographic and qualitative fieldwork in prisons in Ecuador in order to
             explore womens experiences of working as mules and in particular how gender, agency
             and choice shaped their experiences and options in the context of the drugs trade.
11.20am:     Morning break
11.40am:     Muslims in prison
             Dr Muzammil Quraishi, University of Salford
             Dr Quaishi has written extensively on Muslim populations and crime. His main
             interests are Islamic jurisprudence, religion/ethnicity in prison, colonialism and crime,
             and comparative criminology. His methodological leanings are towards qualitative
             ethnographic research informed by the Critical Race Theory (CRT) perspective.
12.40pm:     Lunch
 1.40pm:     Female Voice in Violence
             Dr Carlene Firmin, Senior Policy Officer ROTA
             Carlene is a Senior Policy Officer, currently coordinating ROTAs work on serious youth
             violence. She leads the Female Voice in Violence research programme, which assesses
             the impact of gangs and serious youth violence on women and girls. Carlene previously
             led ROTAs youth-led, research into weapon carrying in London, Building Bridges, for
             which she received a London Peace Award in 2008. She is also the founder of the GAG
             project. GAG (Gendered Action on Gangs/Girls Against Gangs/Girls Affected by Gangs)
 2.40pm:     How Sociological Theories can be applied to Contemporary Issues
             Dr Steve Taylor
             Knife crime and gang culture- possible theoretical explanations
 3.45pm:     Day ends
A2 Sociology: Beliefs in Society

Course features
                                                         Tutor: Ian Luckhurst
This intensive, practical course has been specifically
designed for newly qualified teachers, experienced
colleagues and those teaching religion for the first   Ian is both an Advanced Practitioner and Programme
time.                                                    Manager of Sociology at a very successful tertiary
The course will focus on;                                college in the South West of England. He has been
Providing contemporary synoptic source materials.       teaching Sociology for more than a decade and has
Enabling delegates to update their resources.           published a number of articles in a variety of Sociology
Providing a forum for sharing good practice and         journals and web sites. A strong advocate of teacher
discussing activities to encourage and enhance learner   support, he regularly contributes to student and staff
performance.                                             conferences.

Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course                  Venue and date
                                                         London, Thursday 25 November 2010

Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     The Christian New Right
             This session will explore and discuss the emergence of the Christian New
             Right movement in the USA. Reference will be made to existing sociological
             research and connections to other substantive topics within the A Level
             discipline. What do the CNR believe in? What are their core beliefs? Are any
             individuals excluded from this faith? Just who are the Promise Keepers and
             what do they promise?!
11.15pm:     Morning coffee
11.30pm:     Essay marking and assessment
             During this part of the day, delegates will have the opportunity to enhance
             their marking and assessment skills. Delegates will be given various
             assessment techniques and strategies to be employed at AS and A2 Level
             including the rule of five and the pyramid plan.
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     The Secularisation Debate
             Find out what the Miss World contest and religion have in common!
             This popular and successful module with teachers and students will give
             delegates the opportunity to explore the changing nature of religion in
             contemporary society. Attention will be given to applying your sociological
             imagination to the understanding of the spiritual supermarket, cultural
             defence and the importation of faith.
 3.15pm:     How to motivate your students.
             Creating a Buzz in the classroom. Tried and tested ideas which make
             learning both interactive and enjoyable. Strategies that differentiate and are
             suitable for all learning styles.
 3.45pm:     Day ends
AQA A2 Sociology:
       Updating the delivery of Global Development

Course features
                                                          Keynote speaker: Emeritus Professor
The debate around globalization is entering a new         Leslie Sklair, LSE
and more mature phase. We are delighted to provide
this unique opportunity for delegates to focus on this    Leslie is a leading academic in this area of sociology.
exciting area of their teaching. The course will enable   His research attempts to deconstruct the concept by
teachers to update their subject knowledge, discuss       distinguishing three modes of globalisation, he has
the latest developments and consider the progress         published widely both nationally and internationally.
and outcomes of current research. We are delighted to
welcome Professor Leslie Sklair who will provide our
keynote lecture. We are also pleased to welcome
                                                          Tutor: Jonathan Blundell
Jill Timms whose report will be of great interest to
                                                          Jonathan is a highly experienced teacher in a very
teachers as she will outline her methods used in the
                                                          successful sociology department of a leading college. He
                                                          regularly organises a visit to The Gambia to enable his
                                                          students to experience globalisation and development
                                                          first hand. Jonathan is also an experienced examiner for
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                   a major awarding body.
containing detailed notes of the course
                                                          Venue and date
                                                          London, Thursday 11th November 2010
Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     From World Sociology to Global Development
             Overview- is there anything new?
             Resources and keeping up-to-date
             Applying AO1 and developing AO2 skills
11.00am:     Morning coffee
11.15am:     Keynote session: Professor Leslie Sklair Generic globalisation, capitalist
             globalisation, alternative globalisation
12.30am:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Current research project: A report by Jill Timms
             Methods used- interpretation, evaluation and presentation of evidence and
             argument. Applying this to the delivery of the specification
 2.30pm:     Bringing it all together
             Making the links and including contemporary examples
             Developing students writing skills
             Stretch and challenge & the A*
 3.45pm:     Day ends
AS/A2 Sociology
        One hundred practical ideas for teaching

Course Features

Fed up with Haralambos? Stuck for ideas on how to           Tutor: Lesley Clark
spice up your lessons? This course is designed for new
and more experienced teachers of A level Sociology
who want to approach their delivery with student            Lesley has been teaching Sociology AS and A level for 10
focused teaching and learning techniques. Delegates         years (both AQA and OCR) at an outstanding sixth form
will leave armed with at least one hundred ideas that       college in Brighton. She has led CPD training sessions,
can be transferred straight into the classroom. Active      written the online teaching resources for Haralambos
learning techniques that could be used in many of the       and is currently writing material for a new website that
core modules will be demonstrated. We aim to help           uses current news stories and television clips to teach
raise levels of confidence in teachers who are sociology    sociological ideas.
specialists and non-specialists alike so that the changes
ahead can be enjoyable, fresh and engaging for both
students and teachers.

                                                            Venue and date
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                     London, Wednesday 3rd November 2010
containing detailed notes of the course
                                                            Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:      Registration and coffee
10.00am:      The sociology syllabus
              An introduction to the specs. Focus on the common themes across the exam boards
10.45am:      Morning coffee
11.00am:      Ideas for teaching sociological themes, concepts, debates and evidence
              Demonstrations of teaching ideas that work- the more interactive the better
12.30pm:      Lunch
 1.30pm:      Ideas for assessment
              Suggestions for reducing our marking burden and improving the usefulness of all assessed
 2.45pm:      Resourcing
              Suggestions on how to use technology, songs, media sources, books, pictures and people
              as resources to invigorate your teaching.
 3.45pm:      Day ends
From OK to outstanding:
      Winning ways to transform the way you teach

Course features
Discuss the impact of the learning context on the           Tutor: Karl Turner
quality of lessons
Offer advice on planning lesson structures that
contribute towards having outstanding lessons                Karl Turner has taught for 28 years in state secondary
Explain strategies for managing classrooms more             schools. He is now an Educational Consultant delivering
effectively                                                  high quality conferences and INSET focusing primarily
Explain how to maximise learning by judicious choice        on supporting colleagues in developing effective
of pupil activities                                          teaching strategies for teachers and successful learning
Suggest a variety of simple aids to learning                opportunities. He has written for the TES and other
Describe ineffective and effective behaviour                professional journals and has written, directed and
management                                                   performed in commercially produced teacher training
Offer strategies for keeping the focus firmly on learning   videos. Karl has lectured to PGCE students and has been
rather than performance                                      a senior school mentor to more than 70 NQTs over the
Give delegates the opportunity to reflect upon their        past 6 years. All have passed their Induction period.
own teaching style and to question whether it should
change                                                       Venues and dates
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                      London, Tuesday 30 November 2010
containing detailed notes of the course                      Manchester, Wednesday 8 December 2010

Course fee 贈195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Lesson infrastructure that contributes towards having outstanding lessons
             Inspectors definitions of outstanding and inadequate lessons
             Get the context right and the content will take care of itself (almost!)
             Planning lessons that focus on learning rather than performance
             How to achieve ICM (Invisible Classroom Management)
11.30am:     Morning coffee
12.00pm:     Student activities that contribute towards having outstanding lessons
             Meta-cognition  Teach the How as well as the What
             Strategies to involve students more fully in their own learning
             10 irrefutable facts about learning that should influence what goes on in
             your classroom
             Aids to learning  simple techniques to maximise learning
 1.00pm:     Lunch
 2.00pm:     Teaching strategies that contribute towards having outstanding lessons
             Effective behaviour management in the classroom
             The impact of preferred learning styles on the way students learn and
             teachers teach. Self-audit to improve the quality of your teaching
 3.30pm:     Day ends
CALLING ALL new teachers this is the one course you
               NEED RIGHT NOW!
Course features
                                                              Tutor: Karl Turner
To explore the essential dos and donts of effective
classroom and behaviour management
To ensure you know how to have a successful and              Karl Turner has taught for 28 years in state secondary
positive Induction Year                                       schools. He is now an Educational Consultant delivering
To describe how to create an excellent climate for           high quality conferences and INSET focusing primarily
learning in your lessons                                      on supporting colleagues in developing effective
To explain the characteristics of highly effective lessons   teaching strategies for teachers and successful learning
in any subject                                                opportunities for children. He has written for the TES
To discuss OFSTEDs / ESTYNs, parents and students        and other professional journals and has written, directed
views on effective teachers and schools                       and performed in commercially produced teacher
To offer strategies for integrating assessment for           training videos. Karl has lectured to PGCE students and
learning into lessons                                         has been a senior school mentor to more than 70 NQTs
                                                              over the past 6 years. All have passed their Induction
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course                       Venues and dates
Course fee 贈195 plus VAT                                      London, Thursday 11 November 2010
                                                              Manchester, Thursday 4 November 2010

 9.45am:      Registration and coffee
10.00am:      How to ensure your Induction Year is successful and positive
              Roles, responsibilities and rights of everyone involved with Induction
              Ensuring lesson observations show you in your best light
              Preparing for review and assessment meetings
              Proving that you are meeting the Induction Standards
11.00am:      Morning coffee
11.15am:      Session 2  Getting the buggers to behave!
              Why do pupils behave badly?
              How your behaviours affect the students behaviour
              How to manage your voice and your body language to improve interactions with
              25 classic behaviour modification strategies that will work
              Analysis of video clips of effective and ineffective teacher behaviour when trying
              to deal with some of the common confrontations teachers experience
              How to avoid / deal with some common behavioural issues
              Practical tips and hints that are proven to work
12.30pm:      Lunch
 1.30pm:      Session 3  Creating an excellent climate for learning
              How do I achieve invisible classroom management?
              How to make your lessons more effective, in any subject
              How do I ? Strategies for dealing with some common classroom management
 2.30pm:      OFSTEDs, parents and students views about good lessons and good schools
              Integrating assessment for learning into your classroom practices
              Identifying effective teaching  video analysis of 2 experienced practitioners in
              action in the classroom
              What you can do differently tomorrow to make a difference
 3.45pm:      Day ends
Teacher Day Booking Form
  )0844 800 5292                       20844 800 5295                8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk

Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice.
Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop.
Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment.
Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time.
Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk

 Teacher Courses                                Venue         Date         Course fee per    Number of
                                                                           head (plus VAT)   places required

 Special Sociology Conference: Contemporary
                                                 London         04/02/11        贈195
 issues in Crime and Deviance

 A2 Sociology: Beliefs in Society                London         25/11/10        贈195

 AQA A2 Sociology: Updating the delivery of
                                                 London         11/11/10        贈195
 Global Development

 AS/A2 Sociology :One hundred practical ideas
                                                 London         03/11/10        贈195
 for teaching.

                                                 London         30/11/10        贈195
 From OK to outstanding: winning ways to
 transform the way you teach
                                                 Manchester     08/12/10        贈195

                                                 London         11/11/10        贈195
 CALLING ALL new teachers this is the one
 course you NEED RIGHT NOW!
                                                 Manchester     04/11/10        贈195

School / College
Address & Postcode
Telephone                                                 Mobile                                HE

Office e-mail address

Delegate e-mail address

Please return to:
                                                                                    Theres always something
Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF.                                        new to learn
Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.

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Sociology teacher

  • 1. AS/A2 Sociology Teacher Courses London and Manchester November 2010- February 2011 RS HE FI TEAC RST www.teachersfirst.org.uk Theres always something new to learn
  • 2. Special Sociology Conference Contemporary Issues in Crime and Deviance (including theoretical links) Course features Although much of the examination specification remains the same, all teachers face the challenges of keeping up to date with current developments and the interplay between a topic area and sociological theories. This course is designed to help tutors meet those challenges- to build on existing teaching materials by presenting a unique opportunity to take part in active discussions relating to contemporary developments much of which is lacking in current sociological textbooks. The final session will un-pick the theory and apply it to recent research and examples. In addition there will be time to ask our keynote speakers questions and exchange ideas. Venue and date London, Friday 4 February 2011 Course fee 贈195 plus 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Contemporary developments in Crime and Deviance Dr Steve Taylor Dr Steve Taylor is a highly experienced lecturer and examiner. He is a frequent contributor to both student and teacher conferences. 10.30am: Drug trafficking and organized crime Dr Jennifer Fleetwood, University of Kent The focus of Jennifers work is on the women in the international drug trade. She conducted ethnographic and qualitative fieldwork in prisons in Ecuador in order to explore womens experiences of working as mules and in particular how gender, agency and choice shaped their experiences and options in the context of the drugs trade. 11.20am: Morning break 11.40am: Muslims in prison Dr Muzammil Quraishi, University of Salford Dr Quaishi has written extensively on Muslim populations and crime. His main interests are Islamic jurisprudence, religion/ethnicity in prison, colonialism and crime, and comparative criminology. His methodological leanings are towards qualitative ethnographic research informed by the Critical Race Theory (CRT) perspective. 12.40pm: Lunch 1.40pm: Female Voice in Violence Dr Carlene Firmin, Senior Policy Officer ROTA Carlene is a Senior Policy Officer, currently coordinating ROTAs work on serious youth violence. She leads the Female Voice in Violence research programme, which assesses the impact of gangs and serious youth violence on women and girls. Carlene previously led ROTAs youth-led, research into weapon carrying in London, Building Bridges, for which she received a London Peace Award in 2008. She is also the founder of the GAG project. GAG (Gendered Action on Gangs/Girls Against Gangs/Girls Affected by Gangs) 2.40pm: How Sociological Theories can be applied to Contemporary Issues Dr Steve Taylor Knife crime and gang culture- possible theoretical explanations Suicide 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 3. A2 Sociology: Beliefs in Society Course features Tutor: Ian Luckhurst This intensive, practical course has been specifically designed for newly qualified teachers, experienced colleagues and those teaching religion for the first Ian is both an Advanced Practitioner and Programme time. Manager of Sociology at a very successful tertiary The course will focus on; college in the South West of England. He has been Providing contemporary synoptic source materials. teaching Sociology for more than a decade and has Enabling delegates to update their resources. published a number of articles in a variety of Sociology Providing a forum for sharing good practice and journals and web sites. A strong advocate of teacher discussing activities to encourage and enhance learner support, he regularly contributes to student and staff performance. conferences. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venue and date London, Thursday 25 November 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: The Christian New Right This session will explore and discuss the emergence of the Christian New Right movement in the USA. Reference will be made to existing sociological research and connections to other substantive topics within the A Level discipline. What do the CNR believe in? What are their core beliefs? Are any individuals excluded from this faith? Just who are the Promise Keepers and what do they promise?! 11.15pm: Morning coffee 11.30pm: Essay marking and assessment During this part of the day, delegates will have the opportunity to enhance their marking and assessment skills. Delegates will be given various assessment techniques and strategies to be employed at AS and A2 Level including the rule of five and the pyramid plan. 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: The Secularisation Debate Find out what the Miss World contest and religion have in common! This popular and successful module with teachers and students will give delegates the opportunity to explore the changing nature of religion in contemporary society. Attention will be given to applying your sociological imagination to the understanding of the spiritual supermarket, cultural defence and the importation of faith. 3.15pm: How to motivate your students. Creating a Buzz in the classroom. Tried and tested ideas which make learning both interactive and enjoyable. Strategies that differentiate and are suitable for all learning styles. 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 4. AQA A2 Sociology: Updating the delivery of Global Development Course features Keynote speaker: Emeritus Professor The debate around globalization is entering a new Leslie Sklair, LSE and more mature phase. We are delighted to provide this unique opportunity for delegates to focus on this Leslie is a leading academic in this area of sociology. exciting area of their teaching. The course will enable His research attempts to deconstruct the concept by teachers to update their subject knowledge, discuss distinguishing three modes of globalisation, he has the latest developments and consider the progress published widely both nationally and internationally. and outcomes of current research. We are delighted to welcome Professor Leslie Sklair who will provide our keynote lecture. We are also pleased to welcome Tutor: Jonathan Blundell Jill Timms whose report will be of great interest to Jonathan is a highly experienced teacher in a very teachers as she will outline her methods used in the successful sociology department of a leading college. He research. regularly organises a visit to The Gambia to enable his students to experience globalisation and development first hand. Jonathan is also an experienced examiner for Delegates will receive a file and/or CD a major awarding body. containing detailed notes of the course Venue and date London, Thursday 11th November 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: From World Sociology to Global Development Overview- is there anything new? Resources and keeping up-to-date Applying AO1 and developing AO2 skills 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Keynote session: Professor Leslie Sklair Generic globalisation, capitalist globalisation, alternative globalisation 12.30am: Lunch 1.30pm: Current research project: A report by Jill Timms Methods used- interpretation, evaluation and presentation of evidence and argument. Applying this to the delivery of the specification 2.30pm: Bringing it all together Making the links and including contemporary examples Developing students writing skills Stretch and challenge & the A* 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 5. AS/A2 Sociology One hundred practical ideas for teaching Course Features Fed up with Haralambos? Stuck for ideas on how to Tutor: Lesley Clark spice up your lessons? This course is designed for new and more experienced teachers of A level Sociology who want to approach their delivery with student Lesley has been teaching Sociology AS and A level for 10 focused teaching and learning techniques. Delegates years (both AQA and OCR) at an outstanding sixth form will leave armed with at least one hundred ideas that college in Brighton. She has led CPD training sessions, can be transferred straight into the classroom. Active written the online teaching resources for Haralambos learning techniques that could be used in many of the and is currently writing material for a new website that core modules will be demonstrated. We aim to help uses current news stories and television clips to teach raise levels of confidence in teachers who are sociology sociological ideas. specialists and non-specialists alike so that the changes ahead can be enjoyable, fresh and engaging for both students and teachers. Venue and date Delegates will receive a file and/or CD London, Wednesday 3rd November 2010 containing detailed notes of the course Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: The sociology syllabus An introduction to the specs. Focus on the common themes across the exam boards 10.45am: Morning coffee 11.00am: Ideas for teaching sociological themes, concepts, debates and evidence Demonstrations of teaching ideas that work- the more interactive the better 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Ideas for assessment Suggestions for reducing our marking burden and improving the usefulness of all assessed work. 2.45pm: Resourcing Suggestions on how to use technology, songs, media sources, books, pictures and people as resources to invigorate your teaching. 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 6. From OK to outstanding: Winning ways to transform the way you teach Course features Discuss the impact of the learning context on the Tutor: Karl Turner quality of lessons Offer advice on planning lesson structures that contribute towards having outstanding lessons Karl Turner has taught for 28 years in state secondary Explain strategies for managing classrooms more schools. He is now an Educational Consultant delivering effectively high quality conferences and INSET focusing primarily Explain how to maximise learning by judicious choice on supporting colleagues in developing effective of pupil activities teaching strategies for teachers and successful learning Suggest a variety of simple aids to learning opportunities. He has written for the TES and other Describe ineffective and effective behaviour professional journals and has written, directed and management performed in commercially produced teacher training Offer strategies for keeping the focus firmly on learning videos. Karl has lectured to PGCE students and has been rather than performance a senior school mentor to more than 70 NQTs over the Give delegates the opportunity to reflect upon their past 6 years. All have passed their Induction period. own teaching style and to question whether it should change Venues and dates Delegates will receive a file and/or CD London, Tuesday 30 November 2010 containing detailed notes of the course Manchester, Wednesday 8 December 2010 Course fee 贈195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Lesson infrastructure that contributes towards having outstanding lessons Inspectors definitions of outstanding and inadequate lessons Get the context right and the content will take care of itself (almost!) Planning lessons that focus on learning rather than performance How to achieve ICM (Invisible Classroom Management) 11.30am: Morning coffee 12.00pm: Student activities that contribute towards having outstanding lessons Meta-cognition Teach the How as well as the What Strategies to involve students more fully in their own learning 10 irrefutable facts about learning that should influence what goes on in your classroom Aids to learning simple techniques to maximise learning 1.00pm: Lunch 2.00pm: Teaching strategies that contribute towards having outstanding lessons Effective behaviour management in the classroom The impact of preferred learning styles on the way students learn and teachers teach. Self-audit to improve the quality of your teaching 3.30pm: Day ends
  • 7. CALLING ALL new teachers this is the one course you NEED RIGHT NOW! Course features Tutor: Karl Turner To explore the essential dos and donts of effective classroom and behaviour management To ensure you know how to have a successful and Karl Turner has taught for 28 years in state secondary positive Induction Year schools. He is now an Educational Consultant delivering To describe how to create an excellent climate for high quality conferences and INSET focusing primarily learning in your lessons on supporting colleagues in developing effective To explain the characteristics of highly effective lessons teaching strategies for teachers and successful learning in any subject opportunities for children. He has written for the TES To discuss OFSTEDs / ESTYNs, parents and students and other professional journals and has written, directed views on effective teachers and schools and performed in commercially produced teacher To offer strategies for integrating assessment for training videos. Karl has lectured to PGCE students and learning into lessons has been a senior school mentor to more than 70 NQTs over the past 6 years. All have passed their Induction period. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venues and dates Course fee 贈195 plus VAT London, Thursday 11 November 2010 Manchester, Thursday 4 November 2010 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: How to ensure your Induction Year is successful and positive Roles, responsibilities and rights of everyone involved with Induction Ensuring lesson observations show you in your best light Preparing for review and assessment meetings Proving that you are meeting the Induction Standards 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Session 2 Getting the buggers to behave! Why do pupils behave badly? How your behaviours affect the students behaviour How to manage your voice and your body language to improve interactions with students. 25 classic behaviour modification strategies that will work Analysis of video clips of effective and ineffective teacher behaviour when trying to deal with some of the common confrontations teachers experience How to avoid / deal with some common behavioural issues Practical tips and hints that are proven to work 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Session 3 Creating an excellent climate for learning How do I achieve invisible classroom management? How to make your lessons more effective, in any subject How do I ? Strategies for dealing with some common classroom management problems 2.30pm: OFSTEDs, parents and students views about good lessons and good schools Integrating assessment for learning into your classroom practices Identifying effective teaching video analysis of 2 experienced practitioners in action in the classroom What you can do differently tomorrow to make a difference 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 8. Teacher Day Booking Form )0844 800 5292 20844 800 5295 8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice. Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop. Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment. Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time. Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk Teacher Courses Venue Date Course fee per Number of head (plus VAT) places required Special Sociology Conference: Contemporary London 04/02/11 贈195 issues in Crime and Deviance A2 Sociology: Beliefs in Society London 25/11/10 贈195 AQA A2 Sociology: Updating the delivery of London 11/11/10 贈195 Global Development AS/A2 Sociology :One hundred practical ideas London 03/11/10 贈195 for teaching. London 30/11/10 贈195 From OK to outstanding: winning ways to transform the way you teach Manchester 08/12/10 贈195 London 11/11/10 贈195 CALLING ALL new teachers this is the one course you NEED RIGHT NOW! Manchester 04/11/10 贈195 Delegate School / College Address & Postcode RS Telephone Mobile HE FI TEAC Office e-mail address RST Delegate e-mail address Please return to: Theres always something Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF. new to learn Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.