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English Christmas pudding

175 g flour

175 g white bread

175 g butter

175 g brown sugar

 2 eggs

 Fruit filling (mix)

   It is a classical English dessert. It is
    usually cooked long before
    Christmas. After the holiday it can
    be kept for longer than a year in a
    cool room. It has more delicate
       Christmas pudding went down in
        English history and culture. One book
        of Agatha Christie has pudding's
        description: 束This Christmas pudding
        should be prepared for a few weeks
        before the holiday and lie on a cold,
        the longer it is maintained - within
        reason, of course - so tasty it is. I
        remember when I was a kid and we
        went to church every Sunday, we are
        always waiting for a certain prayer,
        which serves as a signal to start
        making puddings. On Sunday, pray,
        and not later than next week, my
        mother always cooked Christmas
        pudding. All who live in the house had
        to come to the kitchen to stir the
        pudding and make a wish. This is the
        old custom, sir, and I always stick to it.
       Christmas pudding went down in
        English history and culture. One book
        of Agatha Christie has pudding's
        description: 束This Christmas pudding
        should be prepared for a few weeks
        before the holiday and lie on a cold,
        the longer it is maintained - within
        reason, of course - so tasty it is. I
        remember when I was a kid and we
        went to church every Sunday, we are
        always waiting for a certain prayer,
        which serves as a signal to start
        making puddings. On Sunday, pray,
        and not later than next week, my
        mother always cooked Christmas
        pudding. All who live in the house had
        to come to the kitchen to stir the
        pudding and make a wish. This is the
        old custom, sir, and I always stick to it.

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English pudding

  • 2. Ingredients 175 g flour 175 g white bread crumbs
  • 4. Ingredients 2 eggs Fruit filling (mix)
  • 5. Description It is a classical English dessert. It is usually cooked long before Christmas. After the holiday it can be kept for longer than a year in a cool room. It has more delicate taste.
  • 6. History Christmas pudding went down in English history and culture. One book of Agatha Christie has pudding's description: 束This Christmas pudding should be prepared for a few weeks before the holiday and lie on a cold, the longer it is maintained - within reason, of course - so tasty it is. I remember when I was a kid and we went to church every Sunday, we are always waiting for a certain prayer, which serves as a signal to start making puddings. On Sunday, pray, and not later than next week, my mother always cooked Christmas pudding. All who live in the house had to come to the kitchen to stir the pudding and make a wish. This is the old custom, sir, and I always stick to it. 損
  • 7. History Christmas pudding went down in English history and culture. One book of Agatha Christie has pudding's description: 束This Christmas pudding should be prepared for a few weeks before the holiday and lie on a cold, the longer it is maintained - within reason, of course - so tasty it is. I remember when I was a kid and we went to church every Sunday, we are always waiting for a certain prayer, which serves as a signal to start making puddings. On Sunday, pray, and not later than next week, my mother always cooked Christmas pudding. All who live in the house had to come to the kitchen to stir the pudding and make a wish. This is the old custom, sir, and I always stick to it. 損