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The richest people in the world build networks
                      Robert Kiyosaki - Author of Rich Dad & Poor Dad
Ano ang mabibili mo sa 3988.00?

Pero, may kinikita ka ba sa mga bagay nato?
Sa e-NuVVo one SIM load all Network Business

                               and Many More

     Ang P3,988.00 mo =

       DREAM CAR
Power of three(3) 1 hour per day

                  WORK SMART (NETWORK BUILDER)
WORK SMART                           WORK HARD (EMPLOYEE)8hrs.per day
          (e-NuVVo Network Builder)                    BASIC SALARY PER MONTH
Months            D.R. Network Income Income      No.of months     Basic Salary per month
1st      ABC      1,500   3x 500=      1,500      1st month                15,000
2nd        9       0       9x200=      1,800      2nd month                15,000
month                                             3rd month                15,000
3rd        27      0      27x100=      2,700
month                                             4th month                15,000
4th        81      0      81x100=      8,100      5th month                15,000
                                                  6th month                15,000
5th       243      0      243x100=     24,300
month                                             7th month                15,000

6th       729      0      729x100=     72,900     8th month                15,000
month                                             9th month                15,000
7th       2,187    0      2,187x50=   109.350
                                                  10th month               15,000
8th       6,561    0      6,561x50=   328,050     11th month               15,000
month                                             12th month               15,000
9th      19,683    0     19,683x50=   984,150     13th month               15,000
                                                  Total Income =              195,000
10th     59,049    0     59,049x50=   2,952,450

P4.5 Million VS 195k
Kaibigan, yung iniisip mo ikahihirap mo ang P3,988.00
wag mong gawin, subalit kung sawang-sawa kana sa
kahirapan ng buhay bakit di mo subukan.

                                                  Jun Abalos
                (for more info.Call or text-(0928-935-1777)
Its hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried
to succeed.
                                  Theodore Roosevelt US-President
Secrets of Millionaire Mind.
                                 THINK RICH TO GET RICH
     Seventeen Ways Rich People Think and Act Differently from Poor & middle-Class People.

1.  Rich people believe I create my life Poor people believe Life happens to me.
2.  Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
3.  Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
4.  Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
5.  Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacle.
6.  Rich people admire other rich & successful people. Poor people resent rich & successful
7. Rich people associate with positive & successful people. Poor people associate with negative
    or unsuccessful people.
8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves & their value. Poor people think negatively
    about selling & promotion.
9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
11. Rich people to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
12. Rich people think both . Poor people think either/or.
13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
16. Rich people act spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
17. Rich people constantly learn & grow. Poor people think they already know.
If I have a millionaire mind!
                               I act in spite of fear.
                              I act in spite of doubt.
                              I act in spite of worry.
                         I act i spite of inconvenience.
                           I act in spite of discomfort.
                        I act when Im not in the mood.

            Mindset + Action = Result
Negative Mindset + Negative Action =           Positive Mindset + Positive Action =
          Negative Result                                Positive Result
The Seven(7)principles of success

1. Dont be afraid of failure
2. Dont be afraid to start
3. Dare to dream big
4. Dont be afraid to try something new
5. Take things one (1)step at a time
6. Keep moving forward
7. The only thing that can stop you is you.
Our Head Office @ Unit 1402 South Center Tower
     2206 Market Street, Madrigal Business Park,
         Ayala Alabang Muntinlupa City 1799

Look for :    Jun Abalos-e-NuVVO
                Network Builder
e-NuVVo Why Network Marketing

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e-NuVVo Why Network Marketing

  • 2. The richest people in the world build networks Robert Kiyosaki - Author of Rich Dad & Poor Dad
  • 3. Ano ang mabibili mo sa 3988.00? Pero, may kinikita ka ba sa mga bagay nato?
  • 4. Sa e-NuVVo one SIM load all Network Business and Many More Ang P3,988.00 mo = DREAM CAR
  • 5. Power of three(3) 1 hour per day WORK SMART (NETWORK BUILDER)
  • 6. WORK SMART WORK HARD (EMPLOYEE)8hrs.per day (e-NuVVo Network Builder) BASIC SALARY PER MONTH Months D.R. Network Income Income No.of months Basic Salary per month 1st ABC 1,500 3x 500= 1,500 1st month 15,000 month 2nd 9 0 9x200= 1,800 2nd month 15,000 month 3rd month 15,000 3rd 27 0 27x100= 2,700 month 4th month 15,000 4th 81 0 81x100= 8,100 5th month 15,000 month 6th month 15,000 5th 243 0 243x100= 24,300 month 7th month 15,000 6th 729 0 729x100= 72,900 8th month 15,000 month 9th month 15,000 7th 2,187 0 2,187x50= 109.350 10th month 15,000 month 8th 6,561 0 6,561x50= 328,050 11th month 15,000 month 12th month 15,000 9th 19,683 0 19,683x50= 984,150 13th month 15,000 month Total Income = 195,000 10th 59,049 0 59,049x50= 2,952,450 month
  • 7. TOTAL INCOME FOR 12 MONTHS= P4.5 Million VS 195k Kaibigan, yung iniisip mo ikahihirap mo ang P3,988.00 wag mong gawin, subalit kung sawang-sawa kana sa kahirapan ng buhay bakit di mo subukan. Jun Abalos (for more info.Call or text-(0928-935-1777)
  • 8. Its hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Theodore Roosevelt US-President
  • 9. Secrets of Millionaire Mind. THINK RICH TO GET RICH Seventeen Ways Rich People Think and Act Differently from Poor & middle-Class People. 1. Rich people believe I create my life Poor people believe Life happens to me. 2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose. 3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich. 4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small. 5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacle. 6. Rich people admire other rich & successful people. Poor people resent rich & successful people. 7. Rich people associate with positive & successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people. 8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves & their value. Poor people think negatively about selling & promotion. 9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems. 10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers. 11. Rich people to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time. 12. Rich people think both . Poor people think either/or. 13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income. 14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well. 15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money. 16. Rich people act spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them. 17. Rich people constantly learn & grow. Poor people think they already know.
  • 10. If I have a millionaire mind! I act in spite of fear. I act in spite of doubt. I act in spite of worry. I act i spite of inconvenience. I act in spite of discomfort. I act when Im not in the mood. FORMULA OF SUCCESS Mindset + Action = Result Negative Mindset + Negative Action = Positive Mindset + Positive Action = Negative Result Positive Result
  • 11. The Seven(7)principles of success 1. Dont be afraid of failure 2. Dont be afraid to start 3. Dare to dream big 4. Dont be afraid to try something new 5. Take things one (1)step at a time 6. Keep moving forward 7. The only thing that can stop you is you.
  • 12. Our Head Office @ Unit 1402 South Center Tower 2206 Market Street, Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang Muntinlupa City 1799 Look for : Jun Abalos-e-NuVVO Network Builder