Design 2 Disrupt - New Digital CompetitionRick Bouter
This document discusses new digital competitors that are challenging established organizations. It outlines 10 design principles of successful digital platforms, including: unbundling organization processes; using APIs; building trust through social systems; and acting quickly without authorization. The conclusion appeals to CIOs to take a proactive "Leading Digital" approach to map out technological strategies using APIs that can add business value and distinguish their organizations.
Retour dexp辿rience - Projet CNED / CMA (APP)
Techniques de calcul de base - Secteur b但timent
Pr辿sentation de Sylvie Perfetti et R辿gine Daurin
Journ辿e FFFOD du 18 septembre 2009
FOAD et Comp辿tences de base
Este documento clasifica y describe diferentes tipos de fracturas 坦seas. Explica que una fractura es la p辿rdida de continuidad de un hueso causada por un traumatismo, y clasifica las fracturas seg炭n su mecanismo de acci坦n, relaci坦n con el exterior, ubicaci坦n, desviaci坦n y extensi坦n. Luego describe fracturas espec鱈ficas como la de Colles, Smith y Barton, explicando sus caracter鱈sticas y causas comunes.
- Avanish Kumar Mishra is applying for the position of Field Co-coordinator. He has a bachelor's degree in military science and math, a master's degree in sociology, and an MSW degree.
- His experience includes over 10 years working on projects related to livelihood security, women's empowerment, and community development. He has held positions with various organizations focused on rural development.
- Currently he works as a field co-coordinator for the UPPFMPAP project in South Kheri Forest Division, where his responsibilities include community outreach, capacity building, monitoring project activities, and coordinating with other departments.
Geeta Devi K has over 3.9 years of experience developing software in C language. She has experience developing VMWare IMA plugins, management interface libraries, an SMCLP client, and SNMP support. Her skills include network and storage protocols, Linux and Windows development, virtualization, and iSCSI. She holds a B.Tech in electronics and instrumentation engineering and has received recognition for her work on product launches.
FDA's top data integrity issues during the inspectionsKiran Kota
The document discusses common data integrity issues found during FDA inspections of pharmaceutical companies. It identifies six main issues: 1) Data manipulation through altering original results to produce passing results. 2) Running analysis multiple times to get passing results and deleting failed runs. 3) Backdating documentation to conceal failed analysis. 4) Unauthorized deletion or alteration of electronic data. 5) Discrepancies between instrument logs and logbooks. 6) Passing off results from previous batches as new analysis by copying and renaming electronic data files. The FDA views these practices as violations of data integrity that call into question the quality of manufactured products.
This document outlines a goal setting strategy presented by Success God's Way Academy. It discusses 5 pillars of goal setting: 1) evaluation and reflection on one's current situation; 2) dreaming big and setting goals aligned with one's dreams; 3) creating SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) goals; 4) finding an accountability partner; and 5) taking action. Readers are assigned reflection questions and tasks to apply these pillars to set goals for themselves according to this strategy.
El documento presenta una tabla que resume los servicios de VoIP que ofrecen seis compa単鱈as de telecomunicaciones en M辿xico (Telmex, IZZI, Axtel, Movistar, Telcel y AT&T). Describe los servicios digitales, caracter鱈sticas del servicio VoIP y costos de cada compa単鱈a.
Design 2 Disrupt - New Digital CompetitionRick Bouter
This document discusses new digital competitors that are challenging established organizations. It outlines 10 design principles of successful digital platforms, including: unbundling organization processes; using APIs; building trust through social systems; and acting quickly without authorization. The conclusion appeals to CIOs to take a proactive "Leading Digital" approach to map out technological strategies using APIs that can add business value and distinguish their organizations.
Retour dexp辿rience - Projet CNED / CMA (APP)
Techniques de calcul de base - Secteur b但timent
Pr辿sentation de Sylvie Perfetti et R辿gine Daurin
Journ辿e FFFOD du 18 septembre 2009
FOAD et Comp辿tences de base
Este documento clasifica y describe diferentes tipos de fracturas 坦seas. Explica que una fractura es la p辿rdida de continuidad de un hueso causada por un traumatismo, y clasifica las fracturas seg炭n su mecanismo de acci坦n, relaci坦n con el exterior, ubicaci坦n, desviaci坦n y extensi坦n. Luego describe fracturas espec鱈ficas como la de Colles, Smith y Barton, explicando sus caracter鱈sticas y causas comunes.
- Avanish Kumar Mishra is applying for the position of Field Co-coordinator. He has a bachelor's degree in military science and math, a master's degree in sociology, and an MSW degree.
- His experience includes over 10 years working on projects related to livelihood security, women's empowerment, and community development. He has held positions with various organizations focused on rural development.
- Currently he works as a field co-coordinator for the UPPFMPAP project in South Kheri Forest Division, where his responsibilities include community outreach, capacity building, monitoring project activities, and coordinating with other departments.
Geeta Devi K has over 3.9 years of experience developing software in C language. She has experience developing VMWare IMA plugins, management interface libraries, an SMCLP client, and SNMP support. Her skills include network and storage protocols, Linux and Windows development, virtualization, and iSCSI. She holds a B.Tech in electronics and instrumentation engineering and has received recognition for her work on product launches.
FDA's top data integrity issues during the inspectionsKiran Kota
The document discusses common data integrity issues found during FDA inspections of pharmaceutical companies. It identifies six main issues: 1) Data manipulation through altering original results to produce passing results. 2) Running analysis multiple times to get passing results and deleting failed runs. 3) Backdating documentation to conceal failed analysis. 4) Unauthorized deletion or alteration of electronic data. 5) Discrepancies between instrument logs and logbooks. 6) Passing off results from previous batches as new analysis by copying and renaming electronic data files. The FDA views these practices as violations of data integrity that call into question the quality of manufactured products.
This document outlines a goal setting strategy presented by Success God's Way Academy. It discusses 5 pillars of goal setting: 1) evaluation and reflection on one's current situation; 2) dreaming big and setting goals aligned with one's dreams; 3) creating SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) goals; 4) finding an accountability partner; and 5) taking action. Readers are assigned reflection questions and tasks to apply these pillars to set goals for themselves according to this strategy.
El documento presenta una tabla que resume los servicios de VoIP que ofrecen seis compa単鱈as de telecomunicaciones en M辿xico (Telmex, IZZI, Axtel, Movistar, Telcel y AT&T). Describe los servicios digitales, caracter鱈sticas del servicio VoIP y costos de cada compa単鱈a.