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Designing a World of Power
Since 1986
{									}
Technologically Sophisticated
Electronic Power Design is committed to building quality
products for our customers, using industry experience and
application knowledge to power technological innovation,
and creating an environment of personal development for
our employees.
Electrical Power System Integration
Services & Products Worldwide
Houston-based Electronic Power Design,
Inc. (EPD) is considered one of the top
design, engineering and manufacturing
companies in the world for integrated
electrical power systems.
Founded in 1986, EPD and our over
300 employees have built an outstanding
reputation for excellence based on our
technological skills, extensive experience
and innovative solutions.
Before any product or system is shipped,
EPD tests all hardware, software and
programmable devices. EPD offers factory
training using actual field equipment. In
addition, EPD will install and commission
on-site anywhere in the world.
With diverse portfolios of services and
equipment, EPD can provide custom
turnkey solutions for the monitoring,
control and distribution of power as well
as total automation.
EPD has vast experience and applications
knowledge acquired from working in many
different industries and countries. We
understand how system applications work 
the technological subtleties of what and why
things need to be implemented for a power
system to perform reliably at optimum levels.
Clients trust EPD to deliver services on-time, within budget
and to the highest possible standard and reliability.
Yangzhou, China Production Facility
EOS House Assembly Line
Power Systems
Applications Specialists
Count on Electronic Power Design, Inc. (EPD)
to provide all the electrical power system
integration and automation you need for any
type application in industrial plants, vessels or
capital project sites  anywhere in the world.
Here are just some of the industries we serve:
Oil & Gas
n	Land Based Production			
n	Drilling
n	Production Platforms
n	Floating Power Systems
Renewable Energy
n	Wind/Solar Power
n	Battery Systems
n	Compressed Air Storage
Marine Vessels
n	Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs)
n	Heavy Lift Derrick Barges
n	Pipe-Cable Lay Vessels
n	Anchor Handling & Tugs
n	Submersible Drilling Platforms
n	Dredging
n	Minerals					
n	Sand/Gravel
n	Coal
Industrial Plants
n Plastics
n Chemical Processing
n	Refineries
Designing a World of Power
A Diverse Portfolio of
Start-to-Finish Services
EPD offers you the choice of either a service-
based solution or a total turnkey custom
automated solution.
Factory Training
EPD provides excellent factory training under
actual field conditions. Your technicians hit
the ground running once your new system is
installed and commissioned.
Field Services Worldwide
When you are an EPD customer,
you can be assured of 24-hour rapid
response and worldwide support.
On-site Electrical Equipment Field
Services include:
n	Installation
n	Commissioning
n	Repair
n	Troubleshooting
n	Retrofit
n	Calibration 					
n	Engineering Surveying
Integrated Generator Control Testing - Factory testing drastically reduces
commissioning time in the shipyard.
Engine Operator Station (EOS) installation into a Diesel Electric PSV
n	Planning & Development
n	System Analysis & Diagnostics
n	Research & Development
n	Engineering
n	Design
n	PLC Programming
n	Manufacturing
n	Assembly
n	Fabrication
n	Factory Testing
n	Short Circuit Studies
n	Harmonic Studies
n	Startup & Commissioning
n	Power Systems
	 - Generation
	 - Conversion
	 - Distribution
	 - Redundancy
	 - Critical Power Supply
	 - Emergency Power Supply
n	Systems Integration
n	Total System/Plant Automation
n	Switchgear (IEC & ANSI/NEMA)
	 -	 Low & Medium Voltage
	 -	 Distribution & Incoming Switchgear	
	 -	 Generator Control & Utility Tie Gear
n	AC & DC Drives Systems
n	AC & DC Motors
n	Motor Control Centers & Motor Starters
	 -	 Full Voltage Across-the-line Starters
		 (FVNR & FVR)
	 -	 Two (2) Speed Starters
	 -	 Wye-Delta Starters
	 -	 Capacitor Starters
	 -	 Autotransformer Starters (RVAT)
	 -	 Solid State Starters
	 -	 Solid State Reduced Voltage (Soft Starters)
	 -	 Synchronous Motor Controls
n	Automated Systems
	 -	 Total Plant Automation
	 -	 Motion Control Automation
	 -	 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
	 -	 Control Stations & Control Panels
	 -	 Touchscreen Displays
	 -	 Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)
	 -	 SCADA Systems
		(Supervisory Control
		 & Data Acquisition)
n	Shore-Power Systems
n	Transformers & Reactors
	 -	 D.C. Reactorsstandard, 6, 12, 18 & 24 Pulse
	 -	 Drive Isolation Transformers		
	 -	 Volt Transformers
	 -	 AC Line Reactors
	 -	 Phase Shifting Transformers & Reactors
n	Power Factor Correction Equipment
n	Harmonic Filtration Equipment
EPD was the first and one of the largest Siemens
integrators in the USA.
EPD is also the largest supplier of marine
diesel-electric propulsion systems in the
world with 140 vessels with EPD equipment
in service worldwide.
All the Power Integration Equipment You Need
EPD can provide all the electrical equipment you need for your systems
integration and automation.
EPD builds IEC and ANSI/NEMA equipment for low and medium
voltage and is the only IEC SIVACON licensed manufacturer in
North America.
EOS for Bourbon Liberty Series Vessels
Designing a World of Power
Global Presence
EPD has significant manufacturing, assembly,
and fabrication resources through our various
plants and facilities in China, Singapore, Brazil
and the United States. This allows us to work for
you on your schedule wherever you are located in
the world.
We can produce and deliver custom products
and systems for you quickly and economically,
n	Electrical systems of any type
n	Power Transformers
n	Complete automation and turnkey systems
EPD is the only licensed manufacturer of Siemens SIVACON速
IEC-rated switchgear in the Americas and provides type-tested
motor control centers. EPD must be certified once a year by Siemens to keep the license.
Manufactured systems are factory-tested against actual field conditions, significantly cutting down on installation and
on-site testing time.
Houston, Texas
Total: 65,000 Sq. ft.
Yangzhou, China Plant
Total China Size: 140,000 Sq. ft.
Transformer and Reactor Manufacturing
Niter坦i, Brazil Plant
Total: 15,000 Sq. ft.
Well Established Factory in China (Since 2006)
With over 250 employees and 140,000 Sq. ft. of
floor space, our manufacturing plant in China
is our largest. We have all the logistics, technical
skills and infrastructure in place for all your
custom work and its export.
The plant offers all the advantages of being
located in a tax-free, Export Processing Zone
near Shanghai.
Green by Nature
By its nature, power conversion from fuel to
electric energy is considered a green practice.
This is what power conversion and integration	
 and EPD  is all about.
EPD also provides electrical system and 	
on-site upgrades.
Designing a World of Power
Meeting Regulatory and Classification Requirements
EPD builds and certifies equipment to meet the requirements of societies such as:
EPD began designing digital power systems with microprocessor controls, variable
speed drives and fiber-optically connected, PLC-based control systems, which allowed
[the oil and gas and marine] industries to modernize with diesel-electric systems
and meet the environmental standards that society and governments demanded
from them.
						  The Maritime Executive
Houstons technologically savvy Electronic Power Design, is the worlds largest
electrical systems integrator for diesel-electric vessels with more than 140 vessels
on order.
						 Lloyds List
Diesel Electric DP-2 PSV
Any third party certifications as required.
Around the World with EPD
We have completed projects on every continent except Antarctica.
ABS Certified Port & starboard Dynamic Position class 3 (DP3), 6 pulse drilling
switchboards, with the top drive/rotary table assignment cubicle.
Drillers Console & Main Power System
ABS Certified Generator Control & Distribution with SCR Drilling System DNV Certified SCR Drilling System for Control of 14 Drilling Motors
DP-3 DrillshipElectrical Power House for Gas Compression Plant
Designing a World of Power
400 Ton Line Pull, Electric Anchor Handling Winch Top Drive House Redundant Braking Resistors & A/C Units
DNV Certified 11 kV Generator Control
& Distribution Switchboard
Around the World with EPD
We have completed projects on every continent except Antarctica.
Electronic Power Design, Inc.
15200 I-45 North
Houston, TX 77090 USA
Telephone +1 713-923-1191
Fax: +1 713-923-1194
EPD China Group, Ltd.
Yangzhou Export Processing Zone
Yang Zi Jiang South Road
Yangzhou, China 225131
Telephone: +86 514 8295-5672
Fax: +86 514 8733-7922
EPD Singapore Group Pte. Ltd.
18 Boon Lay Way
#02-107 Trade Hub 21
Singapore 609966
Telephone: +65 66864500
Fax: +65 66864501
EPD do Brasil Ind炭stria e Servi巽os El辿ctricos Ltda.
Rua Deputado Cordeiro de Miranda 137
Ilha da Concei巽達o, Niter坦i RJ 24050-080
Telephone: +55 21 3736-3070

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EPD Brochure

  • 1. Designing a World of Power Since 1986
  • 2. { } Reputable Technologically Sophisticated Innovative Electronic Power Design is committed to building quality products for our customers, using industry experience and application knowledge to power technological innovation, and creating an environment of personal development for our employees. MISSION STATEMENT:
  • 3. Electrical Power System Integration Services & Products Worldwide 1 Houston-based Electronic Power Design, Inc. (EPD) is considered one of the top design, engineering and manufacturing companies in the world for integrated electrical power systems. Founded in 1986, EPD and our over 300 employees have built an outstanding reputation for excellence based on our technological skills, extensive experience and innovative solutions. Before any product or system is shipped, EPD tests all hardware, software and programmable devices. EPD offers factory training using actual field equipment. In addition, EPD will install and commission on-site anywhere in the world. With diverse portfolios of services and equipment, EPD can provide custom turnkey solutions for the monitoring, control and distribution of power as well as total automation. EPD has vast experience and applications knowledge acquired from working in many different industries and countries. We understand how system applications work the technological subtleties of what and why things need to be implemented for a power system to perform reliably at optimum levels. Clients trust EPD to deliver services on-time, within budget and to the highest possible standard and reliability. Yangzhou, China Production Facility EOS House Assembly Line
  • 4. Power Systems Applications Specialists Count on Electronic Power Design, Inc. (EPD) to provide all the electrical power system integration and automation you need for any type application in industrial plants, vessels or capital project sites anywhere in the world. Here are just some of the industries we serve: Oil & Gas n Land Based Production n Drilling n Production Platforms n Floating Power Systems Renewable Energy n Wind/Solar Power n Battery Systems n Compressed Air Storage Marine Vessels n Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) n FPSO/FSO n Heavy Lift Derrick Barges n Pipe-Cable Lay Vessels n Anchor Handling & Tugs n Submersible Drilling Platforms n Dredging Mining n Minerals n Sand/Gravel n Coal Industrial Plants n Plastics n Chemical Processing n Refineries 2 Designing a World of Power
  • 5. A Diverse Portfolio of Start-to-Finish Services EPD offers you the choice of either a service- based solution or a total turnkey custom automated solution. 3 Factory Training EPD provides excellent factory training under actual field conditions. Your technicians hit the ground running once your new system is installed and commissioned. Field Services Worldwide When you are an EPD customer, you can be assured of 24-hour rapid response and worldwide support. On-site Electrical Equipment Field Services include: n Installation n Commissioning n Repair n Troubleshooting n Retrofit n Calibration n Engineering Surveying Integrated Generator Control Testing - Factory testing drastically reduces commissioning time in the shipyard. Engine Operator Station (EOS) installation into a Diesel Electric PSV n Planning & Development n System Analysis & Diagnostics n Research & Development n Engineering n Design n PLC Programming n Manufacturing n Assembly n Fabrication n Factory Testing n Short Circuit Studies n Harmonic Studies n Startup & Commissioning n Power Systems - Generation - Conversion - Distribution - Redundancy - Critical Power Supply - Emergency Power Supply n Systems Integration n Total System/Plant Automation
  • 6. n Switchgear (IEC & ANSI/NEMA) - Low & Medium Voltage - Distribution & Incoming Switchgear - Generator Control & Utility Tie Gear n AC & DC Drives Systems n AC & DC Motors n Motor Control Centers & Motor Starters - Full Voltage Across-the-line Starters (FVNR & FVR) - Two (2) Speed Starters - Wye-Delta Starters - Capacitor Starters - Autotransformer Starters (RVAT) - Solid State Starters - Solid State Reduced Voltage (Soft Starters) - Synchronous Motor Controls n Automated Systems - Total Plant Automation - Motion Control Automation - Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) - Control Stations & Control Panels - Touchscreen Displays - Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) - SCADA Systems (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) 4 n Shore-Power Systems n Transformers & Reactors - D.C. Reactorsstandard, 6, 12, 18 & 24 Pulse - Drive Isolation Transformers - Volt Transformers - AC Line Reactors - Phase Shifting Transformers & Reactors n Power Factor Correction Equipment n Harmonic Filtration Equipment EPD was the first and one of the largest Siemens integrators in the USA. EPD is also the largest supplier of marine diesel-electric propulsion systems in the world with 140 vessels with EPD equipment in service worldwide. All the Power Integration Equipment You Need EPD can provide all the electrical equipment you need for your systems integration and automation. EPD builds IEC and ANSI/NEMA equipment for low and medium voltage and is the only IEC SIVACON licensed manufacturer in North America. EOS for Bourbon Liberty Series Vessels Designing a World of Power
  • 7. Global Presence EPD has significant manufacturing, assembly, and fabrication resources through our various plants and facilities in China, Singapore, Brazil and the United States. This allows us to work for you on your schedule wherever you are located in the world. We can produce and deliver custom products and systems for you quickly and economically, including: n Electrical systems of any type n Power Transformers n Complete automation and turnkey systems 5 EPD is the only licensed manufacturer of Siemens SIVACON速 IEC-rated switchgear in the Americas and provides type-tested motor control centers. EPD must be certified once a year by Siemens to keep the license. Manufactured systems are factory-tested against actual field conditions, significantly cutting down on installation and on-site testing time. Houston, Texas Total: 65,000 Sq. ft. Yangzhou, China Plant Total China Size: 140,000 Sq. ft. Transformer and Reactor Manufacturing Niter坦i, Brazil Plant Total: 15,000 Sq. ft. Well Established Factory in China (Since 2006) With over 250 employees and 140,000 Sq. ft. of floor space, our manufacturing plant in China is our largest. We have all the logistics, technical skills and infrastructure in place for all your custom work and its export. The plant offers all the advantages of being located in a tax-free, Export Processing Zone near Shanghai.
  • 8. Green by Nature By its nature, power conversion from fuel to electric energy is considered a green practice. This is what power conversion and integration and EPD is all about. EPD also provides electrical system and on-site upgrades. Designing a World of Power 6 Meeting Regulatory and Classification Requirements EPD builds and certifies equipment to meet the requirements of societies such as: EPD began designing digital power systems with microprocessor controls, variable speed drives and fiber-optically connected, PLC-based control systems, which allowed [the oil and gas and marine] industries to modernize with diesel-electric systems and meet the environmental standards that society and governments demanded from them. The Maritime Executive Houstons technologically savvy Electronic Power Design, is the worlds largest electrical systems integrator for diesel-electric vessels with more than 140 vessels on order. Lloyds List Diesel Electric DP-2 PSV Any third party certifications as required.
  • 9. Around the World with EPD We have completed projects on every continent except Antarctica. 7 ABS Certified Port & starboard Dynamic Position class 3 (DP3), 6 pulse drilling switchboards, with the top drive/rotary table assignment cubicle. Drillers Console & Main Power System ABS Certified Generator Control & Distribution with SCR Drilling System DNV Certified SCR Drilling System for Control of 14 Drilling Motors DP-3 DrillshipElectrical Power House for Gas Compression Plant
  • 10. 8 Designing a World of Power 400 Ton Line Pull, Electric Anchor Handling Winch Top Drive House Redundant Braking Resistors & A/C Units DNV Certified 11 kV Generator Control & Distribution Switchboard Around the World with EPD We have completed projects on every continent except Antarctica.
  • 11. Electronic Power Design, Inc. 15200 I-45 North Houston, TX 77090 USA Telephone +1 713-923-1191 Fax: +1 713-923-1194 EPD China Group, Ltd. Yangzhou Export Processing Zone Yang Zi Jiang South Road Yangzhou, China 225131 Telephone: +86 514 8295-5672 Fax: +86 514 8733-7922 EPD Singapore Group Pte. Ltd. 18 Boon Lay Way #02-107 Trade Hub 21 Singapore 609966 Telephone: +65 66864500 Fax: +65 66864501 EPD do Brasil Ind炭stria e Servi巽os El辿ctricos Ltda. Rua Deputado Cordeiro de Miranda 137 Ilha da Concei巽達o, Niter坦i RJ 24050-080 Telephone: +55 21 3736-3070 EMAIL: SALES@EPDLtd.com www.EPDLtd.com