Tutorial su come usare la piattaforma ZOOM, adottata da KEA per tenere online demo, sessioni di formazione, web training, webinar, web conference e web meeting.
Trailer introduttivo del corso sul computer pubblicato su www.TheGoodly.com per trasformare un utente dilettante in un dominatore del computer portandolo ad un livello medio/avanzato sotto l'aspetto hardware e software.
Through Video production students can learn in "extraordinary" aletom78
The document summarizes a Learning Week initiative proposed by an institute to provide students hands-on experience with video techniques. 10 students participated in activities to choose a topic, research the topic, and create a video storyboard and video. The initiative was promoted to local schools and students self-enrolled online or through their school secretary. During the week-long program, students were divided into groups supported by experts and went through the process of researching their topic and drafting a script before creating their video. Feedback was positive, though the compressed 8-hour days were tiring for students after a long school year. Students and organizers reported satisfaction with the program.
The document describes a project at Midg奪rds Gymnasium school in Ume奪, Sweden. Students were asking for more influence in their education but lacked organization. The headmaster invited students to form small interest groups to help them organize. Students formed groups around shared interests and planned activities like soccer tournaments, movie clubs, and concerts to increase student influence and engagement at the school.
The Jax International football club in Sweden started a football school program to help integrate newly arrived refugees into Swedish society. The program used football training and matches to provide social activities for immigrant youth, especially girls, while also offering extra lessons to improve students' Swedish, English, and math skills. The goal was to increase access to summer programs, address educational gaps, and enhance understanding of Swedish society. The football school received funding and support from the local municipality and several sponsors and gained media coverage for its efforts.
This document describes a Module de Formation individualis辿e (MFI) program in France. The objective of the MFI is to help students ages 15-18 integrate into vocational training and obtain qualifications. It targets students who want to work as well as academic and social dropouts. The MFI uses a 5 step process including defining a life project, career orientation, developing social skills, upgrading competencies, and preparing for vocational school. It has been running annually since 2008 with financial support from the Ministry of Education and European Social Fund. Evaluation shows that 55-65% of students enter vocational school and find jobs after completing the program.
The document discusses the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), which teaches entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitudes to underprivileged youth. NFTE helps youth develop business plans for a virtual company over 60 hours and 9 days. The program focuses on marketing, human resources, finances, quality, ethics and forecasting. NFTE uses small groups and interactive methods like role playing and simulations. Participants develop skills in using computers and presenting. In Belgium, over 4000 youth have participated, and 72% of participants found jobs, started businesses or returned to school with improved motivation, confidence and skills. NFTE is funded through corporate sponsorships and national/regional funds.
Days of information for vocational choicesaletom78
The document summarizes a project called "Berufswahltage im Landkreis Cham" which aims to help students in the Cham district of Germany choose careers and apprenticeships. The project organizes information days, career fairs, and opportunities for students to learn about different jobs through visits to local companies. It brings together schools, universities, employers, and other partners to provide resources and counseling to students of all education levels as they make decisions about their professional futures.
1. Secondary school students in Italy plan and teach English lessons to primary school students to gain teaching experience.
2. The goals are to provide an authentic experience using English for both groups, foster relationships between different age groups, and allow cooperation in teaching and learning.
3. Secondary students study subjects like pedagogy, psychology, and English to become teachers, social workers, psychologists or educators while primary students study English. They work together in an interdisciplinary way.
Presentation hotel and_restaurant programmealetom78
The hotel and restaurant program at Palmcrantz upper secondary school in stersund has students work closely with local companies during workplace training. This allows students to establish contacts within the local industry and increases the likelihood they can return to the same company after graduation. It also seems to reduce absenteeism among students and increase their sense of responsibility. The close network between the school and local businesses provides good opportunities for students' future careers.
Sistemi di web conferencing - Caso di studio Apache OpenMeetingsInfoeinternet
Presentazione del fenomeno del web conferencing. Definizione e descrizione del fenomeno, principali software esistenti, caso di studio Apache OpenMeetings, possibili sviluppi futuri.
Per approfondimenti sul Web Conferencing e su Apache OpenMeetings visitare il sito http://infoeinternet.altervista.org oppure scaricare gratuitamente la mia tesi di Laurea sui Sistemi di Web Conferencing e su Apache OpenMeetings sul mio sito web all'indirizzo: http://matteoveroni.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Tesi-di-Laurea-Triennale-Sistemi-di-Web-Conferencing-Caso-di-studio-Apache-OpenMeetings-Matteo-Veroni.pdf
Matteo Veroni
Allo stato attuale, non esistendo una definizione normativa della videoconferenza, si pu嘆 fare riferimento alla Circolare Ministero dellInterno - Dipartimento dei vigili del fuoco, del soccorso pubblico e della difesa civile del 22 giugno 2016 che la definisce nel seguente modo:
Come migliorare la produttivit con PC e telefonoweb2go
Come sfruttare di pi湛, e meglio, gli strumenti e la tecnologia di tutti i giorni.
App, scorciatoie, funzionalit meno comune dei sistemi operativi pi湛 usati per computer e smartphone
Through Video production students can learn in "extraordinary" aletom78
The document summarizes a Learning Week initiative proposed by an institute to provide students hands-on experience with video techniques. 10 students participated in activities to choose a topic, research the topic, and create a video storyboard and video. The initiative was promoted to local schools and students self-enrolled online or through their school secretary. During the week-long program, students were divided into groups supported by experts and went through the process of researching their topic and drafting a script before creating their video. Feedback was positive, though the compressed 8-hour days were tiring for students after a long school year. Students and organizers reported satisfaction with the program.
The document describes a project at Midg奪rds Gymnasium school in Ume奪, Sweden. Students were asking for more influence in their education but lacked organization. The headmaster invited students to form small interest groups to help them organize. Students formed groups around shared interests and planned activities like soccer tournaments, movie clubs, and concerts to increase student influence and engagement at the school.
The Jax International football club in Sweden started a football school program to help integrate newly arrived refugees into Swedish society. The program used football training and matches to provide social activities for immigrant youth, especially girls, while also offering extra lessons to improve students' Swedish, English, and math skills. The goal was to increase access to summer programs, address educational gaps, and enhance understanding of Swedish society. The football school received funding and support from the local municipality and several sponsors and gained media coverage for its efforts.
This document describes a Module de Formation individualis辿e (MFI) program in France. The objective of the MFI is to help students ages 15-18 integrate into vocational training and obtain qualifications. It targets students who want to work as well as academic and social dropouts. The MFI uses a 5 step process including defining a life project, career orientation, developing social skills, upgrading competencies, and preparing for vocational school. It has been running annually since 2008 with financial support from the Ministry of Education and European Social Fund. Evaluation shows that 55-65% of students enter vocational school and find jobs after completing the program.
The document discusses the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), which teaches entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitudes to underprivileged youth. NFTE helps youth develop business plans for a virtual company over 60 hours and 9 days. The program focuses on marketing, human resources, finances, quality, ethics and forecasting. NFTE uses small groups and interactive methods like role playing and simulations. Participants develop skills in using computers and presenting. In Belgium, over 4000 youth have participated, and 72% of participants found jobs, started businesses or returned to school with improved motivation, confidence and skills. NFTE is funded through corporate sponsorships and national/regional funds.
Days of information for vocational choicesaletom78
The document summarizes a project called "Berufswahltage im Landkreis Cham" which aims to help students in the Cham district of Germany choose careers and apprenticeships. The project organizes information days, career fairs, and opportunities for students to learn about different jobs through visits to local companies. It brings together schools, universities, employers, and other partners to provide resources and counseling to students of all education levels as they make decisions about their professional futures.
1. Secondary school students in Italy plan and teach English lessons to primary school students to gain teaching experience.
2. The goals are to provide an authentic experience using English for both groups, foster relationships between different age groups, and allow cooperation in teaching and learning.
3. Secondary students study subjects like pedagogy, psychology, and English to become teachers, social workers, psychologists or educators while primary students study English. They work together in an interdisciplinary way.
Presentation hotel and_restaurant programmealetom78
The hotel and restaurant program at Palmcrantz upper secondary school in stersund has students work closely with local companies during workplace training. This allows students to establish contacts within the local industry and increases the likelihood they can return to the same company after graduation. It also seems to reduce absenteeism among students and increase their sense of responsibility. The close network between the school and local businesses provides good opportunities for students' future careers.
Sistemi di web conferencing - Caso di studio Apache OpenMeetingsInfoeinternet
Presentazione del fenomeno del web conferencing. Definizione e descrizione del fenomeno, principali software esistenti, caso di studio Apache OpenMeetings, possibili sviluppi futuri.
Per approfondimenti sul Web Conferencing e su Apache OpenMeetings visitare il sito http://infoeinternet.altervista.org oppure scaricare gratuitamente la mia tesi di Laurea sui Sistemi di Web Conferencing e su Apache OpenMeetings sul mio sito web all'indirizzo: http://matteoveroni.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Tesi-di-Laurea-Triennale-Sistemi-di-Web-Conferencing-Caso-di-studio-Apache-OpenMeetings-Matteo-Veroni.pdf
Matteo Veroni
Allo stato attuale, non esistendo una definizione normativa della videoconferenza, si pu嘆 fare riferimento alla Circolare Ministero dellInterno - Dipartimento dei vigili del fuoco, del soccorso pubblico e della difesa civile del 22 giugno 2016 che la definisce nel seguente modo:
Come migliorare la produttivit con PC e telefonoweb2go
Come sfruttare di pi湛, e meglio, gli strumenti e la tecnologia di tutti i giorni.
App, scorciatoie, funzionalit meno comune dei sistemi operativi pi湛 usati per computer e smartphone
Call Center Strategy Voice File ManagementMrtkngStrtgy
Il Mercato Italiano: 竪 ancora un mercato ristretto ed immaturo, per questo presenta anche molte potenzialit di crescita. L'offerta risulta frammentata e divisa tra alcuni grandi player ed altri piccoli fornitori che offrono contenuti per l'e-learning. La domanda -soprattutto quella delle PMI- cerca sempre pi湛 soluzioni "chiavi in mano", ovvero che riuniscano contenuti, tecnologia e servizi in un solo prodotto. Come in parte anticipato nello scorso articolo, la spesa affrontata in Italia da parte di aziende, enti pubblici, universit e scuole, per dotarsi di una moderna tecnologia per la formazione, 竪 in costante crescita.
Situazione particolare del caso italiano, non cos狸 dissimile in fondo dalle esperienze estere, 竪 il fatto che sono soprattutto le prime, le aziende, ad aver sviluppato e soprattutto investito nelle-learning, puntando sulle nuove tecnologie della formazione perch辿 attente al reale feedback non solo in termini di qualit ed innovazione, ma anche di migliore gestione delle risorse,
non solo umane, ma anche riguardo un sostanziale rilassamento dei costi.
Secondo i dati dellOsservatorio e-learning relativi allo scorso anno, dei 479 milioni di euro spesi in Italia nella formazione tramite browser, la spesa maggiore 竪 proprio quella delle aziende che nel totale ne hanno investiti 373,6.
The document outlines the agenda and goals of the E-CoP round table meeting. The round table will discuss innovative learning models for the future, with a focus on extra-curricular learning models that keep students engaged in school and improve academic performance. The E-CoP project aims to investigate successful approaches to education through an online community of practice. Over the course of nearly two years, partners from four European countries will share experiences and analyze different national models to identify best practices and develop guidelines for innovative and flexible learning methodologies.
The document discusses a mining machine technician program at a technical college in Sweden. The previous training did not provide students with adequate skills to work in the mining industry. To address this problem, the college developed a new training program with input from mining companies. The new program provides students experience in electricity, electronics, computers, welding and hydraulics to prepare them for jobs in the mining industry.
The document describes a project at Nacka Gymnasium where a former construction worker works as a pupil assistant. The assistant supports students who have high absenteeism and skip school frequently. The assistant keeps in close contact with these students, helps them with schoolwork, and will drive to their homes to ensure they come to school if truancy is suspected. The goal is to increase school attendance, reduce truancy, and help more students pass their classes with this additional support.
This document summarizes a meeting about a project called "The Dodecahedron" that promotes cross-curricular learning. It describes how students in a primary school discovered a dodecahedron object in a museum and decided to use it as a symbol for their new knowledge. The project involves students collaborating across different classes and subjects to complete activities like writing a story about the dodecahedron and building a scale model of a Roman villa. The goals of the project are to encourage more engaging, lively and interesting learning by combining different subject areas and having students work together on a meaningful final product.
This document discusses a project called "The Dodecahedron" that was developed in 2003 and implemented in subsequent academic years at a school in Belgium. The project promotes cross-curricular, collaborative learning by having students from different subject areas like history, language, and carpentry work together on projects like writing a story inspired by a dodecahedron object or building a scale model of a Roman villa. The projects are designed to make subjects more interesting for students and encourage skills like teamwork, additional research, and perseverance. They can be easily reproduced by teachers without additional funding by using existing school resources and periods.
The document discusses the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), which teaches entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitudes to underprivileged youth. NFTE helps youth develop business plans for a virtual company over 60 hours and 9 days. The plans cover marketing, human resources, finances, quality, ethics and forecasts. NFTE uses small groups and interactive methods like role playing to encourage participation. After NFTE training in Belgium, 72% of participants found jobs or started businesses and 92% completed the training, with improved motivation, confidence and skills. NFTE is funded through corporate sponsorships, national funding and participation funds.
The document summarizes a training program in Switzerland for Italian students focused on safety in construction. The week-long program involved full immersion at a professional training center, with guidance from foundation managers and teachers who received the same training. Students learned important safety concepts through hands-on experience in an open-air laboratory setting. Positive aspects included practical learning of physics and collaboration between students of different abilities. However, the 40-hour, 6-day schedule was very demanding for students and the actual improvement in skills was difficult to measure.
The CREaTION PROJECT aimed to spread concepts of social responsibility through secondary school curricula in Italy, Britain, and Romania. It involved 34 schools and over 650 students. Teachers received 15 hours of training on topics like energy saving, responsible consumption, and environmental protection using diverse teaching methods like games, videos, and classroom discussions. Evaluations found the trainings had mostly excellent results in improving students' understanding of social responsibility concepts, though teachers felt they could have benefitted from more training hours. The project demonstrated the effectiveness of innovative teaching methods but recognized the need for greater focus and resources to fully integrate social responsibility into educational systems.
The document describes a program called MFI that aims to help students in Belgium who are struggling to choose a vocational path or have been excluded from other schools. The program lasts from 4 weeks to 6 months and focuses on developing students' social skills, professional aspirations, and personal objectives. Students spend time in different vocational sections, receive guidance counseling, and participate in activities to help them identify an appropriate career path. The program was created in response to a growing number of students not completing their education and not knowing which vocational section to choose.
The document describes a program called MFI that aims to help students in Belgium who are struggling to choose a vocational path or have been excluded from other schools. The program allows students to spend 4 weeks to 6 months exploring different vocational sections, receiving guidance on developing life and career goals, and learning social and academic skills to succeed. Students take general courses and spend time in selected vocational sections, and meet regularly with guidance counselors and psychologists. The goal is to help students find an appropriate vocational path and remain in education.
This document outlines a project at CEFA de la Ville de Bruxelles vocational school where students will run a snack shop on school premises. The shop will be entirely run by 5th, 6th and 7th year sales students under teacher supervision during the 2010-2011 school year. The project aims to give students practical experience in organizing a commercial activity, developing responsibilities, teamwork skills, and applying sales techniques. Profits will reimburse the school's startup investment and fund equipment and an educational trip for the sales students. Students will conduct market research, ordering, sales, bookkeeping, and reporting while teachers supervise and link the project to coursework. The school provides space and a 400 interest-free loan to
Example of business plan by a nfte studentaletom78
The document outlines Kelly's plans to open a bridal boutique business. It details the types of products that will be offered, Kelly's strengths as an entrepreneur, hiring expectations, intended clientele, desired location, operating hours, pricing strategies, marketing plans, advantages over competitors, startup and operating costs, projected income, financing options, and goals for the business and herself in 1 and 5 years.
The project aims to prevent students with migrant backgrounds from dropping out of school by helping their parents understand the educational system and build relationships between home and school. Staff provide translation services, accompany families to appointments, and mediate between parties to facilitate communication. The goal is to empower parents to better support their children's education by developing knowledge of and respect for the values of their new country's schools.
Ich-will-lernen.de is Germany's largest e-learning platform for literacy, basic knowledge, and completing secondary school education. It offers flexible online learning tools and support from tutors to help disadvantaged learners improve basic skills. The platform can be used independently at any time in conjunction with classroom instruction. Its goal is to provide lifelong learning opportunities regardless of location or schedule to empower those with low educational attainment.
The document describes a foreign language teaching practice program between a high school and primary school in Saronno, Italy. The goal is for high school students to plan and teach English lessons to primary school children. Students work in teams to design activities like storytelling, sketches, and games. Teachers observe the lessons and provide feedback on organization, quality, and language skills. Both schools found the program beneficial, and it has continued annually to give high school students practical teaching experience.
Importance of practice in foreign language learningaletom78
This document discusses various projects undertaken by an Italian school to provide students with opportunities to practice their English skills in meaningful ways. The projects include a student exchange with a school in Denmark where students communicated solely in English for two weeks, a virtual exchange where students from Italy, the US and Netherlands collaborated online, and an e-twinning project where Italian and Polish students shared information about their cultures through a blog. The goal of these projects is to enhance students' English proficiency, especially their speaking and writing skills, by using the language in real-world contexts that relate to their lives and interests. Feedback indicates students felt more confident in their English abilities and that their skills improved as a result of having to use English for meaningful communication.
Importance of practice in foreign language learningaletom78
This document discusses various projects undertaken by an Italian school to provide students with opportunities to practice their English skills in meaningful ways. It describes student exchanges with schools in Denmark and virtual exchanges with schools in the US and Netherlands where students communicated online to share information about their lives and cultures. It also discusses an e-Twinning project where Italian and Polish students collaborated on a blog to learn about each other's countries. The goal of these projects is to enhance students' English proficiency through using the language in real-world contexts that engage them and foster intercultural understanding.
2. Requisiti di sistema Microsoft速 Windows速 98 SE, 2000, XP, Windows Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate, Business or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit editions) Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Netscape Navigator 7.1 AOL 9 Additional requirements Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher (9 or higher for Linux and Solaris) Link per scaricarlo gratuitamente http://get.adobe.com/it/flashplayer/ Minimum bandwidth requirement is 56 kb/sec Porte utilizzate: 80,1935,443 Per poter caricare i propri documenti (PPT, JPG..) in Adobe Connect 竪 necessario installare il Add-in da moderatore da questi link: Per Windows: http://conference.metid.polimi.it/common/addin/setup.exe Per Mac: http://conference.metid.polimi.it/common/addin/AcrobatConnectAddin.z Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 Safari 1.1 or higher Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Linux Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Solaris Mozilla 1.7
3. Accesso dalla piattaforma Per partecipare ad una web conference, bisogna entrare nella sessione di ADOBE CONNECT
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5. Configurazione audio Prima di incominciare 竪 importante impostare lo strumento, soprattutto per quanto riguarda laudio (vedi freccia verde ) La procedura guidata di impostazione audio consente di verificare il funzionamento dellaudio e ottimizzare la riproduzione e la registrazione del suono
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