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Dr. Estiphan Panoussi's Backgroud
Dr. Estiphan Panoussi's Date of birth: September 11, 1935. Place of birth: Sanandadj,
Nationality: Iranian and Swedish.
Dependents: Wife and two sons, Mike and Tony.
Education and academic grades, positions, and status: School and Highschool in Iran
and Iraq
1957 B.A., Philosophy, Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana de Propaganda Fide,
Rome, Italy.
1958 M.A., Philosophy, Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana de Propaganda Fide,
Rome, Italy.
1961 Study of Oriental Philology and History and Ph.D. (1st Degree),
Philosophy, Universit辿 Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
1961-64 Study of Iranian Philology and Semitic Languages, University of
T端bingen, Germany
1964-66 Dissertation research in Philosophy, while also teaching in the
Universities of Giessen and Marburg.
1967 Ph.D. (2nd Degree), Philosophy, Louvain, Belgium.
1967-73 Assistent Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Orient-Institut,
Freie Universit辰t Berlin, Germany.
1973-78 and 81-89 Assoc. Professor (d_ne邸y_r), University of Teheran, Iran.
1992-2000 Senior Lecturer, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden
1994 Docent, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden.
2000 Professor, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden.
2000 Retired, Professor emeritus, G旦tebors universitet, Sweden.
2000-2002 Visiting Scholar at Harvard University with Neo-Aramaic
fieldwork research in/around L.A.
2002 Obtained the "Green Card" through son, Howfarr Panoussi, U.S.A. citizen
by birth.
2002- ongoing Adjunct Instructor, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Antelope
Valley College, Lancaster.
Academic experience: 1964-66 Instructor (Lektor), Seminar f端r Sprachen und Kulturen
Nordafrikas, Justus Liebig-Universit辰t, Giessen, Germany.
Courses taught: Classical Arabic, Persian, New Aramaic dialects, Old Syriac, The Ninth
Book of Avicenna's a邸-if_', compared with the Elementa Theologica of Proclus and
with the Liber de causis, The Isagoge of Porphyry in the Syriac and Arabic versions
Avicenna's D_ne邸n_m辰-ye `Al_'_ (Persian philosophical readings).1964-66 (while also
teaching in Giessen): Instructor (Lektor), Seminar f端r Semitistik, Philipps Universit辰t
Marburg, Germany. Courses taught: The same as in Giessen, in addition to: Eastern and
Western philosophical confrontation, Aristotle's Categories in their Syriac and Arabic
versions.1967-73 Assistent Professor, FUB, Berlin. Courses taught: Old Syriac, New
Aramaic dialects, Conversation in Classical Arabic, Aristotle's Categories in their Syriac
and Arabic versions, Aristotle's Rhetoric in the Arabic version, Avicenna's Logic,
according to the Kit_b a邸-if_' (in collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch)
Problems of medieval philosophy in light of Jewish-Islamic sources (in collaboration
with Professor Taubes), Readings from the Neusyrische Chrestomathie (compiled by
Rudolf Macuch and Estiphan Panoussi), 1972-78 Associate Professor (D_ne邸y_r),
University of Teheran, Iran. Courses taught: Biblical and Imperial Aramaic, Old Syriac,
New Aramaic dialects, Middle Persian Ideographics and Ideograms, Persian from point
of view of Indo-European Studies, Arabic from point of view of Semitic Studies, History
of Persian culture, Introduction into the Classical Latin language for comparative
Studies with Persian. 1978-81 Visiting Associate Professor, Middle East Center, The
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Courses taught: Introduction to the Semitic
languages, Old Aramaic, Old Syriac, New Aramaic dialects, Directed readings in
Biblical Aramaic, Directed reading in Syriac, Persian language and literature. 1981-89
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Old Languages, and since 1984
Chairman of the Italian Department, University of Teheran, Iran. Courses taught:
Biblical Aramaic, Middle Persian Ideographics and Ideograms, Introduction to the
Classical Latin language, Italian and Persian compared grammar. 1989-1992 Visiting
Professor, Katholische Universit辰t Eichst辰tt, West Germany. Computer Research
projects: 1: The first "Latin-Persian Dictionary", actual stand: over 10000 entries; 2: A
Neo-Aramaic Senaya-Glossary, actual stand: over 400 pages. Courses taught: Arabic,
Persian, Biblical Aramaic, Seminar: East-West philosophy: "Themendiskussion an Hand
von Zitaten".
1992-2000 Senior Lecturer (Docent, 1994; Prof. 2000), G旦teborgs Universitet.
Institutionen f旦r orientaliska spr奪k.
Research: Continuation of previous projects; Courses taught: Different subjects in
levels B, C and D).
1995 the Swedish HSFR (Humanistisk-Samh辰llsvetenskapliga Forskningsr奪det /
Council for Research in the Humanities), has approved a three-year-project entitled
"The Christian Senaya Dialect of Neo-Aramaic: Texts, Grammar and Dictionary" (In
collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wolfhart Heinrichs, Harvard University, Department of
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations).
1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern
Languages and Civilizations, (NELC).
1998-1999 (ca. 2 months) Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles,
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Los Angeles. 2000-2002 Unpaid
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations (NELC). Achieving field-work research on Neo-Aramaic dialects in and
around L.A. Publications (in French, German and English): Neusyrische
Chrestomathie [New Syriac Chrestomathy], Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244 pages (in
collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch); "La notion de participation dans la
philosophie d'Avicenne: Etudes historiques et doctrinales", Dissertation present辿e pour
l'obtention du grade du docteur en Philosophie. Louvain 1967, 327 pages; "La
th辿osophie iranienne source d'Avicenne?", in Revue Philosophique de Louvian,
1968(66) pp. 239-266; "L'origine de la notion de participation chez Zoroastre et chez
Platon", in Beitr辰ge zur Alten Geschichte und deren Nachleben, Festschrift f端r Franz
Altheim zum 6.10.1969, Berlin 1969, pp. 91-114; "Some Annotations relating to the
Arabic Version of Aristotle's Rhetoric(=AVAR)", in Studia semitica necnon iranica,
Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, ediderunt Maria
Macuch, Christa M端ller-Kessler et Bert G. Fragner, Wiesbaden 1989, pp. 195-200; "On
the Senaya dialect", in Studies in Neo-Aramaic, edited by Wolfhart Heinrichs, (Harvard
Semitic Studies), Atlanta 1990, pp. 107-129; "Ein vorl辰ufiges Verbglossar zum
aussterbenden neuaram辰ischen Senaya-dialekt", in Rivista degli Studi Orientali,
Volume LXV, Fasc. 3-4 (1991), Roma 1992, pp. 165-183; "The Arabic Version of
Aristotle's Rhetoric (AVAR) and its Edition by `Abdurra_m_n Badaw_", in Semitica,
Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata, curaverunt Riccardo Contini, Fabrizio A.
Pennacchietti [e] Mauro Tosco, Torino 1993, pp. 201-211; "Abriss der Geschichte der
Persischen Kirche", in Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburtstag, hrsg. v. Wolfhart
Heinrichs und Gregor Schoeler, Bd 1. Semitische Studien. Unter Besonderer
Ber端cksichtigung der S端dsemitistik, Beirut 1994, pp. 199-220; "The Unique Arabic
Manuscript of Aristotle's Ars Rhetorica and its two Editions published to date by
_Abdurra_m_n Badaw_ and by M[alcolm] C. Lyons" in Consciousness and Reality,
Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu, edd. Sayyid Jal_l al-D_n _shtiy_n_ et al., Tokyo
1998, 233-250; "D_rab_ni Dialect Notes", Studia Iranica, Mesopotamica et Anatolica
Institut of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Praha 1998, 179-182; " La Participation dans
l'Oeuvre Logique d'Avicenne" in Mohaghegh Nama, supervised ba B. Khorramsh_h_
[and] J. Jah_nbakhsh, Tehran 2001, pp. 142-175 "Greek-Arabic glossary based upon the
Aristotelian Ars Rhetorica", in manuscript form. Collaboration with other scholars:
With Rudolf Kassel, Der Text der Aristotelischen Rhetorik, 1971, pp. 88-90 mentioning
my Arabic-German translations as a contribution to his work. With Rudolf Macuch:
Neusyrische Chrestomathie [New Syriac Chrestomathy], Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244
pages. With M. C. Lyons, Ars Rhetorica, The Arabic Version, A New Edition, with
Commentary and Glossary, Volume I, Cambridge 1982, s. the sigla-page mentioning
my contribution for his work. And many Papers in Congresses and Universities.
Publications (in Farsi): More than 20 articles and three monographies, e.g. "Falsafa-ye
邸arq_-ye Ebn-e S_n_", [The Oriental Philosophy of Avicenna], in Mahdaw_-n_meh,
Teheran 1999, 293-305. The most recent book: Ger_ye邸h_-ye _elm_ wa-farhang_ dar _r_n,
az hax_mane邸_ t_ p_y_n-e _afaw_yeh, Teheran 2004.
Honors: Inclusion a. o. in: Men of Achivement, [American Biographical Institute],
Cambridge 19872
. Who's Who of Intellectuals, [American Biographical Institute],
. Five Thousand Personalities of the World, Appendix, [American Biographical
Institute], Chelsea 19902
Cultural and Linguistic Backgroud
Dr. Estiphan Panoussi
Adjunct Instructor at AVC
The Proud Father of Mike and Tony
The owners of the VIP-CAR WASH (661-945-5000 / 661-480-3646).)1
1) Ancient Greek (only for research purposes. Having studied Greek for
Philosophy and Comparative linguistics).
2) Latin (Having studied Philosophy in Latin language for three years and
spoken it as it was habitual in Vatican' University Pontificia Universitas De Propaganda
Fide, and having taught it at the University of Tehran/ Iran, for more than 15 years).
3) Italian (Having studied it in Italy for four years and taught it as head of the
Italian Department at the University of Tehran, for five yars).
4) French (Having lived in Belgium for four years and passed two Ph.D.s in
philosophy at the Catholique University of Louvain, French section, Belgium).
5) German (Having studied in T端bingen for three years, and taught philosophy
and oriental languages at the Universities Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, Eichst辰tt, all in
Germany, for more than 12 years).
6) Swedish (Having taught for 8 years all levels of Arabic and related subjects
form 1992-2000 at the University of Gothenburg / Sweden from 1992 to 2000).
7) English (Having studied it and learned it throughout his academic career, and
published in it, as well as used it in his teaching at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
for 3 years, and at AVC since 2002).
8) Biblical Aramaic (Having studied it in Germany and taught it at several
universities, especially at the University of Tehran / Iran, ca. 15 years).
9) Biblical Hebrew (Only for research purposes, having studied it in Germany as
one of the Semitic languages).
10) Middle Aramaic. East and West Syriac. (Having learned it in Iraq since High
School, for three years, and studied it later also academically at the universities of
Louvain, Belgium, and Tuebingen, Germany, and finally taught it at universities of
Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, and Eichstaett, all in Germany, at the University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, and at the university of Tehran, Iran, more than 12 years).
11) New Aramaic dialects (Chaldean and Assyrian). Having spoken them, made
research on them and taught them in Germany, Tehran and Gothenburg (Koine /
Urme_n_ya, Senaya (as the mother tongue), some of Chaldaean dialects, Christian
Students of Dr. E. Panoussi may get some discount for the services on the above business
(Just talk to the respective manager in those businesses about this discount).
dialects in Irak, and Le邸_n_ h_lawl_, being the Jewish Neo-Aramaic of Sena).
12) Middle Persian (Only for research purposes. Having studied it for
Comparative linguistics).
13) Farsi (/Modern Persian) (Having taught it at some universities in Germany,
Salt Lake City and published in it many books and articles).
14) Kurdish (Having spoken it as a child).
15) Arabic (Having learned it for three years in Irak and studied it linguistically
in the Western Universities, in Belgium and Germany, and taught it at the universities
of Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, Eichst辰tt (all in Germany), Tehran/Iran, and finally, as full
professor for Arabic in levels A, B, C, and D, in Gothenburg/Swedem 1992-2000).
16) In 2007 started to autodidactically learn Spanish (the 2nd language in
Southern California)2
A list of some of my publications in different languages, synoptically exposed .
Exposition of
a Part of
Made in
French German English Farsi
[New Syriac Chrestomathy]
Neusyrische Chrestomathie,
Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244
pages (in collaboration with
Professor Rudolf Macuch).
Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244
pages (in collaboration with
Professor Rudolf Macuch).
Tehran 1974 ["Erroneous Publication of the
Arabic Manuscript of
Aristotle's Ars Rhetoric by
`Abdulra_m_n Badaw_"]
"Dar b_r辰-ye n_ras'_h_-ye __p-e
dastnew_s-e xe__b辰-ye Aras__
be-`arab_ az _araf-e
`Abdolra_m_n-e Badaw_", in
For being tutored or taught by Dr. Estiphan Panoussi in some of the above listed languages,
write to <epanoussi@avc.edu>
Revue de la Facult辿 des
Lettres et Sciences Humaines
de l'Universit辿 de Teh辿ran, N0
2 & 3, 1975, pp. 145-180
[This article was honored
with a prize awarded by the
queen for the best scientific
article in the Human
Sciences of the University of
Teheran in 1975.]
Tehran 1977 ["Dissimilation of /dd/ into
/nd/ in Other Languages and
in Persian"]
"Tabd_l-e d_ hamxw
_n-e /dd/
be-/nd/ dar zab_nh_-ye d_gar
wa-dar zab_n-e f_rs_", in Revue
de la Facult辿 des Lettres et
Sciences Humaines de
l'Universit辿 de Teh辿ran, No
Teheran 1977, pp. 42-47.
Tehran 1978 [The Influence of the Persian
Culture and World View
upon Plato]
Ta'__r-e farhang
wa-_ah_nb_n_-ye _r_n_ bar
Afl___n, (The Influence of the
Persian Culture and World
View upon Plato), Theran
1978, viii and 139 pages.
Tehran 1978 ["The Assyrians in Iran"]
"As_r_y_n-e _r_n", in
Encyclopedia of Iran and
Islam, edited by E_s_n
Y_r邸__er, Teheran 1978, pp.
Exposition of
a Part of
Made in
French German English Farsi
"Some Annotations relating
to the Arabic Version of
Aristotle's Rhetoric(=AVAR)",
in Studia semitica necnon
iranica, Rudolpho Macuch
septuagenario ab amicis et
discipulis dedicata, ediderunt
Maria Macuch, Christa
M端ller-Kessler et Bert G.
Fragner, Wiesbaden 1989, pp.
Tehran 1989 ["Oriental Influences in the
Greek Philosophy"]
"Ta`__r_t-e 邸arq_ dar falsaf辰-ye
y_n_n_, in Farhang, No
Tehran 1989, pp. 345-362.
Atlanta 1990 "On the Senaya dialect", in
Studies in Neo-Aramaic,
edited by Wolfhart Heinrichs,
(Harvard Semitic Studies),
Atlanta 1990, pp. 107-129.
Roma 1992 ["A Temporary Verb Glossary
from the Moribund
Neo-Aramaic Dialect Senaya"
"Ein vorl辰ufiges Verbglossar
zum aussterbenden
Senaya-dialekt", in
Rivista degli Studi Orientali,
Volume LXV, Fasc. 3-4
(1991), Roma
1992, pp. 165-183.
Torino 1993 "The Arabic Version of
Aristotle's Rhetoric (AVAR)
and its Edition by
`Abdurra_m_n Badaw_," in
Semitica, Serta philologica
Constantino Tsereteli dicata,
curaverunt Riccardo Contini,
Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti [e]
Mauro Tosco, Torino 1993,
pp. 201-211.
Beirut 1994 ["An Outline of the History of
the Persian Church"]
"Abriss der Geschichte der
Persischen Kirche", in
Festschrift Ewald Wagner
zum 65. Geburtstag, hrsg. v.
Wolfhart Heinrichs und
Gregor Schoeler, Bd 1.
Semitische Studien. Unter
Besonderer Ber端cksichtigung
der S端dsemitistik, Beirut
1994, pp. 199-220.
Tokyo 1998 "The Unique Arabic
Manuscript of Aristotle's Ars
Rhetorica and its two Editions
published to date by
_Abdurra_m_n Badaw_ and by
M[alcolm] C. Lyons" in
Consciousness and Reality,
Studies in Memory of
Toshihiko Izutsu,edd. Sayyid
Jal_l al-D_n _shtiy_n_ et al.,
Tokyo 1998, 233-250.
Praha 1998 "D_rab_ni Dialect Notes", +
in Studia Iranica,
Mesopotamica et Anatolica
Institut of Ancient Near
Eastern Studies, Praha 1998,
Tehran 1999 ["The Oriental Philosophy of
"Falsafa-ye 邸arq_-ye Ebn-e
S_n_", in Mahdaw_-n_meh,
Teheran 1999, 293-305.
Tehran 2001 ["The Participation in the
Logic of Avicenna"]
"La Participation dans
l'Oeuvre Logique d'Avicenne"
in Mohaghegh Nama,
supervised ba B.
Khorramsh_h_ [and] J.
Jah_nbakhsh, Tehran 2001,
pp. 142-175
Tehran 2002 [The Influence of the Persian
Culture and World View
upon Plato. Second Edition]
Ta'__r-e farhang
wa-_ah_nb_n_-ye _r_n_ bar
Afl___n, Theran 20022
, vii and
139 pages.
Tehran 2004 [Scientific and Cultural
Trends in Iran, From
Achaemenids until the End
of Safavids]
Ger_ye邸h_-ye _elm_
wa-farhang_ dar _r_n, az
hax_mane邸_ t_ p_y_n-e
_afaw_yeh, Teheran 2004.

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Encyclopaedia Iranica

Estiphan Panoussi

  • 1. 1 Dr. Estiphan Panoussi's Backgroud Dr. Estiphan Panoussi's Date of birth: September 11, 1935. Place of birth: Sanandadj, Iran Nationality: Iranian and Swedish. Dependents: Wife and two sons, Mike and Tony. Education and academic grades, positions, and status: School and Highschool in Iran and Iraq 1957 B.A., Philosophy, Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana de Propaganda Fide, Rome, Italy. 1958 M.A., Philosophy, Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana de Propaganda Fide, Rome, Italy. 1961 Study of Oriental Philology and History and Ph.D. (1st Degree), Philosophy, Universit辿 Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. 1961-64 Study of Iranian Philology and Semitic Languages, University of T端bingen, Germany 1964-66 Dissertation research in Philosophy, while also teaching in the Universities of Giessen and Marburg. 1967 Ph.D. (2nd Degree), Philosophy, Louvain, Belgium. 1967-73 Assistent Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Orient-Institut, Freie Universit辰t Berlin, Germany. 1973-78 and 81-89 Assoc. Professor (d_ne邸y_r), University of Teheran, Iran. 1992-2000 Senior Lecturer, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden 1994 Docent, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden. 2000 Professor, G旦teborgs universitet, Sweden. 2000 Retired, Professor emeritus, G旦tebors universitet, Sweden. 2000-2002 Visiting Scholar at Harvard University with Neo-Aramaic fieldwork research in/around L.A. 2002 Obtained the "Green Card" through son, Howfarr Panoussi, U.S.A. citizen by birth. 2002- ongoing Adjunct Instructor, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Antelope Valley College, Lancaster. Academic experience: 1964-66 Instructor (Lektor), Seminar f端r Sprachen und Kulturen Nordafrikas, Justus Liebig-Universit辰t, Giessen, Germany. Courses taught: Classical Arabic, Persian, New Aramaic dialects, Old Syriac, The Ninth Book of Avicenna's a邸-if_', compared with the Elementa Theologica of Proclus and with the Liber de causis, The Isagoge of Porphyry in the Syriac and Arabic versions Avicenna's D_ne邸n_m辰-ye `Al_'_ (Persian philosophical readings).1964-66 (while also teaching in Giessen): Instructor (Lektor), Seminar f端r Semitistik, Philipps Universit辰t Marburg, Germany. Courses taught: The same as in Giessen, in addition to: Eastern and Western philosophical confrontation, Aristotle's Categories in their Syriac and Arabic versions.1967-73 Assistent Professor, FUB, Berlin. Courses taught: Old Syriac, New
  • 2. 2 Aramaic dialects, Conversation in Classical Arabic, Aristotle's Categories in their Syriac and Arabic versions, Aristotle's Rhetoric in the Arabic version, Avicenna's Logic, according to the Kit_b a邸-if_' (in collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch) Problems of medieval philosophy in light of Jewish-Islamic sources (in collaboration with Professor Taubes), Readings from the Neusyrische Chrestomathie (compiled by Rudolf Macuch and Estiphan Panoussi), 1972-78 Associate Professor (D_ne邸y_r), University of Teheran, Iran. Courses taught: Biblical and Imperial Aramaic, Old Syriac, New Aramaic dialects, Middle Persian Ideographics and Ideograms, Persian from point of view of Indo-European Studies, Arabic from point of view of Semitic Studies, History of Persian culture, Introduction into the Classical Latin language for comparative Studies with Persian. 1978-81 Visiting Associate Professor, Middle East Center, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Courses taught: Introduction to the Semitic languages, Old Aramaic, Old Syriac, New Aramaic dialects, Directed readings in Biblical Aramaic, Directed reading in Syriac, Persian language and literature. 1981-89 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Old Languages, and since 1984 Chairman of the Italian Department, University of Teheran, Iran. Courses taught: Biblical Aramaic, Middle Persian Ideographics and Ideograms, Introduction to the Classical Latin language, Italian and Persian compared grammar. 1989-1992 Visiting Professor, Katholische Universit辰t Eichst辰tt, West Germany. Computer Research projects: 1: The first "Latin-Persian Dictionary", actual stand: over 10000 entries; 2: A Neo-Aramaic Senaya-Glossary, actual stand: over 400 pages. Courses taught: Arabic, Persian, Biblical Aramaic, Seminar: East-West philosophy: "Themendiskussion an Hand von Zitaten". 1992-2000 Senior Lecturer (Docent, 1994; Prof. 2000), G旦teborgs Universitet. Institutionen f旦r orientaliska spr奪k. Research: Continuation of previous projects; Courses taught: Different subjects in levels B, C and D). 1995 the Swedish HSFR (Humanistisk-Samh辰llsvetenskapliga Forskningsr奪det / Council for Research in the Humanities), has approved a three-year-project entitled "The Christian Senaya Dialect of Neo-Aramaic: Texts, Grammar and Dictionary" (In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wolfhart Heinrichs, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations). 1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, (NELC). 1998-1999 (ca. 2 months) Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Los Angeles. 2000-2002 Unpaid Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (NELC). Achieving field-work research on Neo-Aramaic dialects in and around L.A. Publications (in French, German and English): Neusyrische Chrestomathie [New Syriac Chrestomathy], Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244 pages (in collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch); "La notion de participation dans la philosophie d'Avicenne: Etudes historiques et doctrinales", Dissertation present辿e pour
  • 3. 3 l'obtention du grade du docteur en Philosophie. Louvain 1967, 327 pages; "La th辿osophie iranienne source d'Avicenne?", in Revue Philosophique de Louvian, 1968(66) pp. 239-266; "L'origine de la notion de participation chez Zoroastre et chez Platon", in Beitr辰ge zur Alten Geschichte und deren Nachleben, Festschrift f端r Franz Altheim zum 6.10.1969, Berlin 1969, pp. 91-114; "Some Annotations relating to the Arabic Version of Aristotle's Rhetoric(=AVAR)", in Studia semitica necnon iranica, Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, ediderunt Maria Macuch, Christa M端ller-Kessler et Bert G. Fragner, Wiesbaden 1989, pp. 195-200; "On the Senaya dialect", in Studies in Neo-Aramaic, edited by Wolfhart Heinrichs, (Harvard Semitic Studies), Atlanta 1990, pp. 107-129; "Ein vorl辰ufiges Verbglossar zum aussterbenden neuaram辰ischen Senaya-dialekt", in Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Volume LXV, Fasc. 3-4 (1991), Roma 1992, pp. 165-183; "The Arabic Version of Aristotle's Rhetoric (AVAR) and its Edition by `Abdurra_m_n Badaw_", in Semitica, Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata, curaverunt Riccardo Contini, Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti [e] Mauro Tosco, Torino 1993, pp. 201-211; "Abriss der Geschichte der Persischen Kirche", in Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburtstag, hrsg. v. Wolfhart Heinrichs und Gregor Schoeler, Bd 1. Semitische Studien. Unter Besonderer Ber端cksichtigung der S端dsemitistik, Beirut 1994, pp. 199-220; "The Unique Arabic Manuscript of Aristotle's Ars Rhetorica and its two Editions published to date by _Abdurra_m_n Badaw_ and by M[alcolm] C. Lyons" in Consciousness and Reality, Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu, edd. Sayyid Jal_l al-D_n _shtiy_n_ et al., Tokyo 1998, 233-250; "D_rab_ni Dialect Notes", Studia Iranica, Mesopotamica et Anatolica Institut of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Praha 1998, 179-182; " La Participation dans l'Oeuvre Logique d'Avicenne" in Mohaghegh Nama, supervised ba B. Khorramsh_h_ [and] J. Jah_nbakhsh, Tehran 2001, pp. 142-175 "Greek-Arabic glossary based upon the Aristotelian Ars Rhetorica", in manuscript form. Collaboration with other scholars: With Rudolf Kassel, Der Text der Aristotelischen Rhetorik, 1971, pp. 88-90 mentioning my Arabic-German translations as a contribution to his work. With Rudolf Macuch: Neusyrische Chrestomathie [New Syriac Chrestomathy], Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244 pages. With M. C. Lyons, Ars Rhetorica, The Arabic Version, A New Edition, with Commentary and Glossary, Volume I, Cambridge 1982, s. the sigla-page mentioning my contribution for his work. And many Papers in Congresses and Universities. Publications (in Farsi): More than 20 articles and three monographies, e.g. "Falsafa-ye 邸arq_-ye Ebn-e S_n_", [The Oriental Philosophy of Avicenna], in Mahdaw_-n_meh, Teheran 1999, 293-305. The most recent book: Ger_ye邸h_-ye _elm_ wa-farhang_ dar _r_n, az hax_mane邸_ t_ p_y_n-e _afaw_yeh, Teheran 2004. Honors: Inclusion a. o. in: Men of Achivement, [American Biographical Institute], Cambridge 19872 . Who's Who of Intellectuals, [American Biographical Institute], 19877 . Five Thousand Personalities of the World, Appendix, [American Biographical Institute], Chelsea 19902 .
  • 4. 4 Cultural and Linguistic Backgroud Of Dr. Estiphan Panoussi Adjunct Instructor at AVC And The Proud Father of Mike and Tony The owners of the VIP-CAR WASH (661-945-5000 / 661-480-3646).)1 1) Ancient Greek (only for research purposes. Having studied Greek for Philosophy and Comparative linguistics). 2) Latin (Having studied Philosophy in Latin language for three years and spoken it as it was habitual in Vatican' University Pontificia Universitas De Propaganda Fide, and having taught it at the University of Tehran/ Iran, for more than 15 years). 3) Italian (Having studied it in Italy for four years and taught it as head of the Italian Department at the University of Tehran, for five yars). 4) French (Having lived in Belgium for four years and passed two Ph.D.s in philosophy at the Catholique University of Louvain, French section, Belgium). 5) German (Having studied in T端bingen for three years, and taught philosophy and oriental languages at the Universities Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, Eichst辰tt, all in Germany, for more than 12 years). 6) Swedish (Having taught for 8 years all levels of Arabic and related subjects form 1992-2000 at the University of Gothenburg / Sweden from 1992 to 2000). 7) English (Having studied it and learned it throughout his academic career, and published in it, as well as used it in his teaching at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, for 3 years, and at AVC since 2002). 8) Biblical Aramaic (Having studied it in Germany and taught it at several universities, especially at the University of Tehran / Iran, ca. 15 years). 9) Biblical Hebrew (Only for research purposes, having studied it in Germany as one of the Semitic languages). 10) Middle Aramaic. East and West Syriac. (Having learned it in Iraq since High School, for three years, and studied it later also academically at the universities of Louvain, Belgium, and Tuebingen, Germany, and finally taught it at universities of Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, and Eichstaett, all in Germany, at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, and at the university of Tehran, Iran, more than 12 years). 11) New Aramaic dialects (Chaldean and Assyrian). Having spoken them, made research on them and taught them in Germany, Tehran and Gothenburg (Koine / Urme_n_ya, Senaya (as the mother tongue), some of Chaldaean dialects, Christian 1 Students of Dr. E. Panoussi may get some discount for the services on the above business (Just talk to the respective manager in those businesses about this discount).
  • 5. 5 dialects in Irak, and Le邸_n_ h_lawl_, being the Jewish Neo-Aramaic of Sena). 12) Middle Persian (Only for research purposes. Having studied it for Comparative linguistics). 13) Farsi (/Modern Persian) (Having taught it at some universities in Germany, Salt Lake City and published in it many books and articles). 14) Kurdish (Having spoken it as a child). 15) Arabic (Having learned it for three years in Irak and studied it linguistically in the Western Universities, in Belgium and Germany, and taught it at the universities of Giessen, Marburg, Berlin, Eichst辰tt (all in Germany), Tehran/Iran, and finally, as full professor for Arabic in levels A, B, C, and D, in Gothenburg/Swedem 1992-2000). 16) In 2007 started to autodidactically learn Spanish (the 2nd language in Southern California)2 A list of some of my publications in different languages, synoptically exposed . Synoptical Exposition of a Part of Publications Made in French German English Farsi Wiesbaden 1974 [New Syriac Chrestomathy] Neusyrische Chrestomathie, Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244 pages (in collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch). Wiesbaden 1974, xxix and 244 pages (in collaboration with Professor Rudolf Macuch). + Tehran 1974 ["Erroneous Publication of the Arabic Manuscript of Aristotle's Ars Rhetoric by `Abdulra_m_n Badaw_"] "Dar b_r辰-ye n_ras'_h_-ye __p-e dastnew_s-e xe__b辰-ye Aras__ be-`arab_ az _araf-e `Abdolra_m_n-e Badaw_", in + 2 For being tutored or taught by Dr. Estiphan Panoussi in some of the above listed languages, write to <epanoussi@avc.edu>
  • 6. 6 Revue de la Facult辿 des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Universit辿 de Teh辿ran, N0 2 & 3, 1975, pp. 145-180 [This article was honored with a prize awarded by the queen for the best scientific article in the Human Sciences of the University of Teheran in 1975.] Tehran 1977 ["Dissimilation of /dd/ into /nd/ in Other Languages and in Persian"] "Tabd_l-e d_ hamxw _n-e /dd/ be-/nd/ dar zab_nh_-ye d_gar wa-dar zab_n-e f_rs_", in Revue de la Facult辿 des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Universit辿 de Teh辿ran, No 4, Teheran 1977, pp. 42-47. + Tehran 1978 [The Influence of the Persian Culture and World View upon Plato] Ta'__r-e farhang wa-_ah_nb_n_-ye _r_n_ bar Afl___n, (The Influence of the Persian Culture and World View upon Plato), Theran 1978, viii and 139 pages. + Tehran 1978 ["The Assyrians in Iran"] "As_r_y_n-e _r_n", in Encyclopedia of Iran and Islam, edited by E_s_n Y_r邸__er, Teheran 1978, pp. 271-277. +
  • 7. 7 Synoptical Exposition of a Part of Publications Made in French German English Farsi Wiesbaden 1989 "Some Annotations relating to the Arabic Version of Aristotle's Rhetoric(=AVAR)", in Studia semitica necnon iranica, Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, ediderunt Maria Macuch, Christa M端ller-Kessler et Bert G. Fragner, Wiesbaden 1989, pp. 195-200. + Tehran 1989 ["Oriental Influences in the Greek Philosophy"] "Ta`__r_t-e 邸arq_ dar falsaf辰-ye y_n_n_, in Farhang, No 4-5, Tehran 1989, pp. 345-362. + Atlanta 1990 "On the Senaya dialect", in Studies in Neo-Aramaic, edited by Wolfhart Heinrichs, (Harvard Semitic Studies), Atlanta 1990, pp. 107-129. + Roma 1992 ["A Temporary Verb Glossary from the Moribund Neo-Aramaic Dialect Senaya" ] "Ein vorl辰ufiges Verbglossar zum aussterbenden neuaram辰ischen Senaya-dialekt", in +
  • 8. 8 Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Volume LXV, Fasc. 3-4 (1991), Roma 1992, pp. 165-183. Torino 1993 "The Arabic Version of Aristotle's Rhetoric (AVAR) and its Edition by `Abdurra_m_n Badaw_," in Semitica, Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata, curaverunt Riccardo Contini, Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti [e] Mauro Tosco, Torino 1993, pp. 201-211. + Beirut 1994 ["An Outline of the History of the Persian Church"] "Abriss der Geschichte der Persischen Kirche", in Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburtstag, hrsg. v. Wolfhart Heinrichs und Gregor Schoeler, Bd 1. Semitische Studien. Unter Besonderer Ber端cksichtigung der S端dsemitistik, Beirut 1994, pp. 199-220. + Tokyo 1998 "The Unique Arabic Manuscript of Aristotle's Ars Rhetorica and its two Editions published to date by _Abdurra_m_n Badaw_ and by M[alcolm] C. Lyons" in Consciousness and Reality, Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu,edd. Sayyid Jal_l al-D_n _shtiy_n_ et al., Tokyo 1998, 233-250. + Praha 1998 "D_rab_ni Dialect Notes", +
  • 9. 9 in Studia Iranica, Mesopotamica et Anatolica Institut of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Praha 1998, 179-182. Tehran 1999 ["The Oriental Philosophy of Avicenna"] "Falsafa-ye 邸arq_-ye Ebn-e S_n_", in Mahdaw_-n_meh, Teheran 1999, 293-305. + Tehran 2001 ["The Participation in the Logic of Avicenna"] "La Participation dans l'Oeuvre Logique d'Avicenne" in Mohaghegh Nama, supervised ba B. Khorramsh_h_ [and] J. Jah_nbakhsh, Tehran 2001, pp. 142-175 + Tehran 2002 [The Influence of the Persian Culture and World View upon Plato. Second Edition] Ta'__r-e farhang wa-_ah_nb_n_-ye _r_n_ bar Afl___n, Theran 20022 , vii and 139 pages. + Tehran 2004 [Scientific and Cultural Trends in Iran, From Achaemenids until the End of Safavids] Ger_ye邸h_-ye _elm_ wa-farhang_ dar _r_n, az hax_mane邸_ t_ p_y_n-e _afaw_yeh, Teheran 2004. +
  • 10. 10