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958 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison: August 27, 1989
Major: Hebrew and Semitic Studies (Hebrew Bible, Semitic Languages)
Minor: Greek and Classics
Dissertation: Eschatology in the Septuagint of Isaiah
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison: December 22, 1985
Major: Hebrew and Semitic Studies
M.Div., Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN: May 28, 1977
Major: New Testament
B.A., Bethel College, St. Paul, MN: May 27, 1973
Major: Speech
Minors: Applied Speech, Biblical Studies
Languages: Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Syriac, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Canaanite dialects, Latin,
French, German.
Curricular areas: Hebrew Bible, Semitic languages, Greek, Hellenistic religions and
philosophy, Jewish Hellenistic literature (including Qumran), and early Christian literature.
Academic Career
Appointments at the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison
Professor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: July 1, 2014.
Associate Professor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: July, 2011-June, 2014.
Graduate Advisor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: January, 2011-June, 2013
Distinguished Lecturer, Hebrew and Semitic Studies and the Religious Studies Program:
Senior Lecturer, Hebrew and Semitic Studies and the Religious Studies Program: 2002-2005.
Lecturer, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: 1991-2001
Lecturer, Religious Studies Program: 1998-2001.
Coordinator of Undergraduate Education, The Religious Studies Program, 2008-2010.
Undergraduate Advisor, the Religious Studies Program, 2002-2007.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, University of Wisconsin-
Madison: 1983-1987
Research and Publication
Work published/forthcoming
Joel: Scope, Genres, and Meaning. Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible. Winona Lake, IN:
Eisenbrauns, 2015.
Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley Academic
Publishers, 2012.
Ronald L. Troxel p. 2
LXX-Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation: The Strategies of the Translator of the
Septuagint of Isaiah. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008. (N.B. this book was the subject of a two-
and-a-half hour panel review at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in
Boston, November, 2008.)
Seeking out the Wisdom of the Ancients (Fs. Michael V. Fox). Lead editor, with Kelvin
Friebel and Dennis Magary. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2005.
"Critical Edition as Commentary." VT, forthcoming.
"What is the 'Text' in Textual Criticism?" VT, forthcoming.
"Prophecy in the Ancient World." In The Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean
Religions, forthcoming.
"The Fate of Joel in the Redaction of the Twelve." Currents in Biblical Research 13:2
(2015), 152-174.
Co-authorship with Leonard J. Greenspoon, Hugh G. M. Williamson, Florian Wilk, Rodrigo
F. de Sousa, and J. Ross Wagner, "Interpreting the Sealed Book," Journal of Septuagint
and Cognate Studies 47 (2014) 17-47. Based on a panel discussion of Wagner's Reading
the Sealed Book (Baylor, 2014).
"Confirming Coherence in Joel 3 with Cognitive Grammar." Zeitschrift f¨¹r die
alttestamentiliche Wissenschaft 125 (2013), 578-592.
"The Problem of Time in the Book of Joel." Journal of Biblical Literature 132.1 (2013), 77-
"The Use of boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah." In The Old Greek of Isaiah: Issues and Perspectives,
edited by Arie van der Kooij and Michael van der Meer. Leuven: Peeters, 2010.
"What's in a Name? Contemporization and Toponyms in LXX-Isa." In Seeking out the
Wisdom of the Ancients (see above).
"Isaiah 7:14-16 through the Eyes of the Septuagint." Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
79 (2003), 1-19.
"Economic Plunder as a Leitmotif in LXX-Isaiah." Biblica 83:3 (2002), 375-91.
"Matthew 27.51-54 Reconsidered: Its Role in the Passion Narrative, Meaning, and Origin."
New Testament Studies 48:1 (2002), 30-47.
"Exegesis and Theology in the LXX: Isaiah v 26-30." Vetus Testamentum 43 (1993), 102-11.
" 1Esxatoj and Eschatology in LXX-Isa." Bulletin of the International Organization for
Septuagint and Cognate Studies 25 (1992), 18-27.
Frank Shaw, The Earliest Non-Mystical Jewish Use of ¦©¦Á¦Ø (Peeters, 2015). Henoch,
Timothy M. Law, When God Spoke Greek (Oxford, 2013). Interpretation, forthcoming.
Ross Wagner, Reading the Sealed Book (Mohr Siebeck, 2014). Theologische
Literaturzeitung, forthcoming.
Ronald L. Troxel p. 3
John J. Collins, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Fortress). Hebrew Studies 46 (2005).
Joseph Blenkinsopp, Isaiah 40-55: A New Translation With Introduction And Commentary.
Hebrew Studies 44 (2003), 257-261.
Israel Knohl, The Messiah before Jesus. Hebrew Studies 42 (2001), 367-71.
Research and Writing in Progress
Current book project: I have accepted editorship of Isaiah 1-39 in The Hebrew Bible: A
Critical Edition, Scholars Press (formerly The Oxford Hebrew Bible).
Papers presented
"What is a Text?" In joint session: "Philology of the Hebrew Bible" and "Textual Criticism of
the Hebrew Bible." Annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature,
Atlanta, November, 2015.
"Commenting on Joel." In the "Use, Influence, and Impact of the Bible" section at the annual
North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November, 2014.
Invited participant in a panel review of J. Ross Wagner, Reading the Sealed Book. In the
"Septuagint and Cognate Literature" section at the annual North American meeting of the
Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, November, 2013.
"Eschatology in the Book of Joel." International Organization for Study of the Old
Testament, Munich, August 4-9, 2013.
"Kol haqqore': An Alleged Discontinuity between Joel 1-2 and 3." In the "Israelite Prophetic
Literature" section at the annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical
Literature, Chicago, November, 2012.
"wehayah + Preposed Phrase + yiqtol as a Schematic Unit." In the Cognitive Linguistics in
Biblical Interpretation section at the North American meeting of the Society of Biblical
Literature, Chicago, November, 2012.
"Joel and His Story." In the "Israelite Prophetic Literature" section at the international
meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, July, 2012.
"The Problem of Time in the Book of Joel." The Book of the Twelve section at the annual
meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Atlanta, November, 2010.
Panel review of my book, LXX-Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation, in a joint session of
the Greek Bible Consultation and the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate
Studies, at the SBL annual meeting, Boston, 2008.
"The Use of boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah," a paper I was invited to present at a conference on the
Septuagint of Isaiah at Leiden University, The Netherlands, April 10-11, 2008.
"Boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah." Joint session: the Greek Bible Consultation and the International
Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2007.
"Contemporization or Fulfillment-Interpretation?" International Organization for Septuagint
and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, Washington, 2006.
"Antiochus IV and the Tyrant of Isaiah 14:18-20." International Organization for Septuagint
and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2005.
Ronald L. Troxel p. 4
"What's in a Name? Contemporization and Toponyms in LXX-Isa ." Combined session:
IOSCS and Hellenistic Judaism. SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2004.
"Matthew 27.51-54: Whence Did Matthew¡¯s Saints Appear?" Matthew section. SBL Annual
Meeting, Denver, 2001.
"Web Resources for Studying Biblical Hebrew." National Association of Professors of
Hebrew section, SBL annual meeting, Boston, 1999.
Service to the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chair, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: January, 2011-June, 2014.
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, January 2011 to
January, 2014.
Member of the faculty steering committee for The Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic
Religions, fall, 2010 through present.
Member of the budget committee of the Jewish Studies Program, , 2012.
Member of the scholarships committee of the Jewish Studies Program, since fall, 2012.
Member of the executive committee for the Center for Jewish Studies, since fall, 2010.
Member of the Middle East Studies Program, since fall, 2012.
Coordinator for the Van Hise Chairs, fall, 2012.
Panel member for undergraduates considering graduate studies in the languages, sponsored by
the Language Institute, April 10, 2013.
Guest speaker in Professor Rachel F. Brenner's class, "Zionism: Thought, Culture, Literature,"
September 11, 2013; September 10, 2014.
Guest speaker in Professor Jeremy Hutton's graduate seminar on Translation Theory, April 2,
Presentation at World Languages Day, November, 2012; November, 2011.
Dissertation advisor for Aaron West, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies,
September, 2014 to present.
Dissertation advisor for Lance Hawley, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies,
December 2013 to present.
Dissertation advisor for Elizabeth Currier, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies,
January 2011 to present.
Dissertation advisor for Jason T. Micheli, Ph.D., Hebrew and Semitic Studies. Completed
August 13, 2014.
Dissertation defense committee for Emmylou Grosser, June 6, 2013.
Dissertation defense committee for Eric Tully, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, May, 2012.
Dissertation defense committee for Kevin Chau, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, December,
Undergraduate advisor for the Religious Studies Program, fall, 2002-fall, 2010.
Member of the undergraduate education committee of the Jewish Studies Program, 2008 to
Ronald L. Troxel p. 5
Chair, Committee for Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Hebrew and
Semitic Studies, fall, 2004 ¨C spring, 2006.
Participation in constructing and grading M.A. and Ph.D. qualifying exams for Hebrew and
Semitic Studies.
I was a reader for the dissertation defenses of Dr. Charles Yu (2010), Dr. Timothy Mackey
(2009), and Dr. Changhak Hyun (2001), Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, August,
2010. I am serving on the dissertation committee for Mr, Charles Disantis, a Ph.D. candidate
in the Department of History.
I have guided the work of undergraduate students conducting independent research/theses in
Hebrew and Semitic Studies and Religious Studies.
Member of the Steering Committee, Religious Studies Program 1999-2001. In this capacity I
helped formulate the undergraduate major instituted fall semester, 2001.
Advisor to students fulfilling requirements for the certificate in Religious Studies or pursuing
an individual major in Religious Studies.
I have met with donors to the Religious Studies program.
I served on the selection committee for the L&S Advising Awards (spring, 2010).
I served on the selection committee for the Chancellor's Hilldale Award for Excellence in
Teaching, 2005, 2006, 2007.
Presentation at a Religious Studies faculty colloquium (10/2000): "Matthew 27.51-54: The
Embarrassment of Premature Resurrection."
Public Service
I was a guest speaker for a class on the Bible in the English department of West High School,
Madison, WI. September 30, 2013; February 18, 2014.
I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°Nostalgia and Hope: David in the Latter Prophets,¡± for
the Greenfield Institute (July, 2012), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish
I taught a session on the narrative of the flood (Genesis 6-9) at Second Baptist Church,
Madison, WI, on October 23, 2011.
I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°Is It Possible to Go Home Again? Exiles and Return in
Isaiah 40-55,¡± for the Greenfield Institute (July, 2010), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein
Center for Jewish Studies.
I delivered a public lecture entitled, "The Septuagint as a Product of Alexandrian 'Print
Culture'," at the Religion in Print Symposium (April 10, 2009), co-sponsored by the Center
for the History of Print Culture, the Print Culture Society, the UW Libraries, the Religious
Studies Program, the School of Library and Information Studies, and the Friends of the
Libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°¡®Israel¡¯ as Identity and Entitlement,¡± for the Greenfield
Institute (July, 2007), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies.
I was a participant in a study through the Wabash Center, Indianapolis, IN, funded by the Lily
Foundation and conducted by Prof. Barbara Walvoord of the University of Notre Dame:
Ronald L. Troxel p. 6
"Teaching Introductory Theology and Religion: Lessons from the Practices of 50
Outstanding Teachers." Fall, 2004. Data gathered from my students and observations of my
teaching are featured as a case study (under the name "Professor Sorrel") in Barbara
Walvoord, Teaching and Learning in College Introductory Religion Courses (Blackwell,
2007). August 1-3, 2005 I attended a follow-up conference of participants in the study, held
in Indianapolis. I also helped make plans to disseminate the findings of this study as a
member of a task force that met in Indianapolis on the weekend of September 28-30, 2007.
I offered a critique of Mel Gibson¡¯s movie, "The Passion of the Christ," in the following
venues: 1) Interview on "Live at Five," WISC, 2/23/04; 2) interview on WKOW news,
following Dianne Sawyer¡¯s interview of Gibson, 2/15/04; 3) call in program on WPR, 6-7
p.m., 2/25/04; 4) 700 word op-ed column in the Capital Times, 2/23/04; 5) interviews in the
Wisconsin State Journal (2/25/04) and the Appleton Post-Crescent (2/23/04); 6) participant
in a panel discussion sponsored by Religious Studies on Wednesday, 3/24/04.
I recorded a series of three hour-long programs for "University of the Air," produced by
Wisconsin Public Radio: 1) The development of Judaism in the Persian and early Hellenistic
eras; 2) Developments within Judaism from the second century B.C.E. through the first
century C.E.; 3) The early Christian movement¡¯s depiction of Jesus as a first century Jewish
figure. June, 2002.
Interview with WISC-TV news (CBS affiliate in Madison) on Today¡¯s New International
Version, discussing "inclusive language" translations. April, 2002.
I provided commentary on the documentary, From Jesus to Christ, during the pledge drive
breaks on WHA TV (public TV) in Madison. March, 1999.
I taught a four week series comparing the Deuteronomistic History and Chronicles, as well as a
four week series on Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, during the 1998 Senior Summer
School program, held in university housing.
I gave an eight week series of two lectures per week on the topic, "Faith and Skepticism in the
Hebrew Bible," during the 1997 Senior Summer School program, held in university housing.
I delivered an eight week series of lectures on "Israel¡¯s Prophets as Reformers and Futurists"
during the 1996 Senior Summer School program, held in university housing.
I taught a six week series on the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha during the 1995 Chautauqua
program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
A lecture in the 1994 Chautauqua program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: "Torah-
True/Sola Scriptura: The Role and Interpretation of the Bible in Judaism and Christianity."
I have taught classes in Madison area churches, addressing topics such as, "The Bible and
Homosexuality," "Christian Fundamentalism," and "Judaism."
Service to the Academy
Collaboration with G?ran Eidevall, Uppsala University, organizing a section on the "Book of
the Twelve" at the meeting of the International Organization for Study of the Old Testament,
Munich, August 4-9, 2013.
Referee for a manuscript submitted for publication in a book series: The Earliest Non-mystical
Jewish Use of Iaw; April, 2013.
Ronald L. Troxel p. 7
Outside reviewer of a book proposal for Blackwell Publishing. Winter, 2013.	
Reviewer of the record of an Associate Professor under consideration for hire at Duke
University Divinity School. February, 2013.
Invited reviewer of a research proposal by Professor Ken Penner (St. Francis Xavier
University) for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. February,
I served as moderator of "Miqra," an email discussion list for Hebrew Bible scholars,
sponsored by the SBL.
I was co-chair of a steering committee for a group exploring the topic of "Biblical Scholarship
beyond Academia." In this capacity I organized and moderated sessions at annual meetings
of the SBL.
I organized and presided over a special session at the 1998 annual meeting of the SBL,
exploring issues affecting biblical scholars employed outside academia.
I served as a reader for the SBL dissertation monograph series, published by Scholars Press,
and have helped assess candidates for awards given by the Midwest regional SBL chapter.
Courses taught at the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison
First Year Biblical Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 103 & 104)
Biblical Narrative Texts, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 323 & 324)
Biblical Poetic Texts, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 513 & 514)
Introduction to Syriac Language and Literature (Hebrew Studies 605 & 606)
Advanced Hebrew Grammar and Composition (Hebrew Studies 623)
Pentateuchal Narratives, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 634)
Pentateuchal Legal Codes, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 635)
The Book of Ezekiel, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 641 & 642)
The Book of Isaiah, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 651 & 652)
The Book of Job, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 653 & 654)
Introduction to Biblical Literature, in English (Hebrew Studies 217/Religious Studies
227/Jewish Studies 227/Lit Trans 227) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site:
Prophets of the Bible, in English (Hebrew Studies 323/Religious Studies 323/Jewish Studies
323) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/
Jewish Literature of the Greco-Roman Age (Hebrew Studies 346/Jewish Studies 346
/Religious Studies 346) (taught using PowerPoint; online syllabus available at
Ronald L. Troxel p. 8
History-telling in the Bible (Hebrew Studies 371) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web
site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/history/index.html)
Graduate seminar in Jewish Hellenistic Literature (Hebrew Studies 951)
Graduate seminar in The Book of the Twelve (Hebrew Studies 951)
Graduate seminar in Philology and Textual Criticism (Classical and ANE Studies 951)
Early Christian Literature: Matthew¨CRevelation (Religious Studies 333) (taught using
PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/NTIntro/index.html)
The Gospels (Religious Studies 472) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site:
http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/gospels/index. html)
Pauline Christianity (Religious Studies 361) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site:
The New Testament and Christian Origins (Religious Studies 400 [topics]) (taught using
Awards and Grants
Graduate student PA funding, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2015-16.
2/9 summer salary from the UW-Madison Graduate School research committee, 2011.
Engage Impact Award, 2010. I received funding from DoIT to purchase Dragon Naturally
Speaking software for my TAs to use in grading assignments for Prophets of the Bible.
Honored Instructor Award, from University Housing and the Chadbourne Residential College,
the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison (fall, 2009)
Letters and Sciences Academic Advising Award, $3,000 (2009)
Honored Instructor Award, from the Panhellenic Association, the University of Wisconsin¨C
Madison (fall, 2009)
Professional development grant from L&S (fall, 2008).
The Chancellor¡¯s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching, $5,000 (2004)
A web-site development grant from DoIT (1998)
A full-year research fellowship, awarded by the graduate school of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (1987-88)
The Mansoor Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement, awarded by the Wisconsin
Society for Jewish Learning (1986)
Departmental award for the best graduate research paper of the year (1985)
Six scholarships from the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, awarded at various times
during my graduate studies

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S620 heremeneutics slides week 1
S Meyer


  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE: RONALD L. TROXEL 958 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr. Madison, WI 53706 rltroxel@wisc.edu Education Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison: August 27, 1989 Major: Hebrew and Semitic Studies (Hebrew Bible, Semitic Languages) Minor: Greek and Classics Dissertation: Eschatology in the Septuagint of Isaiah M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison: December 22, 1985 Major: Hebrew and Semitic Studies M.Div., Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN: May 28, 1977 Major: New Testament B.A., Bethel College, St. Paul, MN: May 27, 1973 Major: Speech Minors: Applied Speech, Biblical Studies Languages: Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Syriac, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Canaanite dialects, Latin, French, German. Curricular areas: Hebrew Bible, Semitic languages, Greek, Hellenistic religions and philosophy, Jewish Hellenistic literature (including Qumran), and early Christian literature. Academic Career Appointments at the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison Professor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: July 1, 2014. Associate Professor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: July, 2011-June, 2014. Graduate Advisor, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: January, 2011-June, 2013 Distinguished Lecturer, Hebrew and Semitic Studies and the Religious Studies Program: 2006-2010. Senior Lecturer, Hebrew and Semitic Studies and the Religious Studies Program: 2002-2005. Lecturer, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: 1991-2001 Lecturer, Religious Studies Program: 1998-2001. Coordinator of Undergraduate Education, The Religious Studies Program, 2008-2010. Undergraduate Advisor, the Religious Studies Program, 2002-2007. Teaching Assistant, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison: 1983-1987 Research and Publication Work published/forthcoming BOOKS Joel: Scope, Genres, and Meaning. Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015. Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley Academic Publishers, 2012.
  • 2. Ronald L. Troxel p. 2 LXX-Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation: The Strategies of the Translator of the Septuagint of Isaiah. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008. (N.B. this book was the subject of a two- and-a-half hour panel review at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Boston, November, 2008.) Seeking out the Wisdom of the Ancients (Fs. Michael V. Fox). Lead editor, with Kelvin Friebel and Dennis Magary. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2005. ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS "Critical Edition as Commentary." VT, forthcoming. "What is the 'Text' in Textual Criticism?" VT, forthcoming. "Prophecy in the Ancient World." In The Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, forthcoming. "The Fate of Joel in the Redaction of the Twelve." Currents in Biblical Research 13:2 (2015), 152-174. Co-authorship with Leonard J. Greenspoon, Hugh G. M. Williamson, Florian Wilk, Rodrigo F. de Sousa, and J. Ross Wagner, "Interpreting the Sealed Book," Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 47 (2014) 17-47. Based on a panel discussion of Wagner's Reading the Sealed Book (Baylor, 2014). "Confirming Coherence in Joel 3 with Cognitive Grammar." Zeitschrift f¨¹r die alttestamentiliche Wissenschaft 125 (2013), 578-592. "The Problem of Time in the Book of Joel." Journal of Biblical Literature 132.1 (2013), 77- 95. "The Use of boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah." In The Old Greek of Isaiah: Issues and Perspectives, edited by Arie van der Kooij and Michael van der Meer. Leuven: Peeters, 2010. "What's in a Name? Contemporization and Toponyms in LXX-Isa." In Seeking out the Wisdom of the Ancients (see above). "Isaiah 7:14-16 through the Eyes of the Septuagint." Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 79 (2003), 1-19. "Economic Plunder as a Leitmotif in LXX-Isaiah." Biblica 83:3 (2002), 375-91. "Matthew 27.51-54 Reconsidered: Its Role in the Passion Narrative, Meaning, and Origin." New Testament Studies 48:1 (2002), 30-47. "Exegesis and Theology in the LXX: Isaiah v 26-30." Vetus Testamentum 43 (1993), 102-11. " 1Esxatoj and Eschatology in LXX-Isa." Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 25 (1992), 18-27. BOOK REVIEWS Frank Shaw, The Earliest Non-Mystical Jewish Use of ¦©¦Á¦Ø (Peeters, 2015). Henoch, forthcoming. Timothy M. Law, When God Spoke Greek (Oxford, 2013). Interpretation, forthcoming. Ross Wagner, Reading the Sealed Book (Mohr Siebeck, 2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung, forthcoming.
  • 3. Ronald L. Troxel p. 3 John J. Collins, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Fortress). Hebrew Studies 46 (2005). Joseph Blenkinsopp, Isaiah 40-55: A New Translation With Introduction And Commentary. Hebrew Studies 44 (2003), 257-261. Israel Knohl, The Messiah before Jesus. Hebrew Studies 42 (2001), 367-71. Research and Writing in Progress Current book project: I have accepted editorship of Isaiah 1-39 in The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition, Scholars Press (formerly The Oxford Hebrew Bible). http://ohb.berkeley.edu Papers presented "What is a Text?" In joint session: "Philology of the Hebrew Bible" and "Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible." Annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November, 2015. "Commenting on Joel." In the "Use, Influence, and Impact of the Bible" section at the annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November, 2014. Invited participant in a panel review of J. Ross Wagner, Reading the Sealed Book. In the "Septuagint and Cognate Literature" section at the annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, November, 2013. "Eschatology in the Book of Joel." International Organization for Study of the Old Testament, Munich, August 4-9, 2013. "Kol haqqore': An Alleged Discontinuity between Joel 1-2 and 3." In the "Israelite Prophetic Literature" section at the annual North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November, 2012. "wehayah + Preposed Phrase + yiqtol as a Schematic Unit." In the Cognitive Linguistics in Biblical Interpretation section at the North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November, 2012. "Joel and His Story." In the "Israelite Prophetic Literature" section at the international meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, July, 2012. "The Problem of Time in the Book of Joel." The Book of the Twelve section at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Atlanta, November, 2010. Panel review of my book, LXX-Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation, in a joint session of the Greek Bible Consultation and the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, at the SBL annual meeting, Boston, 2008. "The Use of boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah," a paper I was invited to present at a conference on the Septuagint of Isaiah at Leiden University, The Netherlands, April 10-11, 2008. "Boulh/ in LXX-Isaiah." Joint session: the Greek Bible Consultation and the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2007. "Contemporization or Fulfillment-Interpretation?" International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, Washington, 2006. "Antiochus IV and the Tyrant of Isaiah 14:18-20." International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. SBL Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2005.
  • 4. Ronald L. Troxel p. 4 "What's in a Name? Contemporization and Toponyms in LXX-Isa ." Combined session: IOSCS and Hellenistic Judaism. SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2004. "Matthew 27.51-54: Whence Did Matthew¡¯s Saints Appear?" Matthew section. SBL Annual Meeting, Denver, 2001. "Web Resources for Studying Biblical Hebrew." National Association of Professors of Hebrew section, SBL annual meeting, Boston, 1999. Service to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chair, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies: January, 2011-June, 2014. Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, January 2011 to January, 2014. Member of the faculty steering committee for The Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Religions, fall, 2010 through present. Member of the budget committee of the Jewish Studies Program, , 2012. Member of the scholarships committee of the Jewish Studies Program, since fall, 2012. Member of the executive committee for the Center for Jewish Studies, since fall, 2010. Member of the Middle East Studies Program, since fall, 2012. Coordinator for the Van Hise Chairs, fall, 2012. Panel member for undergraduates considering graduate studies in the languages, sponsored by the Language Institute, April 10, 2013. Guest speaker in Professor Rachel F. Brenner's class, "Zionism: Thought, Culture, Literature," September 11, 2013; September 10, 2014. Guest speaker in Professor Jeremy Hutton's graduate seminar on Translation Theory, April 2, 2013. Presentation at World Languages Day, November, 2012; November, 2011. Dissertation advisor for Aaron West, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, September, 2014 to present. Dissertation advisor for Lance Hawley, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, December 2013 to present. Dissertation advisor for Elizabeth Currier, Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, January 2011 to present. Dissertation advisor for Jason T. Micheli, Ph.D., Hebrew and Semitic Studies. Completed August 13, 2014. Dissertation defense committee for Emmylou Grosser, June 6, 2013. Dissertation defense committee for Eric Tully, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, May, 2012. Dissertation defense committee for Kevin Chau, Hebrew and Semitic Studies, December, 2011. Undergraduate advisor for the Religious Studies Program, fall, 2002-fall, 2010. Member of the undergraduate education committee of the Jewish Studies Program, 2008 to 2011.
  • 5. Ronald L. Troxel p. 5 Chair, Committee for Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, fall, 2004 ¨C spring, 2006. Participation in constructing and grading M.A. and Ph.D. qualifying exams for Hebrew and Semitic Studies. I was a reader for the dissertation defenses of Dr. Charles Yu (2010), Dr. Timothy Mackey (2009), and Dr. Changhak Hyun (2001), Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, August, 2010. I am serving on the dissertation committee for Mr, Charles Disantis, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History. I have guided the work of undergraduate students conducting independent research/theses in Hebrew and Semitic Studies and Religious Studies. Member of the Steering Committee, Religious Studies Program 1999-2001. In this capacity I helped formulate the undergraduate major instituted fall semester, 2001. Advisor to students fulfilling requirements for the certificate in Religious Studies or pursuing an individual major in Religious Studies. I have met with donors to the Religious Studies program. I served on the selection committee for the L&S Advising Awards (spring, 2010). I served on the selection committee for the Chancellor's Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2005, 2006, 2007. Presentation at a Religious Studies faculty colloquium (10/2000): "Matthew 27.51-54: The Embarrassment of Premature Resurrection." Public Service I was a guest speaker for a class on the Bible in the English department of West High School, Madison, WI. September 30, 2013; February 18, 2014. I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°Nostalgia and Hope: David in the Latter Prophets,¡± for the Greenfield Institute (July, 2012), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies. I taught a session on the narrative of the flood (Genesis 6-9) at Second Baptist Church, Madison, WI, on October 23, 2011. I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°Is It Possible to Go Home Again? Exiles and Return in Isaiah 40-55,¡± for the Greenfield Institute (July, 2010), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies. I delivered a public lecture entitled, "The Septuagint as a Product of Alexandrian 'Print Culture'," at the Religion in Print Symposium (April 10, 2009), co-sponsored by the Center for the History of Print Culture, the Print Culture Society, the UW Libraries, the Religious Studies Program, the School of Library and Information Studies, and the Friends of the Libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I delivered a public lecture entitled, ¡°¡®Israel¡¯ as Identity and Entitlement,¡± for the Greenfield Institute (July, 2007), sponsored by the Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies. I was a participant in a study through the Wabash Center, Indianapolis, IN, funded by the Lily Foundation and conducted by Prof. Barbara Walvoord of the University of Notre Dame:
  • 6. Ronald L. Troxel p. 6 "Teaching Introductory Theology and Religion: Lessons from the Practices of 50 Outstanding Teachers." Fall, 2004. Data gathered from my students and observations of my teaching are featured as a case study (under the name "Professor Sorrel") in Barbara Walvoord, Teaching and Learning in College Introductory Religion Courses (Blackwell, 2007). August 1-3, 2005 I attended a follow-up conference of participants in the study, held in Indianapolis. I also helped make plans to disseminate the findings of this study as a member of a task force that met in Indianapolis on the weekend of September 28-30, 2007. I offered a critique of Mel Gibson¡¯s movie, "The Passion of the Christ," in the following venues: 1) Interview on "Live at Five," WISC, 2/23/04; 2) interview on WKOW news, following Dianne Sawyer¡¯s interview of Gibson, 2/15/04; 3) call in program on WPR, 6-7 p.m., 2/25/04; 4) 700 word op-ed column in the Capital Times, 2/23/04; 5) interviews in the Wisconsin State Journal (2/25/04) and the Appleton Post-Crescent (2/23/04); 6) participant in a panel discussion sponsored by Religious Studies on Wednesday, 3/24/04. I recorded a series of three hour-long programs for "University of the Air," produced by Wisconsin Public Radio: 1) The development of Judaism in the Persian and early Hellenistic eras; 2) Developments within Judaism from the second century B.C.E. through the first century C.E.; 3) The early Christian movement¡¯s depiction of Jesus as a first century Jewish figure. June, 2002. Interview with WISC-TV news (CBS affiliate in Madison) on Today¡¯s New International Version, discussing "inclusive language" translations. April, 2002. I provided commentary on the documentary, From Jesus to Christ, during the pledge drive breaks on WHA TV (public TV) in Madison. March, 1999. I taught a four week series comparing the Deuteronomistic History and Chronicles, as well as a four week series on Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, during the 1998 Senior Summer School program, held in university housing. I gave an eight week series of two lectures per week on the topic, "Faith and Skepticism in the Hebrew Bible," during the 1997 Senior Summer School program, held in university housing. I delivered an eight week series of lectures on "Israel¡¯s Prophets as Reformers and Futurists" during the 1996 Senior Summer School program, held in university housing. I taught a six week series on the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha during the 1995 Chautauqua program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A lecture in the 1994 Chautauqua program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: "Torah- True/Sola Scriptura: The Role and Interpretation of the Bible in Judaism and Christianity." I have taught classes in Madison area churches, addressing topics such as, "The Bible and Homosexuality," "Christian Fundamentalism," and "Judaism." Service to the Academy Collaboration with G?ran Eidevall, Uppsala University, organizing a section on the "Book of the Twelve" at the meeting of the International Organization for Study of the Old Testament, Munich, August 4-9, 2013. Referee for a manuscript submitted for publication in a book series: The Earliest Non-mystical Jewish Use of Iaw; April, 2013.
  • 7. Ronald L. Troxel p. 7 Outside reviewer of a book proposal for Blackwell Publishing. Winter, 2013. Reviewer of the record of an Associate Professor under consideration for hire at Duke University Divinity School. February, 2013. Invited reviewer of a research proposal by Professor Ken Penner (St. Francis Xavier University) for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. February, 2012. I served as moderator of "Miqra," an email discussion list for Hebrew Bible scholars, sponsored by the SBL. I was co-chair of a steering committee for a group exploring the topic of "Biblical Scholarship beyond Academia." In this capacity I organized and moderated sessions at annual meetings of the SBL. I organized and presided over a special session at the 1998 annual meeting of the SBL, exploring issues affecting biblical scholars employed outside academia. I served as a reader for the SBL dissertation monograph series, published by Scholars Press, and have helped assess candidates for awards given by the Midwest regional SBL chapter. Courses taught at the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison First Year Biblical Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 103 & 104) Biblical Narrative Texts, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 323 & 324) Biblical Poetic Texts, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 513 & 514) Introduction to Syriac Language and Literature (Hebrew Studies 605 & 606) Advanced Hebrew Grammar and Composition (Hebrew Studies 623) Pentateuchal Narratives, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 634) Pentateuchal Legal Codes, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 635) The Book of Ezekiel, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 641 & 642) The Book of Isaiah, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 651 & 652) The Book of Job, in Hebrew (Hebrew Studies 653 & 654) Introduction to Biblical Literature, in English (Hebrew Studies 217/Religious Studies 227/Jewish Studies 227/Lit Trans 227) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/Intro/index.html) Prophets of the Bible, in English (Hebrew Studies 323/Religious Studies 323/Jewish Studies 323) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/ Prophets/index.html) Jewish Literature of the Greco-Roman Age (Hebrew Studies 346/Jewish Studies 346 /Religious Studies 346) (taught using PowerPoint; online syllabus available at http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/JHL/syllabus.html)
  • 8. Ronald L. Troxel p. 8 History-telling in the Bible (Hebrew Studies 371) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/history/index.html) Graduate seminar in Jewish Hellenistic Literature (Hebrew Studies 951) Graduate seminar in The Book of the Twelve (Hebrew Studies 951) Graduate seminar in Philology and Textual Criticism (Classical and ANE Studies 951) Early Christian Literature: Matthew¨CRevelation (Religious Studies 333) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/NTIntro/index.html) The Gospels (Religious Studies 472) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/gospels/index. html) Pauline Christianity (Religious Studies 361) (taught using PowerPoint and a course web site: http://imp.lss.wisc.edu/~rltroxel/Paul/index.html) The New Testament and Christian Origins (Religious Studies 400 [topics]) (taught using PowerPoint) Awards and Grants Graduate student PA funding, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2015-16. 2/9 summer salary from the UW-Madison Graduate School research committee, 2011. Engage Impact Award, 2010. I received funding from DoIT to purchase Dragon Naturally Speaking software for my TAs to use in grading assignments for Prophets of the Bible. Honored Instructor Award, from University Housing and the Chadbourne Residential College, the University of Wisconsin¨CMadison (fall, 2009) Letters and Sciences Academic Advising Award, $3,000 (2009) Honored Instructor Award, from the Panhellenic Association, the University of Wisconsin¨C Madison (fall, 2009) Professional development grant from L&S (fall, 2008). The Chancellor¡¯s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching, $5,000 (2004) A web-site development grant from DoIT (1998) A full-year research fellowship, awarded by the graduate school of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987-88) The Mansoor Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement, awarded by the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning (1986) Departmental award for the best graduate research paper of the year (1985) Six scholarships from the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, awarded at various times during my graduate studies