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Finanzas Corporativas II

          Docente: Msc Roberto Quintanilla


15.1       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
2   III La estructura de capital y
           el WACC

             Objetivo Espec鱈fico
                    Adquirir    el    criterio
                    necesario para identificar
                    la estructura de capital
                    optima     para      cada
15.2       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
   Rendimientos requeridos

          Creaci坦n de Valor

          Ventaja Competitiva

15.3          Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Fuentes Clave para la
       creaci坦n de valor
                            Industry Attractiveness

                    Etapa                            Barreras                             Otros
                      de                            a la entrada                       mecanismos
                 crecimiento                             de                                 de
                      del                           productos                           protecci坦n
                     ciclo                         competidores

                                  Marketing                                                               Superior
                                     and                                 Perceived
       Cost                                                               quality                      organizational
                                    price                                                                capability

                            Competitive Advantage
15.4    Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Costo Total del Capital
          de la empresa
       Cost of Capital Tasa de
       rendimiento requerida sobre los
       diferentes tipos de financiamiento
       El costo total de capital es un
       promedio ponderado de las tasa de
       rendimeinto requeridas
15.5       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Que es en realidad el
           costo de capital?
       Type of Financing                                                             Capital                              Part.
       Edwin                                                                         $ 2,000                                     20%
       Carlos                                                                        $ 3,000                                     30%
       Usted                                                                         $ 5,000                                     50%
                                                                                     $ 10,000                                  100%

15.6       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Costo de la Deuda

       Cost of Debt is the required rate
       of return on investment of the
       lenders of a company.
                                                          n                Ij + Pj
                            P0 = 裡                          (1 + kd)j

                                   ki = kd ( 1  T )
15.7       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Cost of Preferred Stock

       Cost of Preferred Stock is the
       required rate of return on
       investment of the preferred
       shareholders of the company.

                                      kP = D P / P 0

15.8       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
            Cost of Preferred Stock
         Assume that Basket Wonders (BW)
        has preferred stock outstanding with
        par value of $100, dividend per share
       of $6.30, and a current market value of
                    $70 per share.

                           kP = $6.30 / $70
                           kP = 9%
15.9        Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Cost of Equity
           Dividend Discount Model
           Capital-Asset Pricing Model
           Before-Tax Cost of Debt plus
            Risk Premium

15.10         Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Dividend Discount Model

           The cost of equity capital, ke, is
        the discount rate that equates the
           present value of all expected
         future dividends with the current
             market price of the stock.
                  D1        D2             D
          P0 =          +          +...+
               (1 + ke)1 (1 + ke)2     (1 + ke)

15.11       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Constant Growth Model

          The constant dividend growth
        assumption reduces the model to:

                                  ke = ( D1 / P0 ) + g

        Assumes that dividends will grow
         at the constant rate g forever.
15.12       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
             Cost of Equity Capital
    Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) has
   common stock outstanding with a current
   market value of $64.80 per share, current
    dividend of $3 per share, and a dividend
           growth rate of 8% forever.
        ke        = ( D 1 / P0 ) + g
        ke        = ($3 / $64.80) + 0.08

        ke        = 0.05 + 0.08 = 0.13 or 13%
             Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Costo de capital
            accionario :

        Basado en el Modelo de Fijaci坦n de
          Precios de Activos de Capital

                   ke = Rj = Rf + (Rm  Rf)硫 j

15.14       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
              Cost of Equity (CAPM)
        Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) has a
        company beta of 1.25. The risk-free rate is
        4% and the expected return on the market
                       is 11.4%
             ke          = Rf + (Rm  Rf)硫 j
                         = 4% + (11.4%  4%)1.25
             ke          = 4% + 9.25% = 13.25%
15.15         Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Before-Tax Cost of Debt
             Plus Risk Premium
         The cost of equity capital, ke, is the
         sum of the before-tax cost of debt
          and a risk premium in expected
        return for common stock over debt.
                 ke = kd + Risk Premium*

        * Risk premium is not the same as CAPM risk
15.16         Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Determination of the
            Cost of Equity (kd + R.P.)
          Assume that Basket Wonders (BW)
        typically adds a 2.75% premium to the
                before-tax cost of debt.
           ke = kd + Risk Premium
                       = 10% + 2.75%
           ke = 12.75%
15.17       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Comparison of the
             Cost of Equity Methods
    Constant Growth Model                                                                                            13.00%
    Capital Asset Pricing Model 13.25%
    Cost of Debt + Risk Premium 12.75%
        Generally, the three methods will not agree.
            We must decide how to weight 
          we will use an average of these three.

15.18         Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Weighted Average
        Cost of Capital (WACC)

        Cost of Capital =                                                       裡             kx(Wx)

15.19    Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Market Value of
            Long-Term Financing
        Type of Financing                                                             Mkt Val                              Weight
        Long-Term Debt                                                                $ 35M                                       35%
        Preferred Stock                                                               $ 15M                                       15%
        Common Stock Equity $ 50M                                                                                                 50%
                                                                                      $ 100M                                 100%

15.20       Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Weighted Average
        Cost of Capital (WACC)

 WACC = 0.35(5.02%) + 0.15(9%) +

 WACC = 9.73%

15.21   Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Economic Value Added

           El EVA es un concepto que se ha
            conocido en Latinoam辿rica en la
            d辿cada de los a単os noventa, a pesar
            que las teor鱈as econ坦micas y
            financieras desarrollaron elementos
            aproximados desde hace algo m叩s
            de un siglo.

15.22        Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.

               Alfred      Marshall fue el primero
                     que expres坦 una noci坦n de
                     EVA, en 1980, en su obra
                     capital The Principles of
                     Economics: "".

15.23   Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.

    Si una empresa obtiene una
     rentabilidad sobre sus activos
     mayor que el costo de capital (CK),
     sobre el valor de dichos activos se
     genera     un    remanente     que
     denominaremos Valor Econ坦mico
     Agregado EVA
15.24    Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
        Facilita el alineamiento de los
        Permite enfocar las decisiones
        hacia la generaci坦n de valor.
        Es un modelo sencillo y f叩cil de

15.25        Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Economic Value Added

             EVA = NOPAT  [Cost of
            Capital x Capital Employed]
           Since a cost is charged for equity capital also, a
            positive EVA generally indicates shareholder
            value is being created.
           Based on Economic NOT Accounting Profit.
           NOPAT  net operating profit after tax is a
            companys potential after-tax profit if it was all-
            equity-financed or unlevered.
15.26         Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
Para ilustrar el concepto del                                   Ventas Netas                                                          2.600.00
  EVA asumiremos la                                                                                                                          0
  siguiente informaci坦n:
                                                                Costo de ventas                                                       1.400.00
  La empresa pertenece al                                                                                                                    0
  sector de transporte a辿reo
  cuyo beta es 1,45.                                            Gastos de                                                               400.000
  Los propietarios esperan un                                     administraci坦n
  19.95% de rendimiento por el                                  Depreciaci坦n                                                            150.000
  uso de su dinero, menos
  renta no ser鱈a atractiva                                      Otros gastos                                                            100.000
  (recu辿rdese la f坦rmula del                                      operacionales
  CAPM). Lo anterior tiene que
  ver con el rendimiento que                                    Utilidad operacional                                                    550.000
  podr鱈an obtener invirtiendo
  a largo plazo en actividades                                  Intereses                                                               200.000
  de igual riesgo (fondos,                                      Utilidad Antes de                                                       350.000
  acciones o en otras                                             Impuestos
  Ejemplo de un estado de                                       Impuestos (40%)                                                         140.000
  resultados usual:
             Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
                                                                Utilidad Neta                                                           210.000
Balance general com炭n:
              ACTIVOS                              油                                              PASIVOS                                油
油                                                  油                           油                                                         油
Activo Corriente                                   油                                        Pasivo corriente                             油
Efectivo                                                        50.000         Cuentas por pagar                                                    100.000
Cuentas por Cobrar                                           370.000           Gastos causados por pagar                                            250.000
Inventarios                                                  235.000           Deuda a corto plazo                                                  300.000
Otros activos corrientes                                     145.000           Total pasivo corriente                                               650.000
Total activos corrientes                                     800.000           油                                                         油
油                                                  油                           Pasivo a largo plazo                                      油
Activos fijos                                      油                           Deuda a largo plazo                                                  760.000
Propiedades, planta y equipo                              1.550.000            Total pasivo a largo plazo                                           760.000
Total activos fijos                                       1.550.000            油                                                         油
油                                                  油                           PATRIMONIO                                                油
油                                                  油                           油                                                         油
油                                                  油                           Capital                                                              300.000
油                                                  油                           Ganancias retenidas                                                  430.000
油                                                  油                           Resultados del ejercicio                                             210.000
油                                                  油                           Total patrimonio                                                     940.000
油                                                  油                           油                                                         油
15.28                                                     2.350.000            PASIVOS Y PATRIMONIO                                             2.350.000
                      Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
        EL EVA

15.29   Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
                 EL EVA

        Paso 1: calcular la UODI
        Paso 2: Identificaci坦n del capital de
        la empresa
        Paso 3: Determinaci坦n del Costo
        Promedio de Capital
        Paso 4: Calcular el EVA

15.30    Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.

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Estructura de capital

  • 1. Finanzas Corporativas II Docente: Msc Roberto Quintanilla rquintanilla@ufg.edu.sv Ing.robertoquintanilla@gmail.com 15.1 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 2. 2 III La estructura de capital y el WACC Objetivo Espec鱈fico Adquirir el criterio necesario para identificar la estructura de capital optima para cada empresa 15.2 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 3. Rendimientos requeridos Creaci坦n de Valor Ventaja Competitiva 15.3 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 4. Fuentes Clave para la creaci坦n de valor Industry Attractiveness Etapa Barreras Otros de a la entrada mecanismos crecimiento de de del productos protecci坦n ciclo competidores del producto Marketing Superior and Perceived Cost quality organizational price capability Competitive Advantage 15.4 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 5. Costo Total del Capital de la empresa Cost of Capital Tasa de rendimiento requerida sobre los diferentes tipos de financiamiento El costo total de capital es un promedio ponderado de las tasa de rendimeinto requeridas individuales. 15.5 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 6. Que es en realidad el costo de capital? Type of Financing Capital Part. Edwin $ 2,000 20% Carlos $ 3,000 30% Usted $ 5,000 50% $ 10,000 100% 15.6 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 7. Costo de la Deuda Cost of Debt is the required rate of return on investment of the lenders of a company. n Ij + Pj P0 = 裡 (1 + kd)j j=1 ki = kd ( 1 T ) 15.7 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 8. Cost of Preferred Stock Cost of Preferred Stock is the required rate of return on investment of the preferred shareholders of the company. kP = D P / P 0 15.8 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 9. Determination of the Cost of Preferred Stock Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) has preferred stock outstanding with par value of $100, dividend per share of $6.30, and a current market value of $70 per share. kP = $6.30 / $70 kP = 9% 15.9 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 10. Cost of Equity Approaches Dividend Discount Model Capital-Asset Pricing Model Before-Tax Cost of Debt plus Risk Premium 15.10 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 11. Dividend Discount Model The cost of equity capital, ke, is capital the discount rate that equates the present value of all expected future dividends with the current market price of the stock. D1 D2 D P0 = + +...+ (1 + ke)1 (1 + ke)2 (1 + ke) 15.11 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 12. Constant Growth Model The constant dividend growth assumption reduces the model to: ke = ( D1 / P0 ) + g Assumes that dividends will grow at the constant rate g forever. 15.12 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 13. Determination of the Cost of Equity Capital Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) has common stock outstanding with a current market value of $64.80 per share, current dividend of $3 per share, and a dividend growth rate of 8% forever. ke = ( D 1 / P0 ) + g ke = ($3 / $64.80) + 0.08 15.13 ke = 0.05 + 0.08 = 0.13 or 13% Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 14. Costo de capital accionario : Basado en el Modelo de Fijaci坦n de Precios de Activos de Capital (MPAC) ke = Rj = Rf + (Rm Rf)硫 j 15.14 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 15. Determination of the Cost of Equity (CAPM) Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) has a company beta of 1.25. The risk-free rate is 4% and the expected return on the market is 11.4% ke = Rf + (Rm Rf)硫 j = 4% + (11.4% 4%)1.25 ke = 4% + 9.25% = 13.25% 15.15 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 16. Before-Tax Cost of Debt Plus Risk Premium The cost of equity capital, ke, is the sum of the before-tax cost of debt and a risk premium in expected return for common stock over debt. ke = kd + Risk Premium* * Risk premium is not the same as CAPM risk premium 15.16 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 17. Determination of the Cost of Equity (kd + R.P.) Assume that Basket Wonders (BW) typically adds a 2.75% premium to the before-tax cost of debt. ke = kd + Risk Premium = 10% + 2.75% ke = 12.75% 15.17 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 18. Comparison of the Cost of Equity Methods Constant Growth Model 13.00% Capital Asset Pricing Model 13.25% Cost of Debt + Risk Premium 12.75% Generally, the three methods will not agree. We must decide how to weight we will use an average of these three. 15.18 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 19. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) n Cost of Capital = 裡 kx(Wx) x=1 15.19 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 20. Market Value of Long-Term Financing Type of Financing Mkt Val Weight Long-Term Debt $ 35M 35% Preferred Stock $ 15M 15% Common Stock Equity $ 50M 50% $ 100M 100% 15.20 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 21. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) WACC = 0.35(5.02%) + 0.15(9%) + 0.50(13.25%) WACC = 9.73% 15.21 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 22. Economic Value Added El EVA es un concepto que se ha conocido en Latinoam辿rica en la d辿cada de los a単os noventa, a pesar que las teor鱈as econ坦micas y financieras desarrollaron elementos aproximados desde hace algo m叩s de un siglo. 15.22 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 23. ANTECEDENTES DEL EVA Alfred Marshall fue el primero que expres坦 una noci坦n de EVA, en 1980, en su obra capital The Principles of Economics: "". 15.23 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 24. VALOR ECONOMICO AGREGADO Si una empresa obtiene una rentabilidad sobre sus activos mayor que el costo de capital (CK), sobre el valor de dichos activos se genera un remanente que denominaremos Valor Econ坦mico Agregado EVA 15.24 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 25. VENTAJAS DEL 即EVA即 Facilita el alineamiento de los objetivos. Permite enfocar las decisiones hacia la generaci坦n de valor. Es un modelo sencillo y f叩cil de entender. 15.25 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 26. Economic Value Added EVA = NOPAT [Cost of Capital x Capital Employed] Since a cost is charged for equity capital also, a positive EVA generally indicates shareholder value is being created. Based on Economic NOT Accounting Profit. NOPAT net operating profit after tax is a companys potential after-tax profit if it was all- equity-financed or unlevered. 15.26 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 27. EJEMPLO Y APLICACION Para ilustrar el concepto del Ventas Netas 2.600.00 EVA asumiremos la 0 siguiente informaci坦n: Costo de ventas 1.400.00 La empresa pertenece al 0 sector de transporte a辿reo cuyo beta es 1,45. Gastos de 400.000 Los propietarios esperan un administraci坦n 19.95% de rendimiento por el Depreciaci坦n 150.000 uso de su dinero, menos renta no ser鱈a atractiva Otros gastos 100.000 (recu辿rdese la f坦rmula del operacionales CAPM). Lo anterior tiene que ver con el rendimiento que Utilidad operacional 550.000 podr鱈an obtener invirtiendo a largo plazo en actividades Intereses 200.000 de igual riesgo (fondos, Utilidad Antes de 350.000 acciones o en otras Impuestos empresas). Ejemplo de un estado de Impuestos (40%) 140.000 15.27 resultados usual: Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer. Utilidad Neta 210.000
  • 28. Balance general com炭n: ACTIVOS 油 PASIVOS 油 油 油 油 油 Activo Corriente 油 Pasivo corriente 油 Efectivo 50.000 Cuentas por pagar 100.000 Cuentas por Cobrar 370.000 Gastos causados por pagar 250.000 Inventarios 235.000 Deuda a corto plazo 300.000 Otros activos corrientes 145.000 Total pasivo corriente 650.000 Total activos corrientes 800.000 油 油 油 油 Pasivo a largo plazo 油 Activos fijos 油 Deuda a largo plazo 760.000 Propiedades, planta y equipo 1.550.000 Total pasivo a largo plazo 760.000 Total activos fijos 1.550.000 油 油 油 油 PATRIMONIO 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 Capital 300.000 油 油 Ganancias retenidas 430.000 油 油 Resultados del ejercicio 210.000 油 油 Total patrimonio 940.000 油 油 油 油 TOTAL ACTIVOS 15.28 2.350.000 PASIVOS Y PATRIMONIO 2.350.000 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 29. PASOS PARA CALCULAR EL EVA 15.29 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.
  • 30. PASOS PARA CALCULAR EL EVA Paso 1: calcular la UODI Paso 2: Identificaci坦n del capital de la empresa Paso 3: Determinaci坦n del Costo Promedio de Capital Paso 4: Calcular el EVA 15.30 Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition. 息 Pearson Education Limited 2009. Created by Gregory Kuhlemeyer.