The document discusses various topics related to groundwater including drinking water supply, irrigation, climate change, and pesticide use. It notes that drinking water supply could be addressed through measures like recirculation, desalination plants, or prohibiting new construction. Providing drinking water requires social engineering and an independent public utility. Groundwater and river systems are interconnected and cross borders, requiring international cooperation. Pesticide use has increased and drift from neighboring vineyards has led to residues in wines, with potential health consequences.
Think of what you need to survive. Just survive. Air? Water? Food? Snapchat (Weibo)? Well, you can live 3 minutes without air, 3 to 5 days without water, 46 to 73 days without food. Water is the new luxury. Beauty brands need to change how they manufacture and formulate products to limit their dependence on water.
Side Event WFN_Michael Spencer, AWS, 14th January, UN Water Conference Zarago...water-decade
The document discusses water stewardship and the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS). It defines water stewardship as the use of water that is socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial. The AWS works with businesses and other organizations to adopt a catchment-based approach to water management through a voluntary standard. The standard is a six step process that businesses can follow to understand their water use impacts and risks and engage local stakeholders to develop management plans tailored to the specific catchment context. The document provides several case studies of businesses in different industries that have benefited from the AWS approach.
1. The study examined levels of estrogenic chemicals in water samples collected from urban and rural areas in Haiti.
2. Water samples were collected from Port-Au-Prince, Carrefour, and Gressier and tested for estrogenic activity using a transactivation assay with human cells.
3. The results showed low levels of estrogenic contamination across both urban and rural sites, ranging from 0.2 to 17 ng/L. This indicates waterborne estrogenic contamination may be ubiquitous in Haiti and warrants further research into potential health risks.
Ingreenuity is a corporate initiative from POET designed to advance the sustainability of ethanol production. This presentation accompanied the launch of the Ingreenuity initiatve at POET on March 11, 2010.
Speaking at the event were Erin Heupel, Director of Environment & Technology for POET; Jeff Broin, CEO of POET; and Rev. Tim Iverson, Executive Director of Global Health Ministries. For more information, go to
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate bodies of water, making the water toxic. The document outlines several causes of water pollution including agriculture, global warming, oil leaks and spills, and industrial waste. Effects of water pollution are negative impacts on human health, aquatic life, food chains, and the economy. Solutions proposed to address water pollution include reducing plastic waste, practicing water conservation, adopting green agriculture techniques, and maintaining vehicles.
Presentation for project work!
Presentation credits:
Mr. Shivam Saha
Dr. Tathagata Deb
Types of Water Pollution
Disease-causing agents
Sediment pollution
Inorganic plant and algal nutrients
Organic compounds
Inorganic chemicals
Thermal pollution
Water Quality Today
Improving Water Quality
Laws Controlling Water Pollution
Business: Jack Moss, Aquafed, 16th January UN Water Zaragoza Conference 2015water-decade
The document discusses water quality, pollution prevention, and water reuse. It introduces a panel on the topic including representatives from BASF, Veolia, and Aguas Andinas. It then summarizes AquaFed's role in global water issues and partnerships. It outlines categories and causes of water pollution, and approaches to prevention, removal, and restoration. It discusses political objectives around water quality from Rio+20 and the Budapest Water Summit. It emphasizes the importance of goals, targets, indicators, and monitoring for the SDGs. It provides examples of incentives and regulation from BASF and water quality contracts from Veolia. It outlines collective action through collaboration between Santiago authorities and Aguas Andinas, achieving major improvements. The
This document discusses various types and causes of water pollution including pathogens, oxygen-demanding agents, nutrients, sediment, toxic chemicals, and heat. It describes point and nonpoint pollution sources and outlines several treatment processes for wastewater including primary treatment to remove solids, secondary treatment using microbes to degrade organic waste, and tertiary treatment to further remove nutrients. The document also discusses water quality standards and regulations established by acts like the Clean Water Act to reduce pollution and protect water resources.
1. The document discusses the process of reverse boring, where industrial waste is disposed of by drilling deep holes and pumping waste underground, contaminating groundwater supplies.
2. It provides examples of industries in India like steel and textile plants that release toxic chemicals and details how the PPFPL company in Punjab used reverse boring, contaminating water with chemicals like uranium.
3. Reverse boring has led to widespread health issues in affected areas, with high rates of cancer, parasites and diseases of the liver, kidneys and bones reported due to contaminated drinking water.
Greenpeace is an international non-governmental organization whose stated mission is to expose global environmental problems and promote non-violent direct action to achieve solutions. It has offices around the world and campaigns on issues like climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and more. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying, and research to achieve its goals of protecting the natural environment and promoting peace.
This document discusses the impacts of climate change on agriculture and strategies for adaptation and mitigation. It outlines how climate change will increase global food demand while reducing arable land. Adaptation strategies discussed include developing insurance programs, improving water efficiency, and trading water rights. Mitigation strategies addressed in agriculture include use of biogas and biofuels (though first generation biofuels have issues), and farm practices that reduce emissions like fertilizer management and no-till farming. The Paris Agreement's goals of limiting warming to 1.5C and increasing country commitments over time are also mentioned.
Water sources like pipes and boreholes are generally considered safe, but illegal mining, waste disposal, and other activities can release substances like pesticides, heavy metals, and bacteria into the environment and water. When consumed, contaminated water can cause health issues like typhoid, dysentery, infertility, mental retardation, cholera, diarrhea, and cancer. To protect public health, the document recommends professional water quality analysis and monitoring from Atlantic Hydro-Engineering.
Coca-Cola has faced numerous controversies and allegations over its business practices in India since 1977. When the Indian government ordered Coca-Cola to reveal its secret formula that year, the company refused and left India. Upon returning in 1993, Coca-Cola took over popular Indian soft drink brands but was later accused of excessive water usage, toxic waste dumping, and selling drinks with pesticide levels above safety limits. While Coca-Cola denies wrongdoing, many Indian communities and environmental groups have continued to protest the company's operations.
This document discusses water pollution, including types and sources of water pollutants. It addresses major pollution problems affecting surface water and groundwater. Agricultural activities and industrial/mining facilities are identified as leading causes of water pollution. The document also covers drinking water quality standards and technological approaches to reduce pollution, such as advanced sewage treatment and protecting groundwater sources.
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate bodies of water, making the water unfit for human or animal use. The main causes of water pollution are industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, sewage, and improper waste disposal from human activities. Contaminated water can spread diseases and pose health risks like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, and polio. Each year, poor water quality leads to around 297,000 child deaths under five from illness. The two primary sources of water pollution are point sources like pipes or drains, and non-point sources like agricultural runoff of fertilizers and pesticides.
The document discusses water quality issues in India. It states that over 60,000 Indian children under five die from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation annually. Water quality is affected by sewage, agricultural and urban runoff, and industrial discharge. Common contaminants include fluoride, arsenic, and nitrates from various sources. Monitoring of water quality is done across India through networks measuring various biological, physical, chemical and aesthetic parameters. However, many areas still face poor water quality posing health risks like cancer and fluorosis. Ensuring access to safe drinking water remains a key challenge.
This document discusses sustainability issues related to the banana industry and Dole's sustainability measures. It covers environmental impacts of banana production such as pollution, monoculture farming, pesticide use, and waste. It then discusses Dole's sustainability initiatives regarding water management, carbon footprint reduction, soil conservation, and packaging. The document also examines trends in Latin America such as urbanization, its effects, and Dole's rural development incentives in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Honduras. Finally, it outlines Dole's sustainability model and benchmarking approach involving certifications, indicators, and a sustainable community model.
GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE CAMBRIDGE IGCSE: WATER, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. Definitions, questions for the research project, global/international perspectives, local/national perspectives, family/personal perspectives, useful websites.
Water pollution is a serious global problem impacting human and environmental health. Several key points about water pollution include:
1) It has various sources such as agricultural runoff containing excess fertilizers and pesticides, untreated sewage, and industrial waste.
2) It harms living organisms and renders water unsuitable for uses like drinking and recreation. Pollution has caused millions of preventable deaths from waterborne diseases each year.
3) Successful prevention and reduction of water pollution requires strategies like improved sewage treatment, regulation of industrial discharges, and management of nonpoint sources of pollution from agriculture and urban runoff.
4) While laws like the Clean Water Act have made progress in reducing water pollution in
Presentation for project work!
Presentation credits:
Mr. Shivam Saha
Dr. Tathagata Deb
Types of Water Pollution
Disease-causing agents
Sediment pollution
Inorganic plant and algal nutrients
Organic compounds
Inorganic chemicals
Thermal pollution
Water Quality Today
Improving Water Quality
Laws Controlling Water Pollution
Business: Jack Moss, Aquafed, 16th January UN Water Zaragoza Conference 2015water-decade
The document discusses water quality, pollution prevention, and water reuse. It introduces a panel on the topic including representatives from BASF, Veolia, and Aguas Andinas. It then summarizes AquaFed's role in global water issues and partnerships. It outlines categories and causes of water pollution, and approaches to prevention, removal, and restoration. It discusses political objectives around water quality from Rio+20 and the Budapest Water Summit. It emphasizes the importance of goals, targets, indicators, and monitoring for the SDGs. It provides examples of incentives and regulation from BASF and water quality contracts from Veolia. It outlines collective action through collaboration between Santiago authorities and Aguas Andinas, achieving major improvements. The
This document discusses various types and causes of water pollution including pathogens, oxygen-demanding agents, nutrients, sediment, toxic chemicals, and heat. It describes point and nonpoint pollution sources and outlines several treatment processes for wastewater including primary treatment to remove solids, secondary treatment using microbes to degrade organic waste, and tertiary treatment to further remove nutrients. The document also discusses water quality standards and regulations established by acts like the Clean Water Act to reduce pollution and protect water resources.
1. The document discusses the process of reverse boring, where industrial waste is disposed of by drilling deep holes and pumping waste underground, contaminating groundwater supplies.
2. It provides examples of industries in India like steel and textile plants that release toxic chemicals and details how the PPFPL company in Punjab used reverse boring, contaminating water with chemicals like uranium.
3. Reverse boring has led to widespread health issues in affected areas, with high rates of cancer, parasites and diseases of the liver, kidneys and bones reported due to contaminated drinking water.
Greenpeace is an international non-governmental organization whose stated mission is to expose global environmental problems and promote non-violent direct action to achieve solutions. It has offices around the world and campaigns on issues like climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and more. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying, and research to achieve its goals of protecting the natural environment and promoting peace.
This document discusses the impacts of climate change on agriculture and strategies for adaptation and mitigation. It outlines how climate change will increase global food demand while reducing arable land. Adaptation strategies discussed include developing insurance programs, improving water efficiency, and trading water rights. Mitigation strategies addressed in agriculture include use of biogas and biofuels (though first generation biofuels have issues), and farm practices that reduce emissions like fertilizer management and no-till farming. The Paris Agreement's goals of limiting warming to 1.5C and increasing country commitments over time are also mentioned.
Water sources like pipes and boreholes are generally considered safe, but illegal mining, waste disposal, and other activities can release substances like pesticides, heavy metals, and bacteria into the environment and water. When consumed, contaminated water can cause health issues like typhoid, dysentery, infertility, mental retardation, cholera, diarrhea, and cancer. To protect public health, the document recommends professional water quality analysis and monitoring from Atlantic Hydro-Engineering.
Coca-Cola has faced numerous controversies and allegations over its business practices in India since 1977. When the Indian government ordered Coca-Cola to reveal its secret formula that year, the company refused and left India. Upon returning in 1993, Coca-Cola took over popular Indian soft drink brands but was later accused of excessive water usage, toxic waste dumping, and selling drinks with pesticide levels above safety limits. While Coca-Cola denies wrongdoing, many Indian communities and environmental groups have continued to protest the company's operations.
This document discusses water pollution, including types and sources of water pollutants. It addresses major pollution problems affecting surface water and groundwater. Agricultural activities and industrial/mining facilities are identified as leading causes of water pollution. The document also covers drinking water quality standards and technological approaches to reduce pollution, such as advanced sewage treatment and protecting groundwater sources.
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate bodies of water, making the water unfit for human or animal use. The main causes of water pollution are industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, sewage, and improper waste disposal from human activities. Contaminated water can spread diseases and pose health risks like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, and polio. Each year, poor water quality leads to around 297,000 child deaths under five from illness. The two primary sources of water pollution are point sources like pipes or drains, and non-point sources like agricultural runoff of fertilizers and pesticides.
The document discusses water quality issues in India. It states that over 60,000 Indian children under five die from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation annually. Water quality is affected by sewage, agricultural and urban runoff, and industrial discharge. Common contaminants include fluoride, arsenic, and nitrates from various sources. Monitoring of water quality is done across India through networks measuring various biological, physical, chemical and aesthetic parameters. However, many areas still face poor water quality posing health risks like cancer and fluorosis. Ensuring access to safe drinking water remains a key challenge.
This document discusses sustainability issues related to the banana industry and Dole's sustainability measures. It covers environmental impacts of banana production such as pollution, monoculture farming, pesticide use, and waste. It then discusses Dole's sustainability initiatives regarding water management, carbon footprint reduction, soil conservation, and packaging. The document also examines trends in Latin America such as urbanization, its effects, and Dole's rural development incentives in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Honduras. Finally, it outlines Dole's sustainability model and benchmarking approach involving certifications, indicators, and a sustainable community model.
GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE CAMBRIDGE IGCSE: WATER, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. Definitions, questions for the research project, global/international perspectives, local/national perspectives, family/personal perspectives, useful websites.
Water pollution is a serious global problem impacting human and environmental health. Several key points about water pollution include:
1) It has various sources such as agricultural runoff containing excess fertilizers and pesticides, untreated sewage, and industrial waste.
2) It harms living organisms and renders water unsuitable for uses like drinking and recreation. Pollution has caused millions of preventable deaths from waterborne diseases each year.
3) Successful prevention and reduction of water pollution requires strategies like improved sewage treatment, regulation of industrial discharges, and management of nonpoint sources of pollution from agriculture and urban runoff.
4) While laws like the Clean Water Act have made progress in reducing water pollution in
Can we define God and the term "exist" in terms of Information Technology?
A fundamental and restrictive defintion will get the agreement of a wide adience,
and improve the level of debate.
1) The document discusses different interpretations of ancient myths about Atlantis, including those proposed by Socrates and others.
2) Socrates suggests interpreting myths like the abduction of Orithyia by Boreas as stories about real events, like a gust of wind blowing a girl over rocks.
3) The document analyzes theories that Atlantis represented a seafaring culture rather than a single island, and that many rich port cities involved in trade have been lost to sinking or floods.
Presentation, describing the problemacy of present South Africa, using several models, like the Rainbow Nation, ecology and the economic profit model. Images orginate from newspapers
The document discusses the history and mythology of mermaids. It references mermaids and mythological water spirits from various cultures and time periods, including Celtic strand fishers, Greek naiads and nereids, and the selkie from Scottish folklore. It also discusses a specific historical account of a purported mermaid sighting in Purmer, Netherlands in 1400 and references other Dutch towns along the coastline.
The geologic time-sequence of the artificial Frisian floodhills gan give important information about the origin and transmigration of Frisian Families. Especially the combination with development of familynames gives interesting insight.
New geologic discoveries assist the development of Frisian culture in Roman and Middle-age centuries.
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
10th International Government Relations Forumwhitezefir2018
Step into the premier gathering of professionals in Government Relations, lobbying, advocacy, political communications, and regulatory strategy. The 10th Annual International Government Relations Forum, organized by IGAPA (International Government Affairs Professional Association), brings together over 600 experts from 16 countries to define the future of the field.
For over a decade, IGAPA has been the leading platform for professionals in government relations, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of a transparent and effective global Government Relations agenda. This milestone event in Washington, D.C., will bring together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to engage in critical discussions on the development of transparent dialogue between business, society, and the state. Attendees will gain actionable insights, explore emerging trends, and build strategic connections that drive meaningful change.
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2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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22. 2.Bedrijf inhuren
? Grote investeringen voor 50 jaar
? Monopolist, dus uiteindelijk hoge kosten
? Alleen profijtelijke aansluitingen
? Geen respons op klachten
23. Middenweg: Social Engineering
Nuts Bedrijf met als bestuur
vertegenwoordigers uit verschillende lagen
Geen winst- maar
58. RoundUp
? The 10 wines were tested by a laboratory in St. Louis, Mo., and all of them
tested positive for glyphosate. The highest level of glyphosate detected -- up to
28.4 times higher than that found in the other nine wines -- was in a 2013
Cabernet Sauvignon from a conventional, chemically farmed vineyard, the
group announced.
? The lowest level was found in a 2013 Syrah from a biodynamic and organic
vineyard that has never been sprayed, according to the owner. "Because
Roundup/glyphosate is not permitted on organic or biodynamic vineyards, the
results are unexpected and can only be explained by the drift of chemical sprays
from neighboring vineyards," the group speculated.
? "There should be zero glyphosate and related chemicals in our wine, food or
personal products, said Zen Honeycutt, director of Moms Across America.
? The chemicals are "endocrine hormone disruptors, which can lead to breast
cancer, miscarriages, birth defects and many other health issues," she claimed.
59. Frankrijk: Pesticide-Gate
? According to La Vigne, there’s been no decrease in the
use of pesticides. On the contrary, usage actually
increased by 2.6 percent between 2008 and 2010, and
by another 2.7 percent between 2010 and 2011.
? More than 300 wines were tested – from Bordeaux,
the Rh?ne, Madiran and Gaillac – and many contained
residues from pesticides and fungicides used in the
vineyard. In one instance, as many as nine different
pesticides were discovered in a sample.