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EU data protection issues in the
Internet-of-Things (IoT) (or Internet
of Everything)
IoT is subject to the general data
protection law
 Currently: Directive 95/46/EC (Directive), available at http://eur-
 Soon: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), expected entry into
force Spring 2018, available at
EU Authorities on IoT
WP29s Opinion 8/2014 on the Recent
Developments on the Internet of Things,
available at http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 1. Lack of control and information asymmetry
 IoT, with its pervasive and unobtrusive presence, might
cause data subjects to lose control under several
perspectives and result basically in a third-party
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 2. Quality of the users consent
 EU law requires consent for the legitimate processing of
personal data (save exceptions). Consent is a major
problem with the IoT because often (i) often users are not
aware that a specific object is collecting data (ii) the
possibility to decline certain services or features of an IoT
device is more theoretical than real.
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 3. Inferences derived from data and
repurposing of original processing
 The problem is that data collected by a specific device
might be insignificant (e.g. accelerometers and gyroscope
of smartphones), but this raw information might allow the
controller to infer much more significant information (for
example, driving habits)
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 4. Intrusive bringing out of behavior patterns
and profiling
 Due to the proliferation of sensors, a vast amount of
separate (maybe insignificant) pieces of information will be
collected and continuously cross-matched with one
another, which reveal specific aspects of individuals
habits, behaviours and preferences. IoT stakeholders will
be able to create general profiles of users.
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 5. Limitations on the possibility to remain
anonymous when using services.
 With the IoT everyone is traceable
 Why? Think of wearable devices (e.g., smart watches),
used in close proximity to data subjects so that they are
able to collect identifiers (e.g., MAC addresses of other
devices) that can track the location of users.
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 6. Security risks
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 6. Why cybersecurity risk is higher in IoT
 Manufacturers prefer battery efficiency over security;
 the number of security targets will dramatically increase;
 Need of multilevel cybersecurity multilevel, which involve
securing devices, communication links, storage
infrastructure and the entire IoT ecosystem
 Since more IoT stakeholders involved to provide a service,
need to provide cybersecurity coordination among them.
Privacy challenges in the IoT (as
identified by the WP29)
 Above IoT challenges are not uniquely European.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 Data from things is often personal data
(therefore subject to the general data protection)
pursuant to Article 2(a) of Directive 95/46/EC
because individuals are likely to be identified from
that data.
 Also in case of pseudonymisation or
anonymisation because the large amount of data
processed automatically in the context of IoT
entails risks of re-identification. Opinion on IoT at
Relevant EU data protection principles
 Data subjects are not only the subscribers of an
IoT service or the users of a device but also
individuals that are neither subscribers nor users,
such as people whose data is collected by
wearables (such as smart glasses), sometimes
without being aware of.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 At least the following provisions of Directive
95/46/EC are relevant:
 - Article 7 (legitimate data processing). Opinion on IoT at 14-
16. Note that Lawfulness of processing is in Article 6 of the
new GDPR.
 The main avenue for a legitimate data processing is data subject
consent. Article 7(a). Consent must have the characteristics specified
by WP29s Opinion 15/2011.
 Alternatives to consent possible.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 Article 6 (fair and lawful data collection and
 minimization principle
 Article 8 (processing of sensitive data).
- personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union
membership, and  concerning health or sex life. Consent
required (very limited exceptions).
- Under GDPR wider definition - now includes genetic and
biometric data.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 Articles 10 and 11 (transparency requirements).
 Data controllers must provide users with a privacy policy in a clear
and comprehensible manner.
 Challenging with the IoT and might require new methods of delivery. Opinion on
IoT at 18. E.g., on the object itself using the wireless connectivity to broadcast the
See Article 14 and 14(a) GDPR. The characteristics of the
information are listed in Article 12 GDPR.
Relevant EU data protection principles
Article 17 (security requirements).
- Any data controller remains fully responsible for security
of the data processing even when more than one IoT
stakeholder intervenes in the delivery of service.
- New security principles from GDPR (Article 30)
- (i) security breach: data controller responsible if breach results
from poor design or maintenance of device;
- (ii) security assessments: of system as a whole, including at
components level. Opinion on IoT at 18.
- Data breach notification duty to the supervisory authority within
72 hours (Article 31).
Relevant EU data protection principles
Cybersecurity recommendations from WP29:
- Data controllers must supervise subcontractors that design
and manufacture devices which are not processors (not
bound by Article 17) and must seek high security
standards with regard to privacy.
- Use of principle of data minimization;
- Network restrictions, disabling by default noncritical
functionalities, preventing use of un-trusted software
update sources ;
- adherence to a privacy by design principle.
Relevant EU data protection principles
Cybersecurity recommendations from WP29 (contd)
- automatic updates to patch vulnerabilities always available
to users OR alternatives offered (e.g., open-source) AND
and notification to users of vulnerability.
- Security of IoT devices tracking health values must be
particularly protected.
- Data breach notification policies useful to contain the
consequences of vulnerabilities in software and design.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 Rights of data subjects: the same they have in non-IoT
environment (e.g., Articles 12 and 14), particularly the right of
access, the right to withdraw consent, and the right to oppose
the processing.
 Access to raw data should be granted to users. Opinion on
IoT at 20. Access to data is to switch to another provider
(avoiding the lock-in).
 GDPR provides a right to portability. Article 18 GDPR:
 The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning
him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured and
commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit
those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to
which the data have been provided.
Relevant EU data protection principles
 IoT stakeholders must also comply with Article
5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC (consent to
storage in E-Privacy Directive).
 Unless storage or access (by IoT stakeholder) is
strictly necessary in order to provide a service
explicitly requested by the subscriber or user,
consent is necessary.
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
Mauritius Declaration on the Internet of Things. adopted
on October 14, 2014 inside the 36th International
Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners
(Mauritius Declaration),
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
Mauritius Declaration highlights:
individuals right to self-determination;
drawing of broader and more sensitive inferences form the
huge quantity of data;
ubiquitous connectivity which requires trust in a
connected world. To maintain trust, transparency is key.
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
Concerns of Commissioners:
Lack of clarity of information (which data is collected, for
which purpose and retention policy);
informed consent;
 privacy by design and by default still not use
Lack of encryption. End-to-end encryption necessary.
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
- ENISA, Privacy and Data Protection by Design  from policy
to engineering December 2014, available at
- privacy needs to be considered from the very beginning of system
development. For this reason, [Dr. Ann] Cavoukian [former
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada] coined
the term Privacy by Design, that is, privacy should be taken into
account throughout the entire engineering process from the
earliest design stages to the operation of the productive system.
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
 Report discusses also
 privacy/data protection by default, meaning that in
the default setting the user is already protected
against privacy risks.
 privacy design strategies
 several privacy techniques including authentication,
attribute based credentials, secure private
communications like encryption, and communications
anonymity and pseudonymity.
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
DPAs positions on IoT:
 Italian DPA (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), Avvio della
Consultazione Pubblica su Internet delle Cose (Internet of Things) -
Deliberazione del 26 marzo 2015, doc. web n. 3898704, available in
Italian at http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-
 UK DPA (ICO), The Information Commissioners Office response to the
Competition & Markets Authoritys call for information on the
commercial use of consumer data, https://ico.org.uk/media/about-
Mauritius Declaration and other
important authorities
DPAs positions on IoT (contd):
 Spanish DPA, Resoluci坦n de 20 de noviembre de 2015, de la Agencia
Espa単ola de Protecci坦n de Datos, por la que se aprueba el Plan
Estrat辿gico 2015-2019, available in Spanish at
 French DPA (Commission Nationale de Linformatique et des Libertes 
CNIL), Rapport dActivite 2014, in French at
35e_rapport_annuel_2014.pdf.pdf, discussing smart cars and smart
More information
Francesca Giannoni-Crystal & Allyson Haynes Stuart, The
Internet-of-Things (#IoT) (or Internet of Everything) 
privacy and data protection issues in the EU and the US,
Information Law Journal, Spring 2016, volume 7 issue 2,
at http://apps.americanbar.org/dch/committee.cfm?com=
www.technethics.com (TAG IoT:
Francesca Giannoni-Crystal (NY, DC, Italy, and SC foreign
legal consultant- not a member of SC Bar)
Crystal & Giannoni-Crystal, LLC

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EU data protection issues in IoT

  • 1. EU data protection issues in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) (or Internet of Everything)
  • 2. IoT is subject to the general data protection law Currently: Directive 95/46/EC (Directive), available at http://eur- lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31995L0046:en:HTML Soon: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), expected entry into force Spring 2018, available at http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-5455-2016- INIT/en/pdf
  • 3. EU Authorities on IoT WP29s Opinion 8/2014 on the Recent Developments on the Internet of Things, available at http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data- protection/article-29/documentation/opinion- recommendation/files/2014/wp223_en.pdf
  • 4. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 1. Lack of control and information asymmetry IoT, with its pervasive and unobtrusive presence, might cause data subjects to lose control under several perspectives and result basically in a third-party monitoring.
  • 5. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 2. Quality of the users consent EU law requires consent for the legitimate processing of personal data (save exceptions). Consent is a major problem with the IoT because often (i) often users are not aware that a specific object is collecting data (ii) the possibility to decline certain services or features of an IoT device is more theoretical than real.
  • 6. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 3. Inferences derived from data and repurposing of original processing The problem is that data collected by a specific device might be insignificant (e.g. accelerometers and gyroscope of smartphones), but this raw information might allow the controller to infer much more significant information (for example, driving habits)
  • 7. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 4. Intrusive bringing out of behavior patterns and profiling Due to the proliferation of sensors, a vast amount of separate (maybe insignificant) pieces of information will be collected and continuously cross-matched with one another, which reveal specific aspects of individuals habits, behaviours and preferences. IoT stakeholders will be able to create general profiles of users.
  • 8. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 5. Limitations on the possibility to remain anonymous when using services. With the IoT everyone is traceable Why? Think of wearable devices (e.g., smart watches), used in close proximity to data subjects so that they are able to collect identifiers (e.g., MAC addresses of other devices) that can track the location of users.
  • 9. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 6. Security risks
  • 10. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) 6. Why cybersecurity risk is higher in IoT environment? Manufacturers prefer battery efficiency over security; the number of security targets will dramatically increase; Need of multilevel cybersecurity multilevel, which involve securing devices, communication links, storage infrastructure and the entire IoT ecosystem Since more IoT stakeholders involved to provide a service, need to provide cybersecurity coordination among them.
  • 11. Privacy challenges in the IoT (as identified by the WP29) Above IoT challenges are not uniquely European.
  • 12. Relevant EU data protection principles Data from things is often personal data (therefore subject to the general data protection) pursuant to Article 2(a) of Directive 95/46/EC because individuals are likely to be identified from that data. Also in case of pseudonymisation or anonymisation because the large amount of data processed automatically in the context of IoT entails risks of re-identification. Opinion on IoT at 10.
  • 13. Relevant EU data protection principles Data subjects are not only the subscribers of an IoT service or the users of a device but also individuals that are neither subscribers nor users, such as people whose data is collected by wearables (such as smart glasses), sometimes without being aware of.
  • 14. Relevant EU data protection principles At least the following provisions of Directive 95/46/EC are relevant: - Article 7 (legitimate data processing). Opinion on IoT at 14- 16. Note that Lawfulness of processing is in Article 6 of the new GDPR. The main avenue for a legitimate data processing is data subject consent. Article 7(a). Consent must have the characteristics specified by WP29s Opinion 15/2011. Alternatives to consent possible.
  • 15. Relevant EU data protection principles Article 6 (fair and lawful data collection and processing). minimization principle Article 8 (processing of sensitive data). - personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, and concerning health or sex life. Consent required (very limited exceptions). - Under GDPR wider definition - now includes genetic and biometric data.
  • 16. Relevant EU data protection principles Articles 10 and 11 (transparency requirements). Data controllers must provide users with a privacy policy in a clear and comprehensible manner. Challenging with the IoT and might require new methods of delivery. Opinion on IoT at 18. E.g., on the object itself using the wireless connectivity to broadcast the information. See Article 14 and 14(a) GDPR. The characteristics of the information are listed in Article 12 GDPR.
  • 17. Relevant EU data protection principles Article 17 (security requirements). - Any data controller remains fully responsible for security of the data processing even when more than one IoT stakeholder intervenes in the delivery of service. - New security principles from GDPR (Article 30) - (i) security breach: data controller responsible if breach results from poor design or maintenance of device; - (ii) security assessments: of system as a whole, including at components level. Opinion on IoT at 18. - Data breach notification duty to the supervisory authority within 72 hours (Article 31).
  • 18. Relevant EU data protection principles Cybersecurity recommendations from WP29: - Data controllers must supervise subcontractors that design and manufacture devices which are not processors (not bound by Article 17) and must seek high security standards with regard to privacy. - Use of principle of data minimization; - Network restrictions, disabling by default noncritical functionalities, preventing use of un-trusted software update sources ; - adherence to a privacy by design principle.
  • 19. Relevant EU data protection principles Cybersecurity recommendations from WP29 (contd) - automatic updates to patch vulnerabilities always available to users OR alternatives offered (e.g., open-source) AND and notification to users of vulnerability. - Security of IoT devices tracking health values must be particularly protected. - Data breach notification policies useful to contain the consequences of vulnerabilities in software and design.
  • 20. Relevant EU data protection principles Rights of data subjects: the same they have in non-IoT environment (e.g., Articles 12 and 14), particularly the right of access, the right to withdraw consent, and the right to oppose the processing. Access to raw data should be granted to users. Opinion on IoT at 20. Access to data is to switch to another provider (avoiding the lock-in). GDPR provides a right to portability. Article 18 GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured and commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the data have been provided.
  • 21. Relevant EU data protection principles IoT stakeholders must also comply with Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC (consent to storage in E-Privacy Directive). Unless storage or access (by IoT stakeholder) is strictly necessary in order to provide a service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, consent is necessary.
  • 22. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities Mauritius Declaration on the Internet of Things. adopted on October 14, 2014 inside the 36th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (Mauritius Declaration), http://www.privacyconference2014.org/media/16596/Ma uritius-Declaration.pdf.
  • 23. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities Mauritius Declaration highlights: individuals right to self-determination; drawing of broader and more sensitive inferences form the huge quantity of data; Identifiability; ubiquitous connectivity which requires trust in a connected world. To maintain trust, transparency is key.
  • 24. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities Concerns of Commissioners: Lack of clarity of information (which data is collected, for which purpose and retention policy); informed consent; privacy by design and by default still not use Lack of encryption. End-to-end encryption necessary.
  • 25. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities - ENISA, Privacy and Data Protection by Design from policy to engineering December 2014, available at https://www.enisa.europa.eu/activities/identity-and- trust/library/deliverables/privacy-and-data-protection-by- design. - privacy needs to be considered from the very beginning of system development. For this reason, [Dr. Ann] Cavoukian [former Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada] coined the term Privacy by Design, that is, privacy should be taken into account throughout the entire engineering process from the earliest design stages to the operation of the productive system.
  • 26. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities Report discusses also privacy/data protection by default, meaning that in the default setting the user is already protected against privacy risks. privacy design strategies several privacy techniques including authentication, attribute based credentials, secure private communications like encryption, and communications anonymity and pseudonymity.
  • 27. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities DPAs positions on IoT: Italian DPA (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), Avvio della Consultazione Pubblica su Internet delle Cose (Internet of Things) - Deliberazione del 26 marzo 2015, doc. web n. 3898704, available in Italian at http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/- /docweb-display/docweb/3898704 UK DPA (ICO), The Information Commissioners Office response to the Competition & Markets Authoritys call for information on the commercial use of consumer data, https://ico.org.uk/media/about- the-ico/consultation-responses/2015/1043461/ico-response-to-cma- call-for-evidence-on-consumer-data-20150306.pdf.
  • 28. Mauritius Declaration and other important authorities DPAs positions on IoT (contd): Spanish DPA, Resoluci坦n de 20 de noviembre de 2015, de la Agencia Espa単ola de Protecci坦n de Datos, por la que se aprueba el Plan Estrat辿gico 2015-2019, available in Spanish at http://www.agpd.es/portalwebAGPD/LaAgencia/common/Resolucion _Plan_Estrategico.pdf. French DPA (Commission Nationale de Linformatique et des Libertes CNIL), Rapport dActivite 2014, in French at https://www.cnil.fr/sites/default/files/typo/document/CNIL- 35e_rapport_annuel_2014.pdf.pdf, discussing smart cars and smart cities.
  • 29. More information Francesca Giannoni-Crystal & Allyson Haynes Stuart, The Internet-of-Things (#IoT) (or Internet of Everything) privacy and data protection issues in the EU and the US, Information Law Journal, Spring 2016, volume 7 issue 2, available at http://apps.americanbar.org/dch/committee.cfm?com= ST230002 www.technethics.com (TAG IoT: http://www.technethics.com/tag/iot/)
  • 30. Contacts Francesca Giannoni-Crystal (NY, DC, Italy, and SC foreign legal consultant- not a member of SC Bar) Crystal & Giannoni-Crystal, LLC (www.cgcfirm.com) fgiannoni-crystal@cgcfirm.com