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European Tenders

Using tender procedures as tools
 and their influence on the work
EU Tenders and lowest price selection
Public procurement: a
 necessity or a blessing
  The volumes in the Images for the Future
 project are so large that public procurement
  (EU tenders) was inevitable.The awarded
volume for preservation and digitization was
unprecedented and set Dutch archives ahead
       of any other archive worldwide.
European Tenders 2007-2012

            Sound and Vision: 9
                  EYE: 3
            National Archives: 2

    One combined tender regarding photo
        digitization with different lots
Sound and Vision
              Video Digibeta
   Film Preservation Perfo-Acetate
       Film Preservation Acetate
       Film Preservation Nitrate
           Film Digitization SD
           Film Digitization HD
Digitization of Photographic Materials*
        Photo Digitisation Color
       Education Media Platform

           Film Preservation
       Film Digitizing & Encoding
Digitization of Photographic Materials*

          National Archives
Digitization of Photographic Materials*

         *Combined Tender
Principles & approach
1. Be as specific as possible
 1. Deal with as much as possible `headache¨ in
    the project upfront, write down as much as
              possible specifications
  2. This forces you to think through the whole
      project and define risks on beforehand
2. Combine work
1. Combine audiovisual carriers and create
   large batches of similar material, this
drives down the costs. The larger the lots,
                the better
3. Prepare work
1. The more specific a contractor can offer
 it¨s services, the better. Prepare as much
   work as possible on beforehand, so the
contractor won¨t include this in the offering
   (e.g. describe the internal process until
 delivery, quality control, preparation work
             such as packaging)
Lessons learned
1. Lowest price forces detailed
 specification & transparency
      1. The necessity of being as specific as
   possible forces the organization to describe
    the process as detailed as possible before
    even starting. But somewhere in the project
     you¨ll have to write these plans anyway.
   2. The selection process is very transparent
           and less prone to legal claims
  3. There are enough selection criteria to arrive
               at the preferred vendor
2. Lowest price offers more
     value for money
 - Lowest price works best with repeatable and
   more standard processes. But it forces you
    think out your process in more generic and
 standard ways. The less `typical¨ you are with
       your specifications, the less you pay.
      - The amount of work on beforehand is
 considerable, and you need to take the time to
   finetune the process after the bid has taken
        place and to confirm the checklists

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EU Tenders and lowest price selection

  • 1. European Tenders Using tender procedures as tools and their influence on the work process
  • 3. Public procurement: a necessity or a blessing The volumes in the Images for the Future project are so large that public procurement (EU tenders) was inevitable.The awarded volume for preservation and digitization was unprecedented and set Dutch archives ahead of any other archive worldwide.
  • 4. European Tenders 2007-2012 Sound and Vision: 9 EYE: 3 National Archives: 2 One combined tender regarding photo digitization with different lots
  • 5. Sound and Vision Video Digibeta Film Preservation Perfo-Acetate Film Preservation Acetate Film Preservation Nitrate Film Digitization SD Film Digitization HD Digitization of Photographic Materials* Photo Digitisation Color Education Media Platform EYE Film Preservation Film Digitizing & Encoding Digitization of Photographic Materials* National Archives Digitization of Photographic Materials* *Combined Tender
  • 7. 1. Be as specific as possible 1. Deal with as much as possible `headache¨ in the project upfront, write down as much as possible specifications 2. This forces you to think through the whole project and define risks on beforehand
  • 8. 2. Combine work 1. Combine audiovisual carriers and create large batches of similar material, this drives down the costs. The larger the lots, the better
  • 9. 3. Prepare work 1. The more specific a contractor can offer it¨s services, the better. Prepare as much work as possible on beforehand, so the contractor won¨t include this in the offering (e.g. describe the internal process until delivery, quality control, preparation work such as packaging)
  • 11. 1. Lowest price forces detailed specification & transparency 1. The necessity of being as specific as possible forces the organization to describe the process as detailed as possible before even starting. But somewhere in the project you¨ll have to write these plans anyway. 2. The selection process is very transparent and less prone to legal claims 3. There are enough selection criteria to arrive at the preferred vendor
  • 12. 2. Lowest price offers more value for money - Lowest price works best with repeatable and more standard processes. But it forces you think out your process in more generic and standard ways. The less `typical¨ you are with your specifications, the less you pay. - The amount of work on beforehand is considerable, and you need to take the time to finetune the process after the bid has taken place and to confirm the checklists