The document discusses the various media technologies used at different stages of planning and creating a music video. In the research and planning stage, YouTube, Vimeo, Bauer media, UK Tribes, and Google search were used to research conventions, watch sample videos, and research the target audience. Blogger was used to document progress and gather inspiration from other blogs. Prezi was used to create online presentations to showcase some of the work, which were then shared on the blogger site.
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Evaluation question 4
1. Evaluation Question 4:
How did you use media
technologies in the construction
and research, planning and
evaluation stages?
2. In the research and planning stage I have used many different
sources to research, create and plan our music video.
We researched what conventions of music videos where, we
watched music videos to observe how they work. We
researched a song we wanted and what genre it was. Then
found what our target audience was and the general
conventions of our genre to then find out if we were going to
stick with them, adapt them or go against them all together.
We used different types of media to present what we found.
Research and planning
4. Google was the main search engine used to search
for websites, images and maps
For the research and planning stages.
Google is on of the biggest search engine in the
whole of the internet and is used worldwide to help
people find what they want.
You Tube and Vimeo was used to search all of the music
videos we watched and used to get inspiration. YouTube
is the more known and bigger video search engine of the
two but I wanted to use a different search engine to find
different videos. Both websites are used worldwide to
find videos that they want from huge blockbuster trailer
to a small video someone somewhere put on for a laugh.
Used to search:
5. Bauer media and UK Tribes are
websites that I used to research Blogger is a worldwide
target audience information. website where people
Learning what our genre can write online blogs
orientated audience want and about anything they
expect to see in our music video. want. People even use
Bauer Media is a more official blogger as a base of their
website with the purpose of own website. I used
publishing. They publish online,
blogger to show my
on TV and on Radio stations. UK
progress throughout the
Tribes is a website with the
purpose of finding the opinions of whole off my media
the youth of Britain I.E. trends course. I also looked at
and interests. other peoples blogs to
Used for research:
get inspiration and ideas.
6. Prezi is a website used to compose online presentations
for free and I used to show some of my work and then put
on my blog with Blogger.
What was used to present
my work: