Our media product uses conventions of the action genre in its opening sequence, such as typical shots, titles and editing, to engage audiences familiar with the genre. However, we also challenge some conventions, like using a rock music track instead of typical choices. As the sequence continues, the tone shifts from a typical action opening to one with mysterious, psychological thriller elements. The initial representations of characters in the sequence portray some stereotypes, like the female being naive and the male taking control, but the full film was planned to subvert some of these expectations. We aimed to attract teenage and young adult audiences of both genders by making the female protagonist a stronger character and the male appealing to both genders. Through characters and an attention-
1) The document summarizes what the student has learned from constructing a media product from preliminary task to final product.
2) They learned skills with cameras, editing software, and the blogging process. Their filming, editing, and use of technology improved.
3) Comparing the preliminary and final tasks showed higher quality filming, better acting, and more sophisticated editing in the final product.
The document discusses several issues that independent short films may face, including genre, distribution, storyline, and copyright. It notes that genre helps distributors market films and was an important consideration for their psychological drama short film. It also explains their decision to distribute on YouTube, as their target audience frequents the platform, and that they will not pursue film distributors since their project is non-funded and for educational purposes. The document emphasizes the importance of a creative, unique storyline to engage viewers and discusses copyright clearances that may require permission or payment to use songs in films.
The document summarizes the learning and skills developed by the student in creating a media product for their coursework. It discusses:
1) How planning and preparation were key, and the importance of these was learned. Skills with camera use, editing software, and effects were improved.
2) Feedback from test audiences was incorporated to help viewers relate to characters.
3) A variety of technologies were learned including using cameras, editing software, publishing platforms, and effects.
4) The quality of shots, editing, and overall professionalism increased significantly from the preliminary task. Extensive planning and research were undertaken.
The document discusses the evaluation of a media opening sequence by a student named Amy Gallacher. It addresses how the sequence used, developed, and challenged conventions of the genre. The student believes the sequence included key conventions while also innovating to make the product unique for the target audience. The document also discusses representing social groups, potential distribution partners, the target audience, and what was learned from the process.
The document describes the conventions used in a student-made thriller media product. It establishes a realistic setting and builds suspense through the protagonist's daily actions. Flashbacks are shown in black and white to add mystery. Mood is set using lighting changes and an eerie soundtrack. The character is presented ambiguously to confuse the audience's understanding of him. The film draws from conventions of psychological thrillers like Se7en and Psycho to challenge expectations.
The student learned a lot about filmmaking techniques through creating a thriller film product. They gained experience with camerawork, lighting, location scouting, editing, and incorporating appropriate music and sound effects. Feedback from test audiences helped the student identify areas for improvement, such as improving continuity in one shot. Through this process, the student learned the importance of planning, proper research, and collecting ample footage to create a cohesive, suspenseful final product.
The document discusses the production of a media studies project titled "The Pursuit", which is a thriller film. It summarizes how the film uses conventions of the thriller genre, represents teenagers, would appeal to a 15+ audience, and what was learned from the film production process.
The document provides an analysis of a student film project aimed at creating a short thriller film. It discusses several aspects of the film including how it used conventions of the thriller genre like building suspense through music and leaving questions unanswered. It notes the film was aimed at an 18+ male audience and analyzes the technologies used and what was learned through the process.
The document discusses the witness evaluation by Jack Parfitt. It summarizes how the film sticks to thriller conventions like quick camera cuts, hidden plots, and cliffhangers to build suspense. Character construction is achieved through costume, vehicles, and setting to represent different social classes. Planning, filming with an HD camera, and editing on Macs were important skills learned to construct the final product, which is a vast improvement over the preliminary task.
From audience feedback on their music video, the filmmakers learned that:
- The storyline and lyrics were well understood
- Shots were of good quality but could have more full-body shots of the character
- Their "voyeurism shot" was most successful at conveying emotion
- Transitions could be improved as they made the video feel "rushed"
- The costume of the bullied character may have been too fashionable
The document discusses how the media product represents particular social groups and genres. It aims to portray a lower social class through representations of violence, crime, and substance abuse. Characters are dressed in tracksuits and casual clothing to portray this class and create recognizable stereotypes. The opening sequence uses techniques from other films like fast-paced editing and certain shots to attract its target audience of 18 year olds interested in crime/gangster genres.
1. The media product challenges conventions of music videos by using a fully narrative-based story rather than performance clips, as filming the artist was not possible.
2. It develops conventions by linking scenes in the video to lyrics in the song through close visual and audio synchronization.
3. The product also uses conventions like voyeurism and developing a consistent visual style and branding across all parts of the project to tie it together cohesively.
The document discusses conventions used in psychological thriller films and how the author's media product conforms or does not conform to these conventions. It addresses themes, settings, costumes, props, editing techniques, and other elements. Feedback from a focus group was incorporated into changes made to better address the target audience. Challenges included lighting issues in the preliminary task and length in the final product. Lessons included planning for the target audience and using stabilization devices for shooting.
Media studies AS Evaluation – Foundation portfolioBogwiz
The document provides an evaluation of a media studies foundation portfolio created by Zakaria Bougouizi. It discusses how the media product challenges and uses conventions of real media, how it represents social groups, and the type of media institution that might distribute it. The media product is a comedy film that portrays serious issues like unemployment in a comedic way. It represents groups like teenagers and uses conventions found in films like Men in Black and The Blues Brothers. A large UK film company like Ealing Studios would be suited to distribute the film due to their experience promoting similar genres and films aimed at British teenagers.
The document discusses the creation of ancillary texts, including a poster and radio trailer, to promote a psychological thriller film. It describes the research and design process for each text. For the poster, conventions of the genre were considered like font, colors and subtle visual clues. Audience reaction and interpretation was also taken into account. The radio trailer was meant to intrigue through an unconventional monologue from the antagonist that directly addresses the listener. Sound effects and music were used to set the tense atmosphere. Overall, the ancillary texts effectively represented the film's ideas and tone to attract an audience without revealing too much of the plot.
The document discusses a student group's creation of a horror film trailer, poster, and magazine for a coursework project. They researched conventions in real horror media products to influence their own work. For the trailer, they studied trailers like Chucky and House of Wax to incorporate conventional aspects like camera work, editing, and music. They added age ratings and close-up shots of dolls, the main character, following conventions. The poster features the antagonist looking at the audience as is typical, along with credits and tagline. The magazine cover mimics real publications with masthead, cover lines, and film title in large font.
The document discusses conventions used and challenged in a music video for an indie rock song. It used a narrative-based storytelling approach throughout instead of only during the chorus, as is conventional. Close-ups of the character were used to convey emotion and engage viewers, rather than close-ups of the artist. Voyeurism and the recurring diary image also linked the visuals to the lyrics and story being told. A consistent visual style and branding was developed across the music video and other promotional materials using similar fonts, colors, and imagery.
The student evaluated their group's media coursework project of creating an opening sequence for a supernatural thriller film. They felt the final product looked professional due to the use of different shots, editing effects, and acting. While there were some challenges around scheduling and limited resources, the student was overall very pleased with how the film turned out and felt it accomplished the goals of an opening sequence by introducing characters and leaving on a cliffhanger.
The document discusses the student's media product which is a psychological thriller film opening titled "Leyla". It uses conventions of the genre like flashbacks and an unfamiliar setting. It challenges expectations by being filmed in light scenes and having an unexpected female villain. The opening represents teenagers realistically and portrays the main character as vulnerable. New Line Cinema would be a suitable distributor. The target audience is teenagers who can relate to the main character. It aims to attract its target audience through its realistic portrayal of teenage life and an engaging storyline. The student has learned advanced filming and editing skills through making this product.
The document summarizes an evaluation of a media studies self-evaluation project by Joel Duxbury. The project involved creating an opening sequence for a paranormal thriller film with a group. Key details include:
- The group created a 3-minute opening sequence filmed at various locations and uploaded it to YouTube.
- They chose to make a paranormal thriller due to limited resources and felt their opening sequence met the genre's requirements through suspenseful elements.
- An audience survey found that most viewers were engaged by the film and wanted to know more about the characters.
- The evaluation identifies strengths like varied shots and effective sound, and weaknesses to potentially improve like certain shots.
Overall the evaluation
The document discusses the representation of gender roles in a thriller film created by the author. It states that the film portrays men as powerful and women as weak, following thriller conventions. It shows the female protagonist as vulnerable and unaware compared to the confident male characters through camera angles, clothing, and facial expressions. The target audience is described as 15+ year olds due to graphic science images and disturbing experiment scenes, though some profit may be lost by excluding younger teens. Feedback was gathered to improve the film and better suit the target audience.
Our media product was a 2-3 minute opening to a thriller movie. We tried to portray enigma through techniques like blue lighting, fast clips, sound editing, and flashbacks. The plot involves a teenage girl who meets an older boy online who turns out to be her abusive ex-boyfriend. We drew inspiration from movies like Abduction, Obsessed, and The Lovely Bones to develop suspense and intrigue in our opening. Our goal was to keep the viewer constantly wanting to know what happens next through clues and an unsettling atmosphere created by the visuals and audio.
The student evaluated their group's media coursework project of creating an opening sequence for a supernatural thriller film. They felt the final product looked professional due to the use of different shots, editing effects, and acting. While there were some challenges around scheduling and limited resources, the student was overall very pleased with how the film turned out and felt it accomplished the goals of an opening sequence by introducing characters and leaving on a cliffhanger.
Our media product uses conventions such as titles, sound, camerawork and editing to engage the audience in the story and characters. It develops these forms by using original music from different genres. It challenges expectations by featuring a female lead in an action genre typically dominated by male leads.
The document discusses the production of a media studies project titled "The Pursuit" which is a thriller film. It summarizes how the film uses conventions of the thriller genre like dark lighting and themes while also challenging conventions by having a non-white main character. It discusses how the film represents teenagers and aims to raise awareness of safety issues. It also outlines the target audience, how the audience was attracted through realistic scenes, and what was learned about film technologies through the project.
The document discusses the evaluation of a title sequence created for a film noir thriller film called "Forever". It describes the creative choices made in developing the title sequence, including using a simple black and white style with faded text based on research of films like "Se7en". Music was incorporated using copyright-free piano music to set an intriguing tone. Shadows and low-key lighting were used to emulate the film noir style. Feedback from the target audience of 15+ was positive, saying the title sequence was engaging and made them want to watch the full film.
The document discusses the development of the opening for a student's media project from the original idea to the final version. The original opening used a montage of random locations that confused viewers. The revised opening uses conventions like suspense through dark lighting to avoid confusion and engage the audience. It was inspired by the openings of films like "Seven" that use similar techniques to create mystery and suspense.
The document discusses the development of the opening for a student media project from its original idea to the final version. The original opening used a montage of random locations that confused viewers. The reworked opening drew from the suspenseful conventions of the film "Seven" through its dark atmosphere and fitting of credits to the on-screen action. The opening represents teenagers as the distressed female protagonist and includes a party scene with alcohol and drugs to further engage the target teenage audience.
The document discusses the process of creating a thriller media product and what was learned throughout the process. It describes conventions used in the opening scene such as filming in the woods and at night. Technical challenges encountered included battery life and software issues. Overall, more research and planning was needed upfront, as issues that arose affected filming and editing time. The preliminary task helped identify areas for improvement in the final product.
The document summarizes an evaluation of a media studies self-evaluation project by Joel Duxbury. The project involved creating an opening sequence for a paranormal thriller film with a group. Key details include:
- The group created a 3-minute opening sequence that was uploaded to YouTube.
- They chose to make a paranormal thriller due to limited resources and felt they achieved the genre well through suspenseful elements.
- Feedback from a questionnaire showed the target audience was ages 15+ and more male-oriented. Viewers were engaged by the story and effects.
- Strengths included varied shots and effective sound, while weaknesses could be improved scenes of characters by a window and running down an alley
The document discusses the witness evaluation by Jack Parfitt. It summarizes how the film sticks to thriller conventions like quick camera cuts, hidden plots, and cliffhangers to build suspense. Character construction is achieved through costume, vehicles, and setting to represent different social classes. Planning, filming with an HD camera, and editing on Macs were important skills learned to construct the final product, which is a vast improvement over the preliminary task.
From audience feedback on their music video, the filmmakers learned that:
- The storyline and lyrics were well understood
- Shots were of good quality but could have more full-body shots of the character
- Their "voyeurism shot" was most successful at conveying emotion
- Transitions could be improved as they made the video feel "rushed"
- The costume of the bullied character may have been too fashionable
The document discusses how the media product represents particular social groups and genres. It aims to portray a lower social class through representations of violence, crime, and substance abuse. Characters are dressed in tracksuits and casual clothing to portray this class and create recognizable stereotypes. The opening sequence uses techniques from other films like fast-paced editing and certain shots to attract its target audience of 18 year olds interested in crime/gangster genres.
1. The media product challenges conventions of music videos by using a fully narrative-based story rather than performance clips, as filming the artist was not possible.
2. It develops conventions by linking scenes in the video to lyrics in the song through close visual and audio synchronization.
3. The product also uses conventions like voyeurism and developing a consistent visual style and branding across all parts of the project to tie it together cohesively.
The document discusses conventions used in psychological thriller films and how the author's media product conforms or does not conform to these conventions. It addresses themes, settings, costumes, props, editing techniques, and other elements. Feedback from a focus group was incorporated into changes made to better address the target audience. Challenges included lighting issues in the preliminary task and length in the final product. Lessons included planning for the target audience and using stabilization devices for shooting.
Media studies AS Evaluation – Foundation portfolioBogwiz
The document provides an evaluation of a media studies foundation portfolio created by Zakaria Bougouizi. It discusses how the media product challenges and uses conventions of real media, how it represents social groups, and the type of media institution that might distribute it. The media product is a comedy film that portrays serious issues like unemployment in a comedic way. It represents groups like teenagers and uses conventions found in films like Men in Black and The Blues Brothers. A large UK film company like Ealing Studios would be suited to distribute the film due to their experience promoting similar genres and films aimed at British teenagers.
The document discusses the creation of ancillary texts, including a poster and radio trailer, to promote a psychological thriller film. It describes the research and design process for each text. For the poster, conventions of the genre were considered like font, colors and subtle visual clues. Audience reaction and interpretation was also taken into account. The radio trailer was meant to intrigue through an unconventional monologue from the antagonist that directly addresses the listener. Sound effects and music were used to set the tense atmosphere. Overall, the ancillary texts effectively represented the film's ideas and tone to attract an audience without revealing too much of the plot.
The document discusses a student group's creation of a horror film trailer, poster, and magazine for a coursework project. They researched conventions in real horror media products to influence their own work. For the trailer, they studied trailers like Chucky and House of Wax to incorporate conventional aspects like camera work, editing, and music. They added age ratings and close-up shots of dolls, the main character, following conventions. The poster features the antagonist looking at the audience as is typical, along with credits and tagline. The magazine cover mimics real publications with masthead, cover lines, and film title in large font.
The document discusses conventions used and challenged in a music video for an indie rock song. It used a narrative-based storytelling approach throughout instead of only during the chorus, as is conventional. Close-ups of the character were used to convey emotion and engage viewers, rather than close-ups of the artist. Voyeurism and the recurring diary image also linked the visuals to the lyrics and story being told. A consistent visual style and branding was developed across the music video and other promotional materials using similar fonts, colors, and imagery.
The student evaluated their group's media coursework project of creating an opening sequence for a supernatural thriller film. They felt the final product looked professional due to the use of different shots, editing effects, and acting. While there were some challenges around scheduling and limited resources, the student was overall very pleased with how the film turned out and felt it accomplished the goals of an opening sequence by introducing characters and leaving on a cliffhanger.
The document discusses the student's media product which is a psychological thriller film opening titled "Leyla". It uses conventions of the genre like flashbacks and an unfamiliar setting. It challenges expectations by being filmed in light scenes and having an unexpected female villain. The opening represents teenagers realistically and portrays the main character as vulnerable. New Line Cinema would be a suitable distributor. The target audience is teenagers who can relate to the main character. It aims to attract its target audience through its realistic portrayal of teenage life and an engaging storyline. The student has learned advanced filming and editing skills through making this product.
The document summarizes an evaluation of a media studies self-evaluation project by Joel Duxbury. The project involved creating an opening sequence for a paranormal thriller film with a group. Key details include:
- The group created a 3-minute opening sequence filmed at various locations and uploaded it to YouTube.
- They chose to make a paranormal thriller due to limited resources and felt their opening sequence met the genre's requirements through suspenseful elements.
- An audience survey found that most viewers were engaged by the film and wanted to know more about the characters.
- The evaluation identifies strengths like varied shots and effective sound, and weaknesses to potentially improve like certain shots.
Overall the evaluation
The document discusses the representation of gender roles in a thriller film created by the author. It states that the film portrays men as powerful and women as weak, following thriller conventions. It shows the female protagonist as vulnerable and unaware compared to the confident male characters through camera angles, clothing, and facial expressions. The target audience is described as 15+ year olds due to graphic science images and disturbing experiment scenes, though some profit may be lost by excluding younger teens. Feedback was gathered to improve the film and better suit the target audience.
Our media product was a 2-3 minute opening to a thriller movie. We tried to portray enigma through techniques like blue lighting, fast clips, sound editing, and flashbacks. The plot involves a teenage girl who meets an older boy online who turns out to be her abusive ex-boyfriend. We drew inspiration from movies like Abduction, Obsessed, and The Lovely Bones to develop suspense and intrigue in our opening. Our goal was to keep the viewer constantly wanting to know what happens next through clues and an unsettling atmosphere created by the visuals and audio.
The student evaluated their group's media coursework project of creating an opening sequence for a supernatural thriller film. They felt the final product looked professional due to the use of different shots, editing effects, and acting. While there were some challenges around scheduling and limited resources, the student was overall very pleased with how the film turned out and felt it accomplished the goals of an opening sequence by introducing characters and leaving on a cliffhanger.
Our media product uses conventions such as titles, sound, camerawork and editing to engage the audience in the story and characters. It develops these forms by using original music from different genres. It challenges expectations by featuring a female lead in an action genre typically dominated by male leads.
The document discusses the production of a media studies project titled "The Pursuit" which is a thriller film. It summarizes how the film uses conventions of the thriller genre like dark lighting and themes while also challenging conventions by having a non-white main character. It discusses how the film represents teenagers and aims to raise awareness of safety issues. It also outlines the target audience, how the audience was attracted through realistic scenes, and what was learned about film technologies through the project.
The document discusses the evaluation of a title sequence created for a film noir thriller film called "Forever". It describes the creative choices made in developing the title sequence, including using a simple black and white style with faded text based on research of films like "Se7en". Music was incorporated using copyright-free piano music to set an intriguing tone. Shadows and low-key lighting were used to emulate the film noir style. Feedback from the target audience of 15+ was positive, saying the title sequence was engaging and made them want to watch the full film.
The document discusses the development of the opening for a student's media project from the original idea to the final version. The original opening used a montage of random locations that confused viewers. The revised opening uses conventions like suspense through dark lighting to avoid confusion and engage the audience. It was inspired by the openings of films like "Seven" that use similar techniques to create mystery and suspense.
The document discusses the development of the opening for a student media project from its original idea to the final version. The original opening used a montage of random locations that confused viewers. The reworked opening drew from the suspenseful conventions of the film "Seven" through its dark atmosphere and fitting of credits to the on-screen action. The opening represents teenagers as the distressed female protagonist and includes a party scene with alcohol and drugs to further engage the target teenage audience.
The document discusses the process of creating a thriller media product and what was learned throughout the process. It describes conventions used in the opening scene such as filming in the woods and at night. Technical challenges encountered included battery life and software issues. Overall, more research and planning was needed upfront, as issues that arose affected filming and editing time. The preliminary task helped identify areas for improvement in the final product.
The document summarizes an evaluation of a media studies self-evaluation project by Joel Duxbury. The project involved creating an opening sequence for a paranormal thriller film with a group. Key details include:
- The group created a 3-minute opening sequence that was uploaded to YouTube.
- They chose to make a paranormal thriller due to limited resources and felt they achieved the genre well through suspenseful elements.
- Feedback from a questionnaire showed the target audience was ages 15+ and more male-oriented. Viewers were engaged by the story and effects.
- Strengths included varied shots and effective sound, while weaknesses could be improved scenes of characters by a window and running down an alley
- The document discusses how the media product uses and develops conventions of real thriller films through its camera work, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene.
- It represents gender in a stereotypical way by only including male characters and portraying the antagonist as male.
- The media product could be distributed by an art house film institution or major Hollywood studio, and its violent content means it would attract a 15-25 year old audience.
Luke Mayes - Foundation Production Portfolio - EvaluationMayesV1
The document discusses the production of a student's media project for their Foundation course. It includes:
- An analysis of how the film used conventions of the thriller genre like editing, iconography, and setting.
- Representation of social groups like middle-aged men, upper-class men, and wives to create character types and tension.
- Suggestions that the film could be distributed by Hollywood or television studios due to its style and opportunities for branding.
- The intended audience of 15-25 year olds and how scenes like the motorbike and poisoning attract both male and female viewers.
- Lessons learned about camerawork, scheduling challenges, and improving editing skills over the course
Foundation production portfolio - EvaluationMayesV1
The student learned a great deal from creating a short thriller film from start to finish. Through extensive research into the genre and industry, they improved their planning process and adapted their original idea. Filming skills like camerawork and editing improved over time. While the production process wasn't perfect, the student feels they created a good film considering the challenges, and learned valuable lessons to apply to future projects.
The document describes the conventions used in a student-made thriller media product. It establishes the realistic setting and builds suspense through the protagonist's daily actions. Flashbacks shown in black and white give background and intrigue. Mood is set through lighting changes that keep the audience unsettled. An eerie soundtrack increases tension during action scenes. The character is ambiguous to confuse the audience and challenge expectations. Overall, the conventions aim to represent younger generations and subvert stereotypes through the protagonist's conflicting characteristics and situations.
The document describes the conventions used in a student-made thriller media product. It establishes a realistic setting and builds suspense through the protagonist's daily actions. Flashbacks are shown in black and white to add mystery. Mood is set using lighting changes and an eerie soundtrack. The character is presented ambiguously to confuse the audience's understanding of him. The film draws from conventions of psychological thrillers like Se7en and Psycho to challenge expectations.
The document discusses the process of creating a media product for a college assignment. It describes how the group chose to follow conventions of teen drama genre films by using simple shots and storylines about teenagers. However, they also wanted to challenge conventions by focusing on a typical teenage girl rather than wealthy American youth. They also did not show alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to avoid portraying all youth negatively. The group decided to distribute their film through Film4 because of its young target audience on channels like E4. They chose 12-20 year olds as their target to attract more viewers and address relevant issues through their narrative.
This document summarizes a student's evaluation of their media product, which was an opening scene for a thriller/horror film. The student learned that planning, research, and storyboarding were important for a smooth production. They improved their filming and editing skills between their preliminary task and final product. Their opening incorporated conventions like a male killer and used camera angles to appeal to a target male audience. The student believes a major studio could distribute the film if expanded into a full feature.
The document summarizes a student media project that uses conventions of the thriller genre. It establishes mood and suspense through realistic settings, building action sequences, ambiguous characters, and an eerie soundtrack. While adhering to thriller conventions, the project also challenges some conventions through unexpected shots and an morally ambiguous main character. The target audience is young adults, represented through the characters, locations, and exploration of stereotypes relevant to that generation.
Priyanka Chawla evaluated her group's psychological thriller media product titled "Chance." She found that it closely followed the codes and conventions of the genre but challenged some, like not using a black and white filter. Through research, Priyanka became familiar with audience expectations. She represented typical stereotypes like dominant male characters and analyzed how editing, sound, mise-en-scene, and more enhanced this. Priyanka believed Warner Bros. would be a good distributor due to similar thrillers they have released. Through surveys, she found the target audience was males 15 and over. Priyanka attracted the audience through an unusual female protagonist, the title, and familiar conventions. She learned filming, editing, and
This document summarizes Priyanka Chawla's reflections on creating a media title sequence for a psychological thriller as part of a group project. Some key points:
- Priyanka researched conventions of psychological thriller titles and incorporated some (simple text on black background) while avoiding others (black and white filter) for their project.
- Close-ups, quick editing, and suspenseful sound were used to follow thriller conventions. Male characters were given more screen time and dominance to represent typical gender stereotypes.
- Warner Bros. would be a good distributor since they have distributed similar thrillers in the past. The intended audience is males ages 15 and over who would relate to the male dominance
This document summarizes Priyanka Chawla's reflections on creating a media title sequence for a psychological thriller as part of a group project. Some key points:
- Priyanka researched conventions of psychological thriller titles and incorporated some (simple text on black background) while avoiding others (black and white filter) for their project.
- Close-ups, quick editing, and suspenseful sound were used to represent conventions of the genre.
- Stereotypes of male dominance and women in subservient roles were represented through camerawork, editing, sound, and mise-en-scene.
- Warner Bros. was identified as a suitable distributor because of its experience with similar
The document discusses the construction of a media product and what was learned throughout the process. It describes using conventions like titles, music and camera techniques to engage the audience. Specifically, it discusses using a close-up of a gun to draw the audience in and using a phone call at the end of the opening to leave them with questions. The document reflects on learning how to use editing software, add transitions and incorporate different angles to convey meaning. Overall, it addresses progressing from an initial task to developing a more complex full product and storyboard.
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Types of IPTV Services
Live IPTV – Streaming live TV channels in real time, similar to traditional broadcasts.
Time-Shifted IPTV – Allows users to watch previously aired content (like catch-up TV).
Video-On-Demand (VOD) – On-demand access to movies, shows, and other content.
Key Features of IPTV Subscription:
Live TV Streaming: Watch live broadcasts of news, sports, or entertainment channels.
Video on Demand (VOD): Access a library of movies and TV shows to watch whenever you want.
Time-Shifted Content: Pause, rewind, or watch previously aired shows (Catch-Up TV).
High-Quality Streaming: Often includes HD or 4K resolution options, depending on the provider and your internet connection.
Device Compatibility: Works on a range of devices, including Smart TVs, streaming boxes (like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick), and mobile devices.
Common Requirements:
A stable and fast internet connection (minimum of 10 Mbps recommended for HD streaming).
A compatible IPTV player app or device (e.g., VLC, Kodi, or a dedicated IPTV box).
An IPTV service provider offering subscriptions tailored to your content needs.
Legality of IPTV Subscription Online Service
While IPTV technology itself is legal, the legitimacy of the service depends on the provider. Some providers may stream unauthorized or pirated content. To ensure legality, choose an IPTV subscription from reputable, licensed service providers.
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2. In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Our product has used conventions of real media products from the same genre; action. The typical format of an action film’s opening sequence has been used in our product to make the audience more aware of the genre, and also to hook in the target audiences. All of the key shots and titles, typical of the action genre, have been used. This includes our editing and cuts which are all straight at the beginning of our sequence. Our props, costumes and locations are all typical of the action genre, as seen in films such Casino Royale . However, we have developed some of the conventions to make our production more original, and hopefully broaden our target audience. Our music choices are our first challenge to the conventions of real media products as they maybe veer away from typical choices. The first track we have used is from the Rock genre, and compared to some of the typical tracks, it is a lot harsher, however, the comparison between this, and the change to the slower mellow track later on, is now a lot more clear, and the change of mood that this signifies is a lot more noticeable. The clear beats in the rock track also fits well to the sharp cuts in our film, and it’s tempo is a lot more dramatic. The change in track is also challenging the conventions as most opening sequences we studied have a constant soundtrack during the opening titles. As the opening title sequence unfolds, it transforms from that of a typical action film to one of an enigmatic psychological thriller; it confuses the audience, and they have to consider what it all means as the film is introduced.
3. How does your media product represent particular social groups? Our media product only gives initial representations of the characters and their social groups as they are only briefly introduced. However, from the first few minutes, typical stereotypes are picked up on. For example, our female protagonist is a typical feminine character, and she is portrayed to be quite naive as to what is going on in the story. She is in love with the male protagonist, and trusts him completely. Her character represents women to be taking a back seat in the story, however, later on in the rough plot outline we had planned for the rest of the film, she would be breaking that mould, and becoming more of the hero herself instead of it being all left down to the male characters. Our male protagonist is originally shown to be loving, athletic and a respectable character. He is represented as the kind of man that women dream of, and that men dream of being. His character represents men to be strong-willed and to be taking control, for example, when he stops the female’s speech and kisses her. He is involved in all of the action in the sequence which unveils the typical stereotype of the men being the heroes and involved in the drama more so than the women. When our third character is brought into the opening sequence, it gives us a different representation of men; it shows their darker side and that they are much more secretive. Their lack of conversation could also lead to the conclusion that they don’t like to talk as much as females do, and they are happier conversing with people of the opposite sex.
4. What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why? When considering the kind of media institutions that would distribute our product, I researched EM Media ; a distribution company of regional films in the East Midlands. I think that a company like this could be a good distributor for a film, and so conducted further research into distribution companies in the South Eastern region. Institutions such as Screen East and New Town Films came to my attention. They are distribution companies based in the South East, that are interested in promoting local indie films. A company with these policies would be ideal for our production, and would be our preferable choice. However, if for any reason we were unable to use one of these companies, we may consider appealing to the UK film council for a grant. Alternatively, we could approach a foreign distribution company. This may mean including an actor of a different nationality to help the product appeal to their audiences as well as in the UK. This could potentially cause casting issues however, and so we would preferably use our first option or even approach a larger company in the hope that they would take on our production. For example, Entertainment Film Distributors are a major film distribution company based in the UK that have helped to distribute and promote many British films such as St Trinians and Stormbreaker.
5. Who would be the audience for your media product? When we looked at different films of the action genre in our research, we focused a lot on the techniques that they had used to attract certain audiences. We decided that the main target audience for media products of this type was teenage and adult males. We decided, for this reason, to focus mainly on this audience, however we decided that we also wanted to appeal to females of the same age to broaden the audience, and to increase the popularity of the film. As we are giving our opening sequence a 15 classification due to violent content, we decided that appealing to younger teens was not essential as the viewing rates would be low. We also realised that older people would be less likely to show an interest in our film, although we were aware that there are people, particularly interested in studying film, that would be intrigued by it. For these reasons, we based our characters ages and the issues addressed in the film, around that of people in their late teens and young adults.
6. How did you attract/address your audience? Once we had established exactly who our audience was going to be, we could mould the making of our film around this. The genre was key in this obviously as we knew we were trying to appeal to a different audience than the average action film. As we were trying to appeal to females, as well as males who were the typical audience of action films, we knew we would need to make it a lot more appealing to them. We decided that a way of doing this would be to make the female protagonist a stronger character and not just the stereotype of a helpless damsel that are so common in this genre. However, in bringing out the strength in her character, we realised that we would need to still keep her as pure and naive as possible, just with more of an edge. This way, she would be seen as a good role model for young women, but would also be appealing for male viewers. Our male protagonist was also a key in attracting our audience. He needed to appeal to both the females and the males in our audience, and therefore we made sure that he would be attractive for the female viewers, and someone the males would aspire to be. Everyone looks for a role model in films, and therefore our characters were our main focus for attracting the audience. Obviously our characters were not our only way of attracting and addressing our audience. We also considered what would instantly catch the audiences attention, and so our sequence starts with choppy edits and music with a strong beat that would instantly wake up the audience and get them interested. The extreme close up of a foot in the first shot, followed by the running, causes confusion for the audience, and so they would want to keep on watching.
7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I have learnt much about media technology throughout the process of constructing this product, some of these technologies being cameras, editing programmes such as Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 and the blogging process using www.blogger.com . Fortunately, I was well aware of how to use a blog before the project as I had been using one for several months in advance. This was particularly helpful as it did not take us as long to set up our blog, and figure out how to use it, as it had taken some of the groups. Personally, I think my most prominent gain from the course was learning skills with a camera. As I was in the preliminary task, I did not get to do as much filming as I would have liked, however, I did a fair amount of filming for the main task as I conveniently went on a holiday to New York around the time of our production. Unfortunately, due to the time limit on our title sequence, only a very small amount of this footage was used, but the filming experience I gained from it, and the comfort I now feel behind a camera are huge achievements for me. Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 was more of a task for me as it was something I have never come across before. Originally it did appear to be quite difficult, but once I got used to using it I found it a lot easier to understand and feel my knowledge of editing is now much improved.
8. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Looking back at our preliminary task, I can really see the difference in the standard of filming and editing. Throughout the course, I feel that I have learnt how to use a camera and the equipment a lot more professionally, and also have a better understanding of how to create meaning through film. My editing skills have also much improved. In our preliminary, I was one of the actors used and, in my opinion, the quality seems a lot lower in our preliminary due to bad acting. I am in no way an actress, and we realised from our preliminary that we would be at much an advantage to use people studying drama in our main task. I had more of a role in editing on our preliminary than I did filming it, and I did learn more than before about the editing programme during the production of our main task. Our editing was a lot more sophisticated in our main task, using transitions and overlaying our credits onto the main shots. We learnt how we can use these editing skills to create different atmospheres in films and portray the characters feelings. To help us, we studied different user guides and and watched tutorial videos. These enabled us to understand the tools of Adobe much better. Overall, throughout the transition between the two tasks, I feel that I have learnt a lot, and my general media production knowledge has been extended enormously.