The City of West Palm Beach conducted a UV disinfection pilot study to address regulatory requirements to install a secondary water treatment barrier and determine the extent of potential UV fouling. The study tested two parallel UV reactors - a low-pressure high output system and a medium-pressure system. Over 12 weeks, fouling of the UV sleeves was found to be low, with transmittance remaining above 97% without cleaning. Microbial testing showed the UV reactors provided 1-2 log reduction of bacteria. The study demonstrated the UV systems were effective for treating the city's high organic surface water and that fouling could be managed without regular cleaning.
Q6 what have you learned about technologies?JDCArmory
Jordan learned many new skills in filming, editing, and producing a media project. Through filming their thriller opening multiple times, they gained experience with a digital video camera, including how to properly mount it, zoom, pan, and consider shot composition. Editing in Pinnacle software taught Jordan how to use transitions, add sound effects, and titles to craft an engaging narrative. They found certain transitions like flicker effects built tension well. Overall, the process improved Jordan's technical skills in camerawork, editing, and producing a cohesive media product.
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October War_Effective Egyptian Preprarations Enable Strategic SurpriseW. Troy Ayres
The Egyptians were able to achieve strategic surprise against Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War through effective military preparations and deception. They had been conducting large training exercises for years, allowing Israel to grow complacent. Additionally, Egypt launched an deception campaign involving limiting information sharing and presenting their final mobilization as another routine exercise. Through these measures, Egypt was able to cross the Suez Canal before Israel realized war was imminent, gaining an early advantage through surprise.
This document contains the Manual of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Ministry of Rural Development in India. It outlines the procedures and guidelines for projects implemented under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana and Aajeevika Skills programs. The manual covers key areas like PIA registration and project sanctioning, project implementation, training design and planning, management of training centers, and training initiation and completion. It provides forms and checklists for monitoring project timelines, release of funds, inspection of training centers, candidate enrollment and assessment. The goal is to standardize processes to effectively implement skills development projects across states.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan ruang lingkup ISBD (Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar) yang meliputi konsep-konsep dasar ilmu sosial dan budaya yang dipandang berguna untuk memperluas wawasan dan mengembangkan kepribadian mahasiswa."
Thermodynamics is the study of energy and its transformation. It deals with the relationship between heat, work, and the physical properties of substances. Thermodynamics can be studied through both a microscopic approach considering molecular behavior, and a macroscopic approach considering average properties without molecular details. A thermodynamic system is defined as a quantity of matter bounded by a surface, and can be classified as closed, open, or isolated depending on its interactions with the surroundings. Key thermodynamic properties describe the state of a system.
Pakistan was founded in 1947 by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and emerged as an independent state on August 14th, 1947. It has a total area of 796,095 sq km and a population of over 167 million people. Pakistan is divided into 4 provinces: Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. The country faces a governance crisis due to factors such as lack of competent leadership, political instability, corruption, weak institutions, fragile economy, terrorism, and nepotism. Key events that exacerbated the crisis include periods of martial law beginning in 1958 and the fall of Dhaka in 1971.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan tiga langkah mudah untuk melakukan closing sales, yaitu dengan menanyakan pertanyaan prospek untuk mengidentifikasi keberatan, menjelaskan langkah berikutnya secara jelas, dan memberikan deadline untuk mendorong keputusan pembelian.
This marketing plan proposes an app and delivery service for online grocery shopping. It aims to revolutionize traditional grocery buying by allowing customers to order groceries through a mobile app that will deliver the items to their doorstep within 90 minutes. This will save customers time spent visiting stores and dealing with traffic. The plan outlines competitors in metropolitan cities, opportunities in other untapped areas, and threats from local markets. It proposes positioning the service based on offering high quality products at prices below maximum retail price with fast delivery. An implementation timeline is provided covering market research, app development, and promotional activities before and after launch.
The document discusses the major legal systems in the world. The three main legal systems are common law, civil law, and religious legal systems. Common law originated in England and is used in countries with British legal heritage. Civil law is influenced by Roman law and is codified into statutes. Religious legal systems include Sharia law in Islam and Canon law in some Christian groups. Each country may incorporate elements of different systems into its own unique legal framework.
Iso 9001 2015 fdis penjelasan klausul klausulIbrohim Ilyas
Dokumen ini memberikan penjelasan tentang klausul-klausul dalam ISO 9001:2015 untuk membantu organisasi memahami standar tersebut. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan empat klausul utama ISO 9001:2015 yaitu konteks organisasi, pemahaman terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan dan pihak terkait, pendekatan berbasis risiko, dan komitmen untuk menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu.
Presentasi memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang tips efektif dalam presentasi, termasuk berbicara dengan jelas, menggunakan ilustrasi seperti gambar dan kutipan, berinteraksi dengan audiens, tersenyum, bersemangat, mempersiapkan naskah, memahami materi, dan berlatih.
University Civic Engagement: What Does It Mean to Be An Engaged University?ExCID
Civic engagement refers to the ways citizens participate in their community to improve conditions or shape the future. It means promoting quality of life through political and non-political processes. An engaged citizen has the ability, agency, and opportunity to address public issues. Universities are expected to integrate into their communities, care about local issues, and exchange knowledge to educate socially responsible citizens. The basic assumption is that universities have public responsibility for community development.
Shadow legal education has emerged in Norway as an informal system that supplements formal legal education. It is a win-win arrangement where law firms and offices provide traineeships, coaching, and other learning opportunities to students. This helps students prepare for their careers and helps firms recruit graduates. Though informal, shadow legal education imitates formal education and coordinates with the university. It addresses the transition from higher education to work while benefiting all stakeholders. More research is needed into similar shadow systems that may exist in other fields.
Findings from the research project Horizon on "Student-centered learning approaches in teaching and engineering education - characteristics and challenges" (in English)
Stakeholder organizations in higher education governance are increasingly influential actors at the European level. These include the European University Association (EUA), European Students' Union (ESU), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Education International (EI), and BusinessEurope. While they do not have voting rights, they significantly influence decision-making through consultation and responding to European Commission initiatives. The organizations represent different constituencies but work together on common issues like quality assurance. Research aims to analyze the policy positions of these groups over time to understand convergence and how European dynamics shape their stances.
This document summarizes a presentation about the political economy of education and training reforms in Western welfare states. It discusses how:
1) Political coalitions formed during critical post-WWII decades shaped the development of different education systems, including collective apprenticeship models in Germany and statist school-based models in Sweden.
2) These emerging paths created distinct "worlds of human capital formation" with consequences for social inequality, like higher youth unemployment and stratification in liberal market economies like the UK.
3) The interplay between partisan politics and socioeconomic institutions, like strong unions supporting school-based training in Sweden, explains why different skill formation regimes developed in different countries.
The document summarizes a presentation on the political economy of higher education finance across advanced democracies. It finds that tuition and subsidy systems can be grouped into four "worlds" and explores explanations for how they emerged. A "time-sensitive partisan theory" argues that the sequence and duration of left-wing versus right-wing governments best explains the development of the different systems from identical post-WWII starting points. Quantitative analyses of expenditure data and party positions provide mixed support for the theory's predictions.
Pakistan was founded in 1947 by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and emerged as an independent state on August 14th, 1947. It has a total area of 796,095 sq km and a population of over 167 million people. Pakistan is divided into 4 provinces: Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. The country faces a governance crisis due to factors such as lack of competent leadership, political instability, corruption, weak institutions, fragile economy, terrorism, and nepotism. Key events that exacerbated the crisis include periods of martial law beginning in 1958 and the fall of Dhaka in 1971.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan tiga langkah mudah untuk melakukan closing sales, yaitu dengan menanyakan pertanyaan prospek untuk mengidentifikasi keberatan, menjelaskan langkah berikutnya secara jelas, dan memberikan deadline untuk mendorong keputusan pembelian.
This marketing plan proposes an app and delivery service for online grocery shopping. It aims to revolutionize traditional grocery buying by allowing customers to order groceries through a mobile app that will deliver the items to their doorstep within 90 minutes. This will save customers time spent visiting stores and dealing with traffic. The plan outlines competitors in metropolitan cities, opportunities in other untapped areas, and threats from local markets. It proposes positioning the service based on offering high quality products at prices below maximum retail price with fast delivery. An implementation timeline is provided covering market research, app development, and promotional activities before and after launch.
The document discusses the major legal systems in the world. The three main legal systems are common law, civil law, and religious legal systems. Common law originated in England and is used in countries with British legal heritage. Civil law is influenced by Roman law and is codified into statutes. Religious legal systems include Sharia law in Islam and Canon law in some Christian groups. Each country may incorporate elements of different systems into its own unique legal framework.
Iso 9001 2015 fdis penjelasan klausul klausulIbrohim Ilyas
Dokumen ini memberikan penjelasan tentang klausul-klausul dalam ISO 9001:2015 untuk membantu organisasi memahami standar tersebut. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan empat klausul utama ISO 9001:2015 yaitu konteks organisasi, pemahaman terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan dan pihak terkait, pendekatan berbasis risiko, dan komitmen untuk menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu.
Presentasi memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang tips efektif dalam presentasi, termasuk berbicara dengan jelas, menggunakan ilustrasi seperti gambar dan kutipan, berinteraksi dengan audiens, tersenyum, bersemangat, mempersiapkan naskah, memahami materi, dan berlatih.
University Civic Engagement: What Does It Mean to Be An Engaged University?ExCID
Civic engagement refers to the ways citizens participate in their community to improve conditions or shape the future. It means promoting quality of life through political and non-political processes. An engaged citizen has the ability, agency, and opportunity to address public issues. Universities are expected to integrate into their communities, care about local issues, and exchange knowledge to educate socially responsible citizens. The basic assumption is that universities have public responsibility for community development.
Shadow legal education has emerged in Norway as an informal system that supplements formal legal education. It is a win-win arrangement where law firms and offices provide traineeships, coaching, and other learning opportunities to students. This helps students prepare for their careers and helps firms recruit graduates. Though informal, shadow legal education imitates formal education and coordinates with the university. It addresses the transition from higher education to work while benefiting all stakeholders. More research is needed into similar shadow systems that may exist in other fields.
Findings from the research project Horizon on "Student-centered learning approaches in teaching and engineering education - characteristics and challenges" (in English)
Stakeholder organizations in higher education governance are increasingly influential actors at the European level. These include the European University Association (EUA), European Students' Union (ESU), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Education International (EI), and BusinessEurope. While they do not have voting rights, they significantly influence decision-making through consultation and responding to European Commission initiatives. The organizations represent different constituencies but work together on common issues like quality assurance. Research aims to analyze the policy positions of these groups over time to understand convergence and how European dynamics shape their stances.
This document summarizes a presentation about the political economy of education and training reforms in Western welfare states. It discusses how:
1) Political coalitions formed during critical post-WWII decades shaped the development of different education systems, including collective apprenticeship models in Germany and statist school-based models in Sweden.
2) These emerging paths created distinct "worlds of human capital formation" with consequences for social inequality, like higher youth unemployment and stratification in liberal market economies like the UK.
3) The interplay between partisan politics and socioeconomic institutions, like strong unions supporting school-based training in Sweden, explains why different skill formation regimes developed in different countries.
The document summarizes a presentation on the political economy of higher education finance across advanced democracies. It finds that tuition and subsidy systems can be grouped into four "worlds" and explores explanations for how they emerged. A "time-sensitive partisan theory" argues that the sequence and duration of left-wing versus right-wing governments best explains the development of the different systems from identical post-WWII starting points. Quantitative analyses of expenditure data and party positions provide mixed support for the theory's predictions.
1. Hvordan l脱rer studenter 奪 forholde
seg kritisk til kunnskap?
et case fra jus
Analyser av jusstudenters utforskning av
caseoppgaver i kollokviegrupper
Cecilie Enqvist-Jensen
2. Tvil i jus
normer og prosedyrer for utforsking av
juridiske problemer som allows the law to
ensure that it has doubted properly
(Latour, 2010).
Hvordan tvil 束gj淡res損 i aktivitet
Interaksjon i grupper av jusstudenter
3. Empirisk setting og data
Problembasert kurs i internasjonal rett (ES-rett og folkerett)
3. semester, 5-奪rig integrert master i rettsvitenskap, UiO
Caseoppgaver, l脱rerledede sesjoner og mellomarbeid
Video-observasjon av to kollokviegruppers arbeid (8 m淡ter)
Observasjon av l脱rerledede sesjoner (12 m淡ter)
Intervjuer med l脱rere og grupper av studenter (3 intervjuer)
5. Karakteristikker ved gruppenes
1. Sp淡rsm奪lsdrevet arbeid
En rekke nye sp淡rsm奪l reises og testes ut
2. Skriftlige kilder brukes aktivt
Kilder fra kunnskapsfeltet (eks. traktater, dommer)
trekkes inn i konstruksjon av nye sp淡rsm奪l for
utforskning av problemer
Pendelbevegelse mellom 奪pning(er) og lukking(er) av
6. Spesifisering av problemet
gjennom identifisering og utforsking av juridiske kilder
Verbal kommunikasjon Beskrivelse av handling
1. Jacob St奪r det noe om ulovlig st淡tte i artikkel 2.3?
(3s)...nei det er det ikke 2.3.
Det er 2.4. Her st奪r det: All members shall
refrain in their international relations from
the threat or use force (5s) Men det er jo
use of force. Er det st淡tte?
Peter og Jacob leser h淡yt fra
f淡lgende artikler: 2.5, 2.7, 2.3
(i FN-traktaten)
Jacob begynner 奪 lese i 2.4.
2. Thomas Ja, det er det vi m奪 sp淡rre om, om den
typen st淡tte som Imperia har gitt kan
regnes for 奪 v脱re use of force
3. William Det er akkurat det der den Nicaragua-saken
g奪r p奪
Beveger seg mot tavlen.
7. Verbal kommunikasjon Beskrivelse av handling
1. Thomas Men er det ikke det Nicaragua-dommen sier da, at
hvis man faller nedenfor terskelen for use of force,
s奪 er det ikke et folkerettsbrudd? (4s). Jeg har i alle
fall v脱rt av den oppfatningen
Thomas ser ned i teksten
2. William () Det st奪r noe her [i Nicaraguasaken] om at
trade....was not the use of force. Men de sier ikke
at dermed er det ikke et brudd p奪 folkeretten
William begynner 奪 lese
fra Nicaragua-saken, for
seg selv f淡rst, s奪 h淡yt for
de andre mens han peker
p奪 et avsnitt i teksten.
3. Thomas () men s奪 har vi tre begreper i den dommen. Det er
intervention, use of force og armed attack
William beveger seg
tilbake til tavlen.
4. William Men hva skal sp淡rsm奪let v奪rt v脱re da?
8. 1. Trene p奪 profesjonell tvil som innvielse
til kunnskapskulturen i jus
utf淡re tvil i l淡sning komplekse case-oppgaver i jus inneb脱rer
奪 finne ut b奪de hva man skal tvile p奪 og hvordan.
o Hva skal man tvile p奪?
Utfordring 奪 formulere faglig anerkjente sp淡rsm奪l som skal
o Hvordan sikre at problemer er grundig unders淡kt for 奪
komme frem til begrunnede avgj淡relser?
Serier av sp淡rsm奪l og aktiv s淡ken etter spesifiseringer som
unders淡kende praksis driver og opprettholder tvil
Skriftlige tekster og begreper fra profesjonen virker
9. 2. Gruppeprosesser som potensielt produktive
for 奪 l脱re 奪 forholde seg kritisk til kunnskap
Gir mulighet for 奪 ettersp淡rre begrunnelser og felles
utforskning av kilder
Ivaretagelse av flere posisjoner i diskusjonene
o Behov for tid og rom for 奪 utforske problemer i dybden
o Arbeid i grupper som jobber sammen over tid kan
stimulere produktive prosesser
o men i produktivt samspill med l脱rerledede seminarer
10. Enqvist-Jensen, C.; Nerland, M., & Rasmussen, I. (submitted): Learning to
perform doubt in legal problem solving: an analysis of law students work
with case-assignments in groups.
Editor's Notes
identifisere hva som b淡r tviles p奪 er en utfordring i seg selv - og for 'hvordan' s奪 er det jo bl.a tekstene og begrepene som virker innrullerende, og serien av sp淡rsm奪l /streven etter spesifiseringer som unders淡kende praksis som driver og opprettholder tvil.