El documento resume brevemente la historia de los medios de transmisi坦n, su papel durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los medios m叩s utilizados actualmente. Explica que los humanos han transmitido mensajes a distancia desde la prehistoria usando se単ales sonoras y luminosas. Durante la guerra, la radio desempe単坦 un importante papel de propaganda y resistencia. Hoy en d鱈a, los cables m叩s comunes son el par trenzado, el coaxial y la fibra 坦ptica.
This document reviews the design of off-street parking facilities. It discusses key design elements such as vehicle sizes and trends, parking categories, geometric requirements, factors affecting parking time, and recommended parking times. Two car parks at Salford University are used as case studies to compare their designs to literature standards and each other. Surveys were conducted at each site to collect data on parking times, maneuvers to park, and critical clearance gaps. Statistical analysis was performed to test whether one car park design was better in theory and practice based on following design literature standards more closely. The results found that following standards more closely had a positive effect on practical parking aspects.
O documento apresenta a Rede da Primeira Inf但ncia do Estado do Cear叩 (REPI-CE), definindo seu objetivo de articular organiza巽探es para fomentar pol鱈ticas p炭blicas voltadas para crian巽as de at辿 6 anos. A REPI-CE visa promover os direitos das crian巽as desde a concep巽達o, considerando a primeira inf但ncia um per鱈odo crucial para o desenvolvimento integral da crian巽a.
This document recommends finding more websites or programs similar to LiveMocha to learn a new language as the only change or recommendation. It thanks the reader and states that this is all the author has done in the last two weeks.
Este documento es un hoja de vida de Diana Carolina Aza Rivera, una ingeniera de sistemas de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. En su formaci坦n acad辿mica se destaca su t鱈tulo en ingenier鱈a de sistemas y su dominio del ingl辿s. Entre su experiencia laboral se encuentran trabajos de soporte al sistema de informaci坦n de la Universidad Industrial de Santander y montaje de redes de computadores para la empresa AW Ingenier鱈a. El documento tambi辿n incluye referencias personales y laborales.
El SENA es un organismo p炭blico colombiano que ofrece formaci坦n t辿cnica, tecnol坦gica y profesional para contribuir al desarrollo del pa鱈s. Fue fundado en 1950 por Rodolfo Mart鱈nez Tono para invertir en el desarrollo de los trabajadores colombianos a trav辿s de programas de formaci坦n que permitan su incorporaci坦n a actividades productivas. El SENA define normas de competencia laboral en coordinaci坦n con actores sociales.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) de Colombia. Explica que el SENA ofrece educaci坦n t辿cnica gratuita para contribuir al desarrollo social y econ坦mico del pa鱈s. Su misi坦n es innovar constantemente para aumentar el conocimiento de los colombianos. Los s鱈mbolos del SENA son su himno y bandera, y sus valores incluyen el respeto, pensamiento cr鱈tico y creatividad.
This document contains several quotes related to institutions, knowledge, and originality. Clay Shirky warns that institutions will try to preserve problems to maintain their own relevance. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi notes that fields can become too insular and disconnected from reality. Robert Sutton and Jeffrey Pfeffer discuss the gap between talking about change and actually implementing it. They also advise wariness of people who focus only on problems without solutions. John Ciardi's quote discusses the meek who take risks. Sir Ken Robinson encourages being willing to be wrong to come up with new ideas.
Conchillas es un centro tur鱈stico escondido que ofrece una realidad diferente. El documento sugiere que Conchillas podr鱈a ser un destino tur鱈stico oculto que vale la pena explorar.
Este documento resume un estudio de la aplicaci坦n de la Norma Venezolana COVENIN 2500-93 en la empresa de servicios Indisica S.A. El estudio encontr坦 que la empresa carece de organizaci坦n formal en varias 叩reas clave de mantenimiento e incumple muchos aspectos de la norma. Se recomienda que Indisica S.A. cree una organizaci坦n para el departamento de mantenimiento para prevenir fallas a corto y largo plazo y mejorar el cumplimiento de la norma.
This document covers key concepts in electricity including electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric fields, potential difference, and capacitors. It describes three experiments showing that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. It defines the coulomb as the unit of electric charge and explains that electric charge is found in protons, electrons, and neutrons in atoms. It also summarizes that the electric field is the "alteration of space" caused by a charge, conductors allow electric charge to flow easily, capacitors store energy in an electric field between charges, and capacitance depends on the geometry and materials of a capacitor.
Este documento describe los diferentes modos de direccionamiento que puede usar un microprocesador para acceder a datos, instrucciones y registros. Incluye instrucciones inherentes, de registro, inmediato, directo e indirecto de registro. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo algunas instrucciones pueden combinar modos de direccionamiento, como las instrucciones CALL que usan direccionamiento directo e indirecto de registro.
Dr. Erin LeDell, Machine Learning Scientist, H2O.ai at MLconf SEA - 5/20/16MLconf
Multi-algorithm Ensemble Learning at Scale: Software, Hardware and Algorithmic Approaches: Multi-algorithm ensemble machine learning methods are often used when the true prediction function is not easily approximated by a single algorithm. The Super Learner algorithm, also known as stacking, combines multiple, typically diverse, base learning algorithms into a single, powerful prediction function through a secondary learning process called metalearning. Although ensemble methods offer superior performance over their singleton counterparts, there is an implicit computational cost to ensembles, as it requires training and cross-validating multiple base learning algorithms.
We will demonstrate a variety of software- and hardware-based approaches that lead to more scalable ensemble learning software, including a highly scalable implementation of stacking called H2O Ensemble, built on top of the open source, distributed machine learning platform, H2O. H2O Ensemble scales across multi-node clusters and allows the user to create ensembles of deep neural networks, Gradient Boosting Machines, Random Forest, and others. As for algorithm-based approaches, we will present two algorithmic modifications to the original stacking algorithm that further reduce computation time Subsemble algorithm and the Online Super Learner algorithm. This talk will also include benchmarks of the implementations of these new stacking variants.
Este documento describe varias t辿cnicas cualitativas para la recolecci坦n de datos en investigaciones cualitativas, incluyendo datos cualitativos, observaci坦n, entrevistas, grupos focales y notas de campo. Explica las caracter鱈sticas, ventajas y desventajas de cada t辿cnica, as鱈 como los pasos para aplicarlas de manera efectiva.
Diretrizes e Pol鱈ticas Institucionais de Comunica巽達o do Grupo MaristaLeandro Martins
Lan巽amento das Diretrizes e Pol鱈ticas Institucionais de Comunica巽達o do Grupo Marista.
Case vencedor do Pr棚mio Aberje 2012 - Categoria: Publica巽達o Especial - Regi達o: Sul
P&G: Marketing Capabilities, HBR Case StudyRohan Singh
Procter & Gamble is the largest consumer goods company founded in 1837. It manages over two dozen $1 billion brands worldwide through extensive research and innovation. P&G pursues a consumer-centric marketing strategy involving over 20,000 consumer studies annually. It focuses on deep understanding of target consumers and uses various advertising approaches including sponsorships, celebrity endorsements, and digital/social media marketing to promote its major products like Tide, Pampers, and Crest. Moving forward, P&G aims to directly involve consumers in product development and brand building.
This document contains several quotes related to institutions, knowledge, and originality. Clay Shirky warns that institutions will try to preserve problems to maintain their own relevance. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi notes that fields can become too insular and disconnected from reality. Robert Sutton and Jeffrey Pfeffer discuss the gap between talking about change and actually implementing it. They also advise wariness of people who focus only on problems without solutions. John Ciardi's quote discusses the meek who take risks. Sir Ken Robinson encourages being willing to be wrong to come up with new ideas.
Conchillas es un centro tur鱈stico escondido que ofrece una realidad diferente. El documento sugiere que Conchillas podr鱈a ser un destino tur鱈stico oculto que vale la pena explorar.
Este documento resume un estudio de la aplicaci坦n de la Norma Venezolana COVENIN 2500-93 en la empresa de servicios Indisica S.A. El estudio encontr坦 que la empresa carece de organizaci坦n formal en varias 叩reas clave de mantenimiento e incumple muchos aspectos de la norma. Se recomienda que Indisica S.A. cree una organizaci坦n para el departamento de mantenimiento para prevenir fallas a corto y largo plazo y mejorar el cumplimiento de la norma.
This document covers key concepts in electricity including electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric fields, potential difference, and capacitors. It describes three experiments showing that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. It defines the coulomb as the unit of electric charge and explains that electric charge is found in protons, electrons, and neutrons in atoms. It also summarizes that the electric field is the "alteration of space" caused by a charge, conductors allow electric charge to flow easily, capacitors store energy in an electric field between charges, and capacitance depends on the geometry and materials of a capacitor.
Este documento describe los diferentes modos de direccionamiento que puede usar un microprocesador para acceder a datos, instrucciones y registros. Incluye instrucciones inherentes, de registro, inmediato, directo e indirecto de registro. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo algunas instrucciones pueden combinar modos de direccionamiento, como las instrucciones CALL que usan direccionamiento directo e indirecto de registro.
Dr. Erin LeDell, Machine Learning Scientist, H2O.ai at MLconf SEA - 5/20/16MLconf
Multi-algorithm Ensemble Learning at Scale: Software, Hardware and Algorithmic Approaches: Multi-algorithm ensemble machine learning methods are often used when the true prediction function is not easily approximated by a single algorithm. The Super Learner algorithm, also known as stacking, combines multiple, typically diverse, base learning algorithms into a single, powerful prediction function through a secondary learning process called metalearning. Although ensemble methods offer superior performance over their singleton counterparts, there is an implicit computational cost to ensembles, as it requires training and cross-validating multiple base learning algorithms.
We will demonstrate a variety of software- and hardware-based approaches that lead to more scalable ensemble learning software, including a highly scalable implementation of stacking called H2O Ensemble, built on top of the open source, distributed machine learning platform, H2O. H2O Ensemble scales across multi-node clusters and allows the user to create ensembles of deep neural networks, Gradient Boosting Machines, Random Forest, and others. As for algorithm-based approaches, we will present two algorithmic modifications to the original stacking algorithm that further reduce computation time Subsemble algorithm and the Online Super Learner algorithm. This talk will also include benchmarks of the implementations of these new stacking variants.
Este documento describe varias t辿cnicas cualitativas para la recolecci坦n de datos en investigaciones cualitativas, incluyendo datos cualitativos, observaci坦n, entrevistas, grupos focales y notas de campo. Explica las caracter鱈sticas, ventajas y desventajas de cada t辿cnica, as鱈 como los pasos para aplicarlas de manera efectiva.
Diretrizes e Pol鱈ticas Institucionais de Comunica巽達o do Grupo MaristaLeandro Martins
Lan巽amento das Diretrizes e Pol鱈ticas Institucionais de Comunica巽達o do Grupo Marista.
Case vencedor do Pr棚mio Aberje 2012 - Categoria: Publica巽達o Especial - Regi達o: Sul
P&G: Marketing Capabilities, HBR Case StudyRohan Singh
Procter & Gamble is the largest consumer goods company founded in 1837. It manages over two dozen $1 billion brands worldwide through extensive research and innovation. P&G pursues a consumer-centric marketing strategy involving over 20,000 consumer studies annually. It focuses on deep understanding of target consumers and uses various advertising approaches including sponsorships, celebrity endorsements, and digital/social media marketing to promote its major products like Tide, Pampers, and Crest. Moving forward, P&G aims to directly involve consumers in product development and brand building.