Jornada T竪cnica Autoconsum Som Energia MallorcaJosep Rigo
L'autoconsum o com produir la pr嘆pia electricitat amb energies renovables ja 辿s una realitat. Presentaci坦 a Can Alcover (Palma) de Som Energia Mallorca, 9 de febrer de 2013
Challenges in solar energy to be reached by the city of Barcelona by Manuel T...ASCAME
The energy model on which the majority of cities in developed countries are based upon is characterized by centralization and unsustainability. Barcelona, being a Mediterranean city, faces the challenge to increase its solar energy supply, moving towards a more sustainable energy model, while strengthening the network's business sector.
ASCAME is committed to this initiative, in the framework of the European project FOSTEr in MED gathering together in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, several experts in the field of renewable energy, as well as companies, public authorities, universities and organizations that will analyse the state of sector, its trends and the business development scenario emerged.
Characterization of the surface of a citrate reduced colloid optimized for us...John Clarkson
C.H. Munro, W.E. Smith, M. Garner, J. Clarkson & P.C. White, Characterization of the Surface of a Citrate-Reduced Colloid Optimized for Use as a Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering Langmuir, 11, 3712-3720, 1995.
Jornada T竪cnica Autoconsum Som Energia MallorcaJosep Rigo
L'autoconsum o com produir la pr嘆pia electricitat amb energies renovables ja 辿s una realitat. Presentaci坦 a Can Alcover (Palma) de Som Energia Mallorca, 9 de febrer de 2013
Challenges in solar energy to be reached by the city of Barcelona by Manuel T...ASCAME
The energy model on which the majority of cities in developed countries are based upon is characterized by centralization and unsustainability. Barcelona, being a Mediterranean city, faces the challenge to increase its solar energy supply, moving towards a more sustainable energy model, while strengthening the network's business sector.
ASCAME is committed to this initiative, in the framework of the European project FOSTEr in MED gathering together in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, several experts in the field of renewable energy, as well as companies, public authorities, universities and organizations that will analyse the state of sector, its trends and the business development scenario emerged.
Characterization of the surface of a citrate reduced colloid optimized for us...John Clarkson
C.H. Munro, W.E. Smith, M. Garner, J. Clarkson & P.C. White, Characterization of the Surface of a Citrate-Reduced Colloid Optimized for Use as a Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering Langmuir, 11, 3712-3720, 1995.
This letter thanks Gary Brown for his role in significantly expanding the flu immunization program at Rite Aid pharmacies. Under Brown's leadership, Rite Aid provided over 678,984 flu immunizations, a 295% increase over the previous year. Brown's participation as a certified immunizing pharmacist has enhanced services for patients and his professional reputation. The leadership team appreciates Brown's commitment to professional development and expanding clinical pharmacy services.
How real-time customer feedback can leverage profit for your businessChristine Ellis
This document discusses customer feedback and engagement. It provides information on:
1. The importance of understanding customers and resolving issues quickly to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2. How customer feedback can be leveraged to improve satisfaction, loyalty, and increase revenue and shareholder value.
3. An engagement platform called ViewPoint that allows companies to capture customer feedback across channels and gain insights to improve performance.
Samsung es un conglomerado empresarial surcoreano con sede en Se炭l que controla numerosas filiales en sectores como la electr坦nica, tecnolog鱈a, finanzas y construcci坦n. Fundada en 1938 como una empresa de importaci坦n y exportaci坦n, Samsung se ha convertido en la empresa m叩s grande de Corea del Sur y una de las corporaciones m叩s innovadoras a nivel mundial, particularmente gracias a su divisi坦n electr坦nica que la convirti坦 en el mayor fabricante mundial de tel辿fonos m坦viles. Sin embargo, recientemente ha enfrentado crisis como la guerra de
This document contains promotional materials for several exhibitions and campaigns, including Planet Shark and King Tut at the Georgia Aquarium, Dialog In The Dark, RidgeWorth Investment's Undeniable Truth campaign, Titanic Aquatic, the America I AM Exhibition, and the Human Conservation Forum. The materials promote the exhibitions and campaigns through posters, brochures, print ads, direct mail pieces, web banners, and booklets.
The LW-PX800 thermal transfer label printer is a workplace workhorse, with fast print speeds, a compact design, wi-fi and network capabilities, tape-saving features, a lifetime warranty and free powerful software.
This document is a resume for Mahmoud Abdelrehim Ahmed, a structural engineer from Egypt. It outlines his education, including a pre-masters in structural engineering from Cairo University and a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Cairo University. It also details his work experience as a structural engineer for two different engineering firms in Egypt, and lists the structural design and analysis skills and software proficiency.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los conceptos b叩sicos de circuitos el辿ctricos. Explica qu辿 es la materia, c坦mo se constituye, las part鱈culas elementales y conceptos como energ鱈a, voltaje, corriente, resistencia, capacitancia e inductancia. Tambi辿n define circuitos en serie, paralelo y mixto, y describe las leyes de Ohm y Watt. El objetivo es proporcionar una comprensi坦n general de los principios fundamentales de los circuitos el辿ctricos.
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The document discusses an individual's role within an organization and their motivations for participating. Specifically:
- People are motivated to participate in organizations by potential gains like pay, prestige, and skills development. Their identification with an organization depends on the nature and intensity of these motives.
- The individual sees their role at Enterprise Corporate Services as helping to advance the company's vision through projects that also allow for their own learning and skills growth.
- They believe they have skills like communication, analysis, and technology proficiency that can further benefit the company. Their goals are to expand their knowledge in business disciplines and eventually become a partner or source of new revenue streams.
- In conclusion, the individual is committed
Three sentences summarizing the key points:
The document discusses the benefits of gender diversity on company boards and in leadership positions, noting that it helps with talent recruitment, understanding customers, employee engagement, innovation, and reputation. It also lists topics from a global dialogue on closing the gender gap including women in business, education, politics, and entrepreneurship. The business case outlined includes talent acquisition, valuable customers, employee engagement, innovation, and brand reputation.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang motivasi diri dan cara meningkatkan motivasi. Beberapa poin pentingnya adalah bahwa motivasi mengarahkan tingkah laku untuk mencapai tujuan, kegagalan adalah dasar kesuksesan, dan tujuan utama motivasi adalah untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu seperti meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa.
This document discusses various composition techniques for photography. It defines composition as the placement or arrangement of visual elements in an image. It describes static composition as using mostly horizontal and vertical lines, while dynamic composition uses diagonal lines to create a sense of flow. The rule of thirds suggests placing points of interest along the intersections of a 3x3 grid overlaid on an image. Maintaining tonal balance and balancing mass across the frame are also discussed as techniques for improving photographic composition skills.
This document provides a summary of data on college access and attainment in New Mexico. It finds that while New Mexico has many affordable higher education options, it lags the national average in postsecondary degree completion. The state faces a significant workforce shortage by 2018 if rates do not increase. The report reviews demographics, educational attainment, college access programs and recommendations. It finds that New Mexico has lower high school and college graduation rates compared to national averages, especially at four-year institutions. It also has a higher percentage of residents who have started but not completed college.
Jacob Ezell is seeking a position that utilizes his analytical, problem-solving, and time management skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in World History and Civilizations from Kennesaw State University with a 3.56 GPA. His work experience includes positions in customer service, operations, and project coordination for companies like Atlanta Gas Light, SJV & Associates, and The Home Depot. He is proficient in Spanish and has certifications for operating heavy machinery.
This document outlines an agenda for a design project focused on customizing the Duolingo language learning experience. It provides background on Duolingo, including its founding, popularity, and revenue model based on crowd-sourcing translations. Research included surveys finding most users want to learn for travel or work, and interviews affirming Duolingo's gamified approach. Personas were developed for target users like "The Casual Learner" and "The Immersive Traveler". Prototypes were created and tested to explore adding features like live conversation practice. Next steps include assessing integrating such features and comparing Duolingo's app and website experiences.
4art Cicle t竪cnic d'energia a la industria
Jornada: Generaci坦 de calor per a usos industrials
Pon竪ncia: Programa dajuts per actuacions defici竪ncia energ竪tica per la ind炭stria
Ponent: Patrick Renau (ICAEN)
Barcelona, pioneer in the development, integration and use of solar energy by...ASCAME
The energy model on which the majority of cities in developed countries are based upon is characterized by centralization and unsustainability. Barcelona, being a Mediterranean city, faces the challenge to increase its solar energy supply, moving towards a more sustainable energy model, while strengthening the network's business sector.
ASCAME is committed to this initiative, in the framework of the European project FOSTEr in MED gathering together in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, several experts in the field of renewable energy, as well as companies, public authorities, universities and organizations that will analyse the state of sector, its trends and the business development scenario emerged.
Challenges in solar energy to be reached by the city of Barcelona by Xavier F...ASCAME
The energy model on which the majority of cities in developed countries are based upon is characterized by centralization and unsustainability. Barcelona, being a Mediterranean city, faces the challenge to increase its solar energy supply, moving towards a more sustainable energy model, while strengthening the network's business sector.
ASCAME is committed to this initiative, in the framework of the European project FOSTEr in MED gathering together in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, several experts in the field of renewable energy, as well as companies, public authorities, universities and organizations that will analyse the state of sector, its trends and the business development scenario emerged.
1. Energia solar t竪rmica
Temperatura de servei 45尊C
Consum d'ACS de 5.600 kWh/mes
10 captadors plans selectius (inclinaci坦 45尊, azimut 0尊)
1.800 litres d'acumulaci坦 solar
Producci坦 solar estimada de 18.000 kWh/any
Cobertura solar d'ACS del 30%
Estalvi d'emissions de CO2: 3,70 tnCO2/any
Inversi坦 18.000 (IVA incl嘆s)
Preu gas natural 0,05 /kWh (IVA incl嘆s)
Increment preu gas natural 3% anual
Amortitzaci坦 16 anys
TIR 2,0%
Pujada de la Pla巽a, 2
17466 Vilopriu
tel. 675534502
2. Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Excessos energ竪tics (kWh)
Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Cobertura solar (kWh)
E. Nece. (Kwh)
Estalvi (Kwh)
Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Energia auxiliar (kWh)
Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Cobertura solar (%)
Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Ocupaci坦 (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Estalvi econ嘆mic anual (euros)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
10.000 Amortitzaci坦 econ嘆mica
3. Caldera de biomassa
Consum total d'energia t竪rmica estalviat: 136.000 kWh/any
Instal揃laci坦 d'una caldera d'estella de 60 kW
Inversi坦 prevista 60.000 (IVA incl嘆s)
Estalvi d'emissions de CO2: 27,47 tnCO2/any
Preu gas natural 0,07 /kWh (cost energia + costos fixes) (IVA incl嘆s)
Preu estimat de l'estella 0,027 /kWh (IVA incl嘆s)
Increment preu gas natural estimat 3% anual
Increment preu estella estimat 1% anual
Amortitzaci坦 7,6 anys
TIR 10,25%
Pujada de la Pla巽a, 2
17466 Vilopriu
tel. 675534502
4. Gen Feb Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Oct Nov Des
Consum estimat per a la calefacci坦 (kWh)
Consum estimat per ACS (kWh)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Estalvi econ嘆mic anual (euros)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Amortitzaci坦 econ嘆mica
5. Energia solar fotovoltaica
Consum el竪ctric total de l'equipament: 62.000 kWh/any
Consum el竪ctric estimat en hores de Sol: 24.000 kWh/any
Producci坦 solar estimada: 7.700 kWh/any
Pot竪ncia solar fotovoltaica instal揃lada: 5,3 kWp
20 m嘆duls solars fotovoltaics de 265 Wp (inclinaci坦 嘆ptima 38尊, azimut 0尊)
Autoconsum total del 12%
P竪rdua rendiment dels m嘆duls estimat en 25 anys del 17,5%
Estalvi d'emissions de CO2: 2,06 tnCO2/any
Inversi坦 11.000 (IVA incl嘆s)
Preu electricitat considerat: tarifa 3.0A (IVA incl嘆s)
Increment preu electricitat 3% anual
Amortitzaci坦 8,5 anys
TIR 10% Pujada de la Pla巽a, 2
17466 Vilopriu
tel. 675534502