This document provides a summary of repertory case taking guidelines from Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine aphorisms 83-86. It discusses taking an unbiased individualized case history, arranging symptoms systematically, and eliciting precise details about each symptom such as timing, location, sensations, and aggravating/relieving factors. The document then provides several case examples and rubrics.
Requests for information, NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS - www.nationalforum.comWilliam Kritsonis
This document contains a list of names, last names, and email addresses of people who have requested information about NFJ. There are over 100 entries listed with names, last names, and corresponding email addresses. The document is formatted in a table with commas separating the name, last name, and email address for each entry.
Southern Sudan faces immense challenges after voting to separate from the north in a January 2011 referendum. Some of the major challenges include rebuilding infrastructure like roads, increasing access to clean water, healthcare and education after decades of civil war left the region as one of the poorest in the world. Critical issues around citizenship, borders, and resource sharing with the north also remain unresolved. Providing support and services for over 200,000 returning refugees will further strain already limited resources.
The document discusses various DevOps principles and practices including blameless post-mortems, knowing your competitors, measuring change, having one team, managing availability, measuring what you manage, embracing surprises, owning the base and renting spikes, cutting losses, practicing to improve, riding the lightning, and the three steps to success being NoSQL, Big Data, and machine learning.
Dr. William Kritsonis, National FORUM Journals, www.nationalforum.comWilliam Kritsonis
The document summarizes a study exploring the experiences of principals in South Central Texas whose schools have student populations that are at least 90% minority, at least 90% on free or reduced lunch, and achieve passing rates of 90% or higher on standardized tests. The study found that these "90/90/90" principals provide stable leadership over time by increasing support structures, enhancing trust, and emphasizing relationships while reducing threats to school success. Key themes that emerged included the importance of principal longevity, building trust and relationships, and addressing the needs of the whole child and community.
O documento lista os t鱈tulos de m炭sicas dos Beatles como "Anna", "Help", "Michelle" e "Yesterday", al辿m de citar nomes de 叩lbuns como "Abbey Road" e g棚neros musicais como "rock and roll".
1) The document discusses formative assessment and feedback in distance learning environments. It explores how assessment practices and views of tutors differ across three open and distance learning institutions.
2) Several dimensions of effective formative assessment are identified, including power, dialogue, peer/self assessment, feedback attributes, visibility, and reflection. A range of technologies that can support formative and non-formative assessment are also discussed.
3) While many tutors engage in formative assessment, the concept of formative assessment varied and was sometimes equated with continuous assessment. Formats of assessment have changed with new learning technologies. Closing the feedback loop is often problematic in courses that emphasize end-of-year summative assessments.
Social media usage has grown dramatically in recent years. The top social networks are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Facebook saw strong growth among older age groups. President Obama and members of Congress have started to utilize social media tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to engage constituents. The document outlines the current social media landscape and introduces some popular platforms and how they are being used by different groups.
Romans 12:1-11 A Call to Sacrifice and ServiceJonathan Swales
The sermon discusses three calls based on a passage from Romans 12:1-11. It urges Christians to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God, not conforming to worldly ways but renewing their minds. It also calls them to incarnate the body of Christ through humbly recognizing their dependence on other believers despite differences. Finally, it calls Christians to generously share their diverse spiritual gifts within the unified body of the church.
A study of the Gospel of Mark with a particular emphasis on the use of the Scriptures of Israel in presenting Jesus as the fulfilment of the New Exodus hopes of Isaiah.
By Rev Jon Swales, Curate at St George's Church, Leeds
Frame- interazione tra persone ed oggetti in reteGiovanna
il progetto FRAME 竪 nato come lavoro di tesi di laurea di Giovanna Palladino. Luogo d'origine: Corso di laurea in Disegno Industriale per la Moda - SUN. Attori: studenti dei Corsi di laurea in Disegno Industriale (nazionalit?) e Aziende e PMI.
Kent State Workshop - Using Web 2.0 Principles to Become Librarian 2.0, blogs...guest8e3df4
The document discusses blogs and their use by libraries. It provides an overview of what blogs are, different types of blogs, and considerations for creating a blog. It also discusses using blogs to engage patrons and allow more staff participation. Specific tips are provided on authoring blogs regularly, using tags and keywords, and participating in comment discussions. Examples of library blogs currently in use are referenced.
Due process provides basic fairness and prevents wrongful deprivation of life, liberty, or property under the law. It serves two goals: producing accurate results through fair procedures, and making people feel the government treated them fairly by being heard. Due process requires notice of charges, standards of conduct, and a meaningful opportunity to rebut charges. It must be requested within one year and provide specific resolution information, with timelines and confidentiality applying to any hearing.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Dissertation Chair for Rhodena Townsell, Dissert...William Kritsonis
This proposal aims to describe the career trajectories of rural African American school administrators. The purpose is to understand the influences on their pathways to leadership positions. The study will interview rural African American administrators in Texas public schools to identify themes around their academic/work experiences, encouragements, barriers, and characteristics. The results could provide insights for aspiring leaders and add to the limited research on this population.
Williams monica_g[1]._raising_money_at_the_nations_historically_black_collegesWilliam Kritsonis
This document discusses the use of problem-based learning (PBL) in teacher education programs. It describes two PBL case studies used in math methods and reading courses.
For the math methods course, the PBL case involves preservice teachers developing solutions for secondary students struggling with math concepts. This allows teachers to deepen their understanding of math pedagogy and best practices based on standards.
For the reading course, case studies of fictional students with reading difficulties require teachers to analyze skills, research strategies, and design intervention plans. This gives teachers practice applying reading instruction principles.
The document argues PBL provides a better model than traditional lectures by immersing teachers in real-world problems and research. This
Student Attendance PPT. - William Allan Kritsonis, PhD William Kritsonis
The document discusses several laws and court cases related to student attendance and the instructional program. It summarizes key provisions of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. It also outlines Texas statutes regarding compulsory attendance, residency and guardianship requirements, kindergarten requirements, penalties for failure to send children to school, and laws aimed at ensuring a safe school environment.
The document provides summaries of various fundraising events held by different schools and parishes in support of CAFOD. Some of the events mentioned include an Alex who raised over 贈300 by completing a mini run, St. Mary's in Bridgend who raised 贈500 through various activities including a cake sale and talent show, and Springhill students in Southampton who learned about Fairtrade and its benefits for farmers through a talk. Brentwood Ursuline Prep School had students compete to make the longest line of 20p coins, raising 贈587.60 for CAFOD and another charity. St. Anne's in Stafford stretched coins from one end of the playground to the other, raising 贈44.16 for CAFOD.
The document discusses various DevOps principles and practices including blameless post-mortems, knowing your competitors, measuring change, having one team, managing availability, measuring what you manage, embracing surprises, owning the base and renting spikes, cutting losses, practicing to improve, riding the lightning, and the three steps to success being NoSQL, Big Data, and machine learning.
Dr. William Kritsonis, National FORUM Journals, www.nationalforum.comWilliam Kritsonis
The document summarizes a study exploring the experiences of principals in South Central Texas whose schools have student populations that are at least 90% minority, at least 90% on free or reduced lunch, and achieve passing rates of 90% or higher on standardized tests. The study found that these "90/90/90" principals provide stable leadership over time by increasing support structures, enhancing trust, and emphasizing relationships while reducing threats to school success. Key themes that emerged included the importance of principal longevity, building trust and relationships, and addressing the needs of the whole child and community.
O documento lista os t鱈tulos de m炭sicas dos Beatles como "Anna", "Help", "Michelle" e "Yesterday", al辿m de citar nomes de 叩lbuns como "Abbey Road" e g棚neros musicais como "rock and roll".
1) The document discusses formative assessment and feedback in distance learning environments. It explores how assessment practices and views of tutors differ across three open and distance learning institutions.
2) Several dimensions of effective formative assessment are identified, including power, dialogue, peer/self assessment, feedback attributes, visibility, and reflection. A range of technologies that can support formative and non-formative assessment are also discussed.
3) While many tutors engage in formative assessment, the concept of formative assessment varied and was sometimes equated with continuous assessment. Formats of assessment have changed with new learning technologies. Closing the feedback loop is often problematic in courses that emphasize end-of-year summative assessments.
Social media usage has grown dramatically in recent years. The top social networks are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Facebook saw strong growth among older age groups. President Obama and members of Congress have started to utilize social media tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to engage constituents. The document outlines the current social media landscape and introduces some popular platforms and how they are being used by different groups.
Romans 12:1-11 A Call to Sacrifice and ServiceJonathan Swales
The sermon discusses three calls based on a passage from Romans 12:1-11. It urges Christians to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God, not conforming to worldly ways but renewing their minds. It also calls them to incarnate the body of Christ through humbly recognizing their dependence on other believers despite differences. Finally, it calls Christians to generously share their diverse spiritual gifts within the unified body of the church.
A study of the Gospel of Mark with a particular emphasis on the use of the Scriptures of Israel in presenting Jesus as the fulfilment of the New Exodus hopes of Isaiah.
By Rev Jon Swales, Curate at St George's Church, Leeds
Frame- interazione tra persone ed oggetti in reteGiovanna
il progetto FRAME 竪 nato come lavoro di tesi di laurea di Giovanna Palladino. Luogo d'origine: Corso di laurea in Disegno Industriale per la Moda - SUN. Attori: studenti dei Corsi di laurea in Disegno Industriale (nazionalit?) e Aziende e PMI.
Kent State Workshop - Using Web 2.0 Principles to Become Librarian 2.0, blogs...guest8e3df4
The document discusses blogs and their use by libraries. It provides an overview of what blogs are, different types of blogs, and considerations for creating a blog. It also discusses using blogs to engage patrons and allow more staff participation. Specific tips are provided on authoring blogs regularly, using tags and keywords, and participating in comment discussions. Examples of library blogs currently in use are referenced.
Due process provides basic fairness and prevents wrongful deprivation of life, liberty, or property under the law. It serves two goals: producing accurate results through fair procedures, and making people feel the government treated them fairly by being heard. Due process requires notice of charges, standards of conduct, and a meaningful opportunity to rebut charges. It must be requested within one year and provide specific resolution information, with timelines and confidentiality applying to any hearing.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Dissertation Chair for Rhodena Townsell, Dissert...William Kritsonis
This proposal aims to describe the career trajectories of rural African American school administrators. The purpose is to understand the influences on their pathways to leadership positions. The study will interview rural African American administrators in Texas public schools to identify themes around their academic/work experiences, encouragements, barriers, and characteristics. The results could provide insights for aspiring leaders and add to the limited research on this population.
Williams monica_g[1]._raising_money_at_the_nations_historically_black_collegesWilliam Kritsonis
This document discusses the use of problem-based learning (PBL) in teacher education programs. It describes two PBL case studies used in math methods and reading courses.
For the math methods course, the PBL case involves preservice teachers developing solutions for secondary students struggling with math concepts. This allows teachers to deepen their understanding of math pedagogy and best practices based on standards.
For the reading course, case studies of fictional students with reading difficulties require teachers to analyze skills, research strategies, and design intervention plans. This gives teachers practice applying reading instruction principles.
The document argues PBL provides a better model than traditional lectures by immersing teachers in real-world problems and research. This
Student Attendance PPT. - William Allan Kritsonis, PhD William Kritsonis
The document discusses several laws and court cases related to student attendance and the instructional program. It summarizes key provisions of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. It also outlines Texas statutes regarding compulsory attendance, residency and guardianship requirements, kindergarten requirements, penalties for failure to send children to school, and laws aimed at ensuring a safe school environment.
The document provides summaries of various fundraising events held by different schools and parishes in support of CAFOD. Some of the events mentioned include an Alex who raised over 贈300 by completing a mini run, St. Mary's in Bridgend who raised 贈500 through various activities including a cake sale and talent show, and Springhill students in Southampton who learned about Fairtrade and its benefits for farmers through a talk. Brentwood Ursuline Prep School had students compete to make the longest line of 20p coins, raising 贈587.60 for CAFOD and another charity. St. Anne's in Stafford stretched coins from one end of the playground to the other, raising 贈44.16 for CAFOD.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
6. considerem, per exemple, que 辿s C2 qui comen巽a a carregar-se abans. A causa d'aix嘆, arriba corrent a la base de T1 i es torna passant. molt, molt rpid
7. aix嘆 fa que C1 comenci a descarregar-se. El corrent la base de T1 arriba per R3 i a la base de T2 se li roba el corrent, per aix嘆 es bloca i el LED verd no s'ilumina. lent
8. quan C1 s'ha descarregat, comen巽a a carregar-se, fent que arribi corrent a la base de T2 molt, molt rpid
9. aix嘆 fa que T2 es torni passant. El LED verd d'il揃lumina molt, molt rpid
10. aix嘆 permet a C2 descarregar-se, robant corrent a la base de T1 que, llavors, es blocar molt, molt rpid
11. una vegada carregat C1, deixa de ser conductor i el corrent de la base de T2 passa a trav辿s de R2, mentre C2 continua descarregant-se lent
12. quan C2 s'ha descarregat, comen巽a a carregar-se, fent aix鱈 que arribi corrent a la base de T1 molt, molt rpid
13. en arribar corrent a la base de T1, aquest es torna passant, el que far que li robi corrent a la base de T2 molt, molt rpid
14. i, si no arriba corrent a la base de T2, aquest es blocar (interruptor obert) molt, molt rpid
15. amb T2 blocat, el LED verd s'il揃lumina per la crrega de C2
16. i tornarem a repetir el proc辿s... per aix嘆 tenim l'intermitent
17. tot aix嘆 ens indica que al nostre sistema ( muntatge ) tenim dos estats estables ( biestable ) que s'alternen