The document discusses different types of research designs used in marketing research. It describes exploratory research design which aims to formulate problems or develop hypotheses through literature reviews, experience surveys, and case studies. Descriptive research design aims to describe characteristics of populations through cross-sectional or longitudinal studies using structured data collection and probability sampling. Causal research design aims to determine cause-and-effect relationships through experiments and controlled data collection and analysis to establish evidence of relationships between variables. The document compares exploratory, descriptive, and causal research designs and their objectives, characteristics, and methods.
This document discusses different types of research design: exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory. Exploratory design is used to investigate a new area and form hypotheses. Descriptive design aims to describe a problem and its solutions. Methods include surveys, observations, and case studies. Explanatory design identifies causal links between variables through methods like literature reviews, in-depth interviews, and case analysis. The document emphasizes that research design provides a logical plan for conducting a study to maximize valid answers to research questions through the appropriate use of exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory approaches.
Exploratory research design, also known as formative research, is used when the researcher is unfamiliar with the problem. It aims to discover new ideas and insights through flexible and unstructured methods like literature reviews, experience surveys, and case analyses. These methods help define the problem and form hypotheses for further investigation through more structured research.
Exploratory Research Design - Meaning and MethodsSundar B N
This ppt contains Exploratory Research Design which covers Introduction to Exploratory Research, Meaning of Exploratory Research, Techniques of Exploratory Research, Examples of Exploratory Research, Methods of Designing Exploratory Research
This document discusses exploratory research design. It defines exploratory research as a type of research conducted for problems that have not been clearly defined. This helps determine the best research design, data collection methods, and subject selection. Exploratory research is flexible and done in fields where little knowledge is available. It aims to discover significant variables and relationships between variables through literature reviews, surveys, and case studies. The results of exploratory research are meant to guide future studies rather than draw definitive conclusions.
This document discusses exploratory research and provides guidance on conducting it. It summarizes Boyer's model of scholarship and Dewey's theory of evidence-based learning. It then outlines four methods for exploratory research: focus groups, literature reviews, expert surveys, and open-ended questions. The document notes that exploratory research does not provide conclusive evidence but helps define problems and can lead to further research. It also discusses qualitative vs. quantitative research and provides examples of exploratory research techniques like pilot studies, case studies, and focus group interviews.
This document discusses research design. It begins by defining research design as the overall framework or blueprint that guides a research project. Research design is important as it helps provide structure, direction, and organization to research operations. The document then outlines three main types of research design: exploratory design which aims to generate ideas and insights, descriptive design which describes characteristics, and hypothesis testing design which tests relationships between variables. Key aspects of each design type are also discussed such as appropriate sample sizes, objectives, and data collection methods.
The document discusses the research process and provides details about a case study on a department store patronage project. The purpose of the project was to evaluate a major department store, Sears, and its competitors. A survey was conducted through in-home interviews of 271 households to understand customer preferences, perceptions, and factors influencing their choice of department stores. The findings helped identify Sears' weaknesses and develop appropriate marketing strategies to improve its image and sales.
In this all about the descriptive and analytical can find the definitions and explanations from this document.... I am uploading this document for the other students who face the problems to find data about th descriptive and analytical research.... i hope you can get this data of research easily...thanks
The document discusses pre-testing a survey instrument by conducting a small pilot test of the questionnaire on a representative sample of respondents. This helps identify any errors or issues with the questions, format, or data collection before fully implementing the survey. The goals are to test question clarity, response strategies, and improve the survey based on feedback. The pre-testing process involves qualitative research methods like cognitive interviews to get detailed feedback to refine the instrument.
Exploratory research - Research Methodology - Manu Melwin Joymanumelwin
This document discusses exploratory research, which is conducted when a problem has not been clearly defined. It often relies on secondary research like literature reviews or qualitative approaches like interviews. The purpose is to help determine the best research design and methods. Some key aspects of exploratory research discussed are using the internet for more interactive methods, focusing on understanding social phenomena, generating hypotheses, and exploring new topics or angles. Specific methods mentioned for implementing exploratory research include focus groups, secondary research, expert surveys, and open-ended questions.
A research design outlines how an investigation will be conducted. It includes how data will be collected using instruments, and how the data will be analyzed. The design depends on the research problem. There are several types of research designs including exploratory, conclusive, descriptive, causal, and longitudinal designs. Exploratory design generates ideas without final results, while conclusive design assists decision making with a formal process. Causal research examines the effect of variables on each other, and descriptive research describes characteristics. Longitudinal research observes the same subjects over time.
This document provides an overview of different types of research designs, including exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis-testing designs. It defines what a research design is and lists key features of a good research design such as minimizing bias. For each type of design, it provides a brief definition and highlights important aspects to consider, such as the objective, data collection methods, sample selection, and data analysis. The overall purpose is to introduce and compare different approaches to research design.
This document is quoted from Academic Writing Skill, IFL, Cambodia. It's for students in year three not only at IFL but also other universities in Cambodia.
The 7 step research process includes: 1) defining the research problem, 2) reviewing relevant literature, 3) formulating testable hypotheses, 4) designing the research methodology, 5) collecting primary data through methods like surveys and interviews, 6) analyzing the collected data, and 7) interpreting the findings and reporting the results. The overall goal is to gather information to initiate, modify, or terminate investments or projects through a systematic process of exploring an issue, collecting evidence, and drawing conclusions.
This document is a term project submitted by Muhammad Asif Khan to his course instructor, Mr. Salman Qazi, for a Methods in Business Research course. The project discusses the importance of research in business organizations and management decision making. It explains that research helps companies sustain in the long run by enabling effective management decisions, new product development, and adapting to market trends. The project also outlines various research methods businesses use to inform decisions, such as case studies, surveys, interviews, and focus groups.
This document discusses research design and provides definitions, types, and key aspects to consider when developing a research design. It defines research design as the plan or framework that guides a research study. The document outlines the need for research design to facilitate efficient research and reliable results. It describes four main types of research design: explanatory, descriptive, diagnostic, and experimental. For each type, it provides a brief explanation of its characteristics and goals. The document concludes by listing some advantages of developing an effective research design such as consuming less time and ensuring a systematic research process.
This document outlines the agenda for an upcoming research methods class. It will include teams presenting, a review of assignment 2, outside readings from the first three weeks, and a review of assignment 3. There will also be time for questions and discussion.
Research involves systematically investigating problems through an open-minded search for knowledge. The research process consists of 7 steps: (1) defining the research problem, (2) reviewing relevant literature, (3) formulating testable hypotheses, (4) designing the research methodology, (5) collecting data, (6) analyzing the data, and (7) interpreting the findings and reporting results. Following these steps in order helps ensure effective and rigorous research.
The document discusses different types of interviews used in research. It defines structured and unstructured interviews, as well as standardized and unstandardized interviews. It also describes individual versus group interviews, self-administered versus other-administered interviews, and unique versus panel interviews. Additionally, it covers soft versus hard interviews and personal versus non-personal interviews. The document provides examples and characteristics of each type of interview.
Research meaning, Definition, Purpose, Objectives and Process.RajaKrishnan M
This document defines research and outlines the research methodology process. It states that research involves defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, making deductions, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. Research is described as a systematic, formal, and rigorous process used to discover facts, relationships, and solutions to problems. The purpose of research is to gain solutions to problems through organized investigation with clearly defined objectives in order to obtain the right solution.
The document discusses research design, which is a framework that specifies the procedures needed to structure and solve a research problem. It defines the information required and outlines measurement, sampling, data collection, and analysis plans. The document compares exploratory, descriptive, and causal research designs and cross-sectional vs longitudinal studies. Key factors like objectives, characteristics, findings, and outcomes are contrasted for different design types. Common errors in research are also outlined.
Scope of research - Research Methodology - Manu Melwin Joymanumelwin
Technological innovations: Research is conducted to know & adapt new technological innovations, developments in machinery, method, etc. used . For e.g., to know level of use of information technology e.g. Networking, Tally, SAP, etc. in the organization.
Projective techniques are indirect interview methods used in psychology to understand a respondent's underlying motives, attitudes, or feelings that they may not openly reveal. These techniques involve having respondents project their own unconscious perspectives when interpreting ambiguous stimuli like ink blots, pictures, or sentence/story completions. Some common projective techniques discussed in the document are word association tests, Rorschach ink blots, TAT pictures, role playing exercises, and sociometry which maps social relationships in a group. Projective techniques are useful for motivational and attitude research.
This document discusses concepts related to measurement in research. It covers the process of measurement which involves assigning numbers or labels to represent conceptual properties. Measurement begins with formulating a research problem and identifying variables. The goal is to move from abstract concepts to concrete measures. Conceptualization involves clarifying concepts with words and examples. Operationalization defines how concepts will be measured with indicators. Indicators provide imperfect but observable representations of concepts. Multiple indicators are often used to measure concepts. The document also discusses different levels of measurement, sources of error, and assessing reliability and validity.
Steps in Research-Types of research-Types of Steps in Research-Types of resea...AbhishikthSandeep1
This document discusses research methods and design. It defines research as a systematic, scientific investigation of a topic to discover new facts or test hypotheses. Research aims to contribute new knowledge through carefully defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. The key objectives of research are exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis testing. Characteristics of good research include being directed, empirical, carefully recorded and reported. The common steps in research are formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, deciding design, collecting and analyzing data, testing hypotheses, and reporting conclusions.
The document discusses research problems and their identification and formulation. It begins by defining a research problem as a phenomenon that a researcher intends to explore, such as a social problem, question, concept, or relationship. It emphasizes that properly identifying a research problem is the first step of the research process and lays the foundation for the entire study. The document then provides examples of broad research topics and considerations for selecting a suitable problem. It outlines several sources and steps that researchers can use to identify a research problem, including reviewing literature, consulting experts, investigating social issues, and refining a topic into a clear research question.
This document provides an overview of the research process used to analyze and assess the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in India. It includes [1] defining the research problem, [2] formulating hypotheses, [3] designing the research methodology, [4] collecting primary and secondary data, [5] analyzing the data, and [6] interpreting and reporting the findings. The goal is to understand the scope and opportunities in India's FMCG sector.
The document discusses the research process and provides details about a case study on a department store patronage project. The purpose of the project was to evaluate a major department store, Sears, and its competitors. A survey was conducted through in-home interviews of 271 households to understand customer preferences, perceptions, and factors influencing their choice of department stores. The findings helped identify Sears' weaknesses and develop appropriate marketing strategies to improve its image and sales.
In this all about the descriptive and analytical can find the definitions and explanations from this document.... I am uploading this document for the other students who face the problems to find data about th descriptive and analytical research.... i hope you can get this data of research easily...thanks
The document discusses pre-testing a survey instrument by conducting a small pilot test of the questionnaire on a representative sample of respondents. This helps identify any errors or issues with the questions, format, or data collection before fully implementing the survey. The goals are to test question clarity, response strategies, and improve the survey based on feedback. The pre-testing process involves qualitative research methods like cognitive interviews to get detailed feedback to refine the instrument.
Exploratory research - Research Methodology - Manu Melwin Joymanumelwin
This document discusses exploratory research, which is conducted when a problem has not been clearly defined. It often relies on secondary research like literature reviews or qualitative approaches like interviews. The purpose is to help determine the best research design and methods. Some key aspects of exploratory research discussed are using the internet for more interactive methods, focusing on understanding social phenomena, generating hypotheses, and exploring new topics or angles. Specific methods mentioned for implementing exploratory research include focus groups, secondary research, expert surveys, and open-ended questions.
A research design outlines how an investigation will be conducted. It includes how data will be collected using instruments, and how the data will be analyzed. The design depends on the research problem. There are several types of research designs including exploratory, conclusive, descriptive, causal, and longitudinal designs. Exploratory design generates ideas without final results, while conclusive design assists decision making with a formal process. Causal research examines the effect of variables on each other, and descriptive research describes characteristics. Longitudinal research observes the same subjects over time.
This document provides an overview of different types of research designs, including exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis-testing designs. It defines what a research design is and lists key features of a good research design such as minimizing bias. For each type of design, it provides a brief definition and highlights important aspects to consider, such as the objective, data collection methods, sample selection, and data analysis. The overall purpose is to introduce and compare different approaches to research design.
This document is quoted from Academic Writing Skill, IFL, Cambodia. It's for students in year three not only at IFL but also other universities in Cambodia.
The 7 step research process includes: 1) defining the research problem, 2) reviewing relevant literature, 3) formulating testable hypotheses, 4) designing the research methodology, 5) collecting primary data through methods like surveys and interviews, 6) analyzing the collected data, and 7) interpreting the findings and reporting the results. The overall goal is to gather information to initiate, modify, or terminate investments or projects through a systematic process of exploring an issue, collecting evidence, and drawing conclusions.
This document is a term project submitted by Muhammad Asif Khan to his course instructor, Mr. Salman Qazi, for a Methods in Business Research course. The project discusses the importance of research in business organizations and management decision making. It explains that research helps companies sustain in the long run by enabling effective management decisions, new product development, and adapting to market trends. The project also outlines various research methods businesses use to inform decisions, such as case studies, surveys, interviews, and focus groups.
This document discusses research design and provides definitions, types, and key aspects to consider when developing a research design. It defines research design as the plan or framework that guides a research study. The document outlines the need for research design to facilitate efficient research and reliable results. It describes four main types of research design: explanatory, descriptive, diagnostic, and experimental. For each type, it provides a brief explanation of its characteristics and goals. The document concludes by listing some advantages of developing an effective research design such as consuming less time and ensuring a systematic research process.
This document outlines the agenda for an upcoming research methods class. It will include teams presenting, a review of assignment 2, outside readings from the first three weeks, and a review of assignment 3. There will also be time for questions and discussion.
Research involves systematically investigating problems through an open-minded search for knowledge. The research process consists of 7 steps: (1) defining the research problem, (2) reviewing relevant literature, (3) formulating testable hypotheses, (4) designing the research methodology, (5) collecting data, (6) analyzing the data, and (7) interpreting the findings and reporting results. Following these steps in order helps ensure effective and rigorous research.
The document discusses different types of interviews used in research. It defines structured and unstructured interviews, as well as standardized and unstandardized interviews. It also describes individual versus group interviews, self-administered versus other-administered interviews, and unique versus panel interviews. Additionally, it covers soft versus hard interviews and personal versus non-personal interviews. The document provides examples and characteristics of each type of interview.
Research meaning, Definition, Purpose, Objectives and Process.RajaKrishnan M
This document defines research and outlines the research methodology process. It states that research involves defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, making deductions, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. Research is described as a systematic, formal, and rigorous process used to discover facts, relationships, and solutions to problems. The purpose of research is to gain solutions to problems through organized investigation with clearly defined objectives in order to obtain the right solution.
The document discusses research design, which is a framework that specifies the procedures needed to structure and solve a research problem. It defines the information required and outlines measurement, sampling, data collection, and analysis plans. The document compares exploratory, descriptive, and causal research designs and cross-sectional vs longitudinal studies. Key factors like objectives, characteristics, findings, and outcomes are contrasted for different design types. Common errors in research are also outlined.
Scope of research - Research Methodology - Manu Melwin Joymanumelwin
Technological innovations: Research is conducted to know & adapt new technological innovations, developments in machinery, method, etc. used . For e.g., to know level of use of information technology e.g. Networking, Tally, SAP, etc. in the organization.
Projective techniques are indirect interview methods used in psychology to understand a respondent's underlying motives, attitudes, or feelings that they may not openly reveal. These techniques involve having respondents project their own unconscious perspectives when interpreting ambiguous stimuli like ink blots, pictures, or sentence/story completions. Some common projective techniques discussed in the document are word association tests, Rorschach ink blots, TAT pictures, role playing exercises, and sociometry which maps social relationships in a group. Projective techniques are useful for motivational and attitude research.
This document discusses concepts related to measurement in research. It covers the process of measurement which involves assigning numbers or labels to represent conceptual properties. Measurement begins with formulating a research problem and identifying variables. The goal is to move from abstract concepts to concrete measures. Conceptualization involves clarifying concepts with words and examples. Operationalization defines how concepts will be measured with indicators. Indicators provide imperfect but observable representations of concepts. Multiple indicators are often used to measure concepts. The document also discusses different levels of measurement, sources of error, and assessing reliability and validity.
Steps in Research-Types of research-Types of Steps in Research-Types of resea...AbhishikthSandeep1
This document discusses research methods and design. It defines research as a systematic, scientific investigation of a topic to discover new facts or test hypotheses. Research aims to contribute new knowledge through carefully defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. The key objectives of research are exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis testing. Characteristics of good research include being directed, empirical, carefully recorded and reported. The common steps in research are formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, deciding design, collecting and analyzing data, testing hypotheses, and reporting conclusions.
The document discusses research problems and their identification and formulation. It begins by defining a research problem as a phenomenon that a researcher intends to explore, such as a social problem, question, concept, or relationship. It emphasizes that properly identifying a research problem is the first step of the research process and lays the foundation for the entire study. The document then provides examples of broad research topics and considerations for selecting a suitable problem. It outlines several sources and steps that researchers can use to identify a research problem, including reviewing literature, consulting experts, investigating social issues, and refining a topic into a clear research question.
This document provides an overview of the research process used to analyze and assess the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in India. It includes [1] defining the research problem, [2] formulating hypotheses, [3] designing the research methodology, [4] collecting primary and secondary data, [5] analyzing the data, and [6] interpreting and reporting the findings. The goal is to understand the scope and opportunities in India's FMCG sector.
Business research involves systematically gathering and analyzing data to help make business decisions. It can include areas like financial research, marketing research, and operational research. The goals are to identify opportunities and problems, understand customer needs, and help the business compete effectively. Research can be basic, to expand theoretical knowledge, or applied, to solve practical problems and support decision-making. Common data sources include primary sources like surveys as well as secondary sources like reports.
This document provides an overview of research design. It discusses the key components and purposes of research design, including outlining the objectives, data inputs, and analytical methods. It then describes the main types of research designs: exploratory, descriptive, quasi-experimental, and experimental. Exploratory design aims to generate hypotheses through informal methods like literature reviews, interviews, and focus groups. Descriptive design formally collects and analyzes quantitative and qualitative data to describe variables through methods like panel and cross-sectional studies.
Business research methods are systematic activities undertaken to increase knowledge. Research is needed to make informed business decisions and solve problems. Good research is guided by a clear question or problem, has a specific plan, interprets data to resolve the issue, and is cyclical in nature. Decision support systems and business intelligence systems help managers make decisions by providing access to large data volumes and using analytical models to identify patterns and trends. These systems support a variety of decision processes without making the final decision.
This document discusses various aspects of research including definitions, objectives, types, methods, and processes. It defines research as a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control observed phenomena. The objectives of research are to gain insights, describe characteristics, determine frequencies of occurrences, and test hypotheses. Key methods discussed include quantitative and qualitative research, observation techniques, questionnaires, and research design. It also outlines the steps in the research process from defining the problem to interpreting results.
This document provides an overview of business research methodology. It defines research and its key features such as being systematic, objective, and aimed at discovering new information. The document outlines different types of research including exploratory research to gain insights, descriptive research to identify problem features, causal research to determine relationships, and conclusive research to test hypotheses. It also discusses research design approaches like cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Finally, it covers the significance and applications of research in business contexts like marketing, finance, production and human resources.
This document provides an introduction to business research. It defines research as a careful investigation or inquiry through search for new facts and knowledge. Research involves discovery of new knowledge through observation and experimentation. It is concerned with solving problems and demands accurate data collection and analysis. The main purpose of research is to produce applicable knowledge, and it also forms the foundation for program development and policies. Business research specifically aims to gather information to aid decision-making in business. It identifies opportunities and threats, and is important for a company's success or failure. Business research refers to systematically collecting and analyzing data to find answers to management problems.
Introduction to business research copyAnjuPrakash7
This document provides an introduction to business research. It discusses that business research is a systematic process of obtaining detailed information about various business areas like the market and customers to help solve business problems and maximize profits. It also explains the importance of business research for understanding customer demand, identifying opportunities and risks, and staying ahead of competition. The document then covers various types of business research, characteristics of good research, steps in problem formulation, data collection and analysis methods, and the importance of ethics in business research.
The document provides an overview of business research methods. It discusses exploratory research methods like secondary research, expert surveys, focus groups, and case studies. It also discusses descriptive and causal research. The objectives, importance, and scope of business research are explained. The business research process involves identifying a problem, developing a research proposal, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings to aid management decision making. Ethical considerations like confidentiality, objectivity, and avoiding plagiarism are also important in business research.
3 Types of Marketing Research Designs (Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal)Rubayet Hassan
This document discusses three types of research design: exploratory research, descriptive research, and causal research. It provides examples of each type and explains their key purposes and characteristics. Exploratory research aims to gain insights and hypotheses, descriptive research focuses on describing populations and variables, and causal research determines cause-and-effect relationships. The document also discusses various methods of exploratory research like literature searches, depth interviews, and focus groups. It notes that exploratory research helps develop ideas but is not meant to provide final answers on its own.
The document provides guidance on developing a research proposal. It discusses key components such as an introduction describing the topic and issues, statement of the problem, objectives, hypotheses, research design, population and sampling, measurement tools, data analysis, limitations, work schedule, budget, importance and relevance, ethical considerations, and references. Developing a high-quality research proposal is important as it helps to plan the research logically and define its scope. Including all necessary sections ensures a thorough operational plan is proposed to obtain answers to the research questions.
This document discusses different types of marketing research designs, including exploratory, descriptive, and causal designs. It provides examples to illustrate each design type. Exploratory design is used to discover ideas and generate hypotheses. Descriptive design aims to define opinions or behaviors through quantitative surveys. Causal design tests hypotheses by manipulating variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships. The document also covers different scales used in data collection, such as nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales, and provides examples of each.
The document summarizes key aspects of marketing research including:
1) Marketing research is the process of planning, collecting, and analyzing data to help with marketing decisions.
2) There are two types of research - applied research aims to solve specific problems, while basic research expands knowledge.
3) The marketing research process involves defining the problem, objectives, design, data collection methods, sampling, and analysis. Common methods are surveys, observation, and experiments.
1. Business research involves systematically defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting findings. There are different types of research including descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, qualitative, and conceptual research.
2. The research process involves formulating the problem, reviewing literature, formulating hypotheses, designing the research, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting findings, and reporting results. Research questions guide the study and hypotheses are tentative answers tested through the research.
3. Theory plays an important role in research by providing conceptual frameworks, analytical models, and guiding the development of research questions and hypotheses tested in the study.
The document discusses research processes and features. It describes key steps in research including problem recognition and definition, creating a research design which involves sampling and data collection, and defining goals and objectives. It also outlines features of research such as encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation, focusing research in key areas, charting university development, and facilitating industrial-academic cooperation.
Marketing research is the systematic study of problems related to marketing goods and services. It involves defining problems, collecting relevant information, analyzing data, and recommending solutions. There are two main types of marketing research: basic research, which expands general knowledge without addressing a specific problem, and applied research, which seeks solutions to practical problems and evaluates potential outcomes. Marketing research uses qualitative and quantitative methods like surveys, interviews, and experiments to collect and analyze data. This helps companies understand customer needs, monitor competitors, evaluate advertising, and make better product and marketing decisions.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
A research design is a framework or blueprint for
conducting the marketing research project. It
details the procedures necessary for obtaining
the information needed to structure or solve
marketing research problems. In simple words it
is the general plan of how you will go about your
Exploratory research design is chosen to gain
background information and to define the terms of the
research problem. This is used to clarify research
problems and hypotheses and to establish research
priorities. It helps organizations to formulate their
problems clearly.
Sample Size : Small sample and large sample
Degree of structure : Flexible and unstructured
Cost : low cost / medium
Purpose and objective : Discovery of new ideas ,
development of hypothesis
Awareness of problem : Minimal awareness
Look at how ER is used in business.
For instance, let's say you own a bakery called
The Cupcake King. If you wanted to improve
your sales, but weren't sure where to start, you
might employ ER to find out the areas of your
business that need improvement.
10. Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory
research. It is used to gain an understanding of
underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.
It provides insights into the problem or helps to
develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
quantitative research
13. Methods in Context of Research
Literature Review
Experience Survey
Analysis of insight stimulating cases
This refers to referring to a literature to develop a new
hypothesis. The literature referred are trade journals,
professional journals, market research finding
publications, statistical publications etc.
Suppose a problem is Why are sales down?
This can quickly be analyzed with the help of published
data which should indicate whether the problem is an
industry problem or a firm problem.
15. Three possibilities exist to formulate the
The companys market share has declined but
industrys figures are normal.
The industry is declining and hence the
companys market share is also declining.
The industrys share is going up but the
companys share is declining.
If we accept the situation that our companys
sales are down despite the market showing an
upward trend, then we need to analyse the
marketing mix variables.
In experience surveys, it is desirable to talk to persons
who are well informed in the area being investigated.
These people may be company executives or persons
outside the organization. Here, no questionnaire is
A publisher might want to find out the reason for poor
circulation of newspaper introduced recently.
He might meet (a) Newspaper sellers (b) Public reading
room (c) General public (d) Business community; etc.
These are experienced persons whose knowledge
researcher can use.
In this method of Exploratory Research, some
units are analyzed; each unit is called Case.
Study of relationships between different
factors of each case is more important and not
the number.