Project 'Write' for General English IntermediateDianaGMendesThis document outlines a project using a wiki platform to develop writing skills for general English intermediate students. The project aims to provide a learner-centered environment for developing writing. It fosters collaborative learning and digital competencies. Students complete writing tasks each week and give peer feedback. An evaluation rubric assesses students' understanding, portfolio content, reflective thinking, and organization. Research supports wikis for promoting reflective learning, knowledge building, and meaningful interaction in a community of learners. The schedule outlines weekly writing tasks and steps for a final collaborative project.
Vedic mathematicss by SANKARSankar RangasamyThis document discusses Vedic mathematics and methods for addition, subtraction, and multiplication based on ancient Indian techniques. Some key points:
- Vedic mathematics uses direct, mental approaches to solve problems in one line.
- Addition is done by adding the place values from right to left and carrying over if needed.
- Multiplication involves multiplying the place values and carrying over similar to standard algorithms.
- Subtraction borrows from the next place value when the top number is smaller, working from right to left.
- Special methods are described for multiplying near a base of 10 or 100 by subtracting/adding the amounts above or below the base.
AH City Council Meeting 03.14.16 - Item #10 City Attorney ContractMarian Vargas MendozaThis document is an agreement appointing Michael S. Brenan as the City Attorney for the City of Alamo Heights from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019, with the agreement automatically renewing monthly thereafter. Brenan has served as the City Attorney since 1973. The agreement may be terminated by either party with 60 days notice and establishes Brenan as an independent contractor, not employee. Funds for legal services are provided in the city's budget.
NosesRuchi GuptaThe poem is about observing one's nose in the mirror. The speaker notes how their nose sticks out prominently from their face with two holes for breathing. When looking further in the mirror, they see there is little space between the bottom of their chin and the top of their hair due to their nose protruding out like a handle. The speaker suggests that if one ever wants to laugh, they should look at their own nose in the mirror as it sticking out is a funny sight.
Amy Finnegan and Helen Monagle: The New Library Professionals NetworkCILIPScotlandThe document outlines the activities and tools used by the Manchester Natural Language Processing Network (ManchesterNLPN), including marketing, evaluation, preparation, and planning as their four key areas. It provides their contact information and links to further information on their website and social media profiles. The document also includes a link to an article about the top 5 things learned this week without additional context.
La amistadbettynarvaez03La amistad es un afecto recíproco entre dos personas que no pertenecen a la misma familia, los verdaderos amigos no se juzgan y permanecen a través del tiempo, y valorar la amistad ayuda a que te valoren a ti mismo y a ser una buena persona.
Project 'Write' for General English IntermediateDianaGMendesThis document outlines a project using a wiki platform to develop writing skills for general English intermediate students. The project aims to provide a learner-centered environment for developing writing. It fosters collaborative learning and digital competencies. Students complete writing tasks each week and give peer feedback. An evaluation rubric assesses students' understanding, portfolio content, reflective thinking, and organization. Research supports wikis for promoting reflective learning, knowledge building, and meaningful interaction in a community of learners. The schedule outlines weekly writing tasks and steps for a final collaborative project.
Vedic mathematicss by SANKARSankar RangasamyThis document discusses Vedic mathematics and methods for addition, subtraction, and multiplication based on ancient Indian techniques. Some key points:
- Vedic mathematics uses direct, mental approaches to solve problems in one line.
- Addition is done by adding the place values from right to left and carrying over if needed.
- Multiplication involves multiplying the place values and carrying over similar to standard algorithms.
- Subtraction borrows from the next place value when the top number is smaller, working from right to left.
- Special methods are described for multiplying near a base of 10 or 100 by subtracting/adding the amounts above or below the base.
AH City Council Meeting 03.14.16 - Item #10 City Attorney ContractMarian Vargas MendozaThis document is an agreement appointing Michael S. Brenan as the City Attorney for the City of Alamo Heights from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019, with the agreement automatically renewing monthly thereafter. Brenan has served as the City Attorney since 1973. The agreement may be terminated by either party with 60 days notice and establishes Brenan as an independent contractor, not employee. Funds for legal services are provided in the city's budget.
NosesRuchi GuptaThe poem is about observing one's nose in the mirror. The speaker notes how their nose sticks out prominently from their face with two holes for breathing. When looking further in the mirror, they see there is little space between the bottom of their chin and the top of their hair due to their nose protruding out like a handle. The speaker suggests that if one ever wants to laugh, they should look at their own nose in the mirror as it sticking out is a funny sight.
Amy Finnegan and Helen Monagle: The New Library Professionals NetworkCILIPScotlandThe document outlines the activities and tools used by the Manchester Natural Language Processing Network (ManchesterNLPN), including marketing, evaluation, preparation, and planning as their four key areas. It provides their contact information and links to further information on their website and social media profiles. The document also includes a link to an article about the top 5 things learned this week without additional context.
La amistadbettynarvaez03La amistad es un afecto recíproco entre dos personas que no pertenecen a la misma familia, los verdaderos amigos no se juzgan y permanecen a través del tiempo, y valorar la amistad ayuda a que te valoren a ti mismo y a ser una buena persona.
Geology 103 field assignment 2014JCooper2323The document provides information about Tehachapi, California, including its location in the Tehachapi Mountains between the Mojave Desert and San Joaquin Valley at an elevation of 4,000-8,000 feet. It notes the first settlers were the Native American Kawaiisu tribe and that Tehachapi derives from the Kawaiisu word "tihachipia" meaning "hard climb."
CCM 02.13.17 - Item #6 Budget amendment fy16-17Marian Vargas MendozaThe finance director is proposing a budget amendment to transfer $34,000 from the general fund balance to fund GIS mapping services. The funds were originally budgeted for GIS in the prior fiscal year but were not used. An RFP was issued and staff is ready to implement the GIS capabilities. The amendment would increase both revenues and expenditures in the general fund budget by $34,000.
AH City Council Meeting 03.14.16 - Item #2 AnnoucementsMarian Vargas MendozaThe 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off Fundraiser will take place on April 2nd at the Alamo Heights Pool with 100-500 attendees expected. Setup will begin on April 1st at 3:00 p.m. and the event will run from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on April 2nd. Additionally, the Cambridge Balloon Festival - School Carnival will be held on April 8th at Cambridge Elementary from 3:00-6:00 p.m. for 100-500 attendees, with setup starting at 8:00 a.m.
Political AdvocacyCILIPScotlandThis document provides guidance on communicating effectively with political committees in Northern Ireland. It discusses the types and roles of committees, how to engage with their work programs and inquiries, and tips for effective communication. Committees gather evidence through written submissions, oral testimony, and petitions from the public. When responding to a call for evidence, be concise, clear in your positions, and submit on time. The goal is to strategically engage committees through reason and direct language to influence their policy scrutiny and lawmaking roles.
Ah City Council Meeting - Item #4 - AH Blvd Restrictive ParkingMarian Vargas MendozaThe chief of police presented options to address parking congestion caused by visitors to the Alamo Heights Little League and other events. Parking becomes overwhelmed when multiple games overlap or large fundraising events are held. One option is to restrict parking at all times along Alamo Heights Boulevard near the little league fields. Another option is to place signs directing drivers to available parking on Viesca Street. Creating restricted parking zones would help address safety issues caused by congestion and is authorized by state law and local code. The fiscal impact of signs and red curb painting would be $75 per location plus $800-900 for the curb line.
Item #9 ppt extrication tools pptMarian Vargas MendozaThe deputy fire chief proposed purchasing a complete set of replacement extrication tools, known as the Jaws of Life, as the current tools purchased in 2006 are outdated. One set is still in service but the other is broken, and repair costs are prohibitive. The proposed new tools feature high-pressure technology needed to cut through newer high-strength materials used in cars. The purchase of $37,781 would come from current fiscal year savings in the Public Works Capital budget.
Item #6 - 2015 Audit PresentationMarian Vargas MendozaThis document is the City of Alamo Heights' Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 30, 2015. It includes the independent auditor's unmodified opinion that the financial statements are presented in accordance with GAAP. The report shows that total net position decreased by $1.9 million from the prior year, primarily due to a $4.4 million reduction required by the adoption of GASB 68 for pension accounting. However, assets exceeded liabilities by $13.3 million as of September 30, 2015. The general fund balance decreased by $93,000 while water fund net position decreased from $9.3 million to $8.7 million.
Item #5 bond proposal 2016Marian Vargas MendozaThe document summarizes a proposed ordinance ordering a special election on November 8, 2016 for Alamo Heights citizens to vote on issuing $12 million in general obligation bonds. The funds would go towards capital street improvement projects like milling and overlaying streets, reconstructing seven streets with new curbs and sidewalks. A tax rate analysis shows the property tax rate would not increase until 2018 and later decrease. Maps show the locations of proposed street work. The document provides details on the election process and notes that general obligation bond elections are allowed under Texas law.
Item #5 Automatic Meter Read Water Meter System RFPMarian Vargas MendozaThis document is a request for proposals for an automated meter read water meter system. It summarizes that the city's current contract for manual meter reading services is ending, and staff researched options for a long-term solution. An RFP was issued and six proposals were received. The proposal from Ferguson Enterprises was selected as it met all requirements and provided the best value. Ferguson would provide Mueller-brand automated meters with a compatible software system. The total estimated cost is $1.1 million, which could be financed over 7 years at 1.95% interest.
Alamo Heights CCM Item #4 ppt 225 e. oakviewMarian Vargas MendozaThis document considers a request to demolish a 1952 single family home and construct a new single family home and detached carport at 225 E. Oakview. The existing 1,463 square foot home is not architecturally significant. The Architectural Review Board recommended approval of the proposed larger home and found it compatible with the neighborhood subject to a chimney height condition being met. City staff analysis found the proposal complies with regulations.
hse{sun} Знакомство с Российской венчурной компанией и возможности сотрудниче...Business incubator HSEЛетняя школа hse{sun} 2015
Знакомство с Российской венчурной компанией и возможности сотрудничества
Гульнара Биккулова (ОАО "РВК") (
Волонтерский центр "Сочи-2014" Волгоградского государственного универистетаvuylovВолонтерский центр "Сочи-2014" Волгоградского государственного университета
Мерцалова Елена Евгеньевна — директор НОУ ДПО «Центр профессионального обучения и развития персонала ФосАгро» (г. Кировск)
11.08.14 ГБУ МБМ_Инновационное производство_САООлег ПаладьевИнновационное производство
ГБУ «Малый бизнес Москвы» подразделение Центрального административного округа приглашает Вас принять участие в бесплатном семинаре на тему: «Инновационное производство».
Программа семинара:
1. Управление идеями
a. Инновации, идеи-понятия, источники
b. Глобальная экономика, диспозиция России
c. Влияние макроэкономической ситуации на предпринимателей
d. Российский бюджет – упор на инвестиции в технологии будущего
e. Россия: Примеры великих побед
2. Продвижение инновационной продукции
a. Стратегии проникновения
b. Маркетинг на выбранных рынках
c. Стратегии продвижения инновационной продукции
d. Каналы коммуникаций
e. Кейс: Продвижение инновационных идей через создание экспертных сообществ
Спикер: Паладьев Олег Николаевич, Председатель правления сети международных экспертов «Союзконсалт»
Дата проведения: 11 августа 2014 года
Начало семинара: 17:00, регистрация с 16:30
Место проведения: Москва, Москва, ул. Радио 20, 3 этаж, каб. 309
В случае возникновения вопросов просим Вас обращаться по телефону: +7(495) 276-24-18.
Контактное лицо от Государственного бюджетного учреждения «Малый бизнес Москвы» подразделение Центрального административного округа - Борцов Александр Геннадьевич.
Опыт внедрения системы менеджмента качества при реализации услуг ДПО Institute of Distance Education TSUПрезентация "Опыт внедрения системы менеджмента качества при реализации услуг ДПО".
Presentation: "The experience of implemention of the quality management system during the realization of VETservices".
Больше информации на сайте ИДО ТГУ:
More information on the site of IDE TSU:
Study resultsEuropa-torgivliaThis document discusses strategies to support small and medium enterprises in Ukraine in implementing the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU. It notes that the agreement requires alignment of Ukrainian legislation with EU laws, which will affect businesses in various ways. Four main strategies are proposed: 1) conducting an awareness campaign about the agreement's effects; 2) providing business development services and training; 3) establishing credit lines and incentives for investments needed for compliance; and 4) subsidizing certification costs and facilitating certification processes. The document analyzes how different laws and technical requirements could impact businesses and offers examples.
EBRD DCFTA ProgrammeEuropa-torgivliaThe document summarizes an EBRD program to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova as part of their implementation of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) with the EU. The EBRD will provide €475 million in funding through various windows including improving SME access to long-term financing, facilitating cross-border trade, providing business advice, and engaging in policy dialogue. The program aims to strengthen SMEs in the partner countries to better implement obligations under their DCFTAs with the EU.
The impact of the DCFTA on businessEuropa-torgivliaThe document discusses the impact of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between Ukraine and the EU on businesses. The DCFTA will align Ukrainian regulations and standards with the EU in many areas including technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, customs procedures, and company/accounting laws. Some changes will require minimal investment while others like compliance with technical and food safety regulations will require businesses to understand new standards, test products, and get certifications. The study recommends businesses develop implementation strategies, make internal process changes, invest in upgrades, and get external certifications as needed to comply with the new regulations under the DCFTA.
Support to inclusive growth in the Eastern Europa-torgivliaThe document discusses the European Union's SME Flagship initiative to support small and medium enterprises in Eastern Partnership countries. It notes that SMEs face challenges accessing finance and markets. The 2020 SME Flagship Strategy provides a strategic vision. The DCFTA Facility for SMEs will provide €200 million in grants to unlock €2 billion for SME investments in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, helping them seize trade opportunities and comply with regulations. It will be implemented mainly by the EBRD and EIB to support inclusive growth.
Neighbourhood Investment FacilityEuropa-torgivliaThe document outlines a 55 million euro initiative by the European Investment Bank consisting of three pillars: a 25 million euro guarantee facility for portfolio guarantees and credit enhancement, a 20 million euro market access facility for the agri-food sector, and a 5 million euro risk capital facility focused on microfinance. It expects to support over 15,000 microenterprises and create or sustain over 30,000 jobs. An additional 40 million euro guarantee facility is provided for Ukraine. The initiative aims to support private sector development, financial sector strengthening, job creation, and sustainability through 2018.
Угода про асоціацію з ЄС: вплив на ІТ та електронну комерцію УкраїниEuropa-torgivliaГАРМОНІЗАЦІЯ ЗАКОНОДАВСТВА
Угода про асоціацію з ЄС: вплив на харчову промисловість та сільське господар...Europa-torgivliaЄвропейський Союз є одним з найбільших партнерів України з торгівлі харчовою та сільськогосподарською продукцією.
EU and UKRAINE Existing and future economic relationsEuropa-torgivliaThe document discusses Ukraine's trade relations with the EU and Russia. It provides statistics showing that in 2013, Ukraine's largest export partners were the EU (26.5% of exports) and Russia (23.8% of exports). However, in 2014 exports to the EU increased while exports to Russia decreased significantly due to sanctions and trade restrictions.
The EU and Ukraine have signed an Association Agreement that includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) aimed at facilitating trade and economic integration. The DCFTA will eliminate tariffs and reduce non-tariff barriers by aligning Ukrainian regulations and standards with those of the EU. Key areas of alignment include industrial goods, agricultural products, services, public
Автономні торгівельні преференції для України з боку ЄСEuropa-torgivliaАдміністрування квот ЄС в умовах АТП здійснюється за принципом “перший прийшов – перший отримав” незалежно від країни-члена ввезення товарів для товарних позицій: баранина, мед, цукор, карамель, глюкоза,баранина, мед, цукор, карамель, глюкоза, фруктоза, крохмаль, крупи зернових,фруктоза, крохмаль, крупи зернових, гриби, томати, сік виноградний, молочнігриби, томати, сік виноградний, молочні пасти, какао-порошок, овес, часник,пасти, какао-порошок, овес, часник, манітол, спирт етиловийманітол, спирт етиловий і деяких іншихі.
Угода про Асоціацію: вплив на легку промисловість УкраїниEuropa-torgivliaЗниження імпортних мит Європейським Союзом сприятиме виникненню потенціалу додаткового експорту продукції легкої промисловості України до ЄС на рівні в середньому 8-9% (щорічно порівняно з рівнем 2013 року).
Вимоги до виробників-експортерів харчової продукції на ринок ЄС.Europa-torgivliaЩоб привести українську продукцію до відповідності вимогам харчового законодавства ЄС, потрібно виконати кілька умов:
-Гармонізувати українське та європейське харчове законодавство.
-Привести діяльність українських контрольних органів з безпечності харчових продуктів у відповідність до європейських вимог щодо діяльності таких органів.
-Привести діяльність операторів ринку у відповідність до вимог законодавства.
Угода про асоціацію з ЄС: вплив на харчову промисловість та сільське господар...Europa-torgivliaЄвропейський Союз, що характеризується високим рівнем споживання харчової та сільськогосподарської продукції, є одним з найбільших партнерів України у торгівлі даним видом товарів. Європейський Союз, що характеризується високим рівнем споживання харчової та сільськогосподарської продукції, є одним з найбільших партнерів України у торгівлі даним видом товарів. Реалізація положень передбачених Угодою створює ряд можливостей для харчової промисловості та сільського господарства України.
Автономні торговельні преференції з боку ЄС для української сільськогосподарс...Europa-torgivlia11 березня 2014 року Європейська Комісія затвердила, а 14 квітня 2014 року Рада ЄС схвалила пакет автономних преференційних заходів (АТП) у торгівлі з Україною – Регламент Європейського Парламенту та Ради №374/2014 від 16.04.2014 щодо скорочення або скасування митних зборів на товари, що походять з України. Початок застосування – 23 квітня 2014 р.
Автономний торговельний режим діятиме до 1 листопада 2014 р. (або до набрання чинності Угодою про асоціацію).
Угода про асоціацію з ЄС: вплив на аграрний сектор УкраїниEuropa-torgivlia27 червня 2014 р. було у повному обсязі підписано Угоду про асоціацію між Україною та Європейським Союзом. Європейський Союз, що характеризується високим рівнем споживання сільськогосподарських товарів, є одним з найбільших партнерів України у торгівлі даним видом продукції. Реалізація положень передбачених Угодою створює ряд можливостей для аграрного сектору України.
Октябрь 2015
2. 2010 2010-2013
«Укрепление потенциала для усиления
экономического взаимодействия и разви-
тия инвестиционных взаимоотношений
стран Восточного партнерства»
Академии (3)
Study-visits (3)
Тренинги (6)
RoadShow (5)
Выставки (5)
2012 2013
Школа навыков
торговли при
Донецкой ТПП
навыков ТПП
Новые услуги
для МСБ
40 тренингов и вебинаров по различной тематике,
приняли участие 615 человек
8 сессий Школ международной торговли,
подготовлено 112 человек
Внутренняя подготовка – 12 вебинаров (45 экспертов)
Подготовка кадров для ТПП – 2 сессии, приняло участие 30 чел.
2012 - 2015
ü Создание системы сопровождения экспортной д-ти предприятий МСБ
ü Развитие ресурсов, содействующих экспортному продвижению
ü Создание условий для диверсификации рынков сбыта
ü Разработка комплексных программ поддержки экспортеров с учетом нужд региона
ü Формирование системы постоянного развития компетенций и навыков
международной торговли
2015 «Создание условий для развития
экспортного потенциала предприятий МСБ
Донецкой области
Передача know-how развития экспортных услуг в рамках DCFTA агросектора
Развитие новых услуг экспортного сопровождения ТПП предприятий
сельскохозяйственной отрасли и продуктов питания, формирование
экспертных компетенций
Развитие методологической и консалтинговой базы (Пособия, Отчеты и
East Invest 2 BSO Twinnings 2015-2017
Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland
DI – Dansk Industri (Confederaton of Danish Industry)
DCCI - Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Президент Донецкой ТПП
+38 050 470 97 98