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Extracting Important
Information from Social
Network Stream During Crisis
Avijit Paul
ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology
a1.paul @ qut.edu.au
 Brief overview (2 minutes)
 Concept of the project (3 minutes)

 Experiment and result (10 minutes)
First 24 hours is the most crucial after a
natural disaster

During first 24 hours getting the information is the
hardest. Thus makes it difficult to act

With increased and verified information it is possible to
reduce community harm and save lives
Source: Department of Community Safety, Queensland Govt. 2011
Currently used tool
Source: Yin, J., Lampert, A., Cameron, M., Robinson, B., & Power, R. (2012). Using social media to enhance emergency situation awareness.

1. Filter noise
2. Find actionable
3. Priorities

Hendrickson, S. (2012a). Gnip The Social
Cocktail, Part 2 Expected vs. Unexpected
Events. Retrieved from
http://blog.gnip.com/expected-足足vs足足unexpected-足足events-足足in-足足social-足足 media/



Weight *



Retweet of a previously stored tweet




Communication received from a high profile user



Named entity

Name of a place not identified before




Uses a link to a news site



Instragram URL

Is that a cat photo?



appeal word

Included word help


*Weigh is not final
RT +
= 75

Dataset: QLDflood 2011 (Queensland Flood)
Step 1: Read 4000+ tweets and identify tweets which I thought was important
or not important for Emergency services. I found around 1000 tweets that had
certain importance.

Our hearts go out to everyone affect by the #qldfloods


The Myer Centre entrance now sandbagged in Brisbane CBD.
#QLDfloods http://twitpic.com/3p91v7
METHOD & DATA (cont)
Step 2: Those 1000 tweets, I read to understand why I found them important.
I found having Name of places (Named Entity), Image and Keyword (unigram)
was more important to me

Amazing photo: South Bank car basement full to the brim
http://twitpic.com/3p8hg3 #QLDfloods #fb
3000 homes now underwater in Ipswich. Evacuations now include Bundamba
Goodna Redbank Bellbird Park. #qldfloods
Another pontoon floating down the Brisbane River #qldfloods
METHOD & DATA (cont)
Step 3: Do Bag of words feature extraction in Excel to identify if the tweets
have any of the above mentioned words.
Step 4: Multiple the existence with a score
Formula 1

Formula 3

Formula 2

Formula 4
Formula 1 and 2 (Image * 5 + Named Entity * 10 + keyword * 2 AND Image * 10 + Named
Entity * 5 + keyword * 2)
South Bank Ferris Wheel #bnefloods #qldfloods #qldfloodsmap http://twitpic.com/3p8olx
Whoa @bazmeister: Eagle Street Pier Brisbane.. #qldfloods http://twitpic.com/3p79rx #BrisVenice
Formula 3 (Image * 2 + Named Entity * 5 + keyword * 10)
Does anyone else find the name of the cafe floating down Brisbane river is "Drift"? http://goo.gl/N8PLT
Concerns that a power generator in QUT Gardens Point has NOT been turned off - fears of electrocution
in water. STAY AWAY #qldfloods
Nine News: The iconic Drift Restaurant located on the Brisbane River has broken off and has now sunk so
sad. #qldfloods

Formula 4 (Image * 10 + Named Entity * 2 + keyword * 5)
i'm going to twitpic some photos of the devastion the floods are having on people and families in
queensland #prayforaustralia #qldfloods
HOLY WOW Myer Centre flood preo. This is 20m from my work! #qldfloods #bnefloods
Riverside pathway at the cnr of the CBD botanic gardens #qldfloods http://twitpic.com/3p904f
1. Combining other elements (name of places, images)

with keyword (unigram) is better than identifying
based on keyword alone
2. Emphasizing named entity (places) > images >
keywords (unigram)
1. Finding named places is hard & well known problem

2. Images have challenges too





SOURCE: Social Media in Crisis Communication (Burgess, Bruns & Paul) AOIR 2013
Extracting Important Information from Social Network Stream During Crisis
8 pm uploaded

10 pm uploaded

9 PM uploaded

10 pm uploaded
Avijit Paul
ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and
Queensland University of Technology
a1.paul @ qut.edu.au

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Extracting Important Information from Social Network Stream During Crisis

  • 1. Extracting Important Information from Social Network Stream During Crisis Avijit Paul ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation Queensland University of Technology a1.paul @ qut.edu.au @cdtavijit http://mappingonlinepublics.net/
  • 2. Brief overview (2 minutes) Concept of the project (3 minutes) Experiment and result (10 minutes)
  • 3. First 24 hours is the most crucial after a natural disaster IMPACT AND RESPONSE TIMELINE During first 24 hours getting the information is the hardest. Thus makes it difficult to act TARGET DISASTER MANAGEMENT With increased and verified information it is possible to reduce community harm and save lives Source: Department of Community Safety, Queensland Govt. 2011
  • 5. Currently used tool Source: Yin, J., Lampert, A., Cameron, M., Robinson, B., & Power, R. (2012). Using social media to enhance emergency situation awareness.
  • 6. WHAT AM I SLICING FOR? 1. Filter noise 2. Find actionable information 3. Priorities information Hendrickson, S. (2012a). Gnip The Social Cocktail, Part 2 Expected vs. Unexpected Events. Retrieved from http://blog.gnip.com/expected-足足vs足足unexpected-足足events-足足in-足足social-足足 media/
  • 7. SEPERATING TWEETS No Category Reference Weight * 1 RT Retweet of a previously stored tweet -10 2 @reply Communication received from a high profile user 5 4 Named entity Name of a place not identified before 10 5 URL Uses a link to a news site 2 6 Instragram URL Is that a cat photo? +15 9 appeal word Included word help 10 *Weigh is not final
  • 9. METHOD & DATA Dataset: QLDflood 2011 (Queensland Flood) Method: Step 1: Read 4000+ tweets and identify tweets which I thought was important or not important for Emergency services. I found around 1000 tweets that had certain importance. 0 Our hearts go out to everyone affect by the #qldfloods 1 The Myer Centre entrance now sandbagged in Brisbane CBD. #QLDfloods http://twitpic.com/3p91v7
  • 10. METHOD & DATA (cont) Step 2: Those 1000 tweets, I read to understand why I found them important. I found having Name of places (Named Entity), Image and Keyword (unigram) was more important to me Amazing photo: South Bank car basement full to the brim http://twitpic.com/3p8hg3 #QLDfloods #fb 3000 homes now underwater in Ipswich. Evacuations now include Bundamba Goodna Redbank Bellbird Park. #qldfloods Another pontoon floating down the Brisbane River #qldfloods http://twitpic.com/3p8g9t
  • 11. METHOD & DATA (cont) Step 3: Do Bag of words feature extraction in Excel to identify if the tweets have any of the above mentioned words. Step 4: Multiple the existence with a score
  • 13. Formula 1 and 2 (Image * 5 + Named Entity * 10 + keyword * 2 AND Image * 10 + Named Entity * 5 + keyword * 2) South Bank Ferris Wheel #bnefloods #qldfloods #qldfloodsmap http://twitpic.com/3p8olx Whoa @bazmeister: Eagle Street Pier Brisbane.. #qldfloods http://twitpic.com/3p79rx #BrisVenice
  • 14. Formula 3 (Image * 2 + Named Entity * 5 + keyword * 10) Does anyone else find the name of the cafe floating down Brisbane river is "Drift"? http://goo.gl/N8PLT #qldfloods Concerns that a power generator in QUT Gardens Point has NOT been turned off - fears of electrocution in water. STAY AWAY #qldfloods Nine News: The iconic Drift Restaurant located on the Brisbane River has broken off and has now sunk so sad. #qldfloods Formula 4 (Image * 10 + Named Entity * 2 + keyword * 5) i'm going to twitpic some photos of the devastion the floods are having on people and families in queensland #prayforaustralia #qldfloods HOLY WOW Myer Centre flood preo. This is 20m from my work! #qldfloods #bnefloods http://twitpic.com/3p8wjt Riverside pathway at the cnr of the CBD botanic gardens #qldfloods http://twitpic.com/3p904f
  • 15. FILTERING & PRIORITIZING 1. Combining other elements (name of places, images) with keyword (unigram) is better than identifying based on keyword alone 2. Emphasizing named entity (places) > images > keywords (unigram)
  • 16. CHALLENGES 1. Finding named places is hard & well known problem 2. Images have challenges too
  • 17. #QLDFLOOD TOP CATEGORIES URLS 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2011 2013 SOURCE: Social Media in Crisis Communication (Burgess, Bruns & Paul) AOIR 2013
  • 19. 8 pm uploaded 10 pm uploaded 9 PM uploaded 10 pm uploaded
  • 20. Avijit Paul ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation Queensland University of Technology a1.paul @ qut.edu.au @cdtavijit http://mappingonlinepublics.net/

Editor's Notes

  • #8: Target is to address the issue with Social Networks
  • #9: Target is to address the issue with Social Networks