New survey results are in. Did you know more employees are cutting the corporate cord? Personal mobile devices are rendering traditional business phone systems obsolete in the new world of work era.
This document describes Buzzoole, an influence engine optimization platform that allows companies to identify trendsetters in their niche markets and generate word-of-mouth marketing in an automated way. Buzzoole identifies influencers for brands to target and notifies them of special offers to incentivize positive reviews and posts. Brands can monitor results and virality generated. The platform aims to make influence a new payment method and help users optimize their online presence and influence in exchange for special offers from brands.
Wikio Experts is the biggest italian content creation community that allows users to gain money on writing about what they like (passion, how to, experience, practical guides, travel tips etc.)
The document proposes a recruiting strategy for Ebuzzing UK involving blogging, social media, and monitoring. It recommends starting by monitoring Ebuzzing's online reputation to identify weaknesses. Then a blog buzz campaign would spread information about Ebuzzing while targeted emails recruit bloggers. Social media like Facebook would help engage potential writers. Continued monitoring would analyze results and cover any remaining weaknesses through follow-up buzz and community conversations.
New survey results are in. Did you know more employees are cutting the corporate cord? Personal mobile devices are rendering traditional business phone systems obsolete in the new world of work era.
This document describes Buzzoole, an influence engine optimization platform that allows companies to identify trendsetters in their niche markets and generate word-of-mouth marketing in an automated way. Buzzoole identifies influencers for brands to target and notifies them of special offers to incentivize positive reviews and posts. Brands can monitor results and virality generated. The platform aims to make influence a new payment method and help users optimize their online presence and influence in exchange for special offers from brands.
Wikio Experts is the biggest italian content creation community that allows users to gain money on writing about what they like (passion, how to, experience, practical guides, travel tips etc.)
The document proposes a recruiting strategy for Ebuzzing UK involving blogging, social media, and monitoring. It recommends starting by monitoring Ebuzzing's online reputation to identify weaknesses. Then a blog buzz campaign would spread information about Ebuzzing while targeted emails recruit bloggers. Social media like Facebook would help engage potential writers. Continued monitoring would analyze results and cover any remaining weaknesses through follow-up buzz and community conversations.
An advertisement I created for my graduate level Creative Campaigns class for KNex Kids toys. The advertisement was designed to target the mothers of children ages 3 to 7.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
How to Build a Dynamic Social Media PlanPost Planner
Stop guessing and wasting your time on networks and strategies that dont work!
Join Rebekah Radice and Katie Lance to learn how to optimize your social networks, the best kept secrets for hot content, top time management tools, and much more!
Watch the replay here:
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
This document summarizes a study of CEO succession events among the largest 100 U.S. corporations between 2005-2015. The study analyzed executives who were passed over for the CEO role ("succession losers") and their subsequent careers. It found that 74% of passed over executives left their companies, with 30% eventually becoming CEOs elsewhere. However, companies led by succession losers saw average stock price declines of 13% over 3 years, compared to gains for companies whose CEO selections remained unchanged. The findings suggest that boards generally identify the most qualified CEO candidates, though differences between internal and external hires complicate comparisons.
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