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Facebook ROI beyond the numbers
Data, Data, Data
Data, Data, Data
Komfo Webinar 21/02
	Case: V脱kstfonden
	 - Challenges
	 - Action plan
	 - Which ads and tools
	 - What was the result
Data, Data, Data
Data, Data, Data
Denmark The World
Time spent on mobile
phone per day in percent
3,6 mio.
each month
3h 40m
each day on a
mobile phone
each day
All other apps
- Is this something exciting?
RATE 1 2 3 4 5
RATE 1 2 3 4 5
- Is your audience well defined?
RATE 1 2 3 4
- Do you make enough to
support push marketing?
RATE 1 2 3 4 5
- Is it easy to explain the concept?
RATE 1 2 3 4 5
- Why do i need it now?
There are not big chances of posi-
tive ROI on Facebook for your busi-
ness. However, Facebooks price
per. exposure is inexpensive com-
pared to other media, and there-
fore some branding campaigns and
videos may make sense.
You should not have your expecta-
tions too high. However, there may
be a chance of getting retargeting
ads to work, as well as using
Facebook for branding.
Facebook will most likely be a good
sales platform for your business.
You will be able to experience
sales through push campaigns, re-
targeting and branding. It will not
necessarily be your primary sales
platform, but with competent ad-
vertising there is potential for
good results.
Your chances for succes on Face-
book are good, and that Facebook
will be your primary sales channel.
Here you will be able to achieve
direct sales, promotional cam-
paigns, e-mail collection for news-
letters etc., app installs, retargeting,
branding and more.
Data, Data, Data
Challenges and objectives
Untapped potential on social media
Lack of strategy
- Likes
- Cases
- Video
Understanding the segment
Signups for newsletter
Event participations
Data, Data, Data
/S奪dan g淡r vi /Bliv groennere
og mere effektiv
/Udvid din
/K淡b en
/Om v脱kstfonden
/F奪 en
/Forny din
/Indtag nye
/Nyheder og
Hvad du skal forberede dig p奪,
inden vi m淡des
S奪dan fungerer
Dansk Landbrugskapital
Danmarks Gr淡nne
finansierer solcelletag
GomSpace: De f淡rste
i verden til at benytte
nanosatellitter kommercielt
F奪 V脱kstfondens nyheder
og analyser p奪 mail
Danske eloomi har udviklet software
til medarbejderudvikling
Se hvordan Lunds淡e
K淡l & Frys fik forbedret
BluePack fik realiseret sine
En dansk ingeni淡r
fra Aarhus
Like V脱kstfonden og f淡lg med
Data, Data, Data
0,38 0,38
0,29 0,32
CP 10 Sec video view
Int_Venstre TMG_Business Int_FarmBrand
Int_Farm Job_Farming RE-Website
Bus_Agriculture RE-Engagement Pages
60 56
Int_Venstre TMG_Business Int_FarmBrand
Int_Farm Job_Farming RE-Website
Bus_Agriculture RE-Engagement Pages
Video on
Data, Data, Data
Funnel 1
14 days before
- Video with intro to
the case and the day
- Primary target audience
- Geographically defined
- Video with intro to
the case and the day
- Primary target audience
- Geographically defined
- Anyone who has seen >
50% of funnel 1
Funnel 2
9 days before
Funnel 3
4 days before
- Video with intro to
the case and the day
- Primary target audience
- Geographically defined
- Anyone who has seen >
50% of funnel 1
- People who have visited
the landingpage
Data, Data, Data

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Facebook ROI beyond the numbers

  • 3. Data, Data, Data Komfo Webinar 21/02 Intro Facebook S.A.L.E.S Case: V脱kstfonden - Challenges - Action plan - Which ads and tools - What was the result
  • 4. Data, Data, Data TIME SPENT ON FACEBOOK
  • 5. Data, Data, Data Denmark The World Time spent on mobile phone per day in percent 3,6 mio. each month 3h 40m each day on a mobile phone each day All other apps
  • 7. SHAREABILITY - Is this something exciting? RATE 1 2 3 4 5 S
  • 8. RATE 1 2 3 4 5 AUDIENCE - Is your audience well defined? A
  • 9. RATE 1 2 3 4 l LIFETIME VALUE - Do you make enough to support push marketing? 5
  • 10. RATE 1 2 3 4 5 E EASY TO EXPLAIN - Is it easy to explain the concept?
  • 11. RATE 1 2 3 4 5 S SENSE OF URGENCY - Why do i need it now?
  • 12. 5-10 20% There are not big chances of posi- tive ROI on Facebook for your busi- ness. However, Facebooks price per. exposure is inexpensive com- pared to other media, and there- fore some branding campaigns and videos may make sense. You should not have your expecta- tions too high. However, there may be a chance of getting retargeting ads to work, as well as using Facebook for branding. Facebook will most likely be a good sales platform for your business. You will be able to experience sales through push campaigns, re- targeting and branding. It will not necessarily be your primary sales platform, but with competent ad- vertising there is potential for good results. Your chances for succes on Face- book are good, and that Facebook will be your primary sales channel. Here you will be able to achieve direct sales, promotional cam- paigns, e-mail collection for news- letters etc., app installs, retargeting, branding and more. 11-15 40% 16-20 60% 21-25 80% RATE RATE RATE RATE
  • 13. Data, Data, Data Challenges and objectives Challenges: Untapped potential on social media Lack of strategy Objectives: Branding/Positioning - Likes - Cases - Video Understanding the segment Signups for newsletter Event participations
  • 14. Data, Data, Data Frontpage /S奪dan g淡r vi /Bliv groennere og mere effektiv /Udvid din forretning /K淡b en virksomhed /Om v脱kstfonden /F奪 en investor /Landbrugsbedrift /Forny din produktion /Indtag nye markeder /Nyheder og analyser Hvad du skal forberede dig p奪, inden vi m淡des S奪dan fungerer Dansk Landbrugskapital Danmarks Gr淡nne Investeringsfond finansierer solcelletag GomSpace: De f淡rste i verden til at benytte nanosatellitter kommercielt F奪 V脱kstfondens nyheder og analyser p奪 mail Danske eloomi har udviklet software til medarbejderudvikling Se hvordan Lunds淡e K淡l & Frys fik forbedret BluePack fik realiseret sine v脱kstplaner En dansk ingeni淡r fra Aarhus Like V脱kstfonden og f淡lg med RETARGETING
  • 15. Data, Data, Data 0,38 0,47 0,38 0,38 0,83 0,47 0,35 0,29 0,32 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 CP 10 Sec video view Int_Venstre TMG_Business Int_FarmBrand Int_Farm Job_Farming RE-Website Bus_Agriculture RE-Engagement Pages 60 56 36 49 87 60 47 35 27 0 20 40 60 80 100 CPM Int_Venstre TMG_Business Int_FarmBrand Int_Farm Job_Farming RE-Website Bus_Agriculture RE-Engagement Pages Video on FACEBOOK
  • 16. Data, Data, Data Events Funnel 1 14 days before Content: - Video with intro to the case and the day Segment: - Primary target audience - Geographically defined Content: - Video with intro to the case and the day Segment: - Primary target audience - Geographically defined - Anyone who has seen > 50% of funnel 1 Funnel 2 9 days before Funnel 3 4 days before Content: - Video with intro to the case and the day Segment: - Primary target audience - Geographically defined - Anyone who has seen > 50% of funnel 1 - People who have visited the landingpage
  • 18. Q&A