Data center certified associate exam development pathMohammad Gamal
This certificate was awarded to Mohammed Gamal for the successful completion of a Data Center University Associate Development Path program. The program covered topics such as rack and row-oriented cooling architectures, data center availability, fire protection methods, cabling strategies, cooling fundamentals including humidity, rack fundamentals, physical security, power systems including generators, optimizing cooling layouts, power redundancy, power distribution, and physical infrastructure management basics.
Alfresco Share is a collaborative content management system that provides out-of-the-box functionality for capturing, sharing, and retrieving information across virtual teams. It offers features like document libraries, search capabilities, activity feeds, and the ability to create virtual teams. Alfresco Share delivers this functionality on top of Alfresco's enterprise-class document repository in a way that simplifies collaboration. It aims to provide users with familiar tools for collaboration similar to Google, Wikipedia, blogs and more.
This document discusses key terms related to social media and its impact on business and communication. It covers how apps have allowed small businesses to flourish and diffuse into industries. It also discusses how social media has changed roles in professions like public relations and empowered crowdsourcing of information and stories. Finally, it outlines concepts like uses and gratification theory, sentiment analysis, and how social media has reduced gatekeepers' control over the spread of news.
The document describes the development of a Hydrologic Community Modeling System (HCMS) using a workflow engine called TRIDENT. The HCMS will allow for modular and integrated hydrologic models with interchangeable components. It will include libraries for data access, processing, hydrologic models, and post-analysis tools. Example applications to the Schuylkill Watershed are provided to demonstrate watershed delineation, hydrologic response unit creation, meteorological data processing, and potential evapotranspiration calculation workflows.
Este documento describe los procesos creativos y b¨²squedas de varios artistas importantes como Paul C¨¦zanne, Frida Kahlo y Pablo Picasso. C¨¦zanne pas¨® sus ¨²ltimos a?os tratando de capturar la "esencia del arte" al pintar objetos como manzanas desde su perspectiva ¨²nica en lugar de c¨®mo los hab¨ªa visto antes. Frida Kahlo pintaba para aliviar su dolor f¨ªsico y emocional. Picasso trabajaba incansablemente creyendo que la inspiraci¨®n se encuentra trabajando. El documento tambi¨¦n discute c¨®mo el
This document discusses outsourcing IT services to NashTech in Vietnam. It provides testimonials from satisfied clients and details NashTech's capabilities in software development, IT infrastructure support, business process outsourcing, and their global presence. NashTech aims to reduce costs while maintaining quality and has over 4,600 staff in Vietnam, an educated workforce, and a stable business environment.
Este documento presenta el programa de contenido disciplinar de Derecho Civil para un semestre. Incluye 6 unidades tem¨¢ticas divididas en 3 evaluaciones parciales. Cada unidad contiene objetivos de aprendizaje, actividades presenciales, aut¨®nomas y estrategias de evaluaci¨®n. El programa busca que los estudiantes comprendan conceptos y principios fundamentales del Derecho Civil a trav¨¦s de diferentes m¨¦todos como talleres, discusiones, lecturas y tareas.
This document summarizes a field survey completed on September 11, 2013 to map topography and site features for a dyke upgrade project. It provides notes on survey methods, coordinates, datum, and contours. It also notes that additional legal evidence is needed to confirm property boundaries and that the dyke design is based on a proposal from August 2013. Plan sheets attached show baseline coordinates, curves, topography, and natural boundaries.
The document provides instructions for summarizing data in R using various functions and commands. It discusses summarizing a single dataset, variables within a dataset, and grouping variables. It also demonstrates generating statistics, histograms, scatter plots, and correlations to visualize and analyze relationships in the data. The final sections discuss aggregating and grouping data using functions like aggregate(), tapply(), and ddply() as well as generating frequency tables and cross tables.
Este documento presenta la planificaci¨®n de un m¨®dulo formativo sobre el C¨®digo Civil - Personas, Tutor¨ªas y Curadur¨ªas que se impartir¨¢ a estudiantes de tercer semestre de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad T¨¦cnica de Ambato. El m¨®dulo abarca cinco elementos de competencia utilizando metodolog¨ªas activas como el aprendizaje basado en problemas y el an¨¢lisis de casos pr¨¢cticos. El objetivo es que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos sobre la normativa de personas y puedan aplicarla
Certificate of Achievement Stuart Westbrook Schneider Electric Data Center Ce...Stuart Westbrook
This Certificate of Achievement is awarded to Susan Hartman for successfully completing the Data Center Certified Associate Exam on September 25, 2015. The exam certifies that she possesses the basic knowledge necessary to participate on teams that design or upgrade the critical physical layer of the Data Center.
This document provides strategies for building a culture of reading to address the problem of alliteracy in middle school students. It suggests showing students that reading can be a pleasure by talking about your own reading, making book recommendations, creating a relaxing reading environment, and doing read alouds. Additional ideas include reading competitions and incentives, enlisting parents' help, and providing extra reading time and materials. The goal is to help students recognize reading as a rewarding activity rather than just an assignment.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre proyectos de investigaci¨®n para estudiantes. Explica que las investigaciones se originan a partir de ideas y c¨®mo obtener una idea de investigaci¨®n a trav¨¦s de la experiencia y observaci¨®n. Luego, ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo generar buenas ideas de investigaci¨®n y c¨®mo concebir una idea, incluyendo elegir un tema que sea interesante. Finalmente, proporciona ejemplos sobre c¨®mo desarrollar un tema de investigaci¨®n y actitudes que debe asumir un investigador.
A shared vision; the coordinating force behind great UXAlan Colville
A shared vision is something that successful companies have in common. Apple CEO Steve Jobs¡¯ stated their vision for the iPod was ¨C ¡°to make it so simple that people would actually use it¡±. Proven to work, yet little is known about what they are, when This presentation aims to answer all these questions.
Prediction in web design always becomes challenging for the web designers. Nowadays, Ecommerce website design is crucial part of any business. So Website Design Company ModernTechnolab shares latest Ecommerce Website Design Predictions for 2017.
This document discusses whether online advertising revenue can sustain journalism. It notes that online advertising is a $1.19 billion industry that provides 45% of newspaper company advertising growth. However, newspapers must balance providing online content and advertising without cannibalizing print revenue or readership. The document examines different types of online content and advertising, such as banners, sponsorships, and classifieds, that could generate revenue but must be implemented carefully to support rather than compete with print journalism.
This document is a thesis presented by Paul A. Ramoie to the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. The thesis examines the concept of biophilic design, which aims to remedy the modern disconnect from nature by incorporating natural elements into built environments. It discusses the biophilia hypothesis, which proposes that humans have an innate affinity for nature. The thesis explores the history of architecture and the harms of modern built environments in separating humans from nature. It also outlines Stephen Kellert's nine elements of biophilic design and examines how biophilic patterns can be implemented, focusing on visual connection with nature, thermal and airflow variability, diffuse light,
Este documento presenta el programa de contenido disciplinar de Derecho Civil para un semestre. Incluye 6 unidades tem¨¢ticas divididas en 3 evaluaciones parciales. Cada unidad contiene objetivos de aprendizaje, actividades presenciales, aut¨®nomas y estrategias de evaluaci¨®n. El programa busca que los estudiantes comprendan conceptos y principios fundamentales del Derecho Civil a trav¨¦s de diferentes m¨¦todos como talleres, discusiones, lecturas y tareas.
This document summarizes a field survey completed on September 11, 2013 to map topography and site features for a dyke upgrade project. It provides notes on survey methods, coordinates, datum, and contours. It also notes that additional legal evidence is needed to confirm property boundaries and that the dyke design is based on a proposal from August 2013. Plan sheets attached show baseline coordinates, curves, topography, and natural boundaries.
The document provides instructions for summarizing data in R using various functions and commands. It discusses summarizing a single dataset, variables within a dataset, and grouping variables. It also demonstrates generating statistics, histograms, scatter plots, and correlations to visualize and analyze relationships in the data. The final sections discuss aggregating and grouping data using functions like aggregate(), tapply(), and ddply() as well as generating frequency tables and cross tables.
Este documento presenta la planificaci¨®n de un m¨®dulo formativo sobre el C¨®digo Civil - Personas, Tutor¨ªas y Curadur¨ªas que se impartir¨¢ a estudiantes de tercer semestre de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad T¨¦cnica de Ambato. El m¨®dulo abarca cinco elementos de competencia utilizando metodolog¨ªas activas como el aprendizaje basado en problemas y el an¨¢lisis de casos pr¨¢cticos. El objetivo es que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos sobre la normativa de personas y puedan aplicarla
Certificate of Achievement Stuart Westbrook Schneider Electric Data Center Ce...Stuart Westbrook
This Certificate of Achievement is awarded to Susan Hartman for successfully completing the Data Center Certified Associate Exam on September 25, 2015. The exam certifies that she possesses the basic knowledge necessary to participate on teams that design or upgrade the critical physical layer of the Data Center.
This document provides strategies for building a culture of reading to address the problem of alliteracy in middle school students. It suggests showing students that reading can be a pleasure by talking about your own reading, making book recommendations, creating a relaxing reading environment, and doing read alouds. Additional ideas include reading competitions and incentives, enlisting parents' help, and providing extra reading time and materials. The goal is to help students recognize reading as a rewarding activity rather than just an assignment.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre proyectos de investigaci¨®n para estudiantes. Explica que las investigaciones se originan a partir de ideas y c¨®mo obtener una idea de investigaci¨®n a trav¨¦s de la experiencia y observaci¨®n. Luego, ofrece consejos sobre c¨®mo generar buenas ideas de investigaci¨®n y c¨®mo concebir una idea, incluyendo elegir un tema que sea interesante. Finalmente, proporciona ejemplos sobre c¨®mo desarrollar un tema de investigaci¨®n y actitudes que debe asumir un investigador.
A shared vision; the coordinating force behind great UXAlan Colville
A shared vision is something that successful companies have in common. Apple CEO Steve Jobs¡¯ stated their vision for the iPod was ¨C ¡°to make it so simple that people would actually use it¡±. Proven to work, yet little is known about what they are, when This presentation aims to answer all these questions.
Prediction in web design always becomes challenging for the web designers. Nowadays, Ecommerce website design is crucial part of any business. So Website Design Company ModernTechnolab shares latest Ecommerce Website Design Predictions for 2017.
This document discusses whether online advertising revenue can sustain journalism. It notes that online advertising is a $1.19 billion industry that provides 45% of newspaper company advertising growth. However, newspapers must balance providing online content and advertising without cannibalizing print revenue or readership. The document examines different types of online content and advertising, such as banners, sponsorships, and classifieds, that could generate revenue but must be implemented carefully to support rather than compete with print journalism.
This document is a thesis presented by Paul A. Ramoie to the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. The thesis examines the concept of biophilic design, which aims to remedy the modern disconnect from nature by incorporating natural elements into built environments. It discusses the biophilia hypothesis, which proposes that humans have an innate affinity for nature. The thesis explores the history of architecture and the harms of modern built environments in separating humans from nature. It also outlines Stephen Kellert's nine elements of biophilic design and examines how biophilic patterns can be implemented, focusing on visual connection with nature, thermal and airflow variability, diffuse light,
Trade Ideas Data: Market Intelligence for the Financial Technology Industry David Aferiat
Presentation of Trade Ideas' Derived Data Analytics that enable the FinTech Industry to layer structured and non-structured data feeds into low latency, high performance visual information that spots opportunities in the capital markets.
5. SODPSODP : Service-Oriented Data ProtectionCompute ResourcesCompute ResourcesPhysicalPhysicalVirtualVirtualPhysicalVirtualVirtualMMProduction PoolBackup NodeBackup NodeSector-level dedupe and replicationWANThin T2 PoolThinT1 PoolThinTiered DR PoolArchive PoolData ServicesData ServicesDeduped Archive PoolProtection PoolVirtual Tape PoolSingle InstanceRepositoryDR Disk Poolsand SnapshotsSnapshots and CDP Journals
6. Data Protection As A ServiceBlueStone : FalconStor in the CloudCloud ManagementSingle Pane of GlassGlobal Policy ControlData Lifecycle ManagementData MobilityContinuous AvailabilityBlueStonePolicy ManagementManagementService RecoveryBlueStoneAvailabilityProtectionService AService CService B
13. Data Protection Challenges?????? ?? ????? ?? 5 - 20% ?? ??¡?? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ??????Data Recovery? Data Restore?Recovery speed is too slow??? ??H/W ??? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ?????The Perfect Storm of Data ProtectionData ValueCost of Down-timeData VolumeRecovery TimeSpeed & Capacityof Tape DriveBackup WindowBackup: Once a day with no validationPerformance of backup SW
14. Data Big Bang !¡°Big Data¡± In Your Data Center 5 ?? 800% ??
30. Data Protection Services???? ???? VTL, CDP ? ??? Data Protection Solution?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ?? Data Protection Services ??(Source : GlassHouseConsulting)
31. Backup/Recovery Is Changing¡A LOT!By 2011, surviving enterprise backup/recovery products will have transformed into recovery management solutions that unite traditional backup, replication, snapshot and continuous data protection.Dave RussellResearch Vice PresidentStorage Technologies & StrategiesGartner Research
32. SODPCompute ResourcesCompute ResourcesPhysicalPhysicalVirtualVirtualPhysicalVirtualVirtualMMBackup NodeBackup NodeSector-level dedupe and replicationProduction PoolArchive PoolWANThin T2 PoolThinT1 PoolThinTiered DR PoolData ServicesData ServicesDeduped Archive PoolProtection PoolVirtual Tape PoolSingle InstanceRepositoryBenefits : Performance OptimizationDeduplication SecurityDR Disk Poolsand SnapshotsSnapshots and CDP Journals
34. Cloud for DR Strategy???? ??? Cloud Service ? ??? ?? :?? ?? 2.5? ??? ?? ?? RTO : 2?????? ??? Cloud Service ? ???? ?? ?? :?? ?? 3.5? ??? ?? ?? RTO : 8??- Aberdeen Group Survey in Oct. 2010.¡° A disaster recovery strategy was their No. 1 driver for using cloud services, respondents to the Aberdeen Group survey said.¡± Dick?CsaplarSr. Research AnalystStorage and VirtualizationIT Infrastructure