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Total Care Through Co-Location
A Partnering between Central Ohio Primary
Care and The Center for Cognitive and
Behavioral Therapy
Anxiety and falling
What Science Says
 The dizzy group was more likely to report anxiety and depressive
symptoms than their nondizzy peers. Menant, JC et al., 2013.
 The number of recurrent fallers was significantly lower in the
intervention group [CBT of Fear of Falling] than in the control
group 1 year after the intervention. Ziljstra et al., 2009.
What are anxious thoughts
Can we talk about thoughts about falling that are scary?
 What are scary thoughts?
 Predict bad things will happen
 Some are realistic, many are not
 How to tell if they are realistic or not
 Deciding if they are believable or not
 Are you living in these thoughts (in your head) or in the vital world of
 Write down three ideas that scare you about falling
 Prediction of catastrophe
 Be careful!!
 Stay away/stay safe.
What things have you begun to avoid
Can we talk about any things that you have stopped doing or places youve
stop going because you are afraid of falling?
 Lets do an inventory of
 Places you stopped going
 Things youve stopped doing
 What are the differences between avoiding vs. not liking something
 Are you avoiding or asserting preferences
 How to overcome avoiding
 Slow but steady restarting one or two things or places youve avoided
 Stay with each step toward each thing or place until the anxiety or scary
feelings go down and stop
 The principle of running toward anxiety and avoiding scared feelings
What do you want your life to be about?
 What are the things you want to be known for 50 years from now?
 What is a vital life
 Setting your what matters most goals each day
 Do the anxious thoughts or avoidance behaviors increase or decrease your
vital life?
 Would your what matters most goals be strong enough to do the
important things that matters most
 Lets think about the last week.
 Think of something on the matters most list that you didnt do because
you were afraid of falling
 Lets create a vital life coping plan
What do you want your life to be about?
 Vital Life Coping Plan
 Name the matters most activity and place where it occurs
 Imagine the situation when you could avoid the activity and place where it occurs, then see yourself
doing it for a second and listen to your happiness as you imagine making a vital life choice
 Contact your primary care physician or health care provider to be sure you know how to do the activity
 Write out a flashcard to carry that includes these four (4) things:
 Why you want a vital life and to do what matters most
 What you want to do, where you will do it, and how you will do it safely
 Recall what kind of rewarding things come from doing your matters most activity and be aware of how that
happiness feels
 Write out your decision to do your matters most activity
 Write out a plan for the when, where, and how you will do your matters most activity

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  • 1. MANAGING ANXIETY ABOUT FALLING KEVIN D ARNOLD, PHD, ABPP PSYCHOLOGIST PRESIDENT OF CCBT, INC. TOTAL CARE THROUGH CO- LOCATION Total Care Through Co-Location A Partnering between Central Ohio Primary Care and The Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
  • 2. Anxiety and falling What Science Says The dizzy group was more likely to report anxiety and depressive symptoms than their nondizzy peers. Menant, JC et al., 2013. The number of recurrent fallers was significantly lower in the intervention group [CBT of Fear of Falling] than in the control group 1 year after the intervention. Ziljstra et al., 2009.
  • 3. What are anxious thoughts Can we talk about thoughts about falling that are scary? What are scary thoughts? Predict bad things will happen Some are realistic, many are not How to tell if they are realistic or not Deciding if they are believable or not Are you living in these thoughts (in your head) or in the vital world of reality? Write down three ideas that scare you about falling Prediction of catastrophe Be careful!! Stay away/stay safe.
  • 4. What things have you begun to avoid Can we talk about any things that you have stopped doing or places youve stop going because you are afraid of falling? Lets do an inventory of Places you stopped going Things youve stopped doing What are the differences between avoiding vs. not liking something Are you avoiding or asserting preferences How to overcome avoiding Slow but steady restarting one or two things or places youve avoided Stay with each step toward each thing or place until the anxiety or scary feelings go down and stop The principle of running toward anxiety and avoiding scared feelings
  • 5. What do you want your life to be about? What are the things you want to be known for 50 years from now? What is a vital life Setting your what matters most goals each day Do the anxious thoughts or avoidance behaviors increase or decrease your vital life? Would your what matters most goals be strong enough to do the important things that matters most Lets think about the last week. Think of something on the matters most list that you didnt do because you were afraid of falling Lets create a vital life coping plan
  • 6. What do you want your life to be about? Vital Life Coping Plan Name the matters most activity and place where it occurs Imagine the situation when you could avoid the activity and place where it occurs, then see yourself doing it for a second and listen to your happiness as you imagine making a vital life choice Contact your primary care physician or health care provider to be sure you know how to do the activity safely Write out a flashcard to carry that includes these four (4) things: WHY A VITAL LIFE: Why you want a vital life and to do what matters most WHAT, WHERE, AND SAFELY HOW: What you want to do, where you will do it, and how you will do it safely RECALL THE REWARD: Recall what kind of rewarding things come from doing your matters most activity and be aware of how that happiness feels DECIDE AND ACT: Write out your decision to do your matters most activity Write out a plan for the when, where, and how you will do your matters most activity