For patients who have fallen and are anxious about falling again. The slides review how to understand the anxiety about falling and to manage it effectively. Learn how to get your life back and re-discover what matters most to you.
This document provides an overview of a personal development program with three main sections: learning about your "why", visualizing your dreams, and taking personal steps to success. It includes exercises to understand personal values, visualize goals and dreams, overcome fears, and develop a 5-year vision. Key lessons emphasized are balancing the mind by increasing positivity, making empowering decisions, and using success steps to stay on track. The overall goal is providing tools for personal growth to achieve dreams and success through understanding one's deeper motivations and taking action.
This is a material that can be used to introduce people to learn about being 'healthy' at work or in personal life by practicing self discovery, proactive mindset, and growth mindset
The document discusses achieving work-life balance and provides tips for social workers to create a personal work-life balance plan. It notes that lack of work-life balance affects job performance and health according to surveys. The document then provides guidance on conducting a self-assessment, setting goals and priorities, implementing supports, and engaging in self-care activities to develop a sustainable work-life balance.
Presentation by Doug Haldeman of Cherry Creek Mortgage on the importance of life planning and how to go about it. Presented at the May 2012 Lighthouse Speaker Series.
The document discusses the concept of creating results that matter through establishing structural tension. It states that creating involves bringing one's dreams and aspirations into tangible reality through actions motivated by desire rather than circumstances. In contrast to problem-solving, creating has nothing to do with fixing issues or satisfying needs, but is about using one's talents to generate the desired creation. The key is establishing structural tension between the current reality and one's vision for the desired result in order to resolve this tension through purposeful actions aimed at realizing one's creation.
Introduction to Mental Health Awareness
Definition of Mental Health
Good Mental Health Definition
Mental Illness
Suicidal Ideation and helping those who have such
Stress and Good pressure
Support for the mentally ill
Universal Reality is described correctly by TRUTHFUL INFORMATION... and TIME will be the great Judge.. I am a TRUTH SEEKER... a believing scientist and scientific believer
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and taking breaks as needed. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and signposting to resources. The importance of self-care and wellbeing is emphasized.
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and being aware of one's own mental health. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and for signposting support resources. The importance of self-care and maintaining wellbeing is emphasized.
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and taking breaks as needed. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and signposting to resources. The importance of self-care and wellbeing is emphasized.
Mind in Greater Manchester (Stewart Lucas)Julia Shepek
This document provides information about mental health and wellbeing from the organization Mind in Greater Manchester. It discusses that (1) Mind provides local mental health services across the UK to help people cope with stress and build confidence, (2) over 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year, though most will not have one the following year, and (3) taking care of mental health is as important as physical health, and involves activities like exercise, nutrition, hobbies and social connection.
The document outlines seven areas of life that are important for success: intellectual, health, social, family, career, financial, and spiritual. It then discusses attributes and factors that contribute to success, including positive thinking, self-confidence, passion, learning, and family support. Finally, it discusses making your life a "masterpiece" by deciding what success means to you and dedicating yourself to achieving your vision.
Understanding and coping_with_stress_stresslovelybono
This document discusses stress, its causes and effects. It notes that 75-90% of doctor visits are for stress-related issues and stress is an inevitable part of modern life. While some stress can be beneficial, too much stress takes a toll physically and mentally, manifesting as increased anxiety, depression, physical ailments and burnout over time. The document provides tips for managing stress such as recognizing when you feel stressed, identifying stressors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sharing feelings, and having realistic expectations.
This document summarizes a presentation on movies and mental health. The presentation included:
- Screenings of short films about mental illness and group discussions about the themes and emotions they evoked.
- Information about common portrayals of mental illness in movies and the impact of stigma.
- A discussion of mental health and wellness with a panel of experts.
- An invitation for attendees to get more involved through an ambassador program that promotes discussion of mental health issues through art and film.
Creating and Maintaining Natural ConfidenceMatt Kendall
- The document provides information on developing self-confidence and managing anxiety, covering topics like causes of low self-confidence, self-esteem, cognitive models of anxiety, lifestyle factors, social life, and techniques for managing anxiety and negative thoughts.
- Specific techniques taught include using a negative thought table to evaluate fears and self-talk, creating an anxiety hierarchy to gradually face fears from lowest to highest, and discrete exercises that can be done in public to manage physical anxiety.
- The overall message is that readers can gain confidence and manage anxiety by understanding their thoughts and behaviors, preparing for social situations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using practical techniques to evaluate and address fears and physical symptoms.
This document provides information on finding balance, harmony, and passion in life. It discusses that passion is the genesis of genius, and fear is the passion of slaves. Happiness can come from experiences, accomplishments, sensual pleasure, material possessions, physical appearance, financial success, and solitude. Being successful involves self-development, achievement, recognition, material possessions, popularity, personal freedom, and creativity. The highest values are inspired while the lowest values are motivated. Balance is supported through challenges. Inspiration comes from within while motivation minimizes pain and maximizes pleasure. Priorities and values include how one spends time and money and what energizes and disciplines them. Perception of a partner will equal reality, and treating a partner
This document provides information on finding balance, harmony, and passion in life. It discusses that passion is the genesis of genius, and fear is the passion of slaves. Happiness can come from experiences, accomplishments, sensual pleasure, material possessions, physical appearance, financial success, and solitude. Being successful involves self-development, achievement, recognition, material possessions, popularity, personal freedom, and creativity. The highest values are inspired while the lowest values are motivated. Balance is supported through challenges. Inspiration comes from within while motivation minimizes pain and maximizes pleasure. Priorities and values include how one spends time and money and what energizes and disciplines them. Perception of a partner will equal reality, and treating a partner
This document provides tips and strategies for improving work-life balance and moving from just surviving to truly thriving. It discusses establishing clarity of purpose and letting go of fear. Key points include identifying your unique gifts and life purpose, overcoming blocks like defensiveness and attachments, and focusing on intention over attention. Living fully in the present moment without being attached to outcomes is described as truly thriving. The document advertises a 12-week program to help clarify one's vision, apply strategies like the 90/10 rule, form a game plan, and make empowered choices.
resilience is the order of the day when life knocks you down
If you have been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression:
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
Decreased energy or fatigue
Moving or talking more slowly
Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite and/or weight changes
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease even with treatment
pump up your energy
This document provides information about a workshop for caregivers held by Caryn Isaacs, a patient advocate, and Lori Metz, a personal motivational coach. The workshop aims to help caregivers understand themselves, their needs, and available resources through a caregiver assessment, discussion of triggers and barriers, and developing an action plan. Attendees can evaluate their needs and prioritize next steps. The document provides an overview of the workshop agenda and techniques to help caregivers improve wellness and learn how and where to get help.
The document discusses theories about why rates of depression have increased dramatically in recent decades. While biological factors are involved, they are insufficient to explain such a large rise. Theories discussed include that depression results from biological, behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal factors interacting. Rates of depression also differ across cultures and time periods. Rumination, avoidance, isolation, and withdrawal from social support are behaviors associated with depression that paradoxically maintain the condition long-term rather than providing short-term relief.
This document discusses budgeting for two households after divorce. It begins with introductions to positive psychology, mindfulness meditation, and an expressive writing exercise. It then discusses maintaining marital standard of living when income needs to support two households rather than one. A budgeting exercise is provided where participants calculate expenses for two households using a provided income and expense form. Tips for budgeting are also given such as following local news for savings, using sites like Groupon for deals, and finding cost-effective services like cleaning on sites like Participants are invited to ask any other questions.
This document discusses how changing one's thinking can change one's life. It emphasizes focusing on potential rather than limitations, and using positive self-talk. It notes that fear often stops people from achieving goals and recommends making bold decisions instead of holding onto the status quo. Changing limiting beliefs through questioning assumptions can help one dance past the fear of decisions. Taking action and changing one's state, story, and strategies are presented as ways to overcome crises and achieve what one wants in life.
The document discusses the benefits of fear and provides steps to realign core beliefs and alleviate fear. It notes that fear can have benefits like burning calories and boosting immunity. It then lists 8 steps to identify a problem or goal, the associated emotions and physical sensations, beliefs, possible outcomes, and affirmations to dissolve fears. The document emphasizes using imagination to shift perspectives and manifest desired outcomes.
The document provides tips for effective living and achieving balance. It emphasizes finding balance between priorities like parents, self, country, and passion. Some key tips include knowing your limits within 24 hours per day, doing what you love, maintaining simplicity, believing in honesty and hard work, proper health habits, cultivating spirituality, planning in advance, having good relationships, engaging in hobbies, and learning to be satisfied. The overall message is achieving balance across priorities through time management, passion-based work, spiritual fulfillment, relationships and hobbies.
Mental, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of stress include decreased concentration and memory, indecisiveness, anxiety, depression, irritability, and changes in eating and sleeping. Common causes of stress include life events, daily hassles, unrealistic expectations, negative thinking, and conflicting beliefs with others. Beliefs can lead to stressful behaviors if they promote overwork, neglect of self-care, or inability to delegate responsibilities. Changing one's thinking, managing expectations, addressing situations causing stress, relaxation, social support, and professional help can all help reduce stress.
These slides provide information for primary care providers on how to manage commonly co-morbid medical and behavioral health concerns. They are intended for physicians who wish to provide an introduction to their patients on how to manage the mental health issues associated with several common medical conditions in adults.
This document outlines the Seven Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):
1) ABA grew out of experimental behavior analysis with animals but now focuses on real-life problems for individuals with developmental disabilities.
2) The goal of ABA is to improve behaviors through manipulating variables rather than just examining their effects.
3) ABA prioritizes social relevance and improving behaviors over theoretical importance. It assesses how important the target behavior is to the individual.
4) ABA uses measurable behaviors as targets rather than subjective interpretations, relying on observer reliability.
Universal Reality is described correctly by TRUTHFUL INFORMATION... and TIME will be the great Judge.. I am a TRUTH SEEKER... a believing scientist and scientific believer
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and taking breaks as needed. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and signposting to resources. The importance of self-care and wellbeing is emphasized.
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and being aware of one's own mental health. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and for signposting support resources. The importance of self-care and maintaining wellbeing is emphasized.
This document provides an introduction and overview of mental health awareness. It begins by outlining guidelines for respectful participation in the discussion, including listening without judgment, sharing only if comfortable, and taking breaks as needed. It then presents quiz questions about mental health statistics in the UK. Definitions of mental health, wellbeing, and illness are provided. The document discusses the mental health continuum and common types of mental health problems. It also covers topics like stress, psychosis, suicidal feelings, and how to help oneself or others. Suggestions are made for managing conversations about mental health and signposting to resources. The importance of self-care and wellbeing is emphasized.
Mind in Greater Manchester (Stewart Lucas)Julia Shepek
This document provides information about mental health and wellbeing from the organization Mind in Greater Manchester. It discusses that (1) Mind provides local mental health services across the UK to help people cope with stress and build confidence, (2) over 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year, though most will not have one the following year, and (3) taking care of mental health is as important as physical health, and involves activities like exercise, nutrition, hobbies and social connection.
The document outlines seven areas of life that are important for success: intellectual, health, social, family, career, financial, and spiritual. It then discusses attributes and factors that contribute to success, including positive thinking, self-confidence, passion, learning, and family support. Finally, it discusses making your life a "masterpiece" by deciding what success means to you and dedicating yourself to achieving your vision.
Understanding and coping_with_stress_stresslovelybono
This document discusses stress, its causes and effects. It notes that 75-90% of doctor visits are for stress-related issues and stress is an inevitable part of modern life. While some stress can be beneficial, too much stress takes a toll physically and mentally, manifesting as increased anxiety, depression, physical ailments and burnout over time. The document provides tips for managing stress such as recognizing when you feel stressed, identifying stressors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sharing feelings, and having realistic expectations.
This document summarizes a presentation on movies and mental health. The presentation included:
- Screenings of short films about mental illness and group discussions about the themes and emotions they evoked.
- Information about common portrayals of mental illness in movies and the impact of stigma.
- A discussion of mental health and wellness with a panel of experts.
- An invitation for attendees to get more involved through an ambassador program that promotes discussion of mental health issues through art and film.
Creating and Maintaining Natural ConfidenceMatt Kendall
- The document provides information on developing self-confidence and managing anxiety, covering topics like causes of low self-confidence, self-esteem, cognitive models of anxiety, lifestyle factors, social life, and techniques for managing anxiety and negative thoughts.
- Specific techniques taught include using a negative thought table to evaluate fears and self-talk, creating an anxiety hierarchy to gradually face fears from lowest to highest, and discrete exercises that can be done in public to manage physical anxiety.
- The overall message is that readers can gain confidence and manage anxiety by understanding their thoughts and behaviors, preparing for social situations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using practical techniques to evaluate and address fears and physical symptoms.
This document provides information on finding balance, harmony, and passion in life. It discusses that passion is the genesis of genius, and fear is the passion of slaves. Happiness can come from experiences, accomplishments, sensual pleasure, material possessions, physical appearance, financial success, and solitude. Being successful involves self-development, achievement, recognition, material possessions, popularity, personal freedom, and creativity. The highest values are inspired while the lowest values are motivated. Balance is supported through challenges. Inspiration comes from within while motivation minimizes pain and maximizes pleasure. Priorities and values include how one spends time and money and what energizes and disciplines them. Perception of a partner will equal reality, and treating a partner
This document provides information on finding balance, harmony, and passion in life. It discusses that passion is the genesis of genius, and fear is the passion of slaves. Happiness can come from experiences, accomplishments, sensual pleasure, material possessions, physical appearance, financial success, and solitude. Being successful involves self-development, achievement, recognition, material possessions, popularity, personal freedom, and creativity. The highest values are inspired while the lowest values are motivated. Balance is supported through challenges. Inspiration comes from within while motivation minimizes pain and maximizes pleasure. Priorities and values include how one spends time and money and what energizes and disciplines them. Perception of a partner will equal reality, and treating a partner
This document provides tips and strategies for improving work-life balance and moving from just surviving to truly thriving. It discusses establishing clarity of purpose and letting go of fear. Key points include identifying your unique gifts and life purpose, overcoming blocks like defensiveness and attachments, and focusing on intention over attention. Living fully in the present moment without being attached to outcomes is described as truly thriving. The document advertises a 12-week program to help clarify one's vision, apply strategies like the 90/10 rule, form a game plan, and make empowered choices.
resilience is the order of the day when life knocks you down
If you have been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression:
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
Decreased energy or fatigue
Moving or talking more slowly
Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite and/or weight changes
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease even with treatment
pump up your energy
This document provides information about a workshop for caregivers held by Caryn Isaacs, a patient advocate, and Lori Metz, a personal motivational coach. The workshop aims to help caregivers understand themselves, their needs, and available resources through a caregiver assessment, discussion of triggers and barriers, and developing an action plan. Attendees can evaluate their needs and prioritize next steps. The document provides an overview of the workshop agenda and techniques to help caregivers improve wellness and learn how and where to get help.
The document discusses theories about why rates of depression have increased dramatically in recent decades. While biological factors are involved, they are insufficient to explain such a large rise. Theories discussed include that depression results from biological, behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal factors interacting. Rates of depression also differ across cultures and time periods. Rumination, avoidance, isolation, and withdrawal from social support are behaviors associated with depression that paradoxically maintain the condition long-term rather than providing short-term relief.
This document discusses budgeting for two households after divorce. It begins with introductions to positive psychology, mindfulness meditation, and an expressive writing exercise. It then discusses maintaining marital standard of living when income needs to support two households rather than one. A budgeting exercise is provided where participants calculate expenses for two households using a provided income and expense form. Tips for budgeting are also given such as following local news for savings, using sites like Groupon for deals, and finding cost-effective services like cleaning on sites like Participants are invited to ask any other questions.
This document discusses how changing one's thinking can change one's life. It emphasizes focusing on potential rather than limitations, and using positive self-talk. It notes that fear often stops people from achieving goals and recommends making bold decisions instead of holding onto the status quo. Changing limiting beliefs through questioning assumptions can help one dance past the fear of decisions. Taking action and changing one's state, story, and strategies are presented as ways to overcome crises and achieve what one wants in life.
The document discusses the benefits of fear and provides steps to realign core beliefs and alleviate fear. It notes that fear can have benefits like burning calories and boosting immunity. It then lists 8 steps to identify a problem or goal, the associated emotions and physical sensations, beliefs, possible outcomes, and affirmations to dissolve fears. The document emphasizes using imagination to shift perspectives and manifest desired outcomes.
The document provides tips for effective living and achieving balance. It emphasizes finding balance between priorities like parents, self, country, and passion. Some key tips include knowing your limits within 24 hours per day, doing what you love, maintaining simplicity, believing in honesty and hard work, proper health habits, cultivating spirituality, planning in advance, having good relationships, engaging in hobbies, and learning to be satisfied. The overall message is achieving balance across priorities through time management, passion-based work, spiritual fulfillment, relationships and hobbies.
Mental, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of stress include decreased concentration and memory, indecisiveness, anxiety, depression, irritability, and changes in eating and sleeping. Common causes of stress include life events, daily hassles, unrealistic expectations, negative thinking, and conflicting beliefs with others. Beliefs can lead to stressful behaviors if they promote overwork, neglect of self-care, or inability to delegate responsibilities. Changing one's thinking, managing expectations, addressing situations causing stress, relaxation, social support, and professional help can all help reduce stress.
These slides provide information for primary care providers on how to manage commonly co-morbid medical and behavioral health concerns. They are intended for physicians who wish to provide an introduction to their patients on how to manage the mental health issues associated with several common medical conditions in adults.
This document outlines the Seven Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):
1) ABA grew out of experimental behavior analysis with animals but now focuses on real-life problems for individuals with developmental disabilities.
2) The goal of ABA is to improve behaviors through manipulating variables rather than just examining their effects.
3) ABA prioritizes social relevance and improving behaviors over theoretical importance. It assesses how important the target behavior is to the individual.
4) ABA uses measurable behaviors as targets rather than subjective interpretations, relying on observer reliability.
1. The document discusses the Kazdin method of positive parenting, which focuses on teaching parents skills to increase desirable child behaviors through consistent use of rewards, ignoring undesirable behaviors, and time-outs from reinforcement.
2. It outlines the basic steps of this approach, including learning about behaviors, using rewards, time-outs, planning attention and ignoring, creating homework plans, and addressing parental stress that can interfere with skill use.
3. The Kazdin method teaches parents to define targeted behaviors clearly and reward positive opposite behaviors consistently with a variety of rewards while ignoring undesirable behaviors.
This document discusses integrated care and behavioral health. It provides examples of integrated care models in various states and settings. It also describes the experience of one behavioral health provider, Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, in establishing an integrated care partnership with Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, a large primary care group practice. Key elements that supported a successful partnership included sharing office space, using an interoperable electronic health record, measuring outcomes related to cost and quality of care, and negotiating value-based payment contracts with health plans.
This document discusses integrated care and behavioral health. It provides examples of integrated care models in various states and settings. It also describes the experience of one behavioral health provider, Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, in establishing an integrated care partnership with Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, a large primary care group practice. Key elements that supported a successful partnership included sharing office space, using an interoperable electronic health record, measuring outcomes related to cost and quality of care, and negotiating value-based payment contracts with health plans.
This document provides an overview of a session on combining the biopsychosocial and CBT models in practice. It begins with welcoming the participants and providing information on Division 38 of the APA and its website. It then outlines two case studies, one on a patient with heart failure and another with generalized anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome. The document discusses the biopsychosocial model and how CBT can integrate factors from this model. It provides objectives for the session and discusses caveats before concluding with introductions of the presenters.
Presentation on Functional Behavior Assessments and Differential Reinforcement Strategies that Integrates Functional Contextualism as an Epistemological Framework
The document discusses the rationale and techniques for behavioral activation and social skills training in treating depression. It outlines assessing patients' behaviors through activity records and social interaction logs. Treatment involves activity scheduling to increase rewarding experiences and structure. Social actions are practiced from one person to groups. Barriers like negative thoughts are addressed through cognitive techniques. Impact is assessed through mood logs, activity ratings, and adherence measures.
The document discusses the rationale and techniques for behavioral activation and social skills training in treating depression. It outlines assessing patients' behaviors through activity records and social interaction logs. Treatment involves activity scheduling to increase rewarding experiences and structure. Social actions are practiced from one person to groups. Barriers like negative thoughts are addressed through cognitive techniques. Impact is assessed through mood logs, activity ratings, and adherence measures.
Dr. Arnold, a former member of the Ohio Board of Psychology, reviews Ohio's rules for psychologists, counselors, and social workers about multiple roles. The recent updates to the Ohio psychology rules are covered.
The document discusses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of generalized anxiety. It describes generalized anxiety and its key characteristics. It then outlines the CBT treatment approach, which includes thought flooding, cognitive restructuring to develop more realistic thoughts, and relaxation techniques to manage physiological arousal such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Regular at-home practice of relaxation skills and pairing it with worrying times is recommended.
The document introduces the Integrated Functional Behavior Assessment Protocol (IFBAP), which provides a standard process for conducting functional analyses of problem behaviors in children with deafblindness or other severe disabilities. The IFBAP was developed with funding from the US Department of Education. It is based on the principles that problem behaviors serve functions like obtaining attention or rewards, and that assessment should drive behavioral programming to reduce problem behaviors and teach skills. The IFBAP provides guidance on assessing multiple contexts, targets, behaviors, and factors to develop individualized programming recommendations.
This presentation deals with how thinking can be influenced by depression and anxiety. The errors in thinking, or cognitive distortions, are reviewed. How Cognitive Therapy helps to correct the errors is also addressed.
This document provides an overview of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies and techniques. It discusses Barlow's model of emotional disorders and key concepts like emotional regulation and cognitive appraisals. It describes techniques for modifying cognitions, behaviors, and emotional responses. These include activity scheduling, exposure therapy, relaxation training, and cognitive restructuring. Applications to specific disorders like depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and OCD are covered. The document emphasizes a collaborative approach and the use of techniques like behavioral experiments, thought challenging, and relapse prevention.
The document provides an overview of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies and techniques. It discusses Barlow's model of emotional disorders and how CBT addresses emotional regulation, cognitive appraisals, emotionally-driven behaviors, and avoidance. The basic CBT model examines psychopathology through a bio-psycho-social lens and addresses maladaptive cognitions and behaviors. Common CBT techniques include identifying cognitive distortions, challenging thoughts through questioning and experimentation, and behavioral activation methods like activity scheduling.
The document summarizes the basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), including its model and techniques.
CBT is based on a bio-psycho-social model that views psychopathology as stemming from maladaptive cognitions and behaviors learned through "if-then" schemas. Treatment involves identifying distorted thoughts, or "automatic thoughts", in three cognitive categories - self, others/world, future. CBT aims to overcome "cognitive blockades" and replace distortions with evidence-based thinking through collaborative, Socratic questioning between the patient and therapist. Common techniques include activity scheduling, thought monitoring/challenging, and behavioral experiments.
Acute & Chronic Inflammation, Chemical mediators in Inflammation and Wound he...Ganapathi Vankudoth
A complete information of Inflammation, it includes types of Inflammation, purpose of Inflammation, pathogenesis of acute inflammation, chemical mediators in inflammation, types of chronic inflammation, wound healing and Inflammation in skin repair, phases of wound healing, factors influencing wound healing and types of wound healing.
Dr. Vincenzo Giordano began his medical career 2011 at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Here, he performed complex adult cardiothoracic surgical procedures, significantly enhancing his proficiency in patient critical care, as evidenced by his FCCS certification.
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
Non-Invasive ICP Monitoring for NeurosurgeonsDhaval Shukla
This presentation delves into the latest advancements in non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring techniques, specifically tailored for neurosurgeons. It covers the importance of ICP monitoring in clinical practice, explores various non-invasive methods, and discusses their accuracy, reliability, and clinical applications. Attendees will gain insights into the benefits of non-invasive approaches over traditional invasive methods, including reduced risk of complications and improved patient outcomes. This comprehensive overview is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of neurosurgeons in managing patients with neurological conditions.
Invasive systems are commonly used for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and are considered the gold standard. The availability of invasive ICP monitoring is heterogeneous, and in low- and middle-income settings, these systems are not routinely employed due to high cost or limited accessibility. The aim of this presentation is to develop recommendations to guide monitoring and ICP-driven therapies in TBI using non-invasive ICP (nICP) systems.
1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
Unit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
Correlation of vitamin D level with prediabetes status_Dr Ahmed Al Montasir_f...zilkerapurbo
Falls Final 際際滷s.pptx
Total Care Through Co-Location
A Partnering between Central Ohio Primary
Care and The Center for Cognitive and
Behavioral Therapy
2. Anxiety and falling
What Science Says
The dizzy group was more likely to report anxiety and depressive
symptoms than their nondizzy peers. Menant, JC et al., 2013.
The number of recurrent fallers was significantly lower in the
intervention group [CBT of Fear of Falling] than in the control
group 1 year after the intervention. Ziljstra et al., 2009.
3. What are anxious thoughts
Can we talk about thoughts about falling that are scary?
What are scary thoughts?
Predict bad things will happen
Some are realistic, many are not
How to tell if they are realistic or not
Deciding if they are believable or not
Are you living in these thoughts (in your head) or in the vital world of
Write down three ideas that scare you about falling
Prediction of catastrophe
Be careful!!
Stay away/stay safe.
4. What things have you begun to avoid
Can we talk about any things that you have stopped doing or places youve
stop going because you are afraid of falling?
Lets do an inventory of
Places you stopped going
Things youve stopped doing
What are the differences between avoiding vs. not liking something
Are you avoiding or asserting preferences
How to overcome avoiding
Slow but steady restarting one or two things or places youve avoided
Stay with each step toward each thing or place until the anxiety or scary
feelings go down and stop
The principle of running toward anxiety and avoiding scared feelings
5. What do you want your life to be about?
What are the things you want to be known for 50 years from now?
What is a vital life
Setting your what matters most goals each day
Do the anxious thoughts or avoidance behaviors increase or decrease your
vital life?
Would your what matters most goals be strong enough to do the
important things that matters most
Lets think about the last week.
Think of something on the matters most list that you didnt do because
you were afraid of falling
Lets create a vital life coping plan
6. What do you want your life to be about?
Vital Life Coping Plan
Name the matters most activity and place where it occurs
Imagine the situation when you could avoid the activity and place where it occurs, then see yourself
doing it for a second and listen to your happiness as you imagine making a vital life choice
Contact your primary care physician or health care provider to be sure you know how to do the activity
Write out a flashcard to carry that includes these four (4) things:
Why you want a vital life and to do what matters most
What you want to do, where you will do it, and how you will do it safely
Recall what kind of rewarding things come from doing your matters most activity and be aware of how that
happiness feels
Write out your decision to do your matters most activity
Write out a plan for the when, where, and how you will do your matters most activity