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CNC Controls
Product overview
Highest quality 
shortest processing time
With more than 60 years experience FANUC offers the widest range of CNC systems in the
industry from best value controls with powerful functionality, to high-performance control
systems for complex machines  all with fast programming and ease of use, guaranteeing the
highest quality and short processing times.
Thats how we increase your productivity.
Your advantages:
 100% FANUC quality
 more than 60 years of experience
 wide range of displays and panels
 stand-alone CNCs
 LCD mounted CNCs
 highest flexibility for your solutions
years MTBF
for 0i-D
More than
FANUC CNC Controls
FANUC Laser Systems FANUC Drive Systems
No. 1 in the world
FANUC is the leading global manufacturer of factory automation, with
more than 60 years experience in the development of computer
numerical control equipment. It has more than 4,7 million CNC controls
and more than 21,000 laser systems installed worldwide and satisfied
customers in every corner of the globe.
of experience
Unique flexibility
Only FANUC offers you CNC controls in two general versions: LCD mounted as
compact solution with less space consumption and less hardware or as highly flexible
stand-alone solution. Your benefit: full flexibility for your machine design.
Versatile field bus systems
 FANUC I/O Link i
 Modbus TCP
 EtherCAT and POWERLINK (only Digital Servo Adapter - B)
Your advantages:
 perfect matching components
 all with 100% FANUC quality
 highest reliability for all parts
high compatibility up and downwards for 足
time planning reliability
 one strong partner for all components
Flexible package
FANUC offers all major components for your CNC
controlled machine: CNC controls, motors and
amplifiers in a tailor made and easy to install
package for your specific needs. All components
are developed and manufactured in-house. The
results are superior functional reliability and the
highest levels of machine availability  with a mean
time between failure of well over fifty years*,
contributing to extremely low cost of ownership.
*for 0i-D
All components
100% FANUC quality
I/O modules
Beta I/O
Link i drives
Servo motor
Link i Bus
Link i Bus
FANUC I/O Link i
Modbus TCP
EtherCAT *
*(only Digital Servo Adapter - B)
High-performance CNC for
complex machine tools
CNC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B Plus
The FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B Plus controls are ideal for highly
complex machines with multiple axes, multi-path, and high-speed high-
precision machining requirements. The hardware and innovative software
provide the highest performance, precision and surface quality.
Key features:
 up to 48 axes, 16 spindle axes and 10 paths *
 5-axis machining
 compound mill/turn or turn/mill machining
 extended integrated preventive maintenance functions
 integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function
 shop-floor programming via iHMI or MANUAL GUIDE i
 collision control via 3D Interference Check
 dynamic compensation functions for highest accuracy
 High-Speed Smooth Tool Center Point 5-Axis Compensation
 Learning Control/High-Speed-Cycle-Machining
 integrated high-speed PMC
 high speed cutting
 iHMI offering intuitive and extremely user friendly operation
 customisation functions included
 packages and kits combine optional functions for specific purposes
 gear cutting
Basic model for
multiple control applications
CNC Series 0i-MODEL F Plus
The CNC Series 0i-MODEL F Plus provides the ideal basic solution for multiple
control applications. Ready to use, it boasts latest generation hardware and a
complete package of standard software. To maximise productivity on more specific
applications, it can be easily customised using a range of additional functions.
Combining unbeatable value for money with unrivalled performance and reliability,
it includes features and functions usually associated with high performance systems.
Key features:
 up to 12 axes, 6 spindle axes and 2 paths
 up to 2 additional loader paths
 4-axis simultaneous and 3+2 axis machining
 ready to use with integrated software package
 excellent performance-to-cost ratio
 integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function
 shop-floor programming via iHMI, MANUAL GUIDE i or TURN MATE i
 functions for simple customisation included
 integrated high-speed PMC
 high speed and high quality machining package
 maximum look-ahead blocks 400
common operability, maintainability, network and PMC function with
CNC Series 30i-MODEL B
 iHMI offering intuitive and extremely user friendly operation
 gear cutting
Key features:
 up to 32 axis and 4 path
 ready to use with integrated software package
 integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function
 additional functions for simple customisation
 integrated high-speed PMC
 CAM function
 perfect combination of pressure and position control
CNC for motion control
and various applications
Power Motion i-MODEL A
The FANUC CNC Power Motion i-A is ideal for efficient motion control and a
wide range of various applications from positioning up to multi-path axis
 friction welding
Key features:
 up to 20 axis, 4 spindle axis and 4 path
 ready to use with integrated software package
 simple axis setup
 additional functions for simple customisation
 up to 5 integrated high speed PMCs
 integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function
CNC Series 35i-MODEL B
The FANUC series 35i-MODEL B control is primarily designed for transfer lines,
gantries or multiple milling and drilling stations. Its software options enable
high-precision multi-path processing with short processing times.
 transfer lines
multiple milling/
drilling stations
CNC designed for transfer lines
* Up to 96 axes, 24 spindle axes and 15 paths available with Series 30i-B
4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 2048 / 2048 2048 / 2048 2048 / 2048 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096
3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3
5 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 5
300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 300 000 300 000
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
 /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  / 
     /   /   /   
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
 /   /   /    /     
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
30i-B Plus 31i-B5 Plus 31i-B Plus 32i-B Plus 0i-MF Plus 0i-TF Plus 0i-LF Plus 35i-B
Power Motion
48 / 28 * 34 / 16 34 / 16 20 / 12 11 / 9 12 / 9 7 20 / 20 32 / 24
64 / 24 26 / 12 26 / 12 12 / 8 9 / 7 10 / 7 7 16 / 16 32 / 24
16 / 4 * 8 / 4 8 / 4 8 / 4 4 / 3 6 / 4  4 / 4 
24 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
10 * 6 6 2 2 2 1 4 4
10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 8.4, 10.4, 15 8.4, 10.4, 15
10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15  
10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15
    10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21.5  
4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB 32 KB -1 MB 32 KB -1 MB
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / 
 /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  /   /  /  / 
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CNC controls overview
All panels and screens shown are examples only.
Max. controlled axes total / per path
Max. feed axes total / per path
Max. spindle axes total / per path
Max. simultaneously controlled axes / path
Max. controlled paths
Type of installation
LCD version
Stand-alone version
Operating units
LCD panel			
LCD panel for iHMI
PC front-end
PC front-end iHMI
Touch systems
Handheld control unit
Machine operators panel
Part program memory	
Integrated from ... to 	
Additional mass storage device CF-card
Additional mass storage device HD-PC-version
USB port
Field bus
FANUC I/O-Link i / FL-net	
AS-i / PROFIBUS DP / DeviceNet / CC-Link
Modbus TCP
Compatible drive systems
PMC function
Max. number of I/O
Max. number of I/O-Link
Max. number of PMC channels
Maximum steps
Block function
CNC functions
3D Interference check
Dual Check Safety
Smart Machine Control
Program Restart / Quick Program Restart
Nano Interpolation
Nano Smoothing
Fine Surface Technology
AI Advanced Preview / AI Contour Control
Macro Executor / C-Executor / FANUC Picture / FOCAS
Tool Functions / Tool Management System
Tilted Working Plane / Tool Center Point Control
Smooth simultaneous 5-axis machining
Error Compensation / Volumetric Error
Portable Manual Pulse Generator / iPendant and / or Handy Machine Operators Panel
* Up to 96 axes, 24 spindle axes and 15 paths available with Series 30i-B
Configure your CNC
Each FANUC CNC series offers a diverse range of panels
and screen solutions. Your benefit: a wide variety of
configuration options for every specific machining
solution providing full flexibility for your ideas. The FANUC standard LCD display is available in 2 basic
LCD-mounted type embedded in the CNC, physically mounted
directly behind the LCD panel or as a separate stand-alone
display unit which is connected to the CNC using a fiber optics
Standard LCD displays are available in sizes from 8.4 in
diagonal up to 15, with and without touch panel. LCD displays
with touch panel can be used without any additional keyboards
and push button panels and can provide small and smart HMI
solutions for compact machines.
The standard LCD display generates the content of the screens,
including customised HMI applications in the CNC. Or choose
an LCD display with PC that provides PC CPU and storage
capabilities at the display level.
Choose the Manual Data Input (MDI) device of your CNC control from a selection of
a small size MDI, a standard size MDI, a 68-key MDI or a full keyboard with either
English or symbolic key sheets for a variety of applications. Depending on the type,
the device has alphanumeric keys to input part programs, operation keys like RESET,
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HELP and menu keys to switch between several menu
The new Machine Operation Panel (MOP) comes with additional and improved
safety options. All the buttons on this control panel are equipped with double
wired keys and further safety functions like override switches. An integral ESP
button enhances safety in case of emergency. Via the FANUC I/O link i, the
operator panel communicates with the CNC system and is thus easily integrated
into the FANUC Dual Check Safety system. Like its forerunner, the innovative
Safety MOP has exchangable key tops which allow a customised key layout.
FANUC iHMI - Simple. Efficient. Intuitive.
Various cycles
CNC operation screen
Easy operation along process flow with integration of three screens:
Your benefits:
 reliable operator safety
 fewer external safety circuits required
overall cost reduction of the
safety solution
certified to comply to the actual
safety standards
Help troubleshooting  one-stop problem-solving
Intuitive icons and high-visibility design with animated features
FANUC iHMI has been designed to be extremely easy to use. Intuitive menu icons,
high-visibility design and animated features take the head-scratching out of
complex machining operations, making accessing even the most sophisticated
programs and functionalities straightforward. Despite its more intuitive layout,
users will nevertheless find that it provides a familiar FANUC user experience.
Safety function DCS
The certified FANUC Dual Check Safety (DCS) function provides a high level of
safety for the operator during operations with protection activated while power
is still applied. In case of an abnormal function FANUC DCS quickly shuts off
power to protect the operator allowing a quick restart of the machine tool
operation. Special functions are available to simplify the creation of the machine
documentation, e.g. Test Mode Function for Dual Check Safety.
Tool Manager Data logger Manual viewer
Machine collision avoidance Servo viewer
Uniform tool information management for
 up to 1000 tools with tool management option
up to 1024 sets of tools with tool life
management option
up to 1000 tools when the CNC option is
tool catalogue data available for about 2000
VERICUT format (TLS file) CAM/simulation
software is compatible with tool data
Model, prevent interference and add to CNC
before machining
 collision status can be confirmed graphically
forecast positions for safe, precise collision
based on CGTech Cos CAS (Collision
Avoidance Software)
 maximum forecast time up to 600 msec.
 create 3D models of the machine on a PC
Investigate cause of problem while machining
 amount of data per second under 64 KB
Data types:
 position of axes
 CNC status
 PMC data
 macro variable data
 information of servo/spindle
 operational information
 alarm information etc.
Measure and display various kinds of data
servo and spindle data, e.g. position, speed
and torque
 PMC data
CNC status information, e.g. program number,
M/S/T codes
analyze the axis movement and CNC operation
optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle
monitor the machines condition by periodical
Always refer to the machines manual
add MTBs manuals and classify into an
arbitrary group
 use multiform file formats (HTML,TXT, PDF)
display manuals according to NC language
memory capacity for manuals is limited
to 500MB
Observe CNC and machine parts and set alert
for exchange time
specified by usage time, amount of movement,
PMC counter etc.
add a max. of 100 items as orig. monitoring
 min. 1 sec monitoring period
 time savings of an hour or more
easy to add original monitoring item and
notification information
Tool Manager
Uniform tool information
management for machine油
Machine collision avoidance
Uniform tool information
management for machine油
Data logger
Investigate cause of problem
while machining
Servo viewer
Measure and display various
kinds of data
Manual viewer
Always refer to the
machines manual
Maintenance manager
Observe CNC and machine
parts and set alert for
exchange time
Maintenance manager
Original FANUC Smart Software Tools
OPC is a communication standard for industrial
automation. The FANUC OPC Server is a Windows速
application software for PCs that converts the
communication protocol between OPC and FOCAS.
Devices with an OPC client functionality can communicate
with FANUC CNCs via this software.
Connect to a third party application software that has
OPC client functionality easily
 Supports OPC-UA standard
 Supports OPC-DA standard 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0a
 Read and write PMC data
 One PC can communicate with up to 100 CNCs
 CNC can communicate with a PC via Embedded Ethernet
or Fast Ethernet
FANUC LADDER-III is the standard programming system
for creating, displaying, editing, printing, monitoring, and
debugging ladder sequence programs for CNC PMC
ladder. It works with CNC GUIDE on one or multiple PCs
and is easy to connect to the CNC via Ethernet.
Your powerful programming language for machining or
machine management purpose: The Macro Executor
function converts, loads and executes all Custom Macro
programs that you create as executable macro programs
that can be called from a standard part program. Using
the C-Language Executor functionality as powerful
programming language for machining or machine
management purpose enables you to develop functions
and programs adding new functionality to your CNC, as
well as machine control functions written in C, and modify
Macro Programs to follow machine and production
evolution. Up to two independent real-time tasks are also
available to implement time critical functionalities.
This Windows速 application allows the setting of the
Series 30i/31i Built-In 3D Interference Check functions
through a PC  including creation, setting and display of
the 3D objects and figures representing the work piece,
the fixtures and the tools, object moving and axis settings,
real-time 3D interference check monitoring related to
the Built-In 3D Interference Check Function.
Your benefits: A simplified management of the 3D
Interference Check Project, easy import of 3D shapes to
accelerate the setup, increased efficiency in managing
multiple machine settings and large projects  and a
simplified start-up through online functions.
SERVO Viewer is a Windows速 application software that
enables to measure and display various kinds of data from
a machine tool with a FANUC CNC. It is possible to acqure
and view servo/spindle data such as position, speed and
torque, PMC signals, or CNC status information such as
program number, sequence number or M/S/T codes.
 Analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing
 Optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times
Monitor the machines condition by periodical
FOCAS (FANUC Open CNC API Specification) is the
protocol used to interact with your FANUC CNC from an
external PC. The FOCAS library provides all required
functions to develop Windows速 applications which can
communicate with a FANUC CNC via Ethernet or HSSB
(fiber optics). Your benefits: Creation of customised
functions and applications under Windows速, modification
of Macro Programs to follow machine and production
evolution, and easy access to many resources of the
FANUC CNC to create advanced applications.
MTConnect is a protocol to retrieve data from factory
equipment such as machine tools by client applications
used for data analysis and monitoring. With FANUC
MTConnect Server, you can read data from machine tools
equipped with FANUC CNCs. MTConnect Server collects
data from CNCs and PMCs and provides them to client
applications via MTConnect protocol.
The option MTConnect Server Function is required on
the CNC in order to use this software.
 Read data from FANUC CNCs and PMCs via MTConnect
Use client applications from the market that require
FANUC Picture offers an easy way to create customised
operator and HMI screens for complex processes and all
the functions and features of modern HMI software tools.
It supports objects, animations, data, and multi-language
and features a macro language to run routines to perform
tasks. The screens are compiled and stored in the CNC
Flash-ROM (FROM) memory or on iHMI. Custom functions
written in C/C++ can be called from FANUC Picture. Your
benefits: simplification of operator work, less operation
error, easier machine and process control and an
improved overall productivity.
Cut your training costs: CNC GUIDE provides a realistic
operation, and part programming environment at a fraction
of the cost using a production machine tool. Operators
perform exercises learning conventional G-code
programming, including canned cycles and custom macros
and FANUC MANUAL GUIDE i. Create a superior software
development environment for your FANUC CNCs! CNC
operatorpanelwithcustomizablekeytop.CNC GUIDEoffers
a valuable aid in the development of FANUC LADDER III,
FANUC PICTURE, C-Language Executor and MACRO
EXECUTOR applications.
Connectivity and Development Tools
SERVO Viewer is a Windows速 application software that
enables to measure and display various kinds of data from
a machine tool with a FANUC CNC. It is possible to acqure
and view servo/spindle data such as position, speed and
torque, PMC signals, or CNC status information such as
program number, sequence number or M/S/T codes.
 Analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing
 Optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times
Monitor the machines condition by periodical
Original FANUC Smart Software Tools
Optimisation Tool CNC User Interface for PC User Tool
FANUC SERVO GUIDE is a Windows速 application for
quick and easy optimisation of servo and spindle axes.
This software provides the integrated environment to
test programs, set parameters and data measurement,
needed for servo and spindle tuning. Direct connection
between PC and CNC is possible through Ethernet.
Using this Windows速 application enables you to
manage part programs, tool offsets, custom Macro
value, work piece origin offset, and tool management
with easy connection between the CNC memory or
data server and a PC by Ethernet.
Our best tool for CNC maintenance and setup on Open
CNC systems: Simplify the access to the CNC screen
from a PC and create an efficient remote maintenance
tool. The Windows速 application provides a straightforward
solution to display CNC original and custom screens on
PC, which is connected by HSSB or Ethernet.
SDF does not need to be updated at CNC function
or customisation change.
Shop Floor Programming Tools
Increase the productivity and flexibility of your turning
machines using FANUC TURN MATE i by simplified
parts programming! The conversational software
function assists the operation of entry-level turning
machines  no knowledge of G code ISO language is
required to program work pieces, and operation is easy
with clearly laid out screens.
Create your part programs from a drawing to a
production part in just a few steps! MANUAL GUIDE i
supports turning, milling and compound machining
applications and can be used on simple machines as
well as on very advanced machining processes. The
software is built around the standard CNC ISO code
format and provides an ergonomic Graphical User
Interface (GUI) with user-friendly icons. All of the
relevant information is displayed on a single CNC
screen. Your benefits: assisted and conversational
programming of machining cycles, easy programming
of parts, easy simulation  and an overall higher
productivity by reduction of the total time from drawing
to cutting.
Wherever you need us:
we are there
With the largest global network of local subsidiaries in all continents, we are always there to
meet your needs. Fast and efficient  24/7. So you always have a local contact that speaks your
Our strength:
Service and Support
Intensive application support and personal customer service are major aspects of the
FANUC world  from the first step to the last. A very skilled and dedicated service team
will help you to build and operate the most efficient machines. Always flexible, always fast,
always near. The special FANUC Service packages improves the performance of your
machines even further.
More than
FANUC Academy
We help you get the most potential out of your automation
through optimising the skills of your employees. Certified
FANUC instructors train them in our fully equipped
professional training centres, or at your own premises, using
standard training modules as well as customised training
packages to meet your specific needs.
Lets optimise your productivity.
One common servo and control platform 
Infinite opportunities
Technical information subject to change without prior notice. All rights reserved. 息 2021 FANUC Europe Corporation
Servo Motors
and Lasers
Industrial Robots,
and Software
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The six step guide to practical project managementThe six step guide to practical project management
The six step guide to practical project management
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FANUC CNC product overview brochure

  • 1. THE FACTORY AUTOMATION COMPANY CNC Controls Product overview
  • 2. Highest quality shortest processing time With more than 60 years experience FANUC offers the widest range of CNC systems in the industry from best value controls with powerful functionality, to high-performance control systems for complex machines all with fast programming and ease of use, guaranteeing the highest quality and short processing times. Thats how we increase your productivity. Your advantages: 100% FANUC quality more than 60 years of experience wide range of displays and panels stand-alone CNCs LCD mounted CNCs highest flexibility for your solutions 50 years MTBF * for 0i-D More than FANUC CNC Controls FANUC Laser Systems FANUC Drive Systems No. 1 in the world FANUC is the leading global manufacturer of factory automation, with more than 60 years experience in the development of computer numerical control equipment. It has more than 4,7 million CNC controls and more than 21,000 laser systems installed worldwide and satisfied customers in every corner of the globe. years of experience 60 100% FANUC
  • 3. Unique flexibility Only FANUC offers you CNC controls in two general versions: LCD mounted as compact solution with less space consumption and less hardware or as highly flexible stand-alone solution. Your benefit: full flexibility for your machine design. Versatile field bus systems FANUC I/O Link i PROFINET IO EtherNet/IP FL-net PROFIBUS DP Modbus TCP DeviceNet CC-Link AS-i EtherCAT and POWERLINK (only Digital Servo Adapter - B) Your advantages: perfect matching components all with 100% FANUC quality highest reliability for all parts high compatibility up and downwards for 足 long time planning reliability one strong partner for all components Flexible package solutions FANUC offers all major components for your CNC controlled machine: CNC controls, motors and amplifiers in a tailor made and easy to install package for your specific needs. All components are developed and manufactured in-house. The results are superior functional reliability and the highest levels of machine availability with a mean time between failure of well over fifty years*, contributing to extremely low cost of ownership. *for 0i-D All components 100% FANUC quality Ethernet CNC stand alone Server/PC HSSB Ethernet Display-Bus FSSB-Bus I/O modules Beta I/O Link i drives Servo motor SDU 留i PS power supply 留i SP amplifier 留i SV servo amplifier I/O Link i Bus I/O Link i Bus External measuring system FANUC I/O Link i PROFINET IO EtherNet/IP FL-net PROFIBUS DP Modbus TCP DeviceNet CC-Link AS-i EtherCAT * POWERLINK * *(only Digital Servo Adapter - B) FSSB-Bus Field bus system
  • 4. High-performance CNC for complex machine tools CNC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B Plus The FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B Plus controls are ideal for highly complex machines with multiple axes, multi-path, and high-speed high- precision machining requirements. The hardware and innovative software provide the highest performance, precision and surface quality. Key features: up to 48 axes, 16 spindle axes and 10 paths * 5-axis machining compound mill/turn or turn/mill machining extended integrated preventive maintenance functions integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function shop-floor programming via iHMI or MANUAL GUIDE i collision control via 3D Interference Check dynamic compensation functions for highest accuracy High-Speed Smooth Tool Center Point 5-Axis Compensation Learning Control/High-Speed-Cycle-Machining integrated high-speed PMC high speed cutting iHMI offering intuitive and extremely user friendly operation customisation functions included packages and kits combine optional functions for specific purposes Applications: milling turning grinding punching laser gear cutting Basic model for multiple control applications CNC Series 0i-MODEL F Plus The CNC Series 0i-MODEL F Plus provides the ideal basic solution for multiple control applications. Ready to use, it boasts latest generation hardware and a complete package of standard software. To maximise productivity on more specific applications, it can be easily customised using a range of additional functions. Combining unbeatable value for money with unrivalled performance and reliability, it includes features and functions usually associated with high performance systems. Key features: up to 12 axes, 6 spindle axes and 2 paths up to 2 additional loader paths 4-axis simultaneous and 3+2 axis machining ready to use with integrated software package excellent performance-to-cost ratio integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function shop-floor programming via iHMI, MANUAL GUIDE i or TURN MATE i functions for simple customisation included integrated high-speed PMC high speed and high quality machining package maximum look-ahead blocks 400 common operability, maintainability, network and PMC function with CNC Series 30i-MODEL B iHMI offering intuitive and extremely user friendly operation Applications: milling turning grinding punching gear cutting Key features: up to 32 axis and 4 path ready to use with integrated software package integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function additional functions for simple customisation integrated high-speed PMC CAM function perfect combination of pressure and position control CNC for motion control and various applications Power Motion i-MODEL A The FANUC CNC Power Motion i-A is ideal for efficient motion control and a wide range of various applications from positioning up to multi-path axis interpolation. Applications: packing handling wrapping sawing pressing punching bending spinning friction welding Key features: up to 20 axis, 4 spindle axis and 4 path ready to use with integrated software package simple axis setup additional functions for simple customisation up to 5 integrated high speed PMCs integrated FANUC Dual Check Safety function CNC Series 35i-MODEL B The FANUC series 35i-MODEL B control is primarily designed for transfer lines, gantries or multiple milling and drilling stations. Its software options enable high-precision multi-path processing with short processing times. Applications: transfer lines gantries multiple milling/ drilling stations CNC designed for transfer lines * Up to 96 axes, 24 spindle axes and 15 paths available with Series 30i-B
  • 5. 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 2048 / 2048 2048 / 2048 2048 / 2048 4096 / 4096 4096 / 4096 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 300 000 300 000 300 000 300 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 300 000 300 000 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / * 30i-B Plus 31i-B5 Plus 31i-B Plus 32i-B Plus 0i-MF Plus 0i-TF Plus 0i-LF Plus 35i-B Power Motion i-A 48 / 28 * 34 / 16 34 / 16 20 / 12 11 / 9 12 / 9 7 20 / 20 32 / 24 64 / 24 26 / 12 26 / 12 12 / 8 9 / 7 10 / 7 7 16 / 16 32 / 24 16 / 4 * 8 / 4 8 / 4 8 / 4 4 / 3 6 / 4 4 / 4 24 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 * 6 6 2 2 2 1 4 4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 8.4, 10.4, 15 8.4, 10.4, 15 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15, 19 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21,5 10.4, 15, 19, 21.5 4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 4 MB - 8 MB 2 MB 2 MB 2 MB 32 KB -1 MB 32 KB -1 MB / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i 留i, 硫i CNC controls overview All panels and screens shown are examples only. Max. controlled axes total / per path Max. feed axes total / per path Max. spindle axes total / per path Max. simultaneously controlled axes / path Max. controlled paths Type of installation LCD version Stand-alone version Operating units LCD panel LCD panel for iHMI PC front-end PC front-end iHMI Touch systems Handheld control unit Machine operators panel Part program memory Integrated from ... to Additional mass storage device CF-card Additional mass storage device HD-PC-version USB port Ethernet Field bus EtherNet/IP / PROFINET I/O FANUC I/O-Link i / FL-net AS-i / PROFIBUS DP / DeviceNet / CC-Link Modbus TCP Compatible drive systems PMC function Max. number of I/O Max. number of I/O-Link Max. number of PMC channels Maximum steps Block function CNC functions 3D Interference check Dual Check Safety Smart Machine Control Program Restart / Quick Program Restart Nano Interpolation Nano Smoothing Fine Surface Technology AI Advanced Preview / AI Contour Control Macro Executor / C-Executor / FANUC Picture / FOCAS MANUAL GUIDE i / MANUAL GUIDE 0i Tool Functions / Tool Management System Tilted Working Plane / Tool Center Point Control Smooth simultaneous 5-axis machining Error Compensation / Volumetric Error Compensation Technologies Milling Turning Grinding Punching Laser Portable Manual Pulse Generator / iPendant and / or Handy Machine Operators Panel * Up to 96 axes, 24 spindle axes and 15 paths available with Series 30i-B
  • 6. DUAL CHECK SAFETY DUAL CHECK Configure your CNC Each FANUC CNC series offers a diverse range of panels and screen solutions. Your benefit: a wide variety of configuration options for every specific machining solution providing full flexibility for your ideas. The FANUC standard LCD display is available in 2 basic versions: LCD-mounted type embedded in the CNC, physically mounted directly behind the LCD panel or as a separate stand-alone display unit which is connected to the CNC using a fiber optics cable. Standard LCD displays are available in sizes from 8.4 in diagonal up to 15, with and without touch panel. LCD displays with touch panel can be used without any additional keyboards and push button panels and can provide small and smart HMI solutions for compact machines. The standard LCD display generates the content of the screens, including customised HMI applications in the CNC. Or choose an LCD display with PC that provides PC CPU and storage capabilities at the display level. Choose the Manual Data Input (MDI) device of your CNC control from a selection of a small size MDI, a standard size MDI, a 68-key MDI or a full keyboard with either English or symbolic key sheets for a variety of applications. Depending on the type, the device has alphanumeric keys to input part programs, operation keys like RESET, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HELP and menu keys to switch between several menu screens. The new Machine Operation Panel (MOP) comes with additional and improved safety options. All the buttons on this control panel are equipped with double wired keys and further safety functions like override switches. An integral ESP button enhances safety in case of emergency. Via the FANUC I/O link i, the operator panel communicates with the CNC system and is thus easily integrated into the FANUC Dual Check Safety system. Like its forerunner, the innovative Safety MOP has exchangable key tops which allow a customised key layout. FANUC iHMI - Simple. Efficient. Intuitive. D IS P L A Y M D I M O P Various cycles turning milling measurement CNC operation screen Simple Easy operation along process flow with integration of three screens: Your benefits: reliable operator safety fewer external safety circuits required overall cost reduction of the safety solution certified to comply to the actual safety standards Friendly Help troubleshooting one-stop problem-solving Graphical Intuitive icons and high-visibility design with animated features FANUC iHMI has been designed to be extremely easy to use. Intuitive menu icons, high-visibility design and animated features take the head-scratching out of complex machining operations, making accessing even the most sophisticated programs and functionalities straightforward. Despite its more intuitive layout, users will nevertheless find that it provides a familiar FANUC user experience. Safety function DCS The certified FANUC Dual Check Safety (DCS) function provides a high level of safety for the operator during operations with protection activated while power is still applied. In case of an abnormal function FANUC DCS quickly shuts off power to protect the operator allowing a quick restart of the machine tool operation. Special functions are available to simplify the creation of the machine documentation, e.g. Test Mode Function for Dual Check Safety.
  • 7. Tool Manager Data logger Manual viewer Machine collision avoidance Servo viewer Uniform tool information management for machine up to 1000 tools with tool management option up to 1024 sets of tools with tool life management option up to 1000 tools when the CNC option is invalid tool catalogue data available for about 2000 tools VERICUT format (TLS file) CAM/simulation software is compatible with tool data Model, prevent interference and add to CNC before machining collision status can be confirmed graphically forecast positions for safe, precise collision detection based on CGTech Cos CAS (Collision Avoidance Software) maximum forecast time up to 600 msec. create 3D models of the machine on a PC Investigate cause of problem while machining amount of data per second under 64 KB Data types: position of axes CNC status PMC data macro variable data information of servo/spindle operational information alarm information etc. Measure and display various kinds of data servo and spindle data, e.g. position, speed and torque PMC data CNC status information, e.g. program number, M/S/T codes analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times monitor the machines condition by periodical measurements Always refer to the machines manual add MTBs manuals and classify into an arbitrary group use multiform file formats (HTML,TXT, PDF) display manuals according to NC language setting memory capacity for manuals is limited to 500MB Observe CNC and machine parts and set alert for exchange time specified by usage time, amount of movement, PMC counter etc. add a max. of 100 items as orig. monitoring item min. 1 sec monitoring period time savings of an hour or more easy to add original monitoring item and notification information Tool Manager Uniform tool information management for machine油 Machine collision avoidance Uniform tool information management for machine油 Data logger Investigate cause of problem while machining Servo viewer Measure and display various kinds of data Manual viewer Always refer to the machines manual Maintenance manager Observe CNC and machine parts and set alert for exchange time Maintenance manager
  • 8. Original FANUC Smart Software Tools OPC SERVER OPC is a communication standard for industrial automation. The FANUC OPC Server is a Windows速 application software for PCs that converts the communication protocol between OPC and FOCAS. Devices with an OPC client functionality can communicate with FANUC CNCs via this software. Benefit Connect to a third party application software that has OPC client functionality easily Details Supports OPC-UA standard Supports OPC-DA standard 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0a Read and write PMC data One PC can communicate with up to 100 CNCs CNC can communicate with a PC via Embedded Ethernet or Fast Ethernet FANUC LADDER-III FANUC LADDER-III is the standard programming system for creating, displaying, editing, printing, monitoring, and debugging ladder sequence programs for CNC PMC ladder. It works with CNC GUIDE on one or multiple PCs and is easy to connect to the CNC via Ethernet. MACRO EXECUTOR AND C-LANGUAGE EXECUTOR Your powerful programming language for machining or machine management purpose: The Macro Executor function converts, loads and executes all Custom Macro programs that you create as executable macro programs that can be called from a standard part program. Using the C-Language Executor functionality as powerful programming language for machining or machine management purpose enables you to develop functions and programs adding new functionality to your CNC, as well as machine control functions written in C, and modify Macro Programs to follow machine and production evolution. Up to two independent real-time tasks are also available to implement time critical functionalities. BUILT-IN 3D INTERFERENCE CHECK SETTING TOOL This Windows速 application allows the setting of the Series 30i/31i Built-In 3D Interference Check functions through a PC including creation, setting and display of the 3D objects and figures representing the work piece, the fixtures and the tools, object moving and axis settings, real-time 3D interference check monitoring related to the Built-In 3D Interference Check Function. Your benefits: A simplified management of the 3D Interference Check Project, easy import of 3D shapes to accelerate the setup, increased efficiency in managing multiple machine settings and large projects and a simplified start-up through online functions. SERVO VIEWER SERVO Viewer is a Windows速 application software that enables to measure and display various kinds of data from a machine tool with a FANUC CNC. It is possible to acqure and view servo/spindle data such as position, speed and torque, PMC signals, or CNC status information such as program number, sequence number or M/S/T codes. Benefit Analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing Optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times Monitor the machines condition by periodical measurements FOCAS LIBRARY FOCAS (FANUC Open CNC API Specification) is the protocol used to interact with your FANUC CNC from an external PC. The FOCAS library provides all required functions to develop Windows速 applications which can communicate with a FANUC CNC via Ethernet or HSSB (fiber optics). Your benefits: Creation of customised functions and applications under Windows速, modification of Macro Programs to follow machine and production evolution, and easy access to many resources of the FANUC CNC to create advanced applications. MTCONNECT SERVER MTConnect is a protocol to retrieve data from factory equipment such as machine tools by client applications used for data analysis and monitoring. With FANUC MTConnect Server, you can read data from machine tools equipped with FANUC CNCs. MTConnect Server collects data from CNCs and PMCs and provides them to client applications via MTConnect protocol. The option MTConnect Server Function is required on the CNC in order to use this software. Benefit Read data from FANUC CNCs and PMCs via MTConnect Use client applications from the market that require MTConnect FANUC PICTURE FANUC Picture offers an easy way to create customised operator and HMI screens for complex processes and all the functions and features of modern HMI software tools. It supports objects, animations, data, and multi-language and features a macro language to run routines to perform tasks. The screens are compiled and stored in the CNC Flash-ROM (FROM) memory or on iHMI. Custom functions written in C/C++ can be called from FANUC Picture. Your benefits: simplification of operator work, less operation error, easier machine and process control and an improved overall productivity. CNC GUIDE FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Cut your training costs: CNC GUIDE provides a realistic operation, and part programming environment at a fraction of the cost using a production machine tool. Operators perform exercises learning conventional G-code programming, including canned cycles and custom macros and FANUC MANUAL GUIDE i. Create a superior software development environment for your FANUC CNCs! CNC GUIDEaddsthePMCladder,supportforthestandardFANUC operatorpanelwithcustomizablekeytop.CNC GUIDEoffers a valuable aid in the development of FANUC LADDER III, FANUC PICTURE, C-Language Executor and MACRO EXECUTOR applications. Connectivity and Development Tools SERVO VIEWER SERVO Viewer is a Windows速 application software that enables to measure and display various kinds of data from a machine tool with a FANUC CNC. It is possible to acqure and view servo/spindle data such as position, speed and torque, PMC signals, or CNC status information such as program number, sequence number or M/S/T codes. Benefit Analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing Optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times Monitor the machines condition by periodical measurements
  • 9. Original FANUC Smart Software Tools Optimisation Tool CNC User Interface for PC User Tool FANUC SERVO GUIDE FANUC SERVO GUIDE is a Windows速 application for quick and easy optimisation of servo and spindle axes. This software provides the integrated environment to test programs, set parameters and data measurement, needed for servo and spindle tuning. Direct connection between PC and CNC is possible through Ethernet. PROGRAM TRANSFER TOOL Using this Windows速 application enables you to manage part programs, tool offsets, custom Macro value, work piece origin offset, and tool management with easy connection between the CNC memory or data server and a PC by Ethernet. SCREEN DISPLAY FUNCTION Our best tool for CNC maintenance and setup on Open CNC systems: Simplify the access to the CNC screen from a PC and create an efficient remote maintenance tool. The Windows速 application provides a straightforward solution to display CNC original and custom screens on PC, which is connected by HSSB or Ethernet. SDF does not need to be updated at CNC function or customisation change. Shop Floor Programming Tools TURN MATE i Increase the productivity and flexibility of your turning machines using FANUC TURN MATE i by simplified parts programming! The conversational software function assists the operation of entry-level turning machines no knowledge of G code ISO language is required to program work pieces, and operation is easy with clearly laid out screens. MANUAL GUIDE i Create your part programs from a drawing to a production part in just a few steps! MANUAL GUIDE i supports turning, milling and compound machining applications and can be used on simple machines as well as on very advanced machining processes. The software is built around the standard CNC ISO code format and provides an ergonomic Graphical User Interface (GUI) with user-friendly icons. All of the relevant information is displayed on a single CNC screen. Your benefits: assisted and conversational programming of machining cycles, easy programming of parts, easy simulation and an overall higher productivity by reduction of the total time from drawing to cutting.
  • 10. Wherever you need us: we are there With the largest global network of local subsidiaries in all continents, we are always there to meet your needs. Fast and efficient 24/7. So you always have a local contact that speaks your language. Our strength: Service and Support Intensive application support and personal customer service are major aspects of the FANUC world from the first step to the last. A very skilled and dedicated service team will help you to build and operate the most efficient machines. Always flexible, always fast, always near. The special FANUC Service packages improves the performance of your machines even further. 2300 service engineers More than 271 subsidiaries worldwide FANUC Academy We help you get the most potential out of your automation through optimising the skills of your employees. Certified FANUC instructors train them in our fully equipped professional training centres, or at your own premises, using standard training modules as well as customised training packages to meet your specific needs. Lets optimise your productivity.
  • 11. One common servo and control platform Infinite opportunities THATs FANUC! Technical information subject to change without prior notice. All rights reserved. 息 2021 FANUC Europe Corporation WWW.FANUC.EU FA CNCs, Servo Motors and Lasers ROBOTS Industrial Robots, Accessories and Software ROBOCUT CNC Wire-Cut Electric Discharge Machines ROBODRILL Compact CNC Machining Centres ROBOSHOT Electric CNC Injection Moulding Machines ROBONANO Ultra Precision Machines IoT Industry 4.0 solutions MBR-00011-EN-V8-11/2021