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Faq startup village eng
When and where the Startup Village will be held?
On May 27 - 28, in the Hypercube, on the territory of the
Skolkovo Innovation Center and in the nearby area, open air.
How to get to the Hypercube?
Bus transfer
A bus transfer will be provided from the metro station Park
Pobedi to the Hypercube. All the buses will carry the label
of Startup Village.
On May, 27
From the metro station Park Pobedi to Hypercube:
(regular trips in this time period)
From Hypercube (Hypercube station)
to the metro station Park Pobedi:
于 14:00, 于 15:00, 于 16:00, 于 17:00, 于 18:00, 于 19:00,
于 20:00, 于 21:00, 于 22:00, 于 23:00, 于 00:00.
On May, 28
From the metro station Park Pobedi to Hypercube:
(permanent trips in this time period)
From Hypercube (Hypercube station)
to the metro station Park Pobedi:
于 14:00, 于 15:00, 于 16:00, 于 17:00, 于 18:00, 于 19:00, 于 20:00, 于 21:00.
If you prefer the personal transfer, you can use the official taxi
service of the conference Wheely (www.wheely.com).
How to get to the Hypercube by car?
If you plan to use a personal car, please take
notice that no parking is allowed near the
The intercept-parking lot will be organized on the territory
of the Skolkovo Innovation Center and the Skolkovo Moscow
School of Management, where visitors can leave cars and take
Startup Village shuttles to the Hypercube. Shuttles from the
Hypercube will be organized as well; shuttles will run every
10 minutes.
We strongly recommend that you should either take
comfortable Startup Village shuttles from the metro station
Park Pobedi to the Hypercube or cooperate with your
If you plan to use a taxi or a personal driver, please take
notice that you can get off near the Hybercube, but the car
should be left at the intercept-parking lot after you get off.
The map to the Hypercube:
Faq startup village eng
Where to register and to receive a badge?
The registration and the badge distribution will be held on the
conference ground and on parking lot 1.
Is it possible to take part in the conference if you
havent registered at the Startup Village site?
Unfortunately, not.
What to wear?
Startup Village will be held in the open air and the
perfect atmosphere and good drinks will accompany
it, so we recommend casual wear. We kindly restrict
ladies from wearing heels.
What to take with you?
Passport for the registration and please take a protective
suncare cream and sunglasses for a comfortable day in the
open air.
What if it rains?
Dont worry about the weather conditions; we wont let you get
How the food court will be organized?
Paid cafes will be working on the conference territory:
The first and only healthy food chain in Russia
Healthy Food will offer healthy and tasty business-
lunches from 168 roubles and many other things.
The world-famous caf辿-bakery with traditional
breakfasts and lunches: sandwiches, croissants and
other bakery stuff. Breakfast costs 150 roubles, the
cost of lunch is 350 roubles.
Do you speak English?
The official languages of the conference are Russian and English.
For you convenience simultaneous translation will be provided.
How to understand where and which events are held?
Please look up the programmee of the conference at
the official web page www.startupvillage.ru and on
mobile apps provided by the Konferenza company.
You can download Startup Village mobile apps here:
 App Store
 Google Play
 Windows Phone
Where will the Startup Village conference broadcast?
See you at the Startup Village!

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Faq startup village eng

  • 2. When and where the Startup Village will be held? On May 27 - 28, in the Hypercube, on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center and in the nearby area, open air. How to get to the Hypercube? Bus transfer A bus transfer will be provided from the metro station Park Pobedi to the Hypercube. All the buses will carry the label of Startup Village. On May, 27 From the metro station Park Pobedi to Hypercube: 08.0015.00 (regular trips in this time period) From Hypercube (Hypercube station) to the metro station Park Pobedi: 于 14:00, 于 15:00, 于 16:00, 于 17:00, 于 18:00, 于 19:00, 于 20:00, 于 21:00, 于 22:00, 于 23:00, 于 00:00. On May, 28 From the metro station Park Pobedi to Hypercube: 08.0015.00 (permanent trips in this time period) From Hypercube (Hypercube station) to the metro station Park Pobedi: 于 14:00, 于 15:00, 于 16:00, 于 17:00, 于 18:00, 于 19:00, 于 20:00, 于 21:00. If you prefer the personal transfer, you can use the official taxi service of the conference Wheely (www.wheely.com).
  • 3. How to get to the Hypercube by car? If you plan to use a personal car, please take notice that no parking is allowed near the Hypercube! The intercept-parking lot will be organized on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center and the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, where visitors can leave cars and take Startup Village shuttles to the Hypercube. Shuttles from the Hypercube will be organized as well; shuttles will run every 10 minutes. We strongly recommend that you should either take comfortable Startup Village shuttles from the metro station Park Pobedi to the Hypercube or cooperate with your colleagues. If you plan to use a taxi or a personal driver, please take notice that you can get off near the Hybercube, but the car should be left at the intercept-parking lot after you get off. The map to the Hypercube: !
  • 5. Where to register and to receive a badge? The registration and the badge distribution will be held on the conference ground and on parking lot 1. Is it possible to take part in the conference if you havent registered at the Startup Village site? Unfortunately, not. What to wear? Startup Village will be held in the open air and the perfect atmosphere and good drinks will accompany it, so we recommend casual wear. We kindly restrict ladies from wearing heels. What to take with you? Passport for the registration and please take a protective suncare cream and sunglasses for a comfortable day in the open air. What if it rains? Dont worry about the weather conditions; we wont let you get wet. How the food court will be organized? Paid cafes will be working on the conference territory: The first and only healthy food chain in Russia Healthy Food will offer healthy and tasty business- lunches from 168 roubles and many other things. The world-famous caf辿-bakery with traditional breakfasts and lunches: sandwiches, croissants and other bakery stuff. Breakfast costs 150 roubles, the cost of lunch is 350 roubles. Do you speak English? The official languages of the conference are Russian and English. For you convenience simultaneous translation will be provided.
  • 6. How to understand where and which events are held? Please look up the programmee of the conference at the official web page www.startupvillage.ru and on mobile apps provided by the Konferenza company. You can download Startup Village mobile apps here: App Store Google Play Windows Phone Where will the Startup Village conference broadcast? http://startupvillage.ru http://sk.ru/live See you at the Startup Village!